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There have been 232 items by Gravenimage (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#976278 Wonder Woman 1984

Posted by Gravenimage on 11 December 2019 - 02:10 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Yep it's going to be better than the first one.

#975166 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 09 October 2019 - 11:45 AM in Otaku Square

If it is appealed it will go back to him unless he either recuses himself or Ty Bread goes out of his way to request another judge. The thing is after TCPA he doesn't really have to do anything other then rubber stamp stuff like he was doing before, and bringing it to trial. At Trial it's Vic versus the defendant in a contest to see who the jury likes more. The handsome man with a soothing voice filled with grief tells a story of how people he trusted stab him in the back. Or A thin-skinned werido, a woman who can't hide her petty grudges when she talks, and the company that entire defenses relies on a investigation no one has seen.


Here is a memorable moment for appeal; Ty was about to hand some evidence to the judge and he more or less said "I don't need you evidence, I have theirs."


The funny thing is there's still plenty of evidence to use against Funimation. Specially Jamie Marchi who is still talking BS on twitter the woman don't know when to shut up. 

#975046 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 04 October 2019 - 04:37 PM in Otaku Square

There are many VAs that hate Sabat with a passion and yet, they stay quiet because they are afraid to lose their job.

They say Vic had tons of powers, but it seems to me that Sabat is the one pulling all the strings.

I just hope the fans don't just sweep everything under the rug after Vic's case is over.


True it's all a big conspiracy to take down Vic and Sabat is the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

#975151 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 08 October 2019 - 12:26 PM in Otaku Square

The judge who dismissed the case is so incompetent. I hope another judge steps in more experience and takes the case. It's not over. Like Ty Beard said on his twitter "Halftime".

#975430 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 18 October 2019 - 04:11 PM in Otaku Square

This video?

This is especially true when they keep saying they have so much evidence that they can't wait to show and get out. Not only do they not show any of it, but when pressured they absolutely refuse to show any of it.

All they have is the "Funimation investigation" that Funimation won't put forward which did NOT include the apparently Rial sexual assault or Marchi assault because "reasons" or "because he was our friend." 

All we ask for is evidence and they show none. There are not "hundreds of victims." It is just a bunch of random people on the internet with no proof.

I can do it too.

Did you know Monica Riral grabbed my butt as a con? Yeah, I was dressed as Future Trunks and wanted to show her my cosplay. She leaned over and said "I'll be your mommy" as she squeezed my left buttcheek. I felt so violated that I deleted the picture I took and refuse to be near her.



Yep that's the one. Thanks for posting the video James. The irony that they're accusing Vic of the very same thing they're doing. Not just Sean, but Monica, Jamie and who knows if Sabat is also on it (he must have done it too). They have been claims that these VA's have sexually assaulted fans at cons. Even if there's no evidence I find it ironic that after Vic was thrown under the bus for no reason without any evidence, these people are coming out and exposing the same people that want to ruin his life. There are claims of someone saying Jamie Marchi attempted to pull down the pants of a fan at a con telling him" it's okay, I'm a professional voice actress". Another of Sean putting a pen between a girl's top blouse, pulling it down on purpose so he could take a peek at her cleavage after he singed her a picture of Goku. Monica has done the same even getting spanked by a fan at a con for charity in front of so many people there's a video of it for evidence. I don't care if it's for charity you don't do such thing. I mean it's sexual assault if you hugged and kissed a fan on the cheek, but it's totally right getting spanked by a fan. All of these people have their skeletons in their closet and Vic is probably the only one who has his closet clean. It shows how twisted and evil they are. It's like Chuck Huber said" Funimation is like a den of snakes" and I bet Sabat is the snake lord controlling everything from behind the scenes. 

#975378 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 17 October 2019 - 02:53 PM in Otaku Square

Worse still when they are caught lying. Like Kara Edwards, Videl's VA, saying "Vic made me dance with him and held me close" and then back pedals when the actual footage is shown that SHE was the one who initiated and was smiling the entire time. She was sitting on the other side of the table and got up to walk over to Vic and initiated it all. Now she tries to say "it was a different con."

These people are liars and scumbags trying to ruin a man career for whatever reason they have.

Should we talk about how both Chuck Huber and Eric Vale both say that Sabat is the biggest scumbag of the group? How he manipulates things behind the scenes and more? Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi both have footage of them initiating kissing and hugging Vic AT CONS, but they want to play it off like "we were doing it for the fans and promotion. We didn't feel comfortable doing it."

