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There have been 50 items by Nadishani (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#236087 HELLLOOOOOOOOO!!! ~zetsu-style~

Posted by Nadishani on 12 August 2009 - 11:28 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

well hi!

thought it was time to introduce myself sooooo nadishani here. wave.gif
but seeing as my name's to hard to write/pronounce you can call me whatever you want (<< probably gonna regret this statement)

uhmmm well about me...
i'm a girl, 18 years old/young. i'm from the beautiful and always sunny Holland, you know that tiny place where everybody goes to smoke weed and where it rains 90% of the time. BUT I was born in Sri Lanka so no i'm not white which is a huge plus seeing as you can make a lot of people here jealous with that little fact. As you might notice after some time/minutes/seconds i am sarcasm personified. really, even when i'm being serious people think i'm being sarcastic, it's a true curse! pinch.gif i like too much to note but i'll say ummm three no five things things: MEAT wow.png, drawing (which i'm pretty good at if i do say so myself cool.gif) , manga and anime aaaaand last but not least (no not narusaku tongue.gif ) great now i forgot facepalm.png ohwait yes! ASIANS (preferably of the male kind xD)! (asian fascination) I dislike vegetables, dramaH, stupid people (there are quite a few of em actually) and introductions which i suck at so i'm gonna keep this short ooh! and I HATE with a fiery passion..... MILEY CYRUS AND THE FREAKIN JONAS BROTHERS (please let them get hit by something unpleasant)

i'm not a hardcore narusaku-fan or anything, i'm just realistic tongue.gif but seriously i wouldn't die if they'd end up with somebody else or their mom but i would be like huh.gif for a bit because i mean come on it's pretty obvious by now that narusaku's a pretty logical step by now. but we'll see....

oohooh as a sort of 'hi i'm new, hope you'll accept me, please don't hurt me! here's a peaceoffer' kinda thing. this is a little skedoodle thingie i think you guys might like. soooo hope you'll enjoy it an' i'll be speakin' ya!

#236141 HELLLOOOOOOOOO!!! ~zetsu-style~

Posted by Nadishani on 13 August 2009 - 04:35 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

okay no bashing. got it. wink.gif well thanks you guys. i'm sure i'll have some fun here.

#236143 Naruto Shippuden 122

Posted by Nadishani on 13 August 2009 - 04:41 PM in Premiere Screenings

did i hear sakura correctly when she said: it's not like that between sasuke and i? xD

was that also in the manga because i don't really remember that bit.
and i think they crammed in two chapters in one. thank god they're speeding up their pace a bit because they're freakin 100 chapters behind. all in all an okay episode, though the more exciting part's next episode i think.

and yeah i agree, the skit with shizune and tonton was great. rofl @ their pose!faces. xD

#236168 Naruto Shippuden 122

Posted by Nadishani on 13 August 2009 - 09:56 PM in Premiere Screenings

i wasn't excited, just wondering. xD but yeah not in the manga thought so. something that actually WAS in the manga and also in the anime, sakura and karin. i actually loved that bit for some strange reason not known to me, okay i'll just fess up i totally wanna see those two fight. tongue.gif coughandsakurawincough and yes kabuto...and many wrong perverted puns can be made on this day. seriously he's asking for it: 'whom i absorbed' 'he continues to live inside me' 'took into your body?' 'just a small segment of him' 'it's now steadily taking over my body...this thing'

sigh....but more importantly he says he'll fight naruto when he's able to fully control orochimaru's power...i completely forgot that since i read this part in the manga like ages ago. so that's when we'll see kabuto again. which makes me wonder who is going to be the final main villain because i still can't see sasuke playing the part.

and my first nickname is born: Nadi. biggrin.gif

#236169 Chapter 460 spoilers? (FAKE)

