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There have been 35 items by Faexylona (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#309614 Who's Next ?

Posted by Faexylona on 25 January 2011 - 04:12 AM in Naruto General

I do think Tsunade is going to die. It just makes sense. Although, I don't think it is because Naruto will take her spot. For some reason, I feel that he is too "green" at the moment. I think he needs a couple of years to mature a little bit more. But hey, he can surprise me.

I don't think Shikamaru will die because then who will teach Asuma's child? As for Kakashi, I have this horrible feeling he will join his master and teammates in the after life. His death will also give an incentive for Naruto to become stronger and determine to defeat whoever kills Kakashi. I say Madara will be the one to do it.

I wonder if Lee will die now that he has his own manga, targeted for kids?

#309168 Naruto 524

Posted by Faexylona on 21 January 2011 - 06:06 AM in Latest Releases

I seriously got the chills when I saw Kakashi's face and read what he said. Just to be clear: was he pissed at Sai or just how the war is being fought by the enemy - using other people's bodies?

#292285 do you keep your identity as a fanfiction author a secret in real life?

Posted by Faexylona on 08 August 2010 - 11:38 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

I have told a couple of my friends about my fanfiction, and I have showed them my page. However, I made sure they could not see my pen name. The reason is I don't want them to read it.

I mean they can read it if they know it is not me. Does it make sense? headscratch.gif

#292112 Naruto 505

Posted by Faexylona on 07 August 2010 - 12:44 AM in Latest Releases

Excellent transition from the last emotional-pact chapter. I am starting to warm up to Bee. His...raping is not as annoying. Like many people, I am looking forward to Kisame's fight with the "bizarre beast", as he calls Gai.

I did notice Kushina's advice about girls was ignored dry.gif

On a different note, I am not sure if some of you are aware that some people post the latest chapters on youtube. I read this chapter on Wednesday around five pm pacific time, so maybe you don't have to download the pages, one at a time.

#291478 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by Faexylona on 03 August 2010 - 03:29 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

10/10 for Toy Story 3.

Yes, that was the last movie I saw dry.gif

#290976 Naruto 504

Posted by Faexylona on 30 July 2010 - 10:19 PM in Latest Releases

I was trying to hold my tears while reading this. It would be so uncool if the people at the dentist office saw me crying without a reason. At the end, the tears started flowing. It was a really heart moving chapter. I truly wonder what next week will bring.

oh, I like the part where Kushina told Naruto to not get a weird girlfriend. To get one just like his mother. Like I said before, to me, Sakura resembles Kushina a lot. danarusakunp3.gif

#289149 OneManga done for!!!

Posted by Faexylona on 23 July 2010 - 09:51 PM in Otaku Square

When I heard the news, I immediately became angry. Why? If it was not for onemanga.com I would never have touched a manga. Honestly, onemanga is where I read my first chapter of naruto. The site is the reason why I started to buy manga. So yeah, I read them for free and then went and bought those which were at my local Borders. Because I like to read first, buy later. Now, I have to rely on youtube for my weekly updates of Naruto, and my local library for manga that I have not read but are published in united states.

Goodbye onemanga.com. Now I will have more time for my studies shamefulcry0js.gif

#288906 Naruto 503

Posted by Faexylona on 23 July 2010 - 01:02 AM in Latest Releases

Excellent Chapter. Too bad it made me cry and it hurt my head from the information I have gained. I would also like to pay my respects and say goodbye to onemanga.com. Thank you. It was because of you that I started reading Naruto. You will be missed sosad.gif

On another note: I wonder where those Uchiha have gone to. One would expect them to be there, trying to control the fox. Hmm.....maybe they were kidnapped?

#288275 Naruto 502

Posted by Faexylona on 21 July 2010 - 03:03 AM in Latest Releases

Thoughts on this chapter, although late:

1) I liked the scenes with the Uchiha brothers. Like many people, I do wonder where their parents are? Very suspicious dry.gif
2) Minato was incredibly skilled. Too bad he dies.
3) For a minute, when Madara said "whim" I wondered if he was Sasuke from the future down.gif
4) I am glad the chapter was short. Don't have too much time to read, but I cannot wait until this week's chapter.

