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There have been 50 items by Nadishani (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#252692 Naruto 476

Posted by Nadishani on 16 December 2009 - 01:00 PM in Latest Releases

wow this chapter looks like an epic amount of awesome, can't wait till it comes out translated.

#246090 Naruto 469

Posted by Nadishani on 29 October 2009 - 08:48 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

anyone else finished kakashi's sentence 'sakura you'-'re doing it wrong? tongue.gif

but seeing as we can't say how the naruto sakura convo will play out let's talk about something different.
Raikage for president?!

#246086 Naruto Shippuden 133

Posted by Nadishani on 29 October 2009 - 08:34 PM in Premiere Screenings

RIP Ero-sennin...

seriously he got a whole episode dealing with basically only his death. that's one hell of a way to go Jman!

#246083 Naruto 469

Posted by Nadishani on 29 October 2009 - 08:29 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

god this chapter just makes me want the next chapter so bad! okay pretty much every chapter lately but this one's just killing me.

either sakura's gonna be sakura and bawl her eyes out
or sakura's gonna be sakura and punch naruto into next week

i just want tsunade to wake up and punch some sense into both.

#246073 Naruto 469

Posted by Nadishani on 29 October 2009 - 08:01 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Namikaze Minato @ Oct 29 2009, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think sakura did that to explain herself, if all the ppl that hated him when he was a child can change and love him now, why cant she?

because the pairing just can't get a break. that'd be too easy. tongue.gif

#246071 Naruto 469

Posted by Nadishani on 29 October 2009 - 07:58 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

hmmm way to go there sakura. tell naruto you love because you don't love sasuke anymore, that's basically how it's coming out now and naruto's seeing straight through it the WRONG way of course. he thinks she's lying about everything. i say she's covering up the kill sasuke drama in a very poor way and seriously did she expect naruto to say "AMG sakura-chan! why didn't you say so earlier?! and wait who is this sasuke you keep talking about?"

I think her feelings about naruto are genuine, because she didn't want to make more mistakes and telling a guy you love him for kicks isn't exactly a smart move. but i don't know till next chapter if naruto's just so high on the emo scale that he's convinced nobody can love him or that he does have a point. next chapter = big deal. so don't you dare make it fight-only kishi-sensei!

#245859 Naruto 469 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 28 October 2009 - 09:08 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I was hoping the spoilers would turn out to be a bit different but alas. Sakura's spouting a lot of bs with her confession. so much for 'not wanting to make anymore mistakes'. sadly she sounds shallow and as if naruto is going to give up his mancrush just because she says so. shamefulcry0js.gif BUT then again this does make things a lot more interesting and gets me in suspense so i won't complain to much. xD

#245528 Naruto 469 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 27 October 2009 - 12:53 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

you gotta be kiddin me...naruto became such an emo that he's gonna reject the one he's loved since he was but a wee lad. bash.gif i swear to god i'm starting to hate naruto like this. seriously of all times, this is the one moment sakura would be well in her right to kick the shiz outta that dobe.

#241394 Shippuden 127&128

Posted by Nadishani on 24 September 2009 - 09:31 PM in Premiere Screenings

i thought after kakashi gaiden they couldn't get any better but these two episodes proved me so wrong. loved everything about it. lovely animation, parallels with team 7 (when the sannin stood at the gate before heading of to battle, i just saw team 7 there for a split second) and they really mixed in everything nicely. jiraiya's tale, the student teacher era, the sannins, the great ninja war, everything. definitely my favorite ep. oh and minato and kushina are the hottest couple ever. xD

#241275 Chapter 465 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 23 September 2009 - 07:57 PM in Latest Releases

wow. a woman in "naruto" with a kekkei genkai. has the world come to an end? FINALLY we get to see a woman with some power cough because konan sucked big time, what a dissapointment that was cough, because it's been only guys getting ridiculous power-ups lately.

sasuke is god, apparently. dry.gif like we didn't know already. what's next. him gaining immortality seeing as it comes with the akatsuki package? but i won't abandon my favorite manga yet! i'm too much of a fangirl and i'm still waiting for someone to kick sasuke's ass.

#241222 Chapter 465 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 23 September 2009 - 12:21 PM in Latest Releases

what is this. tagteam naruto? first the samurai, then team raikage, team sand and now the mizukage?! sheeesh at least now i'm just excited by the idea of sasuke getting his ass handed to him by a woman xD

#240542 Naruto 464 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 16 September 2009 - 10:27 AM in Latest Releases

gaara's not crying about sasuke, he's crying about naruto. naruto wants to save sasuke, that's his dream and gaara is now forced to kill that dream along with someone who naruto sees as a brother.

that doesn't take away that a crying gaara gives me the heebiejeebies. xD

#239954 Naruto Shippuden 126

Posted by Nadishani on 11 September 2009 - 12:11 PM in Premiere Screenings

ah i forgot how much i love this part. the jiraiya and tsunade conversation got me all sad. ;_; it was beautiful. and i completely forgot that they'd reveal naruto's parentage this episode. xD

#239953 Naruto 463

Posted by Nadishani on 11 September 2009 - 12:07 PM in Latest Releases

Raikage has gone supersaiyan. xD ELBOW!!!-no jutsu.

Awesome chapter. except Naruto get yer ass into gear and start fighting because i can't handle another chapter of this whiney kitten.

oh the binktopia release's out too. imo it's a bit better most times.

#239806 'Tale Of A Gutsy Ninja'-special?!?