Posted by Nadishani on 13 August 2009 - 10:03 PM in Latest Releases

I couldn't even read the whole thing, starting from the part that Sasuke starts acting all theatrical. xD this, at least to me, is obviously fake as everyone else already determined, mainly because sasuke doesn't talk like that. he doesn't waste his words on anyone or any topic. i'll just wait another week or so to see the real thing. wink.gif

oh and danzou's 'it seems you've caught up with me.....ha ha ha' (can't you just see him evil domination pose) was just wack. nuff said. (<-- epic argument to back up my statement tongue.gif )

#236186 Naruto Shippuden 122

Posted by Nadishani on 14 August 2009 - 02:17 AM in Premiere Screenings

Heyhey don't diss the senzubean (karin) yet xD though you have a point about people seeing it as some sasuke fangirl showoff while i just wanna see their violent personalities clash because they both have their violent tendencies xD

#236245 HELLLOOOOOOOOO!!! ~zetsu-style~

Posted by Nadishani on 14 August 2009 - 04:48 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

QUOTE (Shadowmoon-Sakura @ Aug 14 2009, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome to H&E, Nadi-chan!


I really love your picture! I wish I can draw like that too.


Enjoy your time here, and I look forward to seeing more of you here.



love.gif narusakuct7.gif love.gif

thanks i enjoyed drawing it. xD trust me i practice a lot and i don't even think i'm that good. tongue.gif

#236470 Naruto Shippuden 122

Posted by Nadishani on 16 August 2009 - 08:27 PM in Premiere Screenings

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Aug 14 2009, 07:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats what ive been saying since the beginning frankly. You constantly hear about how weak and useless Karin, Sakura, and Ino are its ridiculous.

Inos top of her class and well skilled in all aspects and has her families jutsu on top of it.

Sakuras about as well rounded a ninja as they come and has a high intellect and scads of boook knowledge.

Karin is also apparently highly intelligent and has her special Chakra senses and we have yet to see her in combat but we can assume shes not weak since Sasuke and Orochimari value strength above all.

But look who theyre paired with.

Sasuke Uchiha the last fo the Uchihas and a genius said to only be surpassed by itachi

Shikamaru a blazing genius even more so then Sasuke

Naruto the container of the 9 tailed fox and though no one yet knows it the son fo the 4th.

I mean seriously its analagous to being teamed with Shaq and Kobe and beingt old that you Suck because of it.

i really agree. a LOT of people give sakura's character kitten because she's supposedly useless and yeah i'll admit in part one she wasn't really the greatest addition. but you pretty much can't help but suck when you get paired up with all these abnormally strong characters who continue to grow. but yeah we already know that kishimoto gives the guys more attention than the girls so that would explain it. i don't really fault him for it but it would be nice to see that sakura actually IS a kunoichi and a very good one at that.

#236472 Would You????

Posted by Nadishani on 16 August 2009 - 08:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

i definitely WOULDN'T stop reading because for something like that, mainly because i don't really care that much about who naruto ends up with on the condition that it's well built up with enough development to not make it seem like bs. i started reading because i like the story, drawing style and characters, i didn't start reading it because i wanted to see pairings.

#236473 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by Nadishani on 16 August 2009 - 08:51 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

with how the chapters are lately i'm not sure when i really think about it. xD because when i read this i thought immediatly confession! but then a second after i thought well that doesn't seem very....okay kiss. naaaah. confession. xD

but maybe this seems more logical, to me it seems to depend on who initiates 'this'. if it's sakura i think i'd go more with confession because she seems to be able to voice it at least with some time whereas naruto probably wouldn't even be able to form words and with a kiss...that just seems more naruto, showing it in stead of telling how he feels. but arghhh never mind. naruto always gives killer speeches that change people who everybody deemed beyond repair.

sigh...okay. i'm going with confession because kiss seems too sudden. there.

