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There have been 21 items by EarthBorn (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#286502 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by EarthBorn on 11 July 2010 - 11:11 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

I found a really sweet Tanabata oneshot: A Safe Pair of Hands by Kanji no Sakka .

#273481 Naruto Shippuden 157

Posted by EarthBorn on 25 April 2010 - 01:24 PM in Premiere Screenings

Real quality animation. Tami + Sakura = Win (who DOESN'T want her to be Sakura's apprentice?). Pain lives up to his animation potential.

#273478 Naruto Shippuden Movie 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire

Posted by EarthBorn on 25 April 2010 - 08:57 AM in Premiere Screenings

I finally got around to watching it. While the movie did have some glaring flaws that jarred an otherwise smooth experience, I'd have to agree with the rest of you that it was definitely the best Naruto movie yet.

Let's see if the next one can top this with even more NaruSaku hints. biggrin.gif

#271496 Naruto Shippuden 154-155

Posted by EarthBorn on 13 April 2010 - 01:56 PM in Premiere Screenings

The ending song girl appeared to be Hinata at first glace, but on close examination I don't really think its her.

Anyway, the episodes were excellent (although they did have plenty of estrogen bait tongue.gif) and Naruto's character came off well. The gutsy ninja portion as well as the sage training and decryption (lol @ Kakashi's discomfort) were handled with a good air of both the sadness about Jiraya's death as well as the "hope for the future" theme that was running concurrently.

It's a long ways to catch up though. I look forward to the Pain fight like all of you!

#260379 Naruto 483

Posted by EarthBorn on 18 February 2010 - 05:37 AM in Latest Releases

Hmm, I wonder: has Sakura directly taken a human life before? I don't think so, but correct me on that if I'm mistaken.

Well, I do have mixed feelings about the chapter. I know, it's great and all that this is probably the conclusive blow to any chance SS had (not that I think those odds were great in the first place), but I'm feeling rather sorry for Sakura. I believe she could have thought of a better plan, and now she has been pushed back to the sidelines again. mellow.gif

I'm pretty sure Madara will butt in soon. Sasuke cannot handle Naruto and Kakashi working together. My bets are that this will be a short fight. I doubt Kakashi will die right after being resurrected.

#258044 Naruto 481 - Now with Better Scans

Posted by EarthBorn on 05 February 2010 - 05:24 AM in Latest Releases

Wow, Kishi had the guts to kill of one of the "new generation" ? We'll know beyond all doubt in the next chapter if Sakura doesn't heal Karin.

Speaking of Sakura, the girl needs to calm down. Seriously. She's letting her emotions control her and I'm pretty sure she wanted to undertake a suicide mission or something. Probably, the Sakura v. Sai fight will go on for a bit until Kakashi arrives, Sakura calms down and they find Karin's body. Sauce and Madara would have left by then.

#256192 Naruto Shippuden 143

Posted by EarthBorn on 19 January 2010 - 05:15 AM in Premiere Screenings

I want Naruto back...but not in filler. They could have done a better adaptation expansion for the post-Jiraya-death Naruto as well as showing his sage training in detail. Anyhow, looks like we get to see one of the Jinchuriki in this arc. I just hope they don't overdo the characterizations again.

#253739 Naruto 477

Posted by EarthBorn on 26 December 2009 - 04:08 AM in Latest Releases

I'm betting on an Itachi genjutsu. I don't think Itachi managed to split his consciousness into two like Minato, but knowing his caliber, it's definitely possible. Anyhow, the question lies on Sakura/Kakashi's arrival and how soon Sasuke destroys Danzou's Sharinganarm.

#253329 Naruto Shippuden 140

Posted by EarthBorn on 22 December 2009 - 03:36 PM in Premiere Screenings

Next episode, expect to see Sasuke in all his emoness. Madara is really a smooth talker. That's all I can say.

#252125 Naruto 475

Posted by EarthBorn on 12 December 2009 - 02:38 AM in Latest Releases

Danzou has a sharingan arm??? kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

I'm sure that Sasuke will get his - I'm-an-Uchiha-My-Eyes-Are-Better-Than-Yours attitude blacked out here. Interestingly, I hope that Sakura doesn't butt into this fight. It really needs to end.

#251522 Naruto Shippuden 138

Posted by EarthBorn on 06 December 2009 - 08:07 AM in Premiere Screenings

Somehow knowing what was going to happen seemed to be the tiny problem with this episode. Otherwise, animation and scale was top-notch, although they could have done something about pacing.

