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There have been 2 items by t3h20r (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#234039 Kekkaishi

Posted by t3h20r on 31 July 2009 - 10:39 AM in Otaku Square

aye, that's alright, but, this anime has still a long way to go. There's just no need for Karasumori to get on the stage yet. It will, it has to, once, but not yet xD

#232343 Kekkaishi

Posted by t3h20r on 22 July 2009 - 03:46 PM in Otaku Square

Few things from me:
1. A Landlord can not be a creature that already exists as something else. The Landlord may look like it but can't be it. The reason is simple = a Landlord is part of oneself which means it is unique. Tokine even even says(well, it's a monologue, so she doesn't actually speak) in the chapter 266, when she sees how Shiguma/Shikuma looks: "But, isn't a Landlord part of oneself!? - Why did it choose to settle in that strange form... - That is... Yoshimori's alter ego..!"
2. It can not change it's shape once it is brought out. It keeps it's shape forever (until the Kekkaishi dies).
3. It does not fight. It just helps the Kekkaishi on a let's say spiritual level. It helps him control his kekkai(s) stability so he can concentrate his mind on controlling the power of kekkai(s). Landlords do have some unique abilities indeed - Masamori's landlord Kurohime can somehow create a giant radar-like barrier he uses for tracking things down.
That would be it for now xD
And by the way, I will be glad to continue posting on this topic, as I really love Kekkaishi - if you will accept my thoughts on this of course. I just hope more people will hear about this manga/anime, as even if it looks that way, it is not so popular in Europe.