Posted by Nadishani on 10 September 2009 - 07:46 AM in Konoha Theater

yeah i wonder who the gutsy ninja's going to be voiced by, it would be fitting to have it be naruto only older, but that seems a bit weird somehow. xD because the gutsy ninja seems way more mature than naruto, at least at that point. but we'll see. if it's a special about it. xD it'd be kinda a bummer for it just to be the student teacher era when it's called 'tale of a gutsy ninja'

#239572 'Tale Of A Gutsy Ninja'-special?!?

Posted by Nadishani on 08 September 2009 - 08:13 PM in Konoha Theater


scroll waaaaay down to the end to see. anyone knew this? so are they doing a special about jiraiya's book 'tale of a gutsy ninja' or would this be the student-teacher era part? i'm excited either way! biggrin.gif

#238816 Naruto Shippuden 125

Posted by Nadishani on 04 September 2009 - 02:01 PM in Premiere Screenings

itachi fight boring? well opionions differ i guess.

an okay episode yet again.
spoilerdespoilspoil --Click here to view--
Building up to the big plot twists, such as itachi dying, jiraiya vs pain and his death, the invasion, etc.

#238814 Naruto 462

Posted by Nadishani on 04 September 2009 - 01:56 PM in Latest Releases

interesting chapter but i'm still waiting for that good sasuke vs raikage action. i'm think it's more that naruto inherited the will of fire again, not that he's really blood-related to the first but they're talking about descendants again so it's confusing but i'm sure we'll learn more. and yeah sasuke and naruto fated to battle, who'd have thought? dry.gif facepalm.png

really naruto needs to make up his mind because he's starting to remind me of part one sakura aka mainly useless. the last chapters he's been blubbering 'sasuke, sasuke, why sasuke WHY?!!?!?!' all the live long day and it's starting to get on my nerves. i miss the old naruto who said he'd kick your ass because he's gonna be the next hokage and proceeds to does so after he's just got the crap kicked outta him. we're only a couple chapters away from naruto calling sasuke 'sasuke-kun' hm.png he's a being a bit too emo for my tastes but then again i can't really blame him after all the trauma he's been through but i wanna see the awesome naruto come back. pinch.gif

and yeah tobi/madara is doing his usual act aka stalling people so they're late for the big reunion with sasuke. :verymad:

#238435 Naruto 462 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 02 September 2009 - 01:25 PM in Latest Releases

hmmm seems like a actionfilled chapter. i can't wait!
and yeah no narusaku, but i don't think we'll see that for at least a month. xD

#238152 Team Raikage or Team Hawk?

Posted by Nadishani on 30 August 2009 - 10:22 PM in Naruto General

sasuke losing, hell no. but team hawk losing. yes. there are going to be casualties, but sasuke will come out of it alive.

#238026 Naruto 461

Posted by Nadishani on 29 August 2009 - 03:40 PM in Latest Releases

Danzou spoke of uniting the shinobi world and I can see how that can be good with the right leadership. if you read between the lines it was clear that it's all about danzou becoming a dictator of that united world. but the idea he voiced about a united shinobi world doesn't seem that wrong to me, highly unrealistic yes, but the fighting between nations is what's keeping akatsuki alive.

#237971 Naruto 461

Posted by Nadishani on 28 August 2009 - 11:21 PM in Latest Releases

Awesome chapter.

Sasuke's an ass! Team taka's sacrificing a lot for him and all he has to say is 'don't interfere' they saved hiss ass, suigetsu swords busted, juugo lost control and just arrggghhh sasuke being an insufferable, arrongant teme. And i sincerely hope hd gets his pompous sharigan ass kicked by raikage!

Btw raikage's team seems perfectly balanced and smart. C for genjutsu and chakra detection, darui for ninjutsu (that suiton->raiton combo was clever) and raikage for taijutsu aka breaking furniture and walls. xD

And danzou's character gets some development: his ideals for the shinobi world aren't all that bad, he just screws it up with his unethical methods to reach his goals. And tsuchikage irritates the hell outta me. How that old rusty coot got the title i dunno but he demands so much respect while he's treating gaara like an incompetent kid 'who knows nothing of ruling a village' well you damn gimli he was chosen to be kazekage and he's doing a pretty good job at it so i guess he IS fit for the role. Gaaah i hope that gimli hurts his hip again fast. And yes i did a little dance when gaara told him off. xD

I can't wait for the next chapter, but i can't help but think a member of team taka will be badly hurt or worse but maybe that'll give sasuke a well deserved smack in the face or we'll finally know he's unredeemable.

#237842 Naruto Shippuuden 124

Posted by Nadishani on 27 August 2009 - 04:34 PM in Premiere Screenings



another nice episode in my opinion. yeaaah that's all i gotta say about it. laugh.gif

#237841 Sasuke's Fate

Posted by Nadishani on 27 August 2009 - 04:31 PM in Naruto General

seriously i don't get how sasuke's death would be great for narusaku. it's not like they're gonna say: 'omg you killed sasuke, you bastards! now let's make out and have insanely hot sex!' because of course that's the best cure for teammate's death. sasuke's death would completely break naruto and sakura. they'll be traumatized at least. last time i checked that wasn't exactly a great reason to hook up.

#237839 Naruto 461 Spoilers

Posted by Nadishani on 27 August 2009 - 04:19 PM in Latest Releases

at this rate, sasuke's screwed. but i think something bad is going to happen to either juugo or raikage...which sucks, because i both like those characters. damn you sasuke!

and danzou's screwed too. it's more likely he'll get locked up now than ever becoming a leader. it's pretty logical if they're gonna replace him as a hokage too so team kakashi get yer asses to that kage-con.

on another note, it seems like Raikage & co are awesome fighters! and Raikage seems a great fighter and not that rash so that's good, not that i didn't expect him to be anything but greatness. <3