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There have been 31 items by Destiny (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#838351 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Destiny on 05 June 2015 - 06:58 AM in Latest Releases

Aw I love that Sakura panel! Momma love! I'm just going to focus on Sarada and Sakura's mother daughter relationship. This is really the only mother daughter relationship we've gotten to see in the Manga. I just still love Sakura, I can't help it. The amount of hate I have for Kishi (for trying to ruin her character) is overridden by my absolute love of what I see as her premise. The only "normal" one of the team and she still manages to kick ass. *shrugs* I did not think I'd be reading anymore Naruto, that is for sure.

#670987 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Destiny on 24 November 2014 - 07:14 AM in Naruto General

Just wanted to say Destiny ,I love your avatar. Hey Arnold is great. Love Helga and Arnold together.

Thank you! Always happy to see fellow hey Arnold fans out there! My most favorite TV show off all time! I'll be cuddled up watching the hey Arnold Christmas special all season long =) (and I'll cry 3/4th of the time ;) )

#670836 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Destiny on 24 November 2014 - 04:23 AM in Naruto General

sorry for the rude response, but the woman idea was so absurd that i couldn't help myself. ino, rin (unfortunately), and tsunade (arguably) are some examples of women who moved on.

No worries, I think you were only rude because you misinterpreted what I was asking. I don't watch Japanese live action and the shounen I've read and watched seems to follow a pattern. I was just curious if anyone has any insight on the culture that may have brought that about. Thanks for the response.

#670096 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Destiny on 23 November 2014 - 04:16 PM in Naruto General

i don't have to be japanese.. hell i don't even have to be a woman to know that's utter bullsh**. the japanese are not aliens.
i think 鸣人 (naruto's name in chinese) doesn't sound very attractive so they used 火影忍者 

I'm not saying that they are aliens, but that some times values are different in other cultures.

And whoever was saying gossip girl and buffy don't represent the US I would actually argue that they do... in a way. Not that everyone falls in line with those shows, but what we, in pop culture, place value on.

#669967 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Destiny on 23 November 2014 - 01:50 PM in Naruto General

So I have not taken any classess on Japan or on Japanese culture, so excuse me on this, but is this the kind of culture they have? Women falling in love and staying in love? Is that what is expected? I know there are plenty of strong females in other Mangas but I'm trying to think of a female that has declared her feelings at the beginning and then given up on them at the end. Or maybe it's a culture in the shonen world. I don't know. I'm trying to work through all of this in my head.

#648025 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 06:08 AM in News and Announcements

Ah! So many old faces (users)!! Hello again friends! Remember when we were all partying when part 2 was about to come out?! Those boots! Hahaha

I was very quiet on this board, and use to only post on the fanfic section... Even though I was quiet, I found so much peace in this forum. Naruto helped me get through some road blocks in my life and was there when I needed something to ease my pain or think through things. I have enjoyed my time with Naruto and this fandom immensely, and though the last 2 chapters are not what I wished, I have so many memories to look back and grin. Thank you Smiter! Thank you mods! smiter, are you still in contact with the original mods? If so please let them know they have helped provide such a great environment for us.

#647956 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 05:41 AM in Latest Releases

ignore her.

Ah I see what you mean now. Thanks. Forgot where I was for a moment.

#647927 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 05:30 AM in Latest Releases

why would any sane ns want naruto to have an affair with that b*tch?hes too good for her

Aaaaaaaand this is why I shouldn't be on this forum for a while. We don't know who gave up on who. We don't know what happened in between the healing and Sasuke's departure. She didn't even forgive Sasuke when she was healing him. I hate the bashing, it makes me sick to read.

#647892 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 05:17 AM in Latest Releases

D: But i don't want to go through the depression!

I was feeling pretty crumby for a few hours about it but then I slept it off Hahaha I thought it was going to last a lot longer than it did.

#647873 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 05:12 AM in Latest Releases

Oh? Which stage are we on? LOL

I'm thinking a mix between anger and bargaining lol

From what I can tell we've been on anger for a long time hahaha

#647863 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 07 November 2014 - 05:10 AM in Latest Releases

God, this forum is going through the 5 stages of grief... =/ I got acceptance a day or so before the chapter came out so I've mostly been hanging around reddit so I don't go through it again lol

#644267 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 06 November 2014 - 12:25 PM in Latest Releases

We're not hating. We're not bashing. We are criticizing obviously poor story telling. There was so much randomness in that epilogue. So many thing that weren't eluded to in the manga. There was random pairings, random technology. The main heroine of the story got two panels. The war arc was wrapped up way too quickly.
This isn't bashing, this is calling out a foul. It's fair criticism. Yes it's Kishi's story, and it is a bad one.

I'm not saying you were bashing, but look at the earlier posts in the thread. That is bashing, and if it isn't I don't know what is. It's ok to criticize. Obviously, I'm not saying you can't hate the ending, but just throwing an entire character out the window because you didn't like who they ended up with? She's just a fangirl? Then have nothing else to say... Bashing. The first 2-5 pages were really bad with the bashing of Sakura and Kishi. Again not saying it was you.

#644138 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Destiny on 06 November 2014 - 12:07 PM in Latest Releases

Ok so this thread has become quite the bashing session, where are the mods? Or do we not care anymore? I think we should.

Like: we do not know how much time has elapsed from the moment Sasuke says sorry to the point where Sakura has forgiven him and fallen back in love with him. So there's a lot of ambiguity there and a lot of room to grow/forgive/redeem. Same goes for NH. Though they are seen at the funeral together we know they do not get together right away, which leads me to believe that they are standing next to each other because of Nejis involvement.

Things I do not like: not a single conversation about the POAL. It's brought up so much and so often I was sure Kishi would at least address it. Naruto and Sakura deserve some closure at least. At least one convo about their feelings. I LOVE them both so much, I just want them to be happy.

