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There have been 106 items by fireandice (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#453008 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 02:33 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (James S Cassidy @ Apr 11 2013, 02:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yet I get the same thing for people with similar opinions as yours with the people who find even slight fault with it.

"Oh the chapter was so good. You're just a pessimist. You don't see the good writing that's in it."

That's kind of the same way of talking to be honest with you and I feel threatened by it. Keep in mind, this is exactly what caused the same problems when 615 came out and both optimist and pessimist were at each others throats the whole time with many getting banned for it.
I don't think the chapter was as good. I thought it was "meh" at best.

And I have still yet to get an answer for something. Wasn't Sasuke going to destroy Konoha, so why is he saving it now? If he decides not to destroy it, then in what other way is he going to be evil to have the Naruto vs Sasuke fight to occur. You just can't fight to fight, there has to be some kind of selfish desire from Sasuke. Even if that desire is "I want a strong opponent."

So how is Kishi going to make Sasuke appear half good, but still evil enough to warrant a Naruto vs Sasuke fight. This is confusing me the most about it and I am a little worried about the future of the manga story itself. What if Kishi makes Sasuke go 100% evil again just to make a the fight occur? Wouldn't that make this chapter pointless?

Okay, so Sasuke redemption doesn't bother me: This is completely a given. Not the way I would have envisioned it, but whatever. I would have found it easier if Sasuke started having doubts by this time, but I find him going to 50% good is a little too much development in such a short time. Plus the fact that he wants to fight in the war to protect Itachi's dream or whatever only to destroy the Konoha later which is Itachi's dream is...weird to me. So what is the real story? However, the redemption still doesn't guarantee survival, nor canon pairing.

Do you care more about Sasuke's redemption or Naruto succeeding? Cause Kishi could make Sasuke be redeemed right now and Naruto's involvement non existent. Making Naruto's role as a main character become nothing. So, it's great that Sasuke is changing....again....,but where does this leave Naruto? His whole life was to bring Sasuke back to the light and if it feels like he hardly did anything to change Sasuke, then...what? Do we care more about Sasuke's life or Naruto's?

Right now, it looks Sasuke can change his heart without Naruto doing anything at all. I want Naruto to do something to really change Sasuke.

and what about Sakura?

This is my worry above all else. It's great in the short run, but the more development Sasuke gets to "change," the more diminished role Naruto and Sakura have on Sasuke. Not only that, but if it all ends up going full circle, then the whole manga was just a waste of time to begin with and this is what I fear for the ending itself. So how is Kishi going to make it so Naruto makes this great impact and still keep this chapter legit and without diminishing anything. This really has to be the final development for Sasuke otherwise Kishi is going to put himself in the corner where Hinata is the heroine and Sasuke is the main character when really it should be Sakura the heroine and Naruto the main character.

I am also not too fond of what Kishi did to Karin in this chapter, but it seems like I am the only one who really gives a crap. Sorry, the guy tried to kill you. It shouldn't be THAT easy to forgive him for it. No girl in reality is that forgiving and even if she is she was abused to be so.

I have to go the something now so unfortunately I can't do a long reply sad.gif

BUT yes I know how it's not nice when people kind of behave as though people who didn't like the chapter feel it's all "PSH whats wrong with you. U must not hv read the chapter", especially if people take the time to write a long reply saying why they didn't like it, not just "CHAPTER SUCKS KISHI SUCKS"

I think for everyone to take note, no matter HOW convicted you feel that your opinion is most valid, just tacking on a "In my opinion..." "Ok, this is just how I view it" instead of speaking as though our opinions are facts really go a long way to making everyone feel more welcome and less annoyed/alienated by the sense that their views are outright dismissed as being illogical smile.gif

#452986 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 01:54 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (James S Cassidy @ Apr 11 2013, 01:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why do I feel the like the whole mentality is like: "You have to like this chapter cause it was so good, but if you find fault you are wrong."

wellll i really loved this chapter to bits

but i disagree that you are wrong if you didn't like it.

i think it comes down to how everyone of us thinks differently. For me, I didn't want Sasuke's redemption to come wholly through Naruto as I felt it made him too much of a messiah figure. For you, perhaps (sorry if I got it wrong), the Sasuke/Naruto relationship has been the central thing and you naturally wanted Naruto to be the one who played the key role to bring him back to his senses. That is indeed very valid and understandable.

I liked this chapter because it sort of played to what I wanted, and it's perfectly understandable you and others think differently.

I just disagree though when some people (not anyone in particular) write what are their OPINIONS with the whole sense of "oh kishi messed it up, it makes no sense whatsover and the rest of you are fools" (and vice versa) instead of remembering our opinions are subjective.

Personality, I don't think Sasuke's redemption was THAT out of the left field for people to talk about it being an asspull like it's a FACT, not an opinion.