They act like they had a gun to their head when their good buddy Sabat was pulling all the strings. Now Vic made some mistakes, I am not saying he didn't, but these people have made far bigger mistakes and in comparison Vic is innocent. Plus, Vic's mistakes are not exactly illegal either. He never touched or went after underage girls for sex or inappropriate touching, but Schemmel and Sabat have. They have been shown they do it especially to young cosplayers, but they are A-OK.

Hell, they were photoshopping evidence to get this man in worse trouble. How sick is that?

That's my biggest issue with this whole thing.

If Monica says she is lying about being his friend the entire time and that every single interaction was simply for promotion, then how can we trust ANYTHING this woman says? Same with Marchi. How can you trust these people when they admit they lie to the fans 24/7? I don't get this. So are we going to assume they lie about some things, but not others? Are we going to say that women never lie about rape and sexual assault when I can bring up at least 5 cases of women lying about sexual assault and rape?

Should we talk about the #BelieveJackie incident that happened?

Of course, if Vic is accused of something...they cry "Believe all victims," but if Sabat and Schemmel are accused of something by females as well....all of a sudden the "Believe all victims" suddenly gets forgotten. So, obvious favoritism is obvious. This is regardless of ANY evidence that is shown.

Testimony is apparently evidence UNLESS it is against the people THEY care about then they say testimony is NOT evidence.

Again, something that has happened already with a known woman named Lena Dunham

Since it was her friend being accused, she went against her "Believe all victims" agenda.



And this is exactly why Vic is going to appeal. He's not giving up without a fight. He's not doing this for money or to teach all the bastards that want him ruined a lesson. He's doing this to clear his name, to clean his reputation (even if it was already being stained thanks to all these people) and to beg for forgiveness from them. That's right the man who is being falsely accused of nothing based on lies, hatred and jealousy has apologized for any harm, comments or misconduct he has shown. I remembered at that con he attended in February when the whole #KIckVicmovement started. In his panel he apologized in tears (if he's guilty of something it will be for being too nice). 


If we want to bring more scumbags that want to ruin Vic for no reason let's talk about the KickViceks. Jessie Pridemore, Renfamous, Greg Douchebag, Shane Holmberg (who recently banned Vic for attending one of his cons just because he feels like it) and the biggest piece of human trash in history in this movement, the one that started it all Katie Saulcedo aka Marzgurl she started this whole mess after Monica claimed Vic assaulted her back in January. And you wanna know why she wanted to do it? Don't remember the video but it was from one of #IstandwithVic members on YT showing Marzgurl's posts on a forum. According to her she got the idea of wanting to ruin Vic's career because she thought she can and she can get away with it. That's right, not because she's a victim or survivor but because she simply hates him. She even went far to attack Vic's own mother, spreading lies. And the kicker she started her own Gofundme so she can get herself a lawyer, seriously??? You started this whole kitten and you want a lawyer to defend you. kitten makes me want to slap her hard in the face from disgust. 


Just thinking about all these scums because they don't deserve to be called people or human beings it's enough to make my blood boiled. Vic has done nothing to them and they hate him for it. Hating someone for no reason it only shows how pathetic they are. I'm done with my debate. Just to end it if Vic is truly guilty don't you think evidence against him would have shown up by now??? This mess started in January and we are in October and so far they have nothing on him. Except fabricated evidence and photoshopped pictures. KickVick doing everything they can to make him look like he's worse than Hitler. All of their attempts have failed and yet in return we get evidence against Funimation, Sabat, Sean, Monica, Jamie, Ron etc the irony. Yet KickVick have the balls to defend them and still point their fingers at Vic. They should all be fired and sent to jail along with Marzgurl and the rest of KickVic. Defamation at its finest folks.

#975329 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 15 October 2019 - 12:15 PM in Otaku Square

Vic has chosen to go for appeal yep it's not over yet. It's only just beginning. 

#975343 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 15 October 2019 - 11:13 PM in Otaku Square

If you think Vic is a creep, then what does that make Sean Schemmel when girls accused him of touching them underneath heir skirts? What about Sabat's casting cough? I guess we can ignore these.

"There is no evidence" right?


Oh, but we should ignore Chuck Huber's affidavit that Funimation is a HIGHLY SEXUALIZED environment and that Sabat having a casting couch is not beyond reason? Sean Schemmel reaching underneath girl's skirts? And the hundreds of stories that have been debunked literally by the people who have no only have actual footage, but posted remarks saying that not only has Vic never did that to them, but it was the exact opposite and Vic was a good man?

