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There have been 271 items by jworks (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#479134 Naruto 636

Posted by jworks on 27 June 2013 - 03:37 PM in Latest Releases

Uzumaki Mito has an identical seal with that of Sakura and Tsunade. Does this means that it has the same workings? 


Because why would a Jinchuuriki Mito feel the need to save up her chakra? 


Can that seal have different workings other than storing chakra? 


Maybe she needed it to store excess chakra from the tailed beast insider her to keep it from hurting her?

#479052 H&E 2.0 Banner Contest! [DEADLINE EXTENDED]

Posted by jworks on 27 June 2013 - 06:00 AM in News and Announcements

I am incredibly excited!

#478664 Artists

Posted by jworks on 26 June 2013 - 05:00 AM in Challenges & Art Requests

ooh sounds fun! Check out this piece I have in the gallery that could give you an idea of what I am capable of. That one is from 2011 so my technique is a little more refined now.


Even if you don't want me to do them it sounds like a cool project, I can't wait to see the WIP!  :happy:

#478661 4000 Year old Egyptian statue moves on its own

Posted by jworks on 26 June 2013 - 04:43 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

That is one hell of a marketing ploy.


Museum business slow? Let's fake a supernatural event so more people will come in to try to figure it out  :zaru:


hahaha or not idk

#478517 Science Fiction becomes Science Fact

Posted by jworks on 25 June 2013 - 05:21 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

And that doesn't help. Were you offended?


I can understand one thing you said; that it has to do something you couldn't before for it to be technologic advancement. A narrow view but it doesn't apply anyway. A 3D printer can do something huge you couldn't do before. You can press a button on your computer and have any physical product, instantly in your hands, without ever leaving your home.


It is also valid to talk about the economic and social ramifications. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. It did something that could already be done. It separates cotton from the seeds after it has been picked. But his invention did it much faster than slaves. As an unintended result, this caused a boom in the slave trade industry because more slaves were needed to pick cotton to keep up with the cotton gin.

#478426 Which do you prefer?

Posted by jworks on 24 June 2013 - 03:39 PM in Fun Cafe

If I had either, it would be the guy with the big white beard.


Be doctor who's companion or be doctor who?

#478353 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by jworks on 24 June 2013 - 12:34 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

KnS, well put. I admire your writing very much by the way.


well I think this discussion is an important one since it really applies to so many types of creation. I've been studying illustration and the same things can be said about leaving room for the viewer's imagination in a painting. My instructors are always saying that each paint stroke or pencil mark has to be a conscious decision--"do I need a line here to make the composition flow? Do I need a stroke of red here to get the viewer's attention?" If it isn't needed, and you instead leave some breathing room, then the viewer's brain knows to fill things in and fill it in way better than I could ever hope to paint.


I try to keep this in mind by thinking about John Singer Sargent. Sargent was famous for spending hours just trying to get a single brush stroke right. He would make a stroke, then scrape the paint off if it wasn't perfect. So he wouldn't actually put much detail in but made sure that every brush stroke he did include was perfect and would give the most information. The end result was he could make an exquisit painting that still appeared free and loose.


Edit: let's get back to a more encouraging tone here with some good quotes


"All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happend." - Earnest Hemingway


Here is just a generally uplifting one, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein

#478316 Science Fiction becomes Science Fact

Posted by jworks on 23 June 2013 - 05:45 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

@Kamina-Yoshi  :headscratch: To be honest I cannot decipher anything you just said.


@Sakura-Blossoms I agree, like I mentioned earlier, there are negative risks, but potential for very positive things. Interesting what you say about the economic aspect. Even if the consumer had to still pay the same for everything they printed, it would mean that it has taken some reliance off of international entities like China since we aren't needing them for manufacturing.

#478314 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by jworks on 23 June 2013 - 05:36 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

you're right that comment was rash, sorry. I stand by the rest.

