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There have been 23 items by Grengo (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#95945 10 Favorite Female Characters

Posted by Grengo on 29 December 2006 - 07:14 AM in Otaku Square

No real order like the last one. Still, I felt like going in a 10 to 1 count down.

10. Kikyo (Inuyasha) - I generally hate a lot of Inuyasha characters with a passion (the only ones I don't dislike, besides Kikyo, are Sesshomaru, Bankotsu, and Kagura), but Kikyo is one massive exception. Seriously, talk about tragedy. Lost her love, lost her life, revived to a a shell of her former self, lost her love to some skank, and the list goes on. She goes through a myriad of changes as the series progressed and honestly became a better person with each consecutive change. Kikyo is probably my favorite peaceful type female in all of anime.

9. Ryoko Asakura (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) - Don't ask why, I just like her a ton. Great character design and some wicked... abilities. <.< She may have been "misguided" in a way, but I can still forgive her biggrin.gif Oh poor Ryoko, you need more screen time (and page time).

8. Toph (Avatar) - Gotta' love her blunt personality, fighting style, and overall character. She certainly brought quite a bit of life to Aang's party and certainly made the series that much more enjoyable. Her interactions with the likes of Sokka, Aang, and Iroh were great to see. It's also great to see that she doesn't go all sobby about being blind all the time, while on the other hand isn't portrayed as some flawless wonder girl. She has her strengths and flaws, all of 'em which I <3

7. Teletha Testarossa (Full Metal Panic) - Cute as hell and just plain likable. I generally enjoyed nearly all her scenes and found her interaction with Sousuke to be, surprisingly, more entertaining than Chidori and Sousuke. Anyhow, my favorite character from the show.

6. Ty Lee (Avatar) - Mainly 'cuz of her excellent chemistry with Sokka, though her ditzy personality and mad skills certainly make her stand out. Moar screentime plz k thx.

5. Temari (Naruto) - Fan girl is one powerful ninja. Her tomboyish nature, along with her strong, independent personality and fearsome fighting style definitely makes her my favorite female character in Naruto.

4. Karen Stadtfeld (Code Geass) - In addition to looking SMOKING hot, she's one awesome character overall. She's Zero's ace pilot, is highly determined, very loyal, very brave, and very competent all around. Her, Lelouch, and C.C. make one friggin' brilliant combination.

3. Kiyone (Tenchi Muyo) - Super cop extraordinaire and one of two females of the entire Tenchi franchise that I can tolerate (the other being Nagi). Kiyone has been a long time favorite of mine, and the many years that have passed haven't changed my opinion on her. Definitely an anime legend in her own right.

2. C.C. (Code Geass) - I'm having a hard time deciding whether I prefer C.C. over Karen and vice versa. >_> C.C.'s mysterious allure is too strong to resist. Her many interactions with Lelouch are great to watch, as both seem to just "click" with one another. She's possibly the only female who he acknowledges as an equal, I think. o.o

1. Ukyo Kuonji (Ranma 1/2) - Along with Ryoga, Ukyo is one of the reasons I enjoyed the Ranma 1/2 series for as long as I did. Being the most 'normal' of the fiancees, Ukyo's down-to-earth personality was a relaxing and much needed presence compared to the extremely unlikable Akane, the ridiculously over-the-top Shampoo, and the overall meh-ness of Kodachi. Plus, she and Ryoga make one awesome team (honestly, why the two never just ditched the much inferior Akane and Ranma for one another is beyond me).

#95944 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by Grengo on 29 December 2006 - 06:04 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Pfeh, I'm more a Katara x Jet fan, myself xD Katara x Aang's not too bad, though.

In any case, in terms o' pairings, I generally favor Sokka x Ty Lee (though Sokka x Toph is a close runner-up), Zuko x Jin (that one girl from that one episode. Katara's 2nd place), and Katara x Jet (with Katara x Zuko and Katara x Aang being runner-ups). Not too big a fan of Sokka x Suki, however. The latter's a bit too dull.

#95513 10 Favorite Male Characters

Posted by Grengo on 26 December 2006 - 05:19 PM in Otaku Square

No particular order, though I still felt like beginning from 10 and ending at 1.

