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There have been 18 items by Kyuudaime (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#552187 anyone else mad at microsoft for canceling the xp software coverage

Posted by Kyuudaime on 24 July 2014 - 01:32 PM in Tech Help

It was great for its age, except now it's not its age anymore.

#536835 E3 2014

Posted by Kyuudaime on 11 June 2014 - 08:28 AM in Gamer Lounge


Just so you know, I wouldn't call him a fanboy if he didn't just not only insult my opinion, but commented on my sex life that he knows nothing about. Immature insults based on rage.

I like how apparently this guy basically goes out of his way to insult my life and my opinion all because he disagrees with me without so much as a debatable reason to disagree, yet you sit here assume that me calling him a fanboy is apparently a worse insult. Yeah, I love this forum.

Except I didn't assume anything, in fact you just did, I was just implying that your remark is no different.



Obviously, you have already forgot that the Nintendo Wii outsold both Xbox 360 and PS3 last generation by a lot and yet people cared very little about that. Of course, you already know that your smarmy remarks doesn't change the fact that the PS3 had just as many problems and even more so than all the other systems combined. Of course, you also know that the PS2 was actually the biggest selling console in the past 15 years and continued to sell well long after its self date because the PS3 was so bad in sales, they had to make up for it some how.

Yes, I do know and they made up for it in the long run.



^I guess PS4 is a waste of money if it can't even outdue it's own predecessor.


I guess that's cool, you linked to a website to show sales figures for consoles that were out and ran their course. Too bad my beloved isn't at the top.



I like the cut of your gib, Mik3.


Lots of co-op games coming out. Please sign up and play!


*cough* Far Cry 4 and AC Unity.


I plan on picking up both.

#536460 E3 2014

Posted by Kyuudaime on 10 June 2014 - 08:45 AM in Gamer Lounge

Calling someone a "mad fanboy" can be taken as a personal insult too, just so you know.


Obviously you're not the only one who feels that Sony's presentation was lackluster and immature, but regardless of the tactics they use, Sony is currently dominating Microsoft and Nintendo when it comes to current generation consoles.The only problem that Sony has is that they had already announced some of their exclusives before E3. It doesn't change the fact that they do have great games coming out, which is your opinion that they don't. Of course, you already know that.

#535566 Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?

Posted by Kyuudaime on 06 June 2014 - 06:27 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

My professor once pointed out that in communities where there are staunch anti-gay feelings, who would choose to be treated like a second-class citizen? Who would choose to be bullied and ostracized? Gay teen males have startling suicide rates. It's not something that is treated like a preference for cake over donuts. A lot of closeted members of the LGBTQ would live to heterosexual standards; getting married to the opposite sex, living their lives subscribing to gender norms, etc. They do it, but they're not being honest--it's what society drives them to do and it has far reaching consequences for everyone involved. 

 Broken Figurine beat me to it. Imagine how it was handled centuries ago too by certain groups, I can't see anyone choosing to live a life styles like that knowing they'd probably get killed over it.

#527272 Okay...really?

Posted by Kyuudaime on 10 May 2014 - 03:32 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I really doubt it had anything to do with the color of him. Don't you guys use ground guides?

#519042 Is SOPA petition real?

Posted by Kyuudaime on 16 March 2014 - 03:10 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Probably not true.

#519026 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by Kyuudaime on 16 March 2014 - 07:23 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Marine Corps or Navy? I cant read your name tapes from this photo. 

Marine Corps

#518931 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by Kyuudaime on 15 March 2014 - 07:25 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I haven't posted a photo of myself in a minute.




#507664 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 20 December 2013 - 03:51 AM in Gamer Lounge

Got the replacement in, had it for about a week now. Runs great.

#505761 Legend of zelda

Posted by Kyuudaime on 29 November 2013 - 09:37 AM in Gamer Lounge

Picked it up too and I love the game. Already beat all of the dungeons, just have the final boss left.


But to be honest, I only found two of the dungeons to be challenging. So I'm just a little disappointed in the difficulty of the game.


Well, I beat it and to my surprise there's a Hard Mode.