#452979 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 01:47 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Fenris @ Apr 11 2013, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As long as this chapter didn't effect NaruSaku in any way (Didn't read it yet) I'm fine.

Did it?

Sounds more like SasuKarin. smile.gif

seriously, go read it...the Hokages are too epic to miss.

No it doesn't affect NaruSaku at all. Neither are mentioned directly in this chapter.

And yes it's more SasuKarin biggrin.gif

#452973 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 01:43 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (NaruSaku4Life3g @ Apr 11 2013, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Yeah, it really has. I blamed the last two arcs, especially HM arc. By god, talk about a sequel arc that only doing the same as the first one.

Yes, Naruto has more or less been consistently #2 right behind One Piece in manga sales. Only last year I think it was no 3 with Kuroko beating it. Bleach on the other hand has dropped quite a bit because of the HM arc, but Naruto's been quite steady.

I'm not sure if it's just down to popularity in light of this fact.

I do think Kishi perhaps wanted Sasuke's redemption to come about in a different manner than expected. I myself prefer it this way...I thought it's a bit shallow if Sasuke just needs a knock in the head from Naruto. I got the sense he needed much deeper closure considering how his descent to darkness is because of what Konoha did to him- which he got from Itachi, and to extent got from hearing the honest truth from the Hokages, who I guess sort of represent and embody the idea of Konoha itself.

hey the manga can still end with Sasuke vs. Naruto. they're both genin still technically so CHUUNIN EXAMS XD

#452961 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 01:30 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (James S Cassidy @ Apr 11 2013, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah this.

I think we need to draw a line here about something. Some members are confusing how people feel on this.

For example, Sasuke changing to good is not unexpected and it has been hinted at, this is true. However, what is unexpected is what Derock said nicely: Naruto did nothing to change that impact. I could even argue that every time Naruto and Sasuke were on screen, things got worse not better. We also have these characters who are flipping faster than coins on decisions making. This was my problem with Sasuke since the beginning, but no one listened to me and they still don't.

All I will say is this in order for a Naruto vs Sasuke fight to happen: Sasuke HAS to be evil.

If Sasuke was a Batman villain, he really would be "Two-Face" as he seems to hold that split personality.

Hmm...I think for Sasuke, seeing Itachi again provided real closure and played a HUGE ROLE in bringing him back more to normal. Because from what I read, I sensed that Sasuke's hatred towards Konoha after he found out the truth was that of a child so angry that the entire world lied to him, that he was fooled into spending all these years into hating the older brother he had loved and looked up to all along. I bet he hated himself for not seeing the truth, that Itachi REALLY was the loving brother he was, and that he played a role in his death without ever being able to talk to him again. It really hurt Sasuke that he never got to reconcile with Itachi and that Itachi probably died knowing Sasuke hated him always.

I just really disagree that Naruto has to be the one playing the main role. I don't feel that Naruto did nothing, and I think he did enough already. His time with Sasuke in Team 7, his efforts to bring him back definitely played a part in making Sasuke still have that little bit of attachment to Konoha. I honestly felt it was UNREALISTIC that Sasuke couldn't be redeemed or at least come to his senses UNLESS Naruto kicked his butt which the series seemed to be building up to. It makes Sasuke seem to static on his own, and Naruto too much of a messiah who has to rescue Sasuke on top of stopping Madara.

I really love how Kishi did it because it's a sense of "in the end, sometimes you can't force people to walk the path they want to or to save everyone. They make their own choices- and sometimes we can hope that there's still some good left in them." I really felt sorry for how Sasuke was manipulated by the Konoha elders, and lied to by Itachi. It would be a disservice if Sasuke's redemption had to come about only through other forms of coercion (Naruto dragging him back) or manipulation. That is why I much prefer this- because Naruto's ideals are put in the context of a much more universal idea that Hashirama, Kagami AND Shisui shared, instead of him seeming like a ninja jesus without whom NO ONE has these concepts.

#452947 Naruto 627

Posted by fireandice on 11 April 2013 - 01:10 AM in Latest Releases

OK I know our opinions are all subjective... but for me personally, I strongly, strongly disagree that Sasuke's redemption was an asspull in any way. If anyone's was a bit weird, it's Oro's. But not Sasuke. Kishi HAS been building this up...so I doubt asspulls in the pairings department will follow.

Guys I mean from 50+ chapters ago, it was pretty obvious that seeing his brother again had changed Sasuke in some way. He no longer seemed as crazy as when he attacked the summit- at that point, if right after that, what happened in 627 happened, then YES, I would be like "WHAT?!!!"

BUT it didn't. We saw Sasuke seeming to regain some sort of clarity during the fight with Kabuto. He stopped randomly lashing out. That's where it all clearly began! So I honestly feel it's unfair to say Sasuke changed his mind over two panels or just because of the flashback.

