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#916620 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna m. on 03 August 2016 - 08:03 PM in Otaku Square

Hi all !!

smells like ichihime.

yeah.I smell Icihime to. It stinks of it.


I'm pairing neutral. At first i liked Ichuriki. Now i don't care about story and bleach pairing anymore. i stopped caring a long time ago ( If only I stopped with Naruto too). When Kubo started with so many blank and wasted panels, my interest for bleach manga dropped. I'm back because I'm curious to see how Kubo will end it.And i loved this manga before.

I'm laughing at that comment about white double pages.Its so Kubo. :twitch:


About announcement, i think it will be: Conditioner: Bleach next generation :kukuku: ( written and drawn by Kubo's worst assistant)  :kukuku:  :kukuku: