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There have been 35 items by gamerman_007 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#132296 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 10 September 2007 - 09:57 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

My eyes burn from the violation of proper sentence creation and the terrible logic!

#129070 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 22 August 2007 - 02:45 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

For the good of the world, and for mozzarella cheese, these debates must end. It's old, tired, and wasteful.

Damn those newbies for reviving them.

#100654 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 02 February 2007 - 01:26 AM in Writing Discussion


What is one way I can send you the story? =/

Jeebus, I haven't been on for weeks. lol?

#95635 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 27 December 2006 - 04:40 AM in Writing Discussion

I got some new ideas.....

I will write them later.


#94822 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 21 December 2006 - 10:55 PM in Writing Discussion


I'll do it later..... >_<

I need new ideas, btw.

#90961 Sasuke's other goal

Posted by gamerman_007 on 27 November 2006 - 11:39 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (MagusKyros @ Nov 27 2006, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All this restoring honor stuff is just speculation. In the case of what Sasuke said about rebuilding the clan, I really do think he meant to make babies happy.gif.

Did he really? Cause if he did, wouldn't be looking at TenTen or Temari? If I were him, and I wanted babies, I'd start young. happy.gif

#89879 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 22 November 2006 - 04:57 AM in Writing Discussion


I'll do it.......someday........

#89303 A NaruSaku manifesto

Posted by gamerman_007 on 18 November 2006 - 05:28 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Something I just realized:

I was looking at the pic of Sakura hugging Sasuke, back in the Forest of Death, and I noticed, she wasn't hugging him. It looked more like she was restraining him. Totally random thought.

Oh and MIZURA FTMFW!!!!! a_dance.gif

#89272 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 18 November 2006 - 03:14 AM in Writing Discussion

The kid's name is Arashi. Did I forget to put that in there?

#89271 Japanese Names

Posted by gamerman_007 on 18 November 2006 - 03:13 AM in Writing Discussion

Nice. Pretty damn useful.

#89038 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 17 November 2006 - 02:50 AM in Writing Discussion

Nope. Still the same.

Still procrastinating.

#89035 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 17 November 2006 - 02:41 AM in Writing Discussion

I'm procrastinating.

BTW, I do need criticism, like soon.

#89001 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by gamerman_007 on 17 November 2006 - 12:58 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Shriner @ Nov 16 2006, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's see....Naruto/Naruko. He's well....going out with himself. What's worse there are lemons of this one.... sweatdrop.gif
Actually Naruko anyone is bizzare since it just a henge, though I know its used in NaruSasu pairings so that the author can avoid calling the story yaoi.


Shino and a bug/bugs (it was turned into a human I think).

Akamaru/various ninja. There are lemons of this too.

Who's kogapan?

Itachi x Shikamaru is another I've seen. Lord help me.

#88625 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 15 November 2006 - 12:56 AM in Writing Discussion

GAMERMAN LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yeah, I guess I could use your OC. Though she won't get that much of a role. But you never know. :rolleyes:

Oh and BTW, you mind if I change some characteristics of your OC? Seems a little too Mary-Sue with the bloodline thing.

#88093 Fiction help

Posted by gamerman_007 on 12 November 2006 - 01:25 AM in Writing Discussion

So, I'm writing this fic see, and I need help see? So help me.

Here it is(Rated M for obvious reasons):

-Master Bedroom-

Haruno Sakura was sore. Very sore.

"Damn pervert" she muttered while glaring daggers at said pervert, who was still sleeping, with a grin on his face.

"You damn perverted bastard."

What was the cause of her foul mood you wonder? While watching a hardcore porno together, Naruto, that blond idiot, got an idea:

'Why don't I gang-bang Sakura-chan?'

He would never ever share his wife with any other man, so how he did he screw her from all sides to the moon? Kage Bunshin.While it seemed highly erotic while under the influence of super horniness, the pain came around soon enough and took her in the ass.


Her ass hurt.

A Lot.

No surprise on her part (being a medical ninja and all) that the ass can only be stretched so far to accommodate multiple guests. Same with her other two orifices that Naruto had his way with.

"Well no use complaining, gotta get up and get to the hospital..."

She paused for a second.

"...I need a f***ing vacation" she grumbled silently as she climbed off the soft, red silky sheets. Naruto didn't like silk, he said it was too weird feeling. Like the cat they now had, Sakura was able to make him see her way. And so he allowed the sheets, under the premise that it made the "act" feel even more awesome. Sakura grabbed her toothbrush and began her morning ritual. A ritual that hasn't changed (much) since she started the academy. After completing all her morning necessities, she attempted to get the sleeping fox man up. It was no use, the Rokudaime would never get up till past ten. But she never stopped trying. She left the room to wake up her kids.