And in the first place, it's not like Sasuke's all "OMG I LOVE KONOHA NOWWWWW". I doubt it's that simple. I'm sure a part of him still feels very poisoned and made use of by the Konoha leadership. BUT, the fact that the situation is coming down to helping Madara destroy the entire world, or helping to save this very world his brother fought to protect. And, in the end, Sasuke still felt that little bit of attachment to Konoha, and because Hashirama's words made him realise better exactly what Itachi fought to protect. It doesn't mean he'll come back to Konoha and like SasuSaku would happen and everything will be PERFECTTTT. He just isn't so far gone to be willing to allow Madara to destroy everything.

I mean while I know it seemed like it should be/was built up that Naruto would be the one to change Sasuke...in many ways I feel this is more meaningful. Itachi was telling Naruto that he shouldn't try to do everything on his own. EXACTLY. If NOONE else can bring back Sasuke, then there's this further build up of Naruto as some sort of messiah who has to SAVE EVERYONE. And he's alr trying to SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD FROM MADARA. I really, really like how it didn't need for Sasuke to be redeemed only after getting his butt kicked by Naruto, that he made this choice on his own. That's growth, people. It showed that Sasuke isn't some static tabula rasa who needs to be written on by Naruto. And it would be so stale and even more boring if Sasuke just went even more crazy when he seemed to show some signs of sanity (As well as making even less sense and his character seemed incapable of growth). It's not that Naruto played no role. I'm sure Sasuke's memories with Team 7 formed that strong attachment that endured even as he descended into darkness and provided the foot in the door for his change of heart.

I mean, Sasuke here is breaking the cycle of the Madara/Hashirama, Obito/Kakashi parallel, not just Naruto himself. I love how it's Sasuke coming to his senses without being forced to. It's symbolic of how the Uchiha clan as a whole isn't beyond redemption, isn't this cursed clan always doomed to insanity when they suffer tragedy.

I think honestly Sasuke appreciated the Hokages' candour- even if Tobirama was pretty harsh. He's been lied to all those years as a child, so I think the Hokages' honesty meant a lot to him. I think the fact that he saw Itachi in Hashirama further helped, and Tobirama's acknowledgement of Kagami and Shisui's loyalty.

so i loved this chapter. just my opinion, of course smile.gif

#443268 Naruto 623

Posted by fireandice on 08 March 2013 - 05:48 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Codus N @ Mar 8 2013, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unfortunately, you're not getting the message behind these flashbacks.

What the flashbacks show us is how human all of them are. Butsuma is shown to be as heartless and cruel as the Uchiha. This shows us how the Senju aren't exactly the good side. In the meanwhile, we see how human Madara is. He's not just some crazy warmongering kitten. Apparently, he had a more positive outlook on life when he was a child. It just goes to show you no one is born inherently evil in the series.

Hashirama killing his own father would add some more depth to his character. Even he has some blood on his hands.

^ this

With the portrayal of Hashirama's dad, I think Kishi wanted to destroy any idea that the whole Sage's Elder and Younger sons thing became a perfect dichotomy of good (Senju) and evil (Uchiha). That may be so in the beginning, but I think in the end the environment of constant warfare created this sort of brutality and seriously warped idea of love amongst the Senju too.

It's indeed possible he'll show blood on Hashirama's hands.

#443018 Naruto 623

Posted by fireandice on 07 March 2013 - 07:53 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (FrenchMyToast @ Mar 7 2013, 06:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Huh. Well people have already said it, but the NaruSasu friendship is nothing compared to the HashiMada friendship. Even in a time when clans brutally fought against each other, Hashirama and Madara trained together, confided with each other, and shared the same hopes and dreams. Sasuke acknowledged Naruto like...4 times, and then went crazy and tried to murder him. bash.gif Some other things though....

I'm still not sure how I feel about Kishi making the villains seem more and more like victims. Like it's great for developmental reasons I guess...but I just want a villain to hate. dry.gif Like I can't really dislike Obito, because he's victim to the MS, and now I'm starting to like kid Madara. unsure.gif He always does this to us. Right when the bad guy is about to die/lose, he makes you think... "WAIT! HE WAS A GOOD GUY?!" I don't know, may just be me.

Also, I'm starting to worry about how a final Sasuke vs Naruto fight is going to fit with all this. Like will Sasuke just totally ignore the Hokages? But what if he does accept their answers? What reason does he have for fighting Naruto to the death? Just doesn't add up. huh.gif

Anyways I guess this was a pretty good chapter. Wasn't really an amazing cliffhanger for me cause we know all the kids are going to survive. happy.gif

Hmm...maybe if it makes you feel better, I think it's more that Kishi is humanising Madara by allowing us to see how he became the psycho he is today, and since ppl aren't born evil, that's good, rather than actually getting at the angle that he's ultimately a misguided good guy. Whether or not his ultimate goal is born out of a genuine desire to create a perfect world (good???) the tactics he's using are clearly wrong. I mean look at Obito...he wants to end this world of "winners and losers" but everyone agrees what he did to Minato and Kushina was just UNFORGIVABLE.

