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There have been 23 items by Zoey (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#574799 Chapter 691

Posted by Zoey on 04 September 2014 - 11:14 AM in Latest Releases


#569681 Chapter 689

Posted by Zoey on 27 August 2014 - 08:47 AM in Latest Releases

boo! Oh well hopefully we get it friday. At least we get it Monday for sure 

#567729 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Zoey on 22 August 2014 - 08:00 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sasuke has showed zero interest in Sakura in p2 even as a friend. He has reacted more to Karin than to Sakura. 

#565767 Chapter 688

Posted by Zoey on 19 August 2014 - 07:16 PM in Latest Releases

So to stay on topic: How long do you guys think Kakashi's power-up will last? Obito said that it was temporary 

#557839 Naruto 687

Posted by Zoey on 05 August 2014 - 11:12 PM in Latest Releases

I think the big thing is seeing Kakashi's face. Kishimoto said he would show it and since its such an anticipated moment thats why Evil showed up. 

#556643 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Zoey on 02 August 2014 - 03:59 AM in Konoha Theater

Think well get a little more info with next week's SJW? 

#555959 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Zoey on 31 July 2014 - 09:33 PM in Konoha Theater

WTH that was nothing LOL and if it is indeed the continuation of the manga we're not gonna get that much info either. Specially on pairings and stuff, no way they spoil that 

#554799 Naruto 687

Posted by Zoey on 30 July 2014 - 08:09 AM in Latest Releases

Im conflicted about Obito's ending, I'm sympathetic but the coolest guy?! really? Lame. 


Also looks like BZ is being set up to fight Sakura and Kakashi, at least they won't be in the sidelines resting anymore. Im exited to see how Kayuga acts without BZ. The cages are likely to appear too 

#550898 Naruto 686

Posted by Zoey on 23 July 2014 - 08:01 AM in Latest Releases

honestly it was kinda a lame chapter. How come Obito and Kakashi can move and fast-ish but Sasuke and Naruto haven't been able to get up yet? wtf? Because Rin helped them?! Makes no sense 

#549893 Naruto 685

Posted by Zoey on 22 July 2014 - 12:35 AM in Latest Releases

ObiSaku fans are going wild over these last few chapters. You should see how much SakuxUchiha is in that tag, if you think SS shippers take things out of context you would be dieing in ObiSaku tag. Lol. But their stuff is actually funny and their not serious.

 thats more like a crack pairing, people are just having fun with it. 

#549717 Naruto 685

Posted by Zoey on 21 July 2014 - 05:49 PM in Latest Releases

What do you guys think happens to Obito? Are we getting flashbacks before his death? 


According to the previews Sasuke and Naruto reunite this next chapter, i wonder what Obito's role would be now. Does he stay behind? 

#547272 Naruto 685

Posted by Zoey on 15 July 2014 - 11:11 PM in Latest Releases

I love this chapter it was great. I loved seeing Sakura taking charge. Also i like that they found Sasuke right away because he could have dragged it out longer, we are now back on track.


Getting back to where Naruto is should depend in the kind of shape Obito is in. Sasuke can provide the chakra but Obito looked in very bad shape.  Maybe Sasuke can heal like Naruto? IF so he would heal Sakura and Obito? I hope Sakura gets in fighting shape, and that this is not it for her. 


About the SS moment, i don't mind at all. I believe that NS is endgame and that this pairings wank kishi likes to pull is all part of the drama, i get it it keeps people hooked. Plus it is important for Sakura to have Sasuke's acknowledgment. I would like Sakura to pick Naruto because she just fell for him not because he's her backup guy. 


Also wtf was that trolling in the last chapter with Naruto announcing that his real body was going??? So unnecessary and bad writing in is part, he could have pulled any other trick to make us think that it was the real one. But this fake announcement makes him lose credability

#546513 Naruto 684

Posted by Zoey on 15 July 2014 - 12:53 AM in Latest Releases

This whole "rescue" Sasuke thing is kinda lame, he's not in any danger so idk the urgency isn't there. Only think i could see from it is him having to accept help from others so that would humble him a bit. Im interested to see what will happened to Sakura after her chakra is depleted, hopefully she can contribute even if its in a small way. 


