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There have been 4 items by celious (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#328828 DeviantART Artists Unite!

Posted by celious on 14 June 2011 - 01:41 PM in Artists' Square

Hi I'm Celious and here is my DA account happy.gif --> http://celious.deviantart.com/

#326174 Chapter 540

Posted by celious on 27 May 2011 - 09:35 AM in Latest Releases

Concerning the chapter: I wasn't really surprised because it would have been akward to admit her feelings for Naruto like this and so soon. It would have been a bit out of the blue according to me. She needs to think about it in deep before jumping to conclusion. And yet I think this panel where she remembers Sasuke is just a start. Her face doesn't look happy at all while thinking about him. When you're in love with someone you're not supposed to be sad or maybe even ashamed to love your precious someone. ( Now remember her face when she looks at a sleeping Naruto some chapters before, this is what can call a happy face, and also the reflection that she deeply cares for her blond teammate.)
Kishi wants to show us, as many of you already said, that she think Sasuke isn't a "great guy" after all. first steps of Sakura's character development. When you're in love, you're in the mood to scream the name of who you love everywhere and say how great he is ... and well we saw with this panel it's not the case.
I won't be too worried about this and I clearly was amazed by her action in this chapter. She really was the badass kunoichi we were all claiming to finally see again.

#318884 Heaven & Earth Fanfiction/Fanart Contest

Posted by celious on 31 March 2011 - 05:03 PM in News and Announcements

Congratulations to all winners biggrin.gif You deserved it happy.gif
And thank you for all people who voted for me biggrin.gif
This place is always so great and people are very kind, so be sure I"ll take part in the next contest cool.gif

#308523 Heaven & Earth Fanfiction/Fanart Contest

Posted by celious on 16 January 2011 - 10:05 AM in News and Announcements

Yay Having a contest is such a good idea
Of course I'll participate. Let's just hope i'll find some time to draw something cool.gif