#478238 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by jworks on 23 June 2013 - 02:14 AM in The Library Coffee Shop


And...I disagree. The second sentence had impact. It opens up the imagination of the reading audience and paints a clear, vivid image that the first sentence (while nothing is inherently wrong with it) doesn't do.


Verbosity is hardly required for descriptive writing. The second sentence didn't open up the imagination of the reader, it did the opposite. It gave so much superfluous information that it left the reader's imagination no room. Besides, stringing together a lengthy, adjective ridden sentence is no challenge to an author. It is easy to add words, but try to convey the mood, attitude, and action in as small a sentence as possible is an author's true test of skill.


I'll use Hemingway as an example. You'll never experience writing as 'curt' as his and yet I've also never experienced such a strong atmosphere and voice in fiction than when reading Hemingway.


It is naive to think the author's only tools are words and sentences.

#478223 San Diego Comic-con 2013

Posted by jworks on 22 June 2013 - 11:15 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

It is my first time ever having a trip in the states to California  :dance: 

Although I am on a sight-seeing trip, a bulk will be at the convention.

A couple of my favorite writers and actors will be there.

Anyone else going? :smile:


I'm jealous! Do you mean your first time visiting the State of California or to the 'States' as in the whole U.S.?

#478156 Science Fiction becomes Science Fact

Posted by jworks on 22 June 2013 - 03:52 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

@Cupcake-chan yeah it is scary, someone already has figured out how to print a working one. But realistically it isn't hard to get your hands on a real one in the first place (at least in the US). Ironically, it would be cheaper to get a real one too lol. A 3d printer of the right size would be several thousand dollars where is you could pick up a cheap handgun for a few hundred dollars.

#478116 Science Fiction becomes Science Fact

Posted by jworks on 22 June 2013 - 04:02 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Twenty pounds says this printer-business will get out of hand, and lead to unimaginable amounts of crime, cyber-stealing, and general mayhem. (It might not happen as well, but I like to think on the down-side, on how horrible this can- and probably will- turn out).


The same could have been predicted of every technologic leap, and monstrosities are guaranteed to happen-just like every other technologic leap. Nuclear energy, meet the A-bomb. The Cold War, meet the internet. saving tech can come out of horrors and horrors can come out of tech that was meant for good. The human race never advances, as much as we gain ground in certain areas, we lose it in others.

#478031 Which do you prefer?

Posted by jworks on 21 June 2013 - 04:23 PM in Fun Cafe

Being eaten by a huge spider


Have all the money in the world or have all the time in the world?

#477783 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by jworks on 20 June 2013 - 03:37 PM in Arts & Entertainment District



I can certainly understand the desire to have both amon and pro-bendiing more fleshed out but I think the pro-bending was put there FOR story telling purposes of the other elements. For example it was a perfect way to introduce Mako and Bolin to the story and when Korra joined their team, it forced the three of their relationships to develop. It was also a perfect example to be used in opposite of Amon and his movement. It introduced us, the audience, to how people treat bending in Korra's time and give Korra a way to rebel against her mentors. Lastly, although I always loved watching the matches, there isn't much more to be done with pro-bending as far as story goes. 


Although that is all sort of conjecture so take it as you will  :sweatdrop:

#477168 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by jworks on 19 June 2013 - 06:55 AM in Fun Cafe

Avatar 7/10 I can't quite tell what it is  :sweatdrop:


Sig 10/10 OMG you've had that sig for a while and I love it!

#477027 Which do you prefer?

Posted by jworks on 18 June 2013 - 07:06 PM in Fun Cafe



Work a secure, good-paying job or own your own business?

#476934 Which do you prefer?

Posted by jworks on 18 June 2013 - 02:13 AM in Fun Cafe



Using a computer at your desk or using one while lounging (couch, etc.)?

#476750 Which do you prefer?