So here is my plea: please stop bashing! Yes, there were plot holes in the story and the pairings. No, our pairing did not become canon. But you know what? Sakura is still a kick ass kunoichi, flaws and all, she is still the queen. She is not the same girl who fixed get hair for boys, and not the same girl who worries about what others say. She is now a strong, independent woman who is kind and loving to all. You all want to bash her for loving someone who had tried to kill her? Then you better bash Naruto too. Sasuke has attempted to kill him numerous times and yet he calls him brother.

This is not our story, it never was. I'm sorry you all are hurt, I am too but that's not a reason to hate. Kishi gave us this awesome ninja world to go crazy about. And for that I have to thank him. Naruto carried me through some tough times, and I still believe in the Manga and all it had to bring.

I love narusaku and I go down with my ship, but don't let the end pairing ruin your taste for the gutsy ninja =)

#642649 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 06 November 2014 - 07:15 AM in Latest Releases

Ugh where are the last 2 chapters?! I'm dying of suspense over here! Even with the spoilers, I can't wait to finish it. =) I can't believe I've been a Naruto fan for almost half my life! I was trying to explain how big of a deal this Manga is to my boyfriend of 5 years and he still didn't get it. I was like "Naruto was here way before you!" He gave me the most ridiculous look. Perhaps I went too far... Nah.

#637544 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 03:03 PM in Latest Releases

Ok so it doesn't look like Lee chouji and ino got together...

#637390 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 02:42 PM in Latest Releases

Am I the only one questioning all of this? A threesome in Naruto? No way. I'm calling kitten. She's got to be messing with us... At least with that!

#634898 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 05:12 AM in Latest Releases

Your welcome im happy they were confirmed canon.  :D
Yup,she was supposed to get a spin off series called "the patakis" and yes helga and arnold is good excuted pair. As for the series on dvd you should check amazon or ebay (be careful with ebay people can cheat on you if your not careful). :happy:  

Yup amazon or Walmart are the cheapest options! Thanks for the compliment on my avatar!

#634785 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 04:56 AM in Latest Releases

oh nice hey arnold icon! Did you know that the creator of that show confirmed helga and arnold as canon. He couldn't put it in the movie because nickelodeon cancelled the series.

Sure did! And Helga was suppose to get her own show but they decided it sounded too much like the show Daria. Helga and Arnold are pretty much the perfect ship. I'm buying the complete series for Christmas (I couldn't believe they took it off Netflix!)

#634751 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 04:51 AM in Latest Releases

Yeah, though I am starting to chill now, especially since I feel it's a load of CROCK we're getting right now. I've seen this kinda thing happen in the past, like a fan-made image of Minato as the leader of the Akatsuki and other stuff, guys. Just try to remember there are people out there who will be asses and troll people with misdirection and tricks just to get what they want. We can't believe in what is said until it is confirmed, and until we get that, then we're playing into the hands of the people who are doing this. And we can't feed the trolls, guys. It. Ends. BAD.

Haha I know. I just think it's funny to think all Naruto fans who have ships are probably feeling this way right now... Staying awake, keeping vigil, holding out for their ship. It's been a real pleasure! But the end is tomorrow, no matter how it turns out, no regrets here! I sail and sink with my ship and love the journey the Manga has taken me on. I've never identified more with a character than I have with Sakura. Cheers friends! I'm going to sleep; see you tomorrow night!

#634694 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 04:42 AM in Latest Releases


#633800 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 05 November 2014 - 02:54 AM in Latest Releases

Really guys? I've been skeptical that NaruSaku would happen, but that's because of the probable motives behind the movie and the recent confession by Sakura/Naruto's indifference towards her confession... but these pictures? They don't look great (they're hella ugly), they don't look authentic, and why on god's green Earth would kishi allow the biggest surprise to be leaked?? Meh. I'm willing to concede but not over these ugly a$$ pictures. Get it together team. We only have 2 days until we find out. And you know what? It's been a great ride either way. NH happens doesn't mean we can't love our OTP and doesn't mean this manga was a waste... I had a fun ride at least. Let's all get excited for this final chapter and not fret about pairings! 15 years everyone!!! How awesome is that?! I've been on board for 12 and on this forum for 10 years. Really guys, it's not all bad, either way.

#632267 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 04 November 2014 - 07:55 PM in Latest Releases

Uggggggggghhhhhh I'm so impatient. I can't do anything without refreshing this forum every 5 minutes. I just reread 698 and now I'm even more impatient. This is dumb. I wasn't nearly this bad when the last chapter of fma came out... Or when avatar the last air Bender ended... Though I guess I've invested way more years into this...

#629153 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Destiny on 04 November 2014 - 01:53 AM in Latest Releases

There are 115 members users reading this right now... This is absurd.

#621573 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Destiny on 31 October 2014 - 03:18 AM in Konoha Theater

Ok so. I feel like I need to ask this. Let's say that NH happens, which, in this thread/topic, is looking realistic... Let's say NH happens, and let's say Sasuke is indeed a wanderer, do you believe Sakura is officially single and done? Like that is her new found self. No need for a lover, she's completely comfortable as is? This is the second best option in my opinion. I would actually be equally happy for Sakura if she went with complete independence as I would if she ended up with Naruto. (the reason why ns wins over that option is because they are perfect for one another).

Do not get me wrong the 2nd to worst thing they could do here is have NH happen... But the number 1 worst thing they could do here is make SS AND NH happen (I'll spit on every naruto book I see).

#620964 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Destiny on 30 October 2014 - 09:18 PM in Konoha Theater

I wish I could just look at the front page for confirmed updates instead of going through all the hysteria and arguments. It's the same people arguing the same thing for 50 some pages.