#287146 Naruto 501

Posted by Faexylona on 14 July 2010 - 10:14 PM in Latest Releases

One of the things that always made me cry during chapter 1 (yeah I cried!) was thinking Naruto's parents never had time with their son. Now, I know they did, and it is so sad shamefulcry0js.gif I am really curious to know about what child Itachi has to do with this chapter.

#280529 Naruto 498

Posted by Faexylona on 12 June 2010 - 06:04 PM in Latest Releases

I have not logged in in a looong time, but this chapter was so touching I had to comment on it. Like many people have said, I felt warm while reading this chapter. Naruto's happiness was so contagious. While reading I could not help thinking that his mom definitely has a Sakura air about her. I cannot wait for the next chapter. So touching whatthekitten.gif

#263418 Naruto 485

Posted by Faexylona on 04 March 2010 - 02:42 AM in Latest Releases

Honestly, I expected so much more from this chapter. I am not disappointed, but I am not as excited as last week. However, I am so over chicken-head butt telling naruto, again, that Naruto cannot understand his, Sasuke's, feelings. Honestly, Naruto had a rough childhood, jerk. He was hated on. His parents died too. I don't know if Naruto knew his parents died or he assume that they abandon him, but either way, he was always alone. Sasuke on the other hand still received attention after the massacre. I think Naruto is the only one who can understand Sasuke. By the way, I want to high five Kakashi for landing that blow on Sasuke. Kakashi, I will work super hard to create a team of cheerleaders, so we can cheer you on.

#263147 Naruto 484

Posted by Faexylona on 03 March 2010 - 06:47 AM in Latest Releases

This wait is seriously making me crazy. My head hurts from all the different chapter 485 scenarios I have gone over in my head. This sucks! However, I am looking forward to what Naruto will say to Sasuke. It would be nice if Naruto does not say a word and punches Sasuke, sending chicken-butt head flying backwards.

#261764 Naruto 484

Posted by Faexylona on 25 February 2010 - 05:01 AM in Latest Releases

This was an amazing chapter. Wow.....yeah, wow. I did not think Sakura was going to try and kill Sasuke again. When Naruto came I was extremely surprise and then made because it ended there. I cannot, cannot wait until next week narusakuct7.gif

#261073 Karins perceptions and how they show Sasukes fall

Posted by Faexylona on 23 February 2010 - 01:02 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I agree with what most have commented on this subject. By Stabbing Karin, Kishi showed the path Sasuke had taken. Then, Sasuke tried to kills Sakura. It was like Kishi showing, "you don't belief he is evil because it was Karin he stabbed, then how about Sakura. The girl who told him he loved him and member of team seven."

Karin's comments on Sasuke turning towards the darkness did not convince me at first. I intended to ignore her, but after, she was stabbed, I had to stop and analyze what she had been telling the readers all along.

The part that I don't agree with his Karin been a key to Sasuke's redemption. How can she be the key? In my personal opinion and how someone else has stated, if Sasuke gets redeem it will be because of Naruto. Naruto is the only one with that special quality that can turned evil maniacs into saints.

#260301 Naruto 483

Posted by Faexylona on 18 February 2010 - 01:56 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (firegirl @ Feb 17 2010, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
guys dont get cocky about SS we need to wait a little bit longer i mean after sakura learns about sasuke and the true intentions of the uchiha massecure untill we see her reation to that

dont delclare SS is dead YET

Very wise saying. yes.gif But I have to agree with what other people have said. The actions that Sakura and Sasuke displayed during this chapter say, no romance. I just do not see Sasuke having any feelings of love towards any body at this point. If I was Sakura, I would be definitely turned off by his maniac laugh.

It would be interesting to see Sakura's reaction to finding the truth about the Uchiha Massacre, but I don't think it will change her resolve the Sasuke has to die if he continues down his "dark avenger" path. I think she will feel sorry that he had to go through something so painful, and that he has a right to be mad. However, he has no right to kill innocent people.

