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There have been 2 items by lazyshika (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#137025 Lost and Found Fics

Posted by lazyshika on 19 October 2007 - 11:07 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Sorry about the multiple posts. Thanks again! I hope my next post would be something to contribute next time 121721.gif

#137003 Lost and Found Fics

Posted by lazyshika on 19 October 2007 - 09:40 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Hiyas. I'm looking for a particular Naru/Saku fiction that has Sakura trying to take a picture of Naruto for a picture in the hall of the Hokage Tower. The two "poses" that stuck out in my mind during the fic was one of Naruto acting like Gai, and cheesing. and the other was of a smile or look that was reserved just for Sakura, of which Sakura took a picture of and kept to herself by the end of the fic. I'm a little lost here, hoping for some help. I don't remember the author name, but it was fairly recent, I believe in the last 6 months.