You are going to ignore Stan Dahlin saying that the events that Monica Rial described never happened or the fact that the hotel they were staying at never had a balcony or patio that was described in Monica's "story?"

Got, you believe in Guilty until Proven innocent circa 1642.

Let's also ignore that Sony put in a no hugging policy that Jamie Marchi and Monica Rial admit to ignoring and hugging anyone anyway WITHOUT consent which according to them is sexual assault.

Double Standards. Double Standards everywhere.

If you're going to hold Vic to this standard, then you got to hold them all to this standard. NO EXCEPTIONS and chances are they all got skeletons in their closets they don't want people to find out.

Vic is a homophobe for not signing fan art, but Sean Schemmel as the voice of Goku can call his son a kitten.
Vic can't eat a jellybean, but if Marchi forcibly hugs and kiss Vic then it is no big deal.
Vic can't crack jokes, but Sabat can make a gay porn using Dragonball Z characters with pedophilia and incest.

If Vic should be fired, then they ALL should be fired. Every...single...one of them.

Fact is, you can't keep holding one person to such a standard, but then everyone else get away with just as bad or worse. You either hold them all to the same standard or you are corrupted and playing favoritism.

LACK OF ETHICS is the reason why they are in this mess in the first place.

Everyone apparently knew about this, but had no problems making a profit off of it.


I believe in justice and if Vic is truly guilty then justice will be done for him and vice versa. This case will end in Vic's favor and in return I have a feeling Sabat, Marchi, Rial and all those bastards in Funimation who wants to destroy Vic will get what they deserve. There is no escaping this there's no evidence of Vic being a sexual predator, a pedophile or whatever. But there is plenty of evidence of Sabat being a kitten, the same with Sean being a kitten and beta male, Monica being a complete liar who always plays the victim card (fact Rial spell backwards means Liar), Jamie being the biggest hypocrite who can't stop running her mouth on twitter pretending she's a victim and survivor with the whole #metoo movement which is crap. A woman who has no respect for no one but herself and disrespects anyone who proves her wrong. Remember she was the one who said that she wanted Vic's balls and head on a plate. Yet she doesn't recalled that tweet, how convenient. These people give VA's in the anime industry a really bad name. Anyway I have never seen any of them as my favorite VA's. None of them are on my top list and after this I am so glad I don't have them. 

#974632 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 08 September 2019 - 11:59 PM in Otaku Square

This was NEVER about sexual assault or harassment. It was about jealousy. Sabat, Sean, Monica, Jamie and who knows how many at Funimation hate Vic because they're jealous of him. He's more talented and love his work and his fans more. It disgusts me how unprofessional and horrible these people are. To think they will stood so low. 



#975571 Vic Mignogna Funimation Situation Thread(unless someone thinks of a better ti...

Posted by Gravenimage on 26 October 2019 - 11:40 PM in Otaku Square

It's official appeal is on November 21.

#978720 Tsundere = Fragile Male Ego?

Posted by Gravenimage on 10 May 2020 - 12:28 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Apparently, the translator of this game is extremely misandrist and wants to "delete men." She is also very heterophobic.

There is the answer right there. She is a hateful, spiteful woman who wants to see all men dead. Especially heterosexual ones.

So much for a society of acceptance.


I should have known who will be stupid to translate tsundere like that?

#976513 The Witcher live action series

Posted by Gravenimage on 22 December 2019 - 01:36 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

The series is based on the books don't know about the games since I've never play them but so far the series is very good. Word of warning definitely not for children due to gore and sexual content. It is only available at Netflix.



#976947 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 19 January 2020 - 01:46 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I wonder how it would have turn out if Kishi have made NS canon instead.

#976862 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 14 January 2020 - 01:01 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Since I've been watching RWBY way before the end of Naruto I fell in love with the series. However the show has changed completely after it's creator Monty Oum passed away in 2015. The writers Miles and Kerry are worse than Kishi making me think they stopped using Monty's ideas or maybe they're using a bit of them but the rest is coming out of their asses. It has become so toxic specially on the ships as they've been running their LGBT agenda for a long time and now I fear this series will be RoosterTeeth's downfall after all the crap they've been through all over 2019. The character development has been horrible, the fights have been lagging that special choreography from Monty's it hasn't been the same, and they keep making mistakes regarding the plot all over again as they have contradicted themselves in the past. The latest volume 7 is showing more incompetent writing, LGBT ship teasing to no end and silly mistakes that could have been corrected before airing the episodes but they never bother doing those changes. The show has become rather" heterophobic" because the fans think every new character introduce is gay and they have to hook up or else. It's one bis mess after another and the new writers Miles and Kerry hired aren't helping in the slightest since it seems they don't know kitten about RWBY. At this rate I'd say the DC RWBY comic is doing better than the actual show. 