#260278 Naruto 483

Posted by Faexylona on 17 February 2010 - 11:48 PM in Latest Releases

I love this chapter. It just made my day. I was expecting something...I do not know. But I was not expecting this. Sure, I read the spoilers which left me in a disappointed frame of mind.
So here are the things that really got my attention and left me in a happy place:

1. Sakura noticed and thought that Sasuke was heartless. I am glad that she did, so if she ever fights him or helps to fight him she will know that SASUKE MUST Die.

2. Karin is not a B****. I really hated her character, but know I am thankful to her. She warned Sakura. GO Karin a_dance.gif

3. Sakura is not dead. Sorry NH heheelq7.png
4. Sasuke's maniac laugh. I am sorry, but I thought that was the best part of the chapter. I did not see that one coming. I seriously started laughing until my stomach hurt. Did you see Sakura's and Kakashi's expressions? They were like "Oh, my god, he is crazy".


I don't think Kakashi will die or defeat Sasuke. Someone will show up and save the maniac avenger. Yup, not too worried about Kakashi :True:

#260063 Naruto 483 Spoilers

Posted by Faexylona on 17 February 2010 - 03:12 AM in Latest Releases

What website do you see those comments on? headscratch.gif

#260045 Naruto 483 Spoilers

Posted by Faexylona on 17 February 2010 - 02:40 AM in Latest Releases

I couple of things in my mind:

1) Dear SS, see this is why you must never get your hopes up. When looking at a pairing, especially at one from a shonen, you really must look at it in a analytical way. Sure, Sakura and Sasuke would make a cute couple, but after 483 chapters Sasuke has not shown any feelings of love (do not mixed them up with friendship or caring) towards Sakura.

2) I am disappointed Sakura did not fight Sasuke. Ok, I know Sakura would not have won, but I still wanted Sakura to show chicken-butt head what she is made of sakura.gif This is the second time we almost had a sakura vs Sasuke, and it never happends. I am looking for a reason and all I can think of is maybe Sakura will do some training like Naruto. Maybe, she will finally develop her genjutsu skills and show us what her element is ermm.gif

3) Karin is still alive yucky.gif
4) Kakashi vs. Sasuke :starwars: Even do Sakura will probably not fight, I am super excited about this battle. I could not concentrate in class today (I red the spoilers while waiting for class to begin) because of this fight.

5) Sakura will not leave Konoha; therefore, Hinata's future with Naruto is going down heheelq7.png

#259438 Ch. 483 predictions

Posted by Faexylona on 13 February 2010 - 11:44 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (silverserenity @ Feb 13 2010, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I agreed that it would be something plausible and in a way it would fit Kishimoto's writing style. I too, however, hope that Sakura will not say that (even with a good reason, the outcome will still be bad)

If that is true then yes, the bashing contest against Sakura coming from the Sakura haters will rise in a level that we will only have peace here (where we still can have a calm and objective view of the situation)

Let just hope that she won't have to go that far (at least, not saying those hurtful things toward Natuto) to gain Sasuke's trust.

You're right, Sasuke does have what he want. Just take the fight with his brother, like Madara had said, Itachi didn't fight like he usually fought, he was sick (and by the look of it, it seem like it was at a serious critical point) and he had already made his mind that he wished for Sasuke to defeat him. So, even if it was a great fight, it was still a tricked one. So, in that way, I say that Sasuke didn't really kill his brother (in fact, I think it said that it was Itachi sickness, if I remember). No matter the outcome of the fight, Itachi would have die anyway and he would have give Sasuke all the great power that he now possess. that why, to me, Sasuke gain his new power in a 'easy' way. Plus, if he wouldn't have gain these new power, he wouldn't have been as successful with his fight with Danzo (especially if he didn't have Susanoo).

