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There have been 11 items by Yoko (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#479644 Art thread~~~

Posted by Yoko on 02 July 2013 - 04:49 AM in Artists' Square

Maaan I'm suprised this thread still exists, I haven't posted to it in foreeeeever
Anyway I AM ALIVE, REALLY. If, uh, anyone cares. But today I was feeling inspired, and decided to try art again, after years of inactivity!
I found that it was a lot harder than I remembered. xD So I just have this doodle to show for it! Hopefully there will be more to come. ♥


sketch under the cut!
as I do not have a scanner, this photo was taken with my camera, so sorry for the crappy quality. D:

#459437 K!

Posted by Yoko on 04 May 2013 - 07:17 AM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Luana
Song: If I Had A Heart
Artist: Fever Ray

If I had a heart I could love you
If I had a voice I would sing
After the night when I wake up
I'll see what tomorrow brings

If I Had A Heart --Click here to view--

#458978 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 02 May 2013 - 12:38 AM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Isabela

Age: 25

Hair: orange red, long and usually in a braid

Eye Color
: blue-grey

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 130

Personality: somewhat frivolous, cheerful.

Misc: Wary of supersoldiers as a whole due to the atrocities she has both seen and heard of, Isabela trusts in her archery skills. While the weapon itself might be considered archaic, she prefers the silence it affords her. It’s the only weapon she uses, rarely touching the sidearm keeps as a precaution.

#407799 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 27 August 2012 - 04:23 AM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Ciara (pronounced Kee-rah/Kira) Jaden

Affiliation: Pantheon

Age: 27

Hair: Black, peppered with silver

Eyes : Amber

Height: 5'10"

Ability: Electricity

Misc: Has a large scar on her back from lightning, curls across her neck and over her sides. Self conscious about it, so covers she it up with clothes.

Personality: Aggressive, violent, sadistic and rather reckless.

Bio: A bit of a sociopath, Ciara believes in one thing, one key rule that defines her, and the world around her. Survival of the fittest. She considers humans weak and unfit for the lives they have been privileged to lead under Elizabeth’s rule.

But sometimes, on occasion, they can be so much fun.

Appearance based on --Click here to view--

#403430 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by Yoko on 01 August 2012 - 04:02 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

So, there's a part of me that believes this is relevant to everyone's interests:

#401465 K!

Posted by Yoko on 25 July 2012 - 12:38 AM in H&E RPG-town


#399479 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 18 July 2012 - 06:26 AM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Aiden

Affiliation: Keepers

Age: 28

Hair: Black

Eye Color
: light green

Height: 5’11”

Ability: Accelerated Regeneration

Personality: Very friendly, confident, a little flirtatious

Misc: More or less the healer of the Keepers, Aiden’s skills are at once specialized but needed on dire occasions. As his blood has healing qualities, he carries a few syringes with him at all times. With dark skin, bright eyes and a charming personality, he has never had problems talking to people.

He also likes to flirt with his female colleagues, no matter how much it may irritate their significant others. Hitting on one Ayla Spence is a favorite pasttime of his, mainly because of how her husband reacts.

#398869 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 12 July 2012 - 11:44 PM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Luana Cyrano

Affiliation: The Shadows

Age: 24

Hair: Dark brown, reaching just past her shoulder blades when combed down, usually draped over one shoulder.

Eye Color: a bright, pale blue

Height: 5’7”

Ability: Hydrokinesis

Personality: Kind-hearted, polite, if somewhat socially awkward.

Bio: If anyone has an secret, let them spend some time with Luana. Skilled in information extraction, specifically from people, Luana lives with the comfortable lifestyle her job affords her. She has never liked what she has to do, but knows that it’s the one thing she’s truly good at. It’s something she can do better than anyone else, and that is what gives her purpose.

In contrast to her sometimes messy occupation, Luana is someone who sees the value of life and will not kill unnecessarily. She only hurts someone as long as she absolutely needs to, and even then always asks for what information she needs before she is made to take it by force. She believes supersoldiers have always been a part of humanity, but does not excuse its villans.

Afterall, hasn't humanity had its fair share of monsters long before supersoldiers were even an idea?

Appearance based on... --Click here to view--

#397916 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 08 July 2012 - 07:06 PM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Senka Wardell

: Keepers

Age: 26

Hair: Strawberry-blonde

Eyes: Blue-green

Height: 5"3

Ability: Empathy, emotion manipulation

Personality: Quiet, serious and mild-mannered

Bio: Senka became one of the Keepers shortly after Barrett created the group, making her one of the only three left alive after the events seven years ago. She takes her responsibilities very seriously. She hasn't changed all that much in nearly a decade, though Senka has tried to make an effort to connect to people. Even if it's only with one or two people. She doesn't feel anymore human than she claims she is, especially after what she did to Elissa.

It was deserved, but Senka lost control in that instant, and the battle was nearly lost because of it.

She's worked on her control of those abilities, at the same time expanding what she can do over it, vowing to never lose control like that again. Senka doesn't think she's needed all that much anymore, but she does what she can, and what she is ordered to do.

#397211 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by Yoko on 05 July 2012 - 06:27 AM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Elissa
Song: O' Death
Artist: Jen Titus

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, who will have mercy on your soul? --Click here to view--

#397175 Skadi Iveta's Data Sheet

Posted by Yoko on 05 July 2012 - 03:39 AM in H&E RPG-town

Name: Skadi Iveta

Affiliation: Keeper

Age: 29

Hair: Auburn

Eyes : Green-gold

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120 lbs

Ability: None

Misc: Has a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, infused with nanites. Has several old scars: two on her neck, one on her hip and one just above her eyebrow.

Personality: friendly, talkative. Very snarky and survival-oriented.

Bio: Skadi is an informant most of the time, and occasionally, an assassin. She is very good at her job, which is to run the Keepers' information network when she's not doing jobs for Elizabeth. If anyone has a secret, she usually knows what it is. Dragged into what she calls 'end of the world bullshit' by one Barrett Spence, somehow surviving that last battle with empath, Skadi often wonders how she's still alive.

She also works for Matthew Horrow, presumed dead by many and more. What she does for him differs greatly from what she does for Elizabeth, but Skadi has never been a stranger to a messy job or two.