#977864 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 12 March 2020 - 02:21 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Oh yeah. Basically, Hinata can do no wrong. If Hinata does it, it is okay. If anyone else does it...no, they are bad.

"Sakura is violent and hits Naruto. She is bad."
Hinata is a total B in Road to Ninja and even threatens death on Sakura
"Look how strong and independent she is."

"Ugh, Sakura is so obsessed with Sasuke."
Hinata abandons her family, clan, and her team over Naruto.
"Look how loving she is. She really truly loves him."

"I hate how all the female anime characters are defined by her lover interest."
Show how Hinata can be described by her infatuation with Naruto
"Ugh, Hinata is more in depth than that. She is the leader of her people and a great comrade. She does more in the story than just sit around saying "Naruto-kun""

It is like a woman who is obsessed with cosmetic surgery is telling other girls they should stay away from cosmetic surgery. I don't care what you do or what choice you make, but you can't be a hypocrite about it. You can't sit here and say how bad characters are for treating Naruto like dirt, but as soon as Hinata starts treating Naruto like dirt, it is all of a sudden a symbol of female freedom and independence.

God, I hate this garbage.


More like hating the Naruto fandom that turned into toxic kitten. 

#975283 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 14 October 2019 - 12:25 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

To his minute credit, he actually has an account. But looking into his profile, he's not only a NaruHina zombie, he's one of those miserable malcontents who habitually writes flames(and hasn't written a thing themselves) because he thinks he's "winning" when people block him over his horrid comments. You have to be a hateful and petty reject of society to consider that a highlight of your day.


I can't stand people like that. So they only make an account just so they can flame other people's stories? Really? I think those people are pathetic. Seriously fan fiction is a hobby and its fans way of showing their love for the series, rewriting and wanting to make it better than canon. Honestly any Naruto fanfiction that doesn't have Naru/Hina is way better than canon. Those people that only write flames are either they're too lazy to write a story, or doesn't have the skills to write one. I just laughed so you flame someone's story but you can't write for kitten yourself? Who's the pathetic one? Flaming other's stories for a hobby it's not healthy. I accept constructive criticism over a flame any day.

#975387 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 17 October 2019 - 07:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If Sakura married Naruto it would have made her character grow because moving on from a silly crush to falling in love with the person that's always been there for you is good character development. Is there a couple like NaruSaku that became canon?


Inuyasha/Kagome Inuyasha

Ranma/Akane Ranma1/2 


There are many shounen manga where the lead male ends up with the lead female who is a tsundere but I guess Kishi made an exception even if he did the 15 year old development (which it was a red herring :zaru:).

#976868 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 14 January 2020 - 06:41 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Honestly Graven, I feel like that RWBY kinda slacked on Volume 3 with some of the means to make it get "darker" with how things turned out. I mean, RWBY was fine up until Volume 2, and then I just skipped out on 3 and beyond, then watched RWBY Chibi.


In all honesty, that's why I am glad there can be fan fiction to help there. 


The only reason I'm still watching it is so I can continue my RWBY fan fiction. I have a crossover with Tales of Berseria that has gotten popular and my fans loves it more than the actual canon show.

#976735 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 04 January 2020 - 11:14 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Somebody shoot me right  now. I know we're not suppose to take this seriously but ugh :hm:


Watchmojo did another top 10 this time most satisfying kisses and guess who's #1??? If you say Naruto/Hinata you win a prize. Jesus Christ I can't believe it, they made number one of a ship that was forced by the retarded fandom. :down: Here's the video



#977370 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 10 February 2020 - 12:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

And that is where Kishimoto failed. He was trying so hard to make his characters popular that he failed to realize that just by focusing on making them human with development would have made them popular.

Essentially...he tried too hard and he failed.


I would if people would have like Sakura if she was shy, had big boobs and had a crush on Naruto from the start.