As for Naruto yes, you could say that Kishimoto make Naruto's life a 'living hell'. However, I think that we shouldn't underestimate his capacity ether. The pain that Naruto have to face have make him stronger and wiser and, to me, that is a good thing. So far, to me, we have seen a Naruto that have face many difficulties but did raised himself again and even more mature then before. That, to me, is what I like about Naruto and that why we shouldn't underestimate him. Just because he hyperventilate because of all the information about Sasuke doesn't make him weak. He did have his weak moment but raised himself above those difficulties and whatever the outcome of the meeting between Sakura and Sasuke, I'm sure that, yes, he would take it bad, but that will make him grow some more. Hell, maybe that will be the key to make him realize that Sasuke true darkness (because, so far, that the only think that Naruto stubbornly refuse to see and make his growing process stagnate). As soon as we see Naruto realizing that fact, I think that we will see one hell of a new Naruto (Kinda like the one that we see against Pein).

Have faith in Naruto's capacity Shippuden girl, because Naruto is strong and will succeed in defeating whatever obstacle that he will have to face. Plus, he won't be alone, he will have Shikamaru, his new confident, like Kishimoto have said.

Well, said

#259128 SasuSaku

Posted by Faexylona on 12 February 2010 - 03:50 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Just to clarify since I am still new, I cannot call Sasuke chicken-butt head? is that bashing? whatthekitten.gif
Because his head does look like it sweat.gif
Sorry unsure.gif

#259115 Favorite And Least Favorite Anime Couples

Posted by Faexylona on 12 February 2010 - 03:25 AM in Otaku Square

Favorites: Some of them did not come together whatthekitten.gif

Naruto and Sakura (I can be patient and know it will happen)
Zero and Yuki (Vampire Knight: I can be patient and know it will happen)
Lelouch and C.C or Euphemia (Code Geas)
Susaku and Euphemia (Code Geas)
Seiya and Saori (Knights of the Zodiac)
Kakashi and Rin
Amu and ikuto (Shugo Chara)
Ed and Wenry (FUll Metal Alchemist)
Kira and Lacus
Hero and Relena (Gundam Wing)
Setsuna and Feldt (Gundam 00; it's the pink hair)
Inuyasha and kikyo (Inuyasha)
Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach)
Cagalli and Athren (Gundam Seed)
Tsunade and jiraiya
Tohru and Kyo (Fruits Basket)

Do not Like
Hinata and Naruto
Orihime and Ichigo (Bleach)
Amu and Tadase (Chugo Shara)
Yuki and Kaname (Vampire Knight: he is hot but I love Zero more)
Athren and someone else besides Cagalli (Gundam Seed)
Sasuke and Karin (he is too blind to see who he has..Karin, dear, look for someone else)
Inuyasha and Kagome (inuyasha)

#259104 SasuSaku

Posted by Faexylona on 12 February 2010 - 03:04 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I do not think Sasuke cared for Karin that much. He did save her, but that was the old sasuke who could not let a weak girl get hurt by a big bear. unfortunately, for Karin she is useless now, well according to Sasuke dry.gif

Now, if Sakura joins, if chicken-butt head lets her, Sakura is in danger of meeting the same fate as Karin, a chidori to her heart.
OOOh, think of the drama. Naruto wondering at night if his dear Sakura is safe with the teme. He will be constantly thinking of her....and her apparent betrayal dry.gif

Well, positive thought: Sakura will be in Naruto's mind danarusakunp3.gif

#259088 Kishimoto Bad At Developing Female Characters?

Posted by Faexylona on 12 February 2010 - 01:27 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I want Sakura to develop a really cool jutsu. Why do the guys get the cool jutsus? sakura.gif

#259086 SasuSaku

Posted by Faexylona on 12 February 2010 - 01:17 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Personally, I am excited to read the next chapter. I am worried about NaruSaku. Nope. I must admit when I read the chapter for the first time, I was panicking. But then I went and re-read the chapter. I feel much better. The bonds between Naruto and Sakura have become stronger. It just seems silly that Sakura confessed to Naruto and then decided to join Sasuke. IT is just TOO suspicious. I think it is time that we follow Kakashi's saying to look beneath the underneath, or whatever his saying is.