Wait a minute...

...She wasn't a f***ing alarm clock!

-In a bedroom-

Beep beep


Beep beep

“Damn machine……”

Beep beep bee-



-30 Minutes Later-

“GET UP! YOU’RE GONNA BE LATE!” shrieked Sakura.

"30 more minutes...plea...yawn..ze...zzzzzzzzzzzz", the figure on the bed pleaded, then went back to sleep land.

"Your worse then your father." The older woman sighed, grabbed both ends of the bed sheets and ripped them right off the the bed.

"The coldness, it attacks me so, so cold...so col-"

"Get up already, and quite your whining, you're not gonna be late for the academy on my watch." The pink-haired lady eyed the remains of the decimated alarm clock, she sighed again,

"And when you come back home, buy a new alarm clock, perferably a reinforced steel one, kay?"

"Yes mom". 'Do those even exist?' he wondered sleepily.

"Good boy", and with that, she walked out of the room, trying to find better ways to wake up everyone...that didn't involve her fists...or pain in any form. She was trying to cut back on the use of violence, having once scared Naruto absolutely s*** less. Though he didn't s*** himself, he would have, had he been less afraid.

Her terror had stopped all his bowel movements.

-In the bathroom-

The young boy who just had awaken previously, slumped/crawled/locomated like a snail to his bathroom. He so damn sleepy...so damn tired.He looked out the window with his groggy eyes, and noticed the sun had just come out.

"What the hell?" He checked the time the clock that hung in his personal bathroom.

It was six...

...what the f***...

'No human being should be awake at this time!' the young boy mentally ranted. But then again was his mom human? She seemed nice and all, but sometimes he had to agree when his father said she must be a demon.

"Screw the bijuu, if the Akatsuki ever got hold of a pissed-off Sakura, the world would be doomed" he once said. It garnered a couple of chuckles till Sakura caught wind of it. Thank Kami-sama that the blond man could heal so fast or Konoha would have to elect another Hokage. And as much as he liked to think, they weren't gonna get his teeth brushed, or his body showered. So he silenced his mind and proceeded to do what needed to be done.

With that he proceeded to let his mind wander. It soon rested on the object of his (trying, but failing to deny) affections, Bibishii Munachi. She was the hottest girl in the whole class, but that wasn't why he liked her. There was something about her.........he just didn't know what. Something that drew him to her. It could be her fairly large breasts. He emitted a perverted giggle, fantasizing on what he would do to those oh-so-delicious breasts. He quickly shook his head, clearing out all perverted thoughts.

"I am not a pervert, I am not a pervert." He repeated this mantra to himself, until he felt it was ingrained in his mind enough. Then he repeated it again, just in case. That's what separated him from the other boys, especially Inuzuka Teiru, Kiba-ojisan's and Hinata-bachan's kid. Teiru-hentai was obviously the class pervert, he was more perverted then Jiraiaya was at his age. So it was no surprise when he got a lot of bruises on his face and between his legs, and that Ero-ojiijii was his hero.

He wondered whether or not Teiru would ever pro-create, since no man's balls could possibly survive all that abuse.

But even more perverted then Teiru (is that even possible?) was his little brother, Toushi. But because he was young and adorable, he got away with it. Easily. What he did was jump on their chest(he liked 'em big), the fondle their jugs. The ladies would just gush at how adorable he was.

That bastard.

That lucky bastard.

Well, he was done with his shower. He dried his long pink hair with the white towel on the rack. It kinda sucked that he was born with pink hair, out of all of the colors of the rainbow. It was as pink as his mother's, and it surprised him not when all the older kids called him a girl. Once he even got asked out by a village boy. Did he look that girly? Then again, Mom did say that he looked quite bishie. Add that with pink hair, and we've got ourselves some gender confusion. He looked at himself. He was kinda skinny and in the right clothes, he would fool even the most observant man.

Bibishii Munachi - Beautiful breasts -cheesy grin-
Teiru - Tail
Ero-ojiijii - Old pervert man
Toushi - Fighter

I need criticism/advice/etc. And it's not done yet. So far my longest work.

#88092 The Great Heaven and Earth Fanfic/Fanart Contest II

Posted by gamerman_007 on 12 November 2006 - 01:20 AM in News and Announcements

I can either write a drabble or I can finish up my other fic.

Oh hell.

#87676 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 09 November 2006 - 03:03 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Silent Shinobi @ Nov 8 2006, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, she's IchaIcha-Sama on the SS vs NS boards. Yeah, Karasu, those 2 are good. I debate with them all the time on those boards (It's SO much fun!) But come on, look at it this way: Since when did NaruHina shippers EVER have a canon argument? They never did.