The Pain arc must be even better and bigger than this so that we can see the Rinnegan's power in all their glory (along with SM Naruto of course!).

#250348 Naruto Shippuden 137

Posted by EarthBorn on 28 November 2009 - 04:26 AM in Premiere Screenings

Naruto and Sakura need to expand on their ninjutsu arsenal. By that, I mean verity. Really, Sasuke is waaay ahead of them in that regard.

The episode was spectacular. The animators have been going all out. I have to say though, they really showed Itachi in a rather weak light. I know about his..."motivations" for doing this, but he still looks pretty weak in this episode.

The next one will probably be more intense though. biggrin.gif Can't wait to see it.

#249531 Naruto Shippuden 135 & 136

Posted by EarthBorn on 20 November 2009 - 11:37 AM in Premiere Screenings

The pace, animation, action, Hyper Emo Crazy Itachi ™ were all wonderfull. The anime team seems to have mastered the Adaptation Expansion - the little additions in the flashbacks are really good.

The only little complaint I have (like in the manga) is the whole pulling-out-eyes thing. Really:to do that with no medical equipment, in a completely unhygienic enviroment - I have no clue how they rewire the optic nerve. huh.gif That's Naruto I guess.

#249510 Naruto Chapter 472

Posted by EarthBorn on 20 November 2009 - 05:06 AM in Latest Releases

Samehada is really like a living biju itself, no? I can see why Kisame and Itachi were the strongest team in Akatsuki now, and why they were assigned the strongest host.

But Bee can't die! He has to meet Naruto!

Bee + Samehada = Pure and utter win.

#246360 Naruto Shippuden 133

Posted by EarthBorn on 30 October 2009 - 04:20 AM in Premiere Screenings

Spectacular and heart-wrenching. shamefulcry0js.gif

It's sad ... that there is no J-man in either the anime or the manga anymore!

#244928 List of Naruto Abridged Series and Naruto Shippuden Episodes

Posted by EarthBorn on 23 October 2009 - 02:25 PM in Konoha Theater

Update the list please. Abridged 24 is out.

#244194 Naruto 468

Posted by EarthBorn on 17 October 2009 - 08:47 AM in Latest Releases

Seeing KillerBee and Kisame again was refreshing. I have no idea how this fight could turn out, seeing as Kishi might be willing to make Naruto and KB friends (which is a good way to introduce Biju control and the "That Jutsu" training), or he could make Naruto the last of the nine hosts.

Logically speaking, the first scenario is preferable, seeing that Killerbee has achieved a decent quantity of character development which would be a waste otherwise (like Gaara). On the other hand, Kisame is not likely to be killed - the battle will be incomplete and one of the parties would most probably flee.

I'm not optimistic enough to expect that Naruto and Sakura's talk will come in the next chapter though. I'll probably be about the aforementioned fight. Madara is a nutcase or a genius - most probably both. Who knows how he'll turn out to be!

#240783 Chappie 464

Posted by EarthBorn on 18 September 2009 - 12:09 PM in Latest Releases

Mangekyou overkill, that's what this is. I'm pretty sure that Madara is going to come in and bail Sasuke out of this at the end of the fight though. At least we get to see Gaara's improved strength. I'm sure that if things turn out with Sasuke coming back to Konoha, his MS side effect will be cured by Tsunade or Sakura. I hop Kishi knows what consequences are, and him becoming blind would be fitting for the manga.

#237214 Naruto 460

Posted by EarthBorn on 21 August 2009 - 01:12 PM in Latest Releases

Heh, interesting turn of events here. I never really expected Madara and Naruto to have a talk...I wonder what ulterior motive he really has. For all I know, if Madara had wanted to capture Naruto there and then, he would have already done so.

Sasuke is being controlled. I know that Kishi wouldn't make him intentionally evil. tongue.gif

#234037 Naruto Ch. 458

Posted by EarthBorn on 31 July 2009 - 10:07 AM in Latest Releases

An interesting chapter there.

I wonder how Gaara will respond to the idea of Danzou becoming the supreme commander. I'd rather nominate Kakashi here, but maybe Gaara will point out that Naruto won't listen to an interim Hokage.

As much as I feel bad for Sakura, it was a necessary evil. Her expression clearly points out that she didn't know that she was a cause of Naruto's pain and that it really did hurt her to know that. Now for her response...

#231797 Naruto 456

Posted by EarthBorn on 17 July 2009 - 10:10 AM in Latest Releases

There's still one thing Naruto does lack to be mistaken as the Hokage...

...the Hat.

That is all. More Mizukage and Konohamaru goodness is always good. biggrin.gif