#505598 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 27 November 2013 - 11:36 PM in Gamer Lounge


Got warranty? 

Yea, gotta wait till' Friday to return it though. Post office is closed today.


Edit: Well, Amazon is sending me a replacement system. Estimated arrival date is in 10 days, so probably next week. Hopefully this one turns out to be better.

#505316 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 26 November 2013 - 12:00 PM in Gamer Lounge

Got my PS4.


It's defective.

#504427 Youtube now need Google + to make comments

Posted by Kyuudaime on 16 November 2013 - 04:55 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Would you like to be arbitrarily judged for what you do in your free time? The Internet is not my public-life, it's my down-time and my free-time; it's not illegal (yet) to be a harsh troll on YouTube videos and games, but I don't want anyone to know it because people are judgmental little wankers. If you bully someone in real-life, that's bad, but somehow when you do it over an anonymous glow-y box that's as if you blew up the world's collectively-owned cars. And then took a wee on the charred remains. If I want to troll in my spare-time, that's what I'll do in my spare-time. I don't want people to know about it because people jump to conclusions or are overly "sensitive" about those types of things because people have opinions, and those opinions are shaped by common opinion, and currently common opinion says that all trolls are bad and that they should be thrown into jail to rot because some of us are more sadistic than the rest of us, and that in some heated situations (or in most cases, mentally-ill situations in terms of the status of the trolled) there is pain and death. I have never caused anyone to die, nor should I be treated as such by my peers; therefore, they should not know what I do on the Internet, because frankly the last place for the truest freedom of speech is on the Internet. Any opinion that is not of the socio-cultural norm is quashed and mangled under the protesting boots of the Venerable Public who see it fit that there be only their opinions and no others. If the Internet were to be censored (which Google is steadily approaching not de jure but through forcing the  sharing of private information and names) then I guarentee the world will see a steady stagnation and decline in intellectual reasoning and freedom of expression (even more than now).

I guess I don't really care what people judge me for that I do during my free time, I'm already constantly judged by my peers and leadership.


I understand the desire for secrecy, completely, but at the same time I feel like some matters such as this topic are just... insignificant. I don't see the big issue as to having my name appear on Youtube when I choose to express my opinion, but again, that's just me.

#504426 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 16 November 2013 - 04:43 AM in Gamer Lounge

Amazon put up some bundles to buy for people who didn't pre-order one, bought me the Killzone one as soon as I saw it.


Expected to have it in the next 2-3 weeks!!!!!!

#504268 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 14 November 2013 - 10:58 AM in Gamer Lounge

I ain't getting s**t on release day. Ugh. Damn you overpriced foreign taxes!

I probably won't get one simply because they're sold out everywhere. Hanging on to a thread of hope that a store here will have one.

#504265 Youtube now need Google + to make comments

Posted by Kyuudaime on 14 November 2013 - 09:53 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Gladly. You are crazy.

Privacy is what allows people to act freely. When people feel like they are being watched they don't act naturally. They fear whatever they do and become submissive. Morals aside google is trying to force us to use their service with everything we do on the internet. They are trying to create a monopoly, and if they do that then they will have no competition. Competition is what makes a service or product good. If there's no competition then the quality of the product can be garbage and people would put up with it because there are no alternatives.


If you want to educate people then put more funding into the schools, take the fluoride out of the water, stop producing gmo foods, stop giving people crippling vaccines, stop lying to people, and support parents.


There are certain websites that are built from the ground up to require a name and hold you accountable for your actions, but Youtube is not one of those websites.

Hmm, I disagree. Privacy/anonymity is what allows people to act differently than they normally do and if you ask me it brings out the worst in people.


*Doesn't see the big deal in all of this*

#504263 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 14 November 2013 - 09:18 AM in Gamer Lounge

I'm so sad, I don't think I'll be able to get one. :'(

#492184 The Playstation 4

Posted by Kyuudaime on 09 September 2013 - 11:03 AM in Gamer Lounge

Damn... keeping my good old Vita, but that last video just made me want PS4 even more than I thought possibly and I'm tempted to get that Vita TV thing.