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There have been 2 items by kirabook (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#987060 Would Like to Inquire about the forum software

Posted by kirabook on 22 May 2022 - 07:21 AM in Council Hall

Tried to get in touch with Tricksie on discord, but looks like she's busy. Chatte told me most of the admins were.

I've been aware of the software issues of the site for a while and as a web dev, I can't help but be curious to know more about these issues and see if there's anything I can do since this is my profession.


Can someone get in contact with me?

#987035 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by kirabook on 19 May 2022 - 06:09 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I haven't really spoken with you much, but I saw your behavior on twitter today and it was... disappointing to say the least. It was so weird that I thought your account was hacked. Then I thought, "Well, LuckyChi is kinda a common username so it's probably someone else" and I blocked you. To be told that it is you was very strange.


The NaruSaku fandom has always had multishippers, especially SS fans who like NaruSaku as a side piece. Even the people who prefer other ships to NaruSaku do not... behave like that. What value is there in attacking former shipmates and putting people down for shipping NaruSaku, which you previously did a few days ago? You're encouraging the fans of other ships to not only be aggressive towards a non-canon ship, but attacking people yourself?


Whether it's an experiment or not, I'd say it's gone too far and I don't think you've thought it out very well at all. You being gone won't change my time in this fandom since, again, we hardly interacted, but I will certainly be warning fellow shipmates to steer clear of you moving forward whether this is fake or not. :/


What people ship shouldn't matter. To go on rants and attack people over ships almost 10 years after the ending? It's beyond cringe and not something a mentally well person would do. Pretty sure you're too old for this.


That's all I wanted to say. ✌