Once there was this time........wait.....er............well..........never mind.

From the last NaruHina debater I debated with, he basically brought in Fanon, and lots of it. Plus he used fillers. He said that he knew it was gonna be canon from all the AMV's, fanfics, fanart, etc.

Wow. :o

#87675 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by gamerman_007 on 09 November 2006 - 02:59 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (MagusKyros @ Nov 8 2006, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I used to be a Naru/Hina and Sasu/Saku supporter, and I even disliked (not hated) the Naru/Saku pairing :x.

However, I'm a guy who bases things off of evidence and proof before jumping to conclusion. I thought Naru/Hina was going to happen because Sakura ignored Naruto a lot, and Hinata had a crush on him. Plain and simple as that.

Throughout the first part, Sakura was always trying to get Sasuke to go out with her, and never payed much attention to Naruto. She was constantly worrying over Sasuke in the chunnin exam, though I understand that it was because of the cursed seal. Also other things happened as well, like Sakura giving Sasuke the credit for defeating Gaara, or when she hugged him in front of Naruto. Then to top it off, she asked Naruto to bring back Sasuke in the retrieval arc. I figured then she would never end up with Sasuke.

As for Naru/Hina, she had a crush on him and admired him from afar. Naruto cheered her on when she was fighting Neji in the preliminaries. Also, like stated before, he opened himself up to her before fighting Neji. Naruto never did that with Sakura. Of course, that was the only interaction they truly ever had.

My line of thought changed when I saw the anime again and read the manga. I saw events and characters in a different light.

Edit: Reworded my post so it could be understood more clearer. I also got rid of the labels I gave to Naru/Hina and Sasu/Saku fans; I apologize if I offended anyone. I was a little tired yesterday when I posted, so, yeah that's my reason smile.gif.

That answers some questions I had.

But for me, I don't think SasuSaku will happen. All because of Sasuke. That's why I don't have any faith in it at all. If Sasuke wasn't obsessed with making out killing Itachi, things could have been better.

And Hinata's not important enough to date Naruto. laugh.gif

#87482 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 07 November 2006 - 10:05 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (shisui2006 @ Nov 6 2006, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jadenik @ Nov 6 2006, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

new topic, evidence of naruto still liking sakura aganist the naruto doesn't like sakura anymore arguement.

That's just a cheap cop-out. Just because Naruto isn't ogling and blushing over Sakura all the tiime doesn't mean he isn't infatuated with her anymore. NaruHina/SasuSaku often accuse us of downplaying Sakura and Hinata's feelings, yet they turn around and do the same thing with Naruto's feelings. There are three instances which I remember that shows that Naruto is at least still attracted to Sakura in Part 2:

1. Asking her dates on two seperate occasions
2. Blushing over her when she displayed her new abilities after the time-skip
3. Initially attempting to peek on her until Yamato warned him about Jiraiya peeking on Tsunade.

I try not to downplay Hinata and Sakura's crush, but the fact of the matter is that Naruto has made the most progress into getting to know his crush, why he likes her, and developing a strong relationship with said crush, even if it isn't romantic (yet).

So what if Sakura still likes Sasuke? It still doesn't mean that SasuSaku will happen, or is still likely. >.>

#86054 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 29 October 2006 - 05:33 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

So basically, this "Team dynamics" is bull? I didn't know what they even meant by it, and I still thought it it smelled funny.

So what new points does SasuSaku have? I'm curious.

#85616 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 26 October 2006 - 01:34 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Here's my question:

What are these "Team dynamics" people keep talking about? Dynamics as in relationship wise? headscratch.gif

#84771 Translation corrections

Posted by gamerman_007 on 19 October 2006 - 08:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Posted on NMR(NarutomangaReturns)


#84385 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by gamerman_007 on 15 October 2006 - 07:11 PM in Naruto General

I checked out the pokemon section on adultFF.


But I've seen worse. Goatse man shall haunt me forever, and so shall tubgirl

But who gets off to.........dear FSM. Seviper x Vulpix?!?? Something's wrong with people these days.

#83744 Defense of SasuSaku

Posted by gamerman_007 on 10 October 2006 - 12:27 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Does anyone notice that this is on chunnin???? You know, the same site where that Naruhina poster posted that rant? The one with the random bolding of truth, and italics of logic?

#83742 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by gamerman_007 on 10 October 2006 - 12:23 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (kawarimi @ Oct 7 2006, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nick Soapdish @ Oct 4 2006, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (kawarimi @ Oct 4 2006, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Well other people might use the term ruin, I think a more appropriate term is change.