Posted by jworks on 17 June 2013 - 06:45 AM in Fun Cafe

Hmm my brother has convinced me of the finer points of Kpop so that I guess.


let's get this back up and discussing


Blondes or Brunettes?  :smug:

#476739 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by jworks on 17 June 2013 - 01:29 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Yeah it is tough. It's like we all learn how to watch movies when we grow up. We have been brought up so that we can sit and watch fake things on a flat screen and accept it and let ourselves believe it for the duration. For example if you were to take an adult out of the 19th century and show them a movie, they could never experience it the way we can. But that concept works across everything even small things.


Anyway I'm being verbose  -_- haha

#476705 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by jworks on 16 June 2013 - 09:13 PM in Arts & Entertainment District


I'm sure the animation will be fine ^_^ but....from that clip...it reminded me alot of anime animation.....the way everything goes too fast..... 


in the first book, you could see all their bending moves perfectly, they took the time to do the right stances and everything.


but maybe I'm just worrying too much :)  we shall see~


I watched it a couple more times and I guess I just don't see what you are mentioning. The clip was probably too short for either of us to make a final judgment though :sweatdrop: . It is interesting because the speed of the animation is why I don't think it looks like anime  :P  to me anime always seems so slow, like they are trying to get the most time out of a still shot as possible.



You really think that? :blink:


Yes  :yes: keep in mind I'm talking about strictly the technical qualities of the animation itself. But I still watch a lot of it still for the rest of it's awesome qualities. Not many forms of entertainment can you get such cool stories on a huge scale. I mean, Naruto has had more than a decade to build an epic story.


Also: saying anime animation is bad is a HUGE generality on my part. There are some anime movies with kickn' animation that I love. For example, "Sword of the Stranger" blew my mind.

#476654 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by jworks on 16 June 2013 - 04:41 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

....I might be the only one that doesn't like the animation that much XD........... moves too much like an anime..


it's hard to see her bending......


To me anime is some of the worst animation I've ever seen. LoK doesn't look like anime to me. Avatar from the beginning used anime heavily as inspiration but it's also always been higher quality. I noticed in Book 1 of LoK that the animation was a little inconsistent but still great. Understandable considering their time-frame and budget for Book 1. Now that Nick has gotten fully on board and ordered several more seasons, I imagine the animation from here on out will be a bit more polished. If I remember correctly, the animation studio in Korea that are doing the show just moved offices and hired a lot more people.

#476455 Naruto 634

Posted by jworks on 15 June 2013 - 06:15 AM in Latest Releases

For the first few days I was 100% he was going to do something bad, or something everyone would not be ok with.  

Now, I'm thinking it might be misdirection.

70% Sasuke's gonna do something bad

30% Misdirection and he still holds his place among the "angels" :wot:


Well I'm certainly not saying he is good or that what he has planned will be harmless. He certainly isn't redeemed.  I just think what he has planned is not for the purpose of destroying any of the "good guys." Maybe he plans to get himself alone with Naruto for their end-all battle after the current threat is neutralized. That makes sense to me and is a way to deal with the inevitable Naruto/Sasuke wrap-up.

#476440 Naruto 634

Posted by jworks on 15 June 2013 - 02:54 AM in Latest Releases

I can't fathom Saskue has something sinister planned. Why is that the assumption? It seems more obvious that he has something planned like getting to Madara and Obito for something like revenge. A selfish goal like that but not aimed at the alliance. Maybe he thinks if he can defeat Obito or Madara himself that the alliance will take him seriously. Or, my personal theory, Sasuke plans to make himself a Jinchuriki of the Juubi.


Arriving under a false change of heart with an evil agenda would have been a completely believable thing for Sasuke to do but if that was the case it would have to have been written differently than the last several chapters. The set up isn't quite right for that.

#475252 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by jworks on 12 June 2013 - 05:01 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm stoked! I wonder if Koh shall be making an appearance. (shudders) Super creepy!


Oh man I bet you they are going to give him at least an appearance. Yeah he was super crazy. Well, we only got a little glimps of the 'Avatar' universe spirit world so I think it is really cool that book 2 will be focusing on it. Major potential in it. Excited!


I hope they announce a premiere date soon