10. Zuko (Avatar) - Angsty young fellow, yeah, but he's definitely one of the most complicated characters in the show and his resolve/determination/indomitable spirit is (or are <.<) highly admirable. Plus his fights kick ass and his burn mark makes him look cool.

9. Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) - Slick, smart, and easygoing, Shika is a great character overall. It's great to see that, even though he's a lazy fellow, he takes great responsibility over the well-being of his comrades and WILL put his life on the line in order to save them. The recent chapters involving him have shown just well-done a character he is.

8. Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) - Take a little bit of the best of Light, a bit more of V, mix them together and add in a unique flavor and you have Lelouch. Out of this entire list, he's probably the slickest character around. I like how he's very much an anti-hero, but isn't as delusional, insane, or coldhearted as Death Note's Light. Lelouch cares for the people around him (he seems to have trouble expressing this concern via words, though) and does what he does not just for himself, but for the oppressed and the weak.

7. Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) - Spike is pretty much an anime legend. Calm, level-headed, and slick, he's the epitome of cool.

6. Neji Hyuuga (Naruto) - He was the star of my favorite fight in Naruto (versus 'Spiderman' <.<) and he is pretty much the master of my favorite fighting style in the series. Don't know how to explain, but Neji is just one excellent character (despite his not being around for a while).

5. Sokka (Avatar) - The resident joker of the Avatar series, Sokka's humor isn't the only redeeming trait about him. In a world full of Benders (a world full of Futurama's Bender would be good too), Sokka's complete inability to bend any element may be cumbersome, but he more than makes up for this with his wit, creative genius, and instinct. Plus the guy's a bit of a lady's man.

4. Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) - The long suffering straight man to Haruhi's antics, Kyon's "average joe" persona is probably the funniest and most endearing of the series. He also makes one helluva' narrator.

3. Mugen (Samurai Champloo) - C'mon, he's Mugen. Do I really need to explain?

2. Archer (Fate / Stay Night) - The guy is friggin' badass incarnate. A great design, an awesome anime fight (which was actually <i>downplayed</i>, from what I hear, compared to whatever the game it was based on), and his super technique, Unlimited Blade Works, is probably my favorite skill in all of anime.

1. Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2) - The eternally lost boy with the corazon de oro d(sleep.gifd) Ryoga is the main reason I started to get into Ranma 1/2 as he brought a lot of life, humor, and an excellent rivalry into the series (Ukyo too). What's also neast about him is that his depressed emo kid schtick is fuel for his strongest attack. All hail Mr. Hibiki.

#95505 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by Grengo on 26 December 2006 - 04:48 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Honestly, I love this show. The main cast are all unique, well fleshed out, and highly likable. I love how each character, from Aang, to Katara, to Sokka, to Toph, to Zaku, etc, receive plenty of screen time and have episodes dedicated to them. I also love how not one character dominates the entire show, rather everyone is emphasized as being needed in one way or another (something woefully lacking in a lot of series nowadays). Seriously, it's been a long time since I saw a show with a cast in which I liked ALL the main players.

Then there's the fluid, strategic, and excellent fight scenes that often pop up in the series; much better than most anime, I say. The balanced fighting system for the elements, in which no particular element is better or worse than the other, also makes these sequences highly interesting to watch; it's not the style of fighting that's emphasized in battles, but the skill of each individual user.

Seriously, Avatar is really a great show (b--)b

#47804 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by Grengo on 04 March 2006 - 12:35 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Hey Soritia, where'd you get that sig? It's nice smile.gif

#47708 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by Grengo on 03 March 2006 - 05:31 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

There's a whole lot of denial going on in quite a few boards among the Naruhina/Sasusaku crowd.

It's pretty funny, though I'm not gonna' go off and rub the entire time jump in their face or anything. >_>

#47707 Through the Glass

Posted by Grengo on 03 March 2006 - 05:20 PM in Writing Discussion

Hm, it'd suck if you'd quit. It's a very entertaining story.

#47706 What are you listening to?