#974144 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 13 August 2019 - 05:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


As an off topic, but still anime related, I really want to express the REAL difference between a good voice actor and a bad voice actor.

This is what a bad voice actor is.

Sean Schemmel, most famously as Goku, is a BAD voice actor. Not because of his talent, but who he is as a person. He ONLY likes you if you lick his boots and praise him like a god for being Goku and see him as the ONLY Goku. He makes fun of Vic, he makes fun of Team Four Star, he makes rude mockery of anyone who dares challenge him or is feels is an enemy to him. He doesn't connect with the fans and he often is seen as bored and just wants the money and goes home.

Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, Amanda Win Lee, Chris Sabat, Sean Schemmel, Chris Ayres, and even Chris Ragar are all these spiteful horrible people. Maybe there are more, but recently these people have been spitting on their fans and acting like they are the hottest kitten on the planet. This isn't even because of the stuff they did to Vic, but really what they do to fans like you and me. They LIE to your face acting like they care, but then as soon as you leave they mock you behind your back.

They say never meet your heroes and this is one of them. Even Monica Rial admits that everything she does in public is merely to "keep up with appearances."

Meanwhile, this is what Vic is.

And this is what Vic has ALWAYS been. He believe that what he does for us is a gift. That when he makes a fan smile it is the greatest thing in his life. He wants you to have a good time. He wants you to remember everything and make a good memory when you meet him. He has visited fans in hospitals and cared about every single person he has met. I am not saying he doesn't make mistakes or bad choices, but to say this man intentionally hurts people for his own greed is so far unthinkable because you see how he is at every single con. Because a FEW people have a problem with human interaction means that he is the bad guy? It is ridiculous.

Again, not trying to bring the Vic's case, but rather looking outside of it. Seeing how they act outside the courtroom. How can someone act like a victim and a snob all at the same time? I have seen real victims and they don't act like the way Monica does, but I digress...

After this whole ordeal I am starting to question a lot about the anime industry and who are genuine good people and who are just their for a paycheck and clout.

And why is Monica is doing all this? Well as she said herself "Because they put Vic's name on a box that I was the main character in." I am not sure how that is Vic's fault, but she took it out on him any way.



Amen to that James #IStandwithVic. I saw that video from a recent event Vic went in NY there were at least 500 people that attended since the place wasn't that big. But still they all had a great time and enjoyed being there. Every single one of them were supporting Vic. They even sang him Happy Birthday even if his BD is in a few weeks (August 27). This is the perfect example of true fans not that piece of kitten that is KIckVic. 

#979734 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 21 July 2020 - 02:01 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

rushed perhaps but i still think he had them in mind for other characters kids. Sarada is just way too Karin and Sasuke, and Boruto has multiple Sakura and Naruto elements.

Nah im pretty well convinced he had them in mind as next gen progeny of NS and SK


Boruto was the next Naruto set to inherit Kurama when he was ready the marks would have come then

Sarada for me was Sasuke and Karins Kid and shared some fo their abilities karins uzumaki blood which would lead to better control of her Sharingan but more so I think she was meant to idolize Sakura hence some of Sakuras outfit choices which leads to her becoming the powerhouse she would become. 


It was proven in the manga Sarada is Karin's daughter and not Sakura but Kishi backpedaled remembering he needed to keep with the SS canon crap.

#978548 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 29 April 2020 - 11:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Okay, so apparently something popped up on my feed that read.

"Kishimoto never really liked Boruto and didn't care to write it."


"Kishimoto wants to a Naruto reboot more than he wants to work on Boruto."

Probably not true, but curious where this started.

Imagine a Naruto reboot with a NS ending. I wonder how that will blow over


Like I said if it happens by a miracle the NH/SS fans will be whining and raging" the NH/SS ending is the true ending" all of that bla bla bla.

#979240 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Gravenimage on 19 June 2020 - 03:53 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It wasn't. It was just an excuse to explain their kittening writing while Kishimoto openly bans the one character that resembles his wife.

Turns out I found out that Kushina was all Kishimoto's wife's idea


Oh yeah wasn't Kushina supposed to be like Sakura originally? So it should have been Kushina+Sakura=Kishi's wife. Then he changed it to Kushina+Hinata=Kishi's wife. That's why she got angry with him over the ending. So even her wasn't expecting to see such a shocking ending along with the Japanese fans 

#976315 The Dragon Prince

Posted by Gravenimage on 14 December 2019 - 01:21 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Season 3 is already available and so far it's the best season in the series.