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There have been 1 items by yael31 (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#194544 New to Narusaku,and new to H&E

Posted by yael31 on 30 September 2008 - 06:08 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Ne,Kiwi-Chan here! Well,to get this straight,im not a fighter,but i'll fight for what i love. Thats basically my second quote. My other is,'I pick my fights,i dont follow them.' Im not a violent person,and i never needed to use martial arts on anything. Except sparring of course. NaruSaku is new to me,since i dropped the whole SasuSaku thing a while ago. Kakasaku,ItaSaku,Sasusaku,you name it. In my book,Sakura's a whore XD No im just playin,but you get it,right?

My questions.. narusakuct7.gif

1. I saw there is ranks for H&E.. How do i go up a rank..?

2.How do i post fanfiction? And where do i find some here in the forum? Is there a special section,i meant to ask. ???

3.Is there a section that shows all the NaruSaku moments..? That'd be awesome though!

4.I might sound corny. I might not. Whats the answer to this question?

5.That last question would have been answered if you had answered. It was obviously a trick question,morons. Tell your opinion of me:

6. Apparently it wasnt good,was it? Gwah i havent been here,what?, five minutes? And im already causing trouble. Troublesome. Troublesome.

7. About the new movie that came out in Japan a month ago.. Any news on it?


Please answer with whatever you have. That is,if you ever had 'have'.