#236648 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 18 August 2009 - 04:16 PM in Latest Releases

sasuke being mind-controlled huh...hmmm i'm still gonna wait for the chapter to come out to see for myself.
and seriously akatsuki is one of the most threatening organizations ever, you'd think that the countries would do a bit of recon on them but nope. first we have zetsu's hellooooooo at the most important and well-guarded meeting ever and then we have the freakin leader 'paying a visit' to a jinchuuriki too. xD

and yes raikage vs sasuke. sasuke-chans gonna get his ass kicked and i wanna see it! biggrin.gif

#236683 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 18 August 2009 - 07:53 PM in Latest Releases

mweh the more i read this the more i don't buy it and Nja has been wrong a few times... well whatever's the truth i hope kishimoto makes this a bit more exciting than it sounds. although a mind-controlled sasuke can still be saved, if he's really bad then i think we've found our final villain. and yes i'm still one of those hopeless ones who actually still wants to see a somewhat happy team 7 ending. xD

#236685 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by Nadishani on 18 August 2009 - 07:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

see i never got that...an accidental kiss? so what? sakura's just gonna fall over onto naruto's lips in the heat of battle? xD they're ninja's, ninja's shouldn't trip xD *thinks back to naruto's AND sasuke's first kiss* although... i could be wrong. tongue.gif

#236686 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 18 August 2009 - 07:58 PM in Latest Releases

^ True. and that's why i'll wait for the real chapter, spoilers usually only give a overall summary of what happens.

#236784 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 08:55 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Okay i wouldn't blame him if he doesn't believe it at first but yup she going to punch him at least once then, she isn't a tsundere type for nothing.

#236795 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 11:31 AM in Latest Releases

could they be any smaller? xD coughtwsscough
even when i zoom it's barely clear. though i do spot raikage doing something to zetsu, perhaps snapping his neck? yup i think that's it.

i'm not really sure about the mind-control thing, it's a bit vague, i'll just judge for myself when i read the chapter. i want to know now if madara really visits naruto (yeah and how exactly? xD) and tells him the truth about the uchiha massacre, which could effect naruto's opinion a lot and subsequently change the rookie nine and team gai's plans when they find out, if they ever find out. but i'm getting ahead of myself here talking about things that are probably gonna happen in future chapters. so i'll just stop myself here.

I don't expect sasuke just to waltz back into konoha (IF that happens at all) of course not but i don't think there should be too harsh reprecussions because konoha, rather the elders, basically made sasuke who he is today. but he's going to punished, it's only logical, he's a missing-nin who attacked konoha shinobi multiple times and tried to kill them, that's just a crime, plain and simple.

#236798 Sasuke's Fate

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 11:43 AM in Naruto General

i don't want sasuke to die just because then narusaku would magically happen, it's probably going to happen anyway. xD
but seriously, sasuke's fate is a tough one to judge. he's either going to end up dead, either protecting someone or just getting his ass kicked by someone who's FINALLY stronger than him. but i don't see naruto killing him, naruto just can't, not that he doesn't have the power to but i don't think he has it in him to lower himself to sasuke's level.

i'd love to see team 7 have a happy ending, though it's seems unlikely, i still have hope! shamefulcry0js.gif xD i just want to see naruto and sakura happy and a dead sasuke doesn't do that i think. well scratch the happy team 7 ending because that's not something that would happen just like that. if sasuke does come back to konoha, he's either severly beaten up by naruto or he comes of his own will and gets locked up at least.

and sasuke doesn't laugh, he smirks.

#236803 Sasuke's Fate

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 11:56 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Danzo Baka @ Aug 19 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If Kishi-sensei really focus on bonds... I think Sasuke ending would not be that worse... 1 thing i fear, that Naruto ended up dying saving him.. maybe then, Sasuke will realize the bond naruto always mention to him.

oh gods no. that would majorly suck.

#236805 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 11:58 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Newkerz @ Aug 19 2009, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, if you want bewtter ones yer gonna have to ask the mods to fix it up... since I'm not too good at posting pics....

i'll just wait. but thanks anyway wink.gif

#236825 Sasuke's Fate

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 04:05 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 19 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, you're right. I guess I was just thinking of this:

Sasuke dies. Naruto and Sakura are all sad. But then Sakura's like, ''Hey, at least we still have each other, right?''