I personally enjoy this Madara better because previously I thought he was just like a kitteny, vengeance-obsessed fool and just a warmonger who was part of the whole "oh we cannot have peace in order to make the sacrifices of those who died worth it" (even though EVEN more will then die). I now think the current Madara is still srsly a bad guy who has really gone off the deep end, but I like that he's more complex then that. It's no longer just warmonger!Uchiha vs. peaceloving and good Senju as it seemed to be when Obito told Sasuke about Konoha's founding in 399, and I guess if we find it harder to see him as a villain it's because we now begin to see what made him.

(That's another reason I like it that Kishi portrays the Senju clan as pretty heartless and brutal, as initially the thing about the Sage's younger and elder sons seemed to be a very black and white good and evil sort of thing.)

#442768 Naruto 623

Posted by fireandice on 06 March 2013 - 03:01 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (sushi. @ Mar 6 2013, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know what to think of this chapter. It was boring, but the relationship between Madara and Hashirama is much more believable than the SasuNaru bond. On the other hand, not much happens in one chapter of Naruto. Only one or two important things in every chapter. I read the chapters faster than any other manga. Kishi can also sometimes waste panels, with for instance people walking on the ground, or showing the same panel in another angle.

And you are complaining about people who are complaining laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

I definitely agree Hashirama/Madara bond seems more believable...

At some points I really wished Kishi gave Naruto more doubts about Sasuke's redemption...or even moments where Naruto at least faltered, moments where Naruto was really shaken, where he really raged and said one part of him hated Sasuke for tearing apart Team 7 like that or joining Akatsuki.

I do get that Sasuke is probably Naruto's first friend of sorts (friend his own age), but I think at certain points when Sasuke had done really terrible things-e.g like trying to kill Sakura/Kakashi...I really would like to see more of Naruto's resolve waver. It felt like battered friend syndrome at some points!!

Whereas, if it was Madara doing all those things Sasuke did, I would find Hashirama's resolve to never give up on him more understandable.

Anyways I reallyyyy like this flashback smile.gif I'm digging how Kishi really paid attention to detail to make us feel it literally IS another era long gone (the old-fashioned uniforms, no modern fanny packs just some bags tied with string, sandals, clothes, how un-urbanised everything looks, old-style buildings etc!)

I'm glad the Senju clan wasn't portrayed as some exceptionally lovey-dovey honorable clan as I thought they might be. Down and dirty and just as bloodthirsty and horrible as the rest of the era makes more sense.

#442724 Naruto 623

Posted by fireandice on 06 March 2013 - 07:57 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Atheck @ Mar 6 2013, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Once again this was another unnecessarily repetitive chapter with excessive parallelism and minimal progression of the actual plot. I haven't thought of Kishi as even a decent writer in some time now but this is just downright bad. He's so unimaginative with these character relationships because it's the same thing with almost all of these sorts of characters. Sure the appearances and certain details may be altered but overall it's the same thing.

I was hoping that perhaps this chapter would be the beginning of the end for this flashback and that we could return to the battle with Tobi and Madara by the end of the month but those hopes have since been destroyed. I'm starting to believe that that one individual's comment in the debate topic about this flashback and the resolution with Sasuke's subplot won't be over for two months. Then again we don't know what we would be returning to. If it's incessant Hinata panels once again with Kishi continuing with his bastardization process of establishing of this once obscured and inconsequential side character into the role of a main protagonist position in the final 10% of the manga then I will have just about lost all hope for that fight. It sounds childish but TBH I haven't been seriously interested in the manga for some time now. Pretty much the only characters that I'm concerned about at this time are Sakura and Kabuto. Tobi was also interesting but that was before the alliance arrived and this whole Hyuga debacle commenced.

May we hope that with the arrival of the month of May that this flashback scene and event with Sasuke will have ceased.

I think your opinion is also skewed by your interest in Sakura/Kabuto.. To reverse roles, I mean I was seriously bored with the Kabuto flashbacks, because for me I guess Kabuto isn't one of my favourite characters.

I'm interested in Sakura but I've been waiting for ages to see a story about the Founders' generation, so I find the flashbacks interesting. Imo I disagree that the character relationships are unimaginative, because Madara and Hashirama are quite different from Sasuke and Naruto because it's quite clear they were good friends who acknowledged one another, and it's not themselves stopping one another from being friends but all the clan rivalry and politics. That's pretty different from the Sasuke-Naruto thing.

Plus, Madara and Hashirama's fates have been mentioned to be similar to Sasuke and Naruto since P1, and honestly I always thought there were plenty of hints that their relationship was something more than a flimsily pieced together alliance of convenience. I mean they completely founded an organisation that changed the shinobi system...to me that takes some initiative and I enjoy these flashbacks because things make more sense now as Madara seems more complex, not just some warmongering fool bent on vengeance who can't countenance peace.