Kinda OT Gemma Ward reminds me so much of Sakura here, she has that same coloring ff37ec6280e65d1b1ab28c5c596193e2.jpg

#545118 Naruto 684

Posted by Zoey on 09 July 2014 - 04:53 PM in Latest Releases

Actually, there's 6 of them. Zetsu calls the other 5, meaning there are 6 in total. We only saw 4.

Um, refresh my memory on "that" thing. Probably missed it as I was heading to work. Still charging my phone.


Ooops my bad its "that time" which BZ refers to here. They need a lot of chakra to carrie out their plan. 



#545106 Naruto 684

Posted by Zoey on 09 July 2014 - 04:22 PM in Latest Releases

So there;re 5 dimensions, thats good to know! the 1st dimension is the one Obito and Sakura are in

2nd: Lava

3rd: Ice

4th: Desert

5th: Water? that'd be cool 


Kaguya and BZ are up to something else "that thing" as he calls it, i think thats where the kages come in play. Im seriously confused as to where Naruto is now. He said, in his mind, that the real him followed Kaguya but it wasn't him that got a hole in his stomach? How come if he's there Obito and Sakura don't know it? What about Kakashi? how would he know if Obito and Sakura made it? bah this chapter is a mess. 


Also about the Sakura/Sasuke thing, it doesn't bother me at all, girl needs her closure with him. And if people think she's just going to  hate ignore Sasuke they don't know Sakura. She's a kind girl, she'll always want to be his friend. 

#543184 Naruto 683

Posted by Zoey on 03 July 2014 - 12:19 AM in Latest Releases

Personally i don't feel the Rin/Sakura thing a confirmation of narusaku so for me its not about pairing. I just like parallels in general, its interesting to me like AU versions of the same story.

#543171 Naruto 683

Posted by Zoey on 02 July 2014 - 10:38 PM in Latest Releases

Nice chapter!! At least things are moving along. What i want from the next chapter/s: 

  • Sakura/Rin parallel, even if its a tiny one 
  • If Obito is going to die (by the looks of it he is) he should give Kakashi his Sharingan
  • Sasuke even if its in a small way acknowledges Sakura isn't useless :( 
  • Sakura gets to keep her seal
  • ​I don't really expect a ns moment the next few chapters but that's ok as long as Sakura gets involved in the story 

#540567 Naruto 682

Posted by Zoey on 25 June 2014 - 07:10 AM in Latest Releases

Guys what happened to Sakura's seal? 

#538774 Naruto 681

Posted by Zoey on 18 June 2014 - 10:47 AM in Latest Releases

im glad things were explained and i like how the story is coming together but the chapter was so meh, a necessary although boring chapter 

#537030 Naruto 680

Posted by Zoey on 11 June 2014 - 04:32 PM in Latest Releases

People say (not here :P) that Sasuke cares deep down, than in the future he'll show it. Ok might be true but it doesn't change the fact that he was willing to let them die now! If Kishi is putting emphasis in how Sasuke doesn't care, whats he's end game, i wonder? Sakuke will either die (doubtful) or some what redeem himself but at this point wouldn't it be to little to late? 

#536703 Naruto 680

Posted by Zoey on 11 June 2014 - 05:59 AM in Latest Releases

I didn't understand the whole part in which Naruto remembers the time in which Sasuke saved him and said "my body moved on its own" and then he repeats the same thing and Sakura thanks him. What is the link between Sasuke's act back then and Naruto repeating his sentence. Did Naruto saved someone in this chapter before saving Sakura and Kakashi? Or is he implying that Sasuke saved Kakashi and Sakura because his body moved once again on its own to save them?

No, but he wanted to, it was his first instinct, thats why he complains to Sasuke when he saves him 

#530655 Naruto 677

Posted by Zoey on 21 May 2014 - 06:35 AM in Latest Releases

Unless he could hear her crying out for him , how can it be a reaction to it? she said it in her mind. Clearly fan service to rill up the base


Anyways the chapter was interesting but too short, not much happened. I  wonder who Ten ten wanted to ask for help 

#513218 Naruto 663

Posted by Zoey on 05 February 2014 - 08:23 AM in Latest Releases



So... they really don't have a plan huh? Kurama thinks its not going to work.






If Madara is going to Kakashi, who's stading in front of Sasuke?! I don't think is Karin and co, that wouldn't be "suspicious"