Posted by Grengo on 03 March 2006 - 05:18 PM in Fun Cafe

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ Mar 2 2006, 01:32 AM)
To the songs that play In Chrono Cross XD

Ha ha, that game has some good music smile.gif

Anyhow, currently listening to Stars "Your Ex-lover is Dead".

#47626 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by Grengo on 03 March 2006 - 05:15 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Your first post, eh? Good to have ya' here. Love your avatar tongue.gif (Roronoa Zoro is the freakin' man)

#47540 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by Grengo on 02 March 2006 - 10:26 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Interesting chapter. Sakura has become more and more likable to me as the arc went by (she's #4 in my favorites list now, beating Temari). The Sai talk with Orochimaru was pretty unique and has me curious as to what Danzou wrote that made Oro so surprised like that. Now I'm definitely interested in seeing the next several chapters as quickly as possible.

#47137 NaruSaku vs. SakuSasu

Posted by Grengo on 01 March 2006 - 03:23 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Very nice argument, though I assume you posted in a Narusasu (yeck) forum, considering the wording in some sentences. Honestly, though, this is really well written.

#47135 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by Grengo on 01 March 2006 - 03:16 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Two more days, right? Ho ho, I'm excited biggrin.gif

Don't wanna' get my hopes too high up, though. >_>

#46913 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by Grengo on 27 February 2006 - 11:12 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Heh heh, someone posted this on GameFAQS:

Chapter 297 spoilers... SAI'S TRUE MISSION REVEALED


#46755 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by Grengo on 26 February 2006 - 08:36 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Hold up, say what? o_O Your entire CLASS reads the Naruto manga?

#46595 Your greatest failure at converting

Posted by Grengo on 25 February 2006 - 06:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I can't stand stories with gimmicks like "The pairing in this story will be decided by votes thrown in via reviews!"

I also can't stand yaoi fics. You shouldn't have tried to convince the author, really :\

#46583 WTF.

Posted by Grengo on 25 February 2006 - 05:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Narusaku probably means something dirty << I dunno' jack about the japanese language, though.

#46492 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by Grengo on 25 February 2006 - 04:17 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Well, I finally saw this chapter and.....

damn that was awesome. I loved how Sakura pretty much completely broke down upon seeing the lengths of what Naruto will do to fulfill his promise to her and what she pleaded out to him in response.

And I find Kabuto to be the most interesting and mysterious individual in the Naruto world, much more so than Itachi and the rest of the Akatsuki (and he's been shown a lot more than them biggrin.gif). He is one slick character.

#46291 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by Grengo on 23 February 2006 - 03:23 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Heh, haven't seen this chapter yet, but from what everyone's saying, I'm really gonna' like it biggrin.gif

#44922 What are you listening to?

Posted by Grengo on 10 February 2006 - 05:46 PM in Fun Cafe

Currently listening to:

Squarepusher - "iambic 9 poetry"

Coming up is:

Radiohead - "Karma Police"

#44358 Training for the Job -- Discussion Thread

Posted by Grengo on 07 February 2006 - 08:09 PM in Writing Discussion

Haven't read this story yet, though it has a ton of reviews over in ff.net. The number of chapters is kinda' intimidating, though.

#43955 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Grengo on 05 February 2006 - 12:32 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's what I hear, too. I forget whether that was stated in the anime/manga or if another fan told me dry.gif;;;

#43798 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Grengo on 04 February 2006 - 05:41 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

1. Because of their interaction with one another. Naruto and Sakura probably act their most natural (well... Naruto not so much) when they're together. They don't bother with any of that formal crap. For the most part, they act themselves (except in situations where Sasuke is involved).

2. NaruHina and SasuSaku suck hard. Naruto would barely get any conversation going with Hinata and just plain won't act himself when around her. They will have a very dull relationship. Sasuke would probably treat Sakura like garbage and tone her down by a LOT. She won't act herself when in front of him either. In this situation, opposites do NOT attract.

3. After everything Naruto's done for her, he deserves some kind of reward dry.gif

4. They look good together, I admit.

#43746 Your Desktop V2.0

Posted by Grengo on 04 February 2006 - 02:34 AM in Fun Cafe

My wallpaper's a bit iffy sweatdrop.gif

Tell me what ya' think tongue.gif

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