#441083 Naruto 622

Posted by fireandice on 27 February 2013 - 10:44 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (alexander @ Feb 27 2013, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So.... Hashirama was an person that completely hated the fact that children went to fight and die at wars with an young age.... and yet up to this day 12 years old kids graduate from the konoha academy and go to missions that can be their last.


*cues for an sarcastic single clap*

You know, Obito plan isn't sounding so bad anymore, maybe the shinobi world have no fixing after all.

....okay...if that isn't an oversimplification dry.gif

No, they go on boring D or C rank missions with an experienced JOUNIN where the greatest dangers are random bandits (I mean Team 7's Wave mission was a misclassified A-rank ). And they don't get sent to die at 7 years old.

In times of war I guess like in Kakashi's era, they do end up sending younger kids out. But even Kakashi was 13, Obito and Rin 15 if I'm not wrong, which is way better than poor Kawarama. And the impression I get is that before the era of shinobi villages it was CONSTANT warfare. The ninja villages reduced it by allowing the ninja clans to band together and honestly giving them more leverage against all the feudal lords who were using them for their battles.

#441053 Naruto 622

Posted by fireandice on 27 February 2013 - 06:29 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (mydearbeloved @ Feb 27 2013, 06:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
xD Lmao! This is what you get for letting an Uchiha live... Torture... See what happens, Naruto-verse!?

just thought of something --Click here to view--
This chapter may explain why Tobirama seems to despise the Uchiha so much. I mean, of course part of the reason is that they're volatile and dangerous, but now we know that a bunch of Uchiha shinobi killed his little brother... And he probably still holds a grudge against them for it.

Yeah, that's quite a good reason imo. I suppose Hashirama just dealt with it differently.

I'm glad the Senju clan is portrayed as being pretty messed up too, so they're more realistic and not some perfect POWER OF LOVE good ninja clan while the Uchiha are all ebil. 7 year old kids, really? :/ That's just brutal... Hashirama's father honestly seemed quite Danzo-like in how militant he was. I mean all the Uchiha we saw fighting in this chapter looked liked they were at least teenagers, not preteens!

Also really shows why Hashirama became the peaceful idealist he is.

#441039 Naruto 622

Posted by fireandice on 27 February 2013 - 05:26 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (neoshadow @ Feb 27 2013, 05:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad that Hashirama and Madara aren't (as of 622) a complete Naruto Sasuke parallel rather there are shades of them in each but they are more their own characters.

So if this isn't the 1st great Shinobi war happening during their childhood what is it just some other random war before it because it makes it sound like its a war encompassing all regions and involving shinobi. But on the subject of shinobi did anyone else notice that the shinobi of this time period seem to dress and act far more like conventional shinobi then what they are now, we didn't even see anything out of the norm, makes me wonder if they can even use jutsu or if that's something from Hashirama / Madara onwards (outside of the Sage of the Six Paths obviously), I suppose we did see the Sharingan so I guess they could.

I'm curious about Izuna now because Madara said all his brothers were dead, was he excluding Izuna or had Izuna not been born yet or is this a retcon?

That would be a giant messy retcon if it were one and quite unnecessary.

Izuna and Madara looked way older in the other flashbacks, so I'm inclined to think that Izuna just hasn't been born. Maybe Madara is actually the youngest for now and all those who died are his older brothers.

Madara's protectiveness would make sense if Izuna was considerably younger than him and since he's had all his other brothers killed.

#441036 Naruto 622

Posted by fireandice on 27 February 2013 - 05:17 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Atheck @ Feb 27 2013, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At this point I feel completely detached from what's going on. The only concern in my mind is how much longer this flashback will continue before we can see what Sakura is up to.

ehhh i'm sorry you feel that way sad.gif

I want to see what Sakura is up to too, but I'm really digging this flashback (maybe because I am a giant fan of Hashirama).

I do like how Kishi is expanding the world, like giving Hashirama and Madara other siblings. It really makes sense that not all of them lived considering how violent that era was.

Madara and Hashirama's dynamics are interesting. Definitely not quite as close as Kakashi-Obito/ Sasuke-Naruto. It's somehow different.

I do find it slightly ironic that we now learn that Hashirama's younger brother died at the hands of the Uchiha clan...and yet, if what Obito was saying was true, he was willing to propose the peace treaty.

Actually now I'm beginning to think Obito lied about a lot things or Madara twisted them. I do get the feeling the Hidden Leaf wasn't born just out of grudging agreement from Madara- I mean it is quite a major thing to agree on. I think he did support it too, but somehow something happened. Well we'll find out!