Or something corny like that happy.gif lol

But I didn't think about that. You raise a good point, Nadi-san...

At this point, I'm doubting he'll return of his own accord, but hey, it's Naruto, and anything can happen

heheh hey i get that you thought that, being a hopeless romantic too. xD but i don't think naruto and sakura would be able to handle it, so i'd rather see them happy together plus sasuke being alive and there, than him being dead. tongue.gif i don't think he'll return on his own accord, at least not now. something major has to happen to make me even think that he'll return on his own.

#236828 Naruto 460 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 19 August 2009 - 04:15 PM in Latest Releases

the badass chakra-shadow just means he's a bamf then? that he's gone to the dark side forever. xD
well future chapters will tell. and that raikage just loves to smash through walls halfnaked, doesn't he? i hope sasuke gets his ass kicked, probably not but one can hope. mweh raikage's probably gonna kill him and then naruto or someone gets in the way of that because it would be one hell of a plottwist if kishimoto killed off sasuke. well i guess this means another ninja-war is starting because of sasuke, so much for that meeting between kages, not a lot of good that did. xD

#237043 Sasuke's Fate

Posted by Nadishani on 20 August 2009 - 08:58 PM in Naruto General

sasuke left the village, which makes him a missing-nin. joined pretty much everybody who poses a threat to the village, orochimaru he used but with akatsuki he has been used and obviously is still being used. he tried to kill his formers teammembers AND an anbu from root and an anbu and teamcaptain multiple times. now he's trying to kill elders and kages and will kill everyone who gets in his way. how can you say that sasuke's not even close to being a villain? huh.gif

#237211 Naruto 460

Posted by Nadishani on 21 August 2009 - 11:18 AM in Latest Releases

pretty awesome chapter as in preparing for THE most awesome chapter of the century: Raikage VS Sasuke! Though Raikage is awesome, he seems a bit rash and he strategizes even less than Naruto. Seriously who breaks someone's neck by accident? sweat.gif So i think it'll be a pretty intense battle seeing as Raikage has more power than Sasuke, but Sasuke's a 'genious' when it comes to fighting and strategizes better.

I think Madara is going to tell Naruto about the uchiha massacre and he's probably gonna drop the hint of 'hey you should probably know that Sasuke is at the Kagecon killing fodder-samurai now, bye!' which will make Naruto go to Kagecon too, where he'll probably interrupt Raikage from snapping Sasuke's neck. Speaking about necksnapping, Zetsu isn't dieing that easily, seeing as half of Akatsuki is pretty much immortal xD and his other half is still out there...somewhere. so we can conclude that his halfs can live seperately and you should probably kill both to finish him. but maybe black-Zetsu is working on that 'Eye of the moon' plan, which i'm getting more and more curious about. arrgghhh, so many questions.

as for the 'Sasuke being controlled'-thingie. imo he's not being controlled but he's really losing it (when had Sasuke ever said 'i'm pissed off' huh.gif) and becoming a total badass. he's well on his way to everybody wanting to kill him, except naruto, so go for it sasuke. sleep.gif' use the power of your new-found male-PMS!

#237215 Naruto 460

Posted by Nadishani on 21 August 2009 - 01:21 PM in Latest Releases

seriously why is it so hard for people to believe that sasuke is evil? dry.gif he's done enough things to prove he is. wether people like it or not at this moment it's pretty clear sasuke IS evil unless you think ruthlessly killing people is all fine and dandy and that evil looking chakra is as sweet as kittens. but that doesn't mean he'll be that way forever, he can be saved because hellooo this is naruto, pretty much everybody can be saved by naruto's talk-no-jutsu.

#237216 Naruto Shippuden 123

Posted by Nadishani on 21 August 2009 - 01:22 PM in Premiere Screenings

nice episode, liked the little additions the animators made to deidara's skills. yeah not much to be said since i'm completely engulfed in the manga. xD