If you look at how the three pairs have related to each other since the beginning and how they've progressed:
NaruSasu: rivalry->brotherhood
NaruSaku: overcoming prejudice->strong friendship
SasuSaku: potential romance->character growth with romantic context

I'll skip the first one unless someone wants me to go into since it's not really relevant for this specific topic.

Naruto's crush, while present from the beginning, has never been the overarcing factor in his relationship with Sakura, and more often than not, is used for comedic purposes. The few serious scenes we have had that were clearly in romantic context, they were of Naruto realizing/acknowledging Sakrua's feelings for Sasuke, etc.

It definitely was in the beginning and through the start of the chuunin exam. And throughout it all, the dominant factor of his relationship with her has been his devotion. That isn't the same thing as romantic love, but it is a component of it. Since it has continued to get brought up, even if it was in comedic context or acknowledging that they were unrequited, I still see it as a big component of their relationship.

And I don't see how one can describe SasuSaku occurring as not being a major shift in the Team 7 dynamic unless one either completely disregards Sasuke's behavior towards Sakura or unless one already feels that Sasuke has shown romantic feelings towards Sakura. The dynamics of the team include how all of the members interact with each other, not just how Sakura and Naruto interact with Sasuke.

Oh, and no. I don't really see Sasuke as having shown romantic feelings towards Sakura so far.

QUOTE (kawarimi)
On the other hand, there has been a much more present romantic undertone in Sakura's relating to Sasuke, and even within the limited response from Sasuke. What we haven't seen is how they relate as just friends although we've seen plenty of that for NaruSaku. So if Kishi were to go the route of NaruSaku, he'd have to redefine how Sasuke and Sakura relate to one another (still has time, this is doable) as well as hopefully exhibit NaruSaku in a romantic light in more serious scenes, which would also slightly adjust their relationship as it is now as well, although this is less of a change and gap than what would be left behind with SasuSaku with a NaruSaku romance.

I disagree again. The majority of Sakura's dealings with Sasuke (even including the curse seal hug) were just as companions or even friends. And subsequent to that, she was worrying over him and seemed to be taking the role of nurturer. This role doesn't preclude romantic feelings either. At some stage in a romantic relationship, one of them will have to take care of the other. But I took my failure to detect romantic undertones as the absence of them or more likely, the fading of them.

One might note an inherent contradiction in my willingness to assume that Naruto still has romantic feelings for Sakura despite an emphasis on those feelings and that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke are fading.


I'm basing that viewpoint purely on my first impressions of how the scenes played out and my first impressions have been holding true, despite hearing arguments to the contrary. It just feels like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

And I'm going to ignore the bulk of the rest of the post because it seems that my already-expressed difference in interpretations kick the legs out of the rest of that argument from my POV because it illustrates that SasuSaku would involve a change in the dynamics as well.

Which leaves us arguing the value of that change instead, but I don't think that it's something that can be categorically defined.

We certainly have different interpretations of the series as a whole (as I probably do with most NaruSaku-ers), and I agree with the feeling of trying to pound a square peg into a round hole - such is the nature of these things, I think, as well as probably the main source of friction and frustration. I just wanted to present my take on the argument in question posed by Last Raven to (hopefully) show that it's a difference of interpretation (on the overall context as well as individual scenes) and not some stupid SasuSaku argument that has no base except in blind bias and desperation. I appreciate your response, but I don't really want to press it further since I made the point I wanted to, and besides knowing us, it'd probably be fruitless anyway. laugh.gif

QUOTE (gamerman_007 @ Oct 4 2006, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a very limited view on team 7, so everything you typed was new to me.

So the gist of it is that NS would change the dynamics because Sasuke would be aliented? Or seeing them together, he would have no place? Of course he would! He'd be the uncle/godfather to their kids.

And so........what about Naruto? How would he feel if SS happened? Not saying he can't move on, but don't you think he wouldn't be really sad seein' them? They are teammates. Everyday seeing the girl you wanted with another dude? That would suck.

And compare to how would Sasuke feel if NS happened? What's the chance he would roll his eyes? Or ignore them(like he always has)? Pretty damn high.

I was actually looking at it from a writing standpoint than the characters, but if you want to go that route, I give you Exhibit A:

Not enough to convince you? How about Exhibit B:

Sadly, it actually took me a long time to get those arrows and text to work in paint (computers really just don't like me), so I hope my attempt at humor is appreciated. tongue.gif

I still don't see your point. sad.gif Is it because I'm stupid? :shamefulcry0js:

Nice pointy arrows, btw.