#440828 Naruto 621

Posted by fireandice on 26 February 2013 - 04:43 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (xxRomanceGirlxx @ Feb 25 2013, 11:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IMO, Orochimaru is still a better villain than Kabuto. He was ambitious and what he did was rooted in the most selfish, least sympathetic one so far. Kabuto was a good villain until he became victimized like the rest of them and owned by Itachi. From what I remember, Kabuto just stole Orochimaru's cells. It wasn't even his real power, just borrowed. I really didn't like that, but I found him a good villain until Itachi ruined everything. Props to Kabuto for still not realizing the error of his ways in Izanami so far.

Orochimaru is the best villain, I hope so much Kishimoto does not ruin that. Please no. Obito, Madara (somewhat) I can handle ... but Orochimaru? Come on now. facepalm.png

Imo there is nothing wrong with giving villains a tragic backstory or backstory of sorts that suggested they were once NORMAL/GOOD, really. People aren't born evil, even if we talk about psychopaths whom psychologists think are born without a conscience. Their environment affects whether they might simply be an extremely successful person in the business world or instead become a serial killer. I think it makes villains more interesting when we see how they became what they are. It would be incredibly boring if all of them were bad for the sake of being bad or all just crazy like Hidan.

I don't see what's the problem with giving Oro a tragic backstory. It's already been hinted 300+ chapters ago about his parents. It could be that he started as a child who missed his parents, but eventually became so fascinated by his scientific discoveries that he became obsessed with power. I am alright with this as long as Kishi does not say "Oro was never never obsessed with power, he just had mummy and daddy issues". His tragic past can be the catalyst for leading him down the path of villainy, however, without detracting from his "evilness".

A villain with a tragic backstory =/= good, or capable of redemption. Their backstory perhaps only may 'make' us view them as 'less' of villains because they are humanised somewhat; we see how they became the monsters they are today. But that doesn't change the fact that Oro has committed many, many terrible crimes.

I mean Sasuke was severely traumatised as a child but it doesn't take away from the severity of his actions either.

Though Sasuke's comment about Orochimaru's reasons for attacking Konoha makes me think that perhaps Oro was somehow a victim, or his parents got caught up in being sacrificed for the greater good by the leadership or something. I mean, bothering to attack the Leaf? I mean we know what they say about hate not being the opposite of love.

#437930 Naruto 620

Posted by fireandice on 13 February 2013 - 02:26 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Codus N @ Feb 13 2013, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unlike most flashbacks, this one is in the same vein as the Kyuubi flashback. Both explains the true story of what happened and moves the plot along. If you're complaining about this, then you're asking for more brainless action and less substance, like DBZ. Also, unless you haven't been following the fandom, this flashback is the flashback everyone's been waiting for.

As for Hashirama, there's a reason he's doing this. He's seeing the bigger picture. He knows that if he let Sasuke be, he'll just turn into another Madara. That would just make the situation worse than it is now. That's why he's doing the right thing now. It's better for him to try persuading Sasuke than doing nothing. And besides, he trusts the ones on the battlefield to handle it until they get there. That's the true mark of a leader. He's even said it before, to be a Hokage he needs to believe in his people.

Agreed. It's an important flashback imo, to see what Hashirama intended and his relationship with Madara etc.

It's not quite like the Kabuto flashback which arguably sort of stalled the story...this one is gonna give important background info about the history of Konoha and will affect Sasuke's decision.

#437916 Naruto 620

Posted by fireandice on 13 February 2013 - 01:28 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (kirabook @ Feb 13 2013, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We've never seen what's going on in these flashbacks. And these flashbacks might actually matter in the future since Sasuke has again been paralleled to Madara and Naruto is obviously paralleled to Shodaime

Exactly...in chapter 399/400 we only got one page(a huge, epic one), but nonetheless, only one page showing the battle at the VotE. Plus I don't think the flashback will be confined to the VotE. Maybe more about Konoha's founding, Mito as the first jinchuuriki, the Shodai distributing the bijuu etc.

#437901 Naruto 620

Posted by fireandice on 13 February 2013 - 12:25 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Chatte @ Feb 13 2013, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That would be nice to see but dunno what to think anymore since he trolled Sakura...dare I say, beyond repair. Because he left the people understand with 615 that behind Naruto, was Hinata. She is the first lady, bla bla and I don't know what will top that!

Umm, where on earth did that come from in 615?? If you're talking about Madara's little missus comment I am pretty sure people who speak Japanese have confirmed that the Mangapanda translation "little girl/young woman", without any romantic implications is more accurate.

Honestly, I am not worried about Hinata at all. Until I see Naruto thinking thoughts of her or her hogging more than two panels in 616, 617, I'm not going to feel threatened.

Saying about yourself being negative and that how people will jump on you for it is like practically making people feel like they need to correct you for your negativity... wink.gif

I get that in your opinion that you think Kishi went back on his word on the previous generation surpassing the next. But I think we should recognise that even though it may not be in terms of raw power or the way we want to, in other perspectives, Kishi is arguably quite true to his theme.

I mean look at the Rikudo Sennin. I doubt even Hashirama or Madara could be as powerful as him!! Even Nagato! It's not very reasonable for us to expect that everyone in the next generation would be even stronger...I mean I think the point is every era has its powerful and legendary shinobi. And Madara isn't exactly playing fair against the 5 kages- he's got Rinnegan and Hashirama's cell upgrades, the Juubi and limitless Edo regeneration! I don't blame them for not being able to beat him.

Like some others have said, I see it more in terms of building on the past generation. In Naruto's generation, all the big shinobi villages have managed to unite together to fight a common threat, something that even Hashirama's generation didn't manage to do. On a more micro level, say Team 7 vs. the Sannin, Sakura vs. Tsunade, for instance, she didn't give in to her despair and is determined to stand with Naruto. Unlike Orochimaru, Sasuke shows far more possibility of redemption, conscience and attachment to his home etc. Naruto may not be a skilled sealing master like Mito, but he did what neither Mito or Kushina managed- befriend Kurama!

#435688 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 06:58 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (narusaku4ver @ Feb 5 2013, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For me it's the same speech that Madara made to Obito.
Now Tobirama's speech that Uchiha's power comes from love was retarded.

Hmm imo love and hate are pretty much linked...Sasuke hated Itachi so much precisely because he loved him more than anyone else before the 'betrayal'. Obito hated the world because he loved Rin etc. It's clear the Sharingan gets awakened and evolves when the user is in some distressed/extreme emotional state.

So for me I don't think it's all that far fetched, and imo it makes sense. It's not as though Tobirama said the Uchiha would be stronger if they were all happy loving bunnies.

I mean I suppose as a bloodline limit it's beneficial in some way- instead of becoming broken and losing focus if people you want to protect are in danger/killed, your Sharingan feeds off those feelings and becomes more powerful.

Just my two cents smile.gif

#435654 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 04:34 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (harry4e @ Feb 5 2013, 04:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So let me get this straight, the source of all of the Uchiha's hatred is that they love too much? but didn't both Sasuke and Obito unlock the Sharingan when they were close to death? So that means they loved themselves more than anyone else? I'm going to have to reread the chapter to make better sense of it. On the whole the chapter spent too much time waffling on, I have a feeling it's going to take longer to finish telling us the backstory than I will be happy with.

Nope...actually it's more when they experience intense emotions of grief/love etc (platonic at least I guess).

Sasuke awakened the Sharingan because he wanted to save Naruto from Haku, not so much because he was near death.

The first real time he awakened the Sharingan was in the face of seeing his parents killed and Itachi's betrayal (as Sasuke loved Itachi and his clan too I guess).

Obito- same, he awakened it because he wanted to protect Kakashi and Rin. At that point, he certainly wasn't near-death.

And then, his Mangekyou came from the grief at Rin's death, just as Sasuke's came from Itachi's death.

#435638 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 03:48 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Inferno180 @ Feb 5 2013, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm, the whole pairing stuff really would be out of the blue. Most fans, us included and any shippers just make too many assumptions, we tend to get to ahead of ourselves.

As for the possiblity of SS, its just not there, Kishimoto said Sakura's love for Sasuke was selfish but she does really love him, just we still don't know what will happen and if SS happens out of the blue, it would be just like NaruHina but worse and for all the wrong reasons. No speech of emotion is going to fill Sasuke up with love, hatred brings more power and we saw that, the sharigan can basically be thought of as the force from star wars, light side and dark side but the dark side gives much more power. Thats just it. Besides I can see Sasuke liking team 7 as friends as a whole, much in the way Naruto viewed team 7 as a family, Sasuke may eventually come to view it like that too. But the possiblitiy of SasuSaku just makes no sense out of this, I mean how many pairings would be made with characters who have had hardly any screentime? I mean least NaruSaku has interaction, thats the main difference among others. NaruSasu is only going to happen cause its a friendship/brother type relation not love.

Besides I sereiously could not fathom Sakura just rushing to Sasuke being all fuzzy and warm after what he pulled in the 5 kage summit arc, I mean she was depressed, we don't know if she is reaffirming her love or still actually in love with him (and we know Sakura's love for Sasuke is not genuine, its a childhood idealistic one). We don't even know what Sakura reacted too last we saw her in 615. If Hinata's development and moment was for that reaction, it could lead to something for Sakura when it comes to Naruto, that is still something we must see.

Other than that, best not to focus on anything pairing wise until well something pairing wise occurs again. We can predict but its best not to assume, I yes there are possiblities Naruto and Minato will meet up or Orochimaru could just dispell them and set them free (most likely going to take them to the battle) there is a lot to come, I mean we have to jump back to the battle soon and see what happens with Naruto and Co next. Not to mention when Sakura and Sai come back, many theroies are still going around. I'm gonna avoid pairing stuff for a while. Keep focused on the current situation with Sasuke which does nothing to any pairing in any way.

Yes...If we had a panel of Sasuke thinking about Sakura in this chapter, then I can see where those of you concerned about pairings are coming from.

But there was no Sakura, and the parallel about love was clearly Madara/Izuna and Sasuke/Itachi- e.g familial love. Not even Karin appeared in it. I mean from Sasuke struggling not to cry it's obvious the one person he loves more than anyone in the world is Itachi.

We should take off our shipping goggles at times and just enjoy the chapter...I thought it was interesting and insightful.

#435606 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 01:54 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (rocci @ Feb 5 2013, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
agree, btw do you think there's a chance that mito has the same personality as hinata because i'm affraid that kishi will use it as a set up for nh

Ehh why? I mean to me MinaKushi is closer and more important as foreshadowing for who Naruto gets with rather than HashiMito. I mean Kushina said the whole "like your mother thing", so even if Mito isn't a tsundere we have MinaKushi as a very good parallel (remember all those panels that look almost exactly the same- Minato saving Kushina from Obito/Kurama, Naruto saving Sakura from Sasuke).

Honestly, I doubt Mito is like Hinata in the first place...

And calm/composed =/= shy like Hinata...

#435564 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 09:58 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (neoshadow @ Feb 5 2013, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love the revelation of Hashirama's personality, that he would be so Naruto like is so unexpected and yet so perfect and to be honest I like how serious and prejudiced Tobirama is, it shows that even the previous Hokage who have been put on pedestals to a degree weren't perfect. It seems to me that Hashirama and Tobirama's interactions will mirror Naruto and Sasuke's at the end of the series.

Poor Tsunade, her grandfather has no faith in her, I really want to see the Hokage enter the battlefield just to have Tsunade and Hashirama interact. Naruto and Minato etc. I also can't help but feel Hashirama will end up being the one to heal Tsunade.

It's going to be interesting to see what Sasuke does from here.

Hmm to be fair I don't think Hashirama really has no faith in her... I guess because his memory of Tsunade is the little girl he spoilt wink.gif Then, the next moment, to wake up and hear she's Hokage must be a bit of a "HUH WHAT?!" Like if someone had a coma for forty years and woke up to hear their snot-nosed younger sibling is now the US President or something lol.

#435562 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 09:42 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (ciardha @ Feb 5 2013, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hashirama is funny, and was a very bad grandpa wink.gif But it definitely sounds like his heart was in the right place as Hokage, far more than Tobirama.

As far as pairings go for Sasuke, actually I think it hints toward SasuKar- remember Karin's of the Uzumaki clan, and Sasuke knows it now. Don't think that pairing will happen to the end of the manga though. I do think it's pointing toward Sasuke making the choice to be a wanderer at the end.

About Tobirama I like how Kishi is making the Hokages all realistic...not all lovey sunshine and bunnies! I suppose the hint with the fact that Tobirama created the Edo Tensei was an indication of how his personality differs from Hashirama.

I don't think Tobirama is necc a bad Hokage...but I suppose he was more calculating and cynical, more like Danzou, IRONICALLY! I suppose he just really differed from Hashirama, being less trusting of the Uchiha.

EDIT: Omg if Hashirama finds out what Madara did to his beloved granddaughter, Madara totally better run for his life...

#435560 Naruto 619

Posted by fireandice on 05 February 2013 - 09:30 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Codus N @ Feb 5 2013, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, if you check my earlier post, you can see I called it about a year ago happy.gif . Of course, you can take that with a grain of salt on whether I really wrote that or not. As for Mito, I think most of the times when she snaps are usually when she finds out Hashirama's been sneaking out of town to gambling dens. Add to the fact that she was a Jinchuuriki, Hashirama's family life must've been hell.

HAHA well done there! I myself didn't think Hashirama was a gambler. And I did peg his personality to be pretty different from what it really is. I guess it's kind of true in real life...like how we imagine famous historical figure. Hashirama's this legendary figure, and so people kind of forget he's human too lol, and expected him to be this calm, poised, god-like person. LOVED the way Kishi portrayed him here.

Regarding the Uchiha clan and love, actually I think that makes a lot of sense. Hatred and love imo aren't opposites- indifference is the opposite of love. You can only hate because you CARED for the thing related to it. In this case, imo, Sasuke's hatred of Itachi in Part 1 was BECAUSE of how much he loved Itachi and looked up to him, so his 'betrayal' was really the most painful and horrible thing ever.

Lol don't worry, anyone who's thinking about SS hint...I doubt this is related to SasuSaku. It seemed to me the parallel is the 'brothers' thing here, with Madara/Izuna and Sasuke/Itachi. More about familial bonds. It makes sense- Sasuke got his Mangekyou after he killed Itachi...the one person he actually probably loved most in the world.