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There have been 14 items by catsi563 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#989660 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by catsi563 on 29 May 2023 - 06:09 PM in Naruto General

Well you have to look at four families as reference.


SS. Since Sakura raised Sarada on her own it gives you a sense how she would raise her children and how they would turn out whether she is with anyone or not.


Kizaishi and Mebuki from what little we seen of them Mebuki is the strict authority figure and sets the rules while Kizaishi just goes along and jokes around. Kishimoto also says they argue a lot.


Minato and Kushina again from little we see from the Ninja movie Kushina is the aggressive authority figure who sets the rule, while Minato goes along with as a sort of moderator.


And Kishimoto's own family life. His wife had to raise the kids and mange the house as he had to work all the time on Naruto. Of course he portrays his frustrations and guilt with this with nH due to not connecting with that pairing. But I do see if NS happen he would have went more hopeful and optimistic.


So, I see NS as Sakura running the household as the authority figure setting the rules while Naruto has to spend a lot of time running the village as Hokage. Naruto while busy I see him trying to make time a be there when he can and help out when he can. Granted I can't see Sakura letting the situation get as bad as Hinata let it get to by Boruto, and would address the situation if Naruto was neglecting their kids. Arguments/Conflicts happens and they are often resolved, but overall a loving family. The kids are hyper but well behave.



 let me add a bit to this i see the NS family as full of love and affection and very playful until its time to be serious than the gloves come off so to speak, Also the kids would be pranksters but not as a need to seek attention but a need to prove themselves,  Awww but mom dad once painted the 5 faces of hokage monument we had to one up him with all 7que exapserated sigh and nostalgic smile

#990964 The Random Thread

Posted by catsi563 on 04 March 2024 - 06:41 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

*put on plate armor made of all paper plates*


*grab lance*


*hop on pengy charger*








*charge ebil dragon windmill thingy*


*SPLAT on side*


*peel off cartoon style*


=@_@= take that varlet *collapse*

#990737 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by catsi563 on 16 November 2023 - 06:09 PM in Otaku Square

you can tell not only how much fun the cast had but also how serious they took the material as well



#990806 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by catsi563 on 01 December 2023 - 07:23 PM in Otaku Square

Is OP worth watching? I couldn't really get into it because of how goofy looking the characters are.

it is worth watching though its a slog because of the length still some fun stories goofy ones intense action scenes and emotional ones


the scene i refernced from the live action one above is a prime example of how for a show that can be goofy as heck it can also suprisingly be touching

#989623 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by catsi563 on 24 May 2023 - 05:18 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

That and the speech by Sakura after revealing apparently his true personality.

And said speech revealing ironically the worst about Sakura as well that she was aware he was using her and confirming she was using him too making both of them the worst

#990520 NaruSaku Wedding FanFics

Posted by catsi563 on 26 August 2023 - 01:50 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

IN your eyes was intended to be a wedding story but its a ways from being finished

#990727 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by catsi563 on 07 November 2023 - 06:13 PM in Otaku Square

Intresting surprised no ones talking AOT as theyre finally in the final season of the anime approaching the big climax

#990537 Shinachiku podcast this Friday at 3:30.

Posted by catsi563 on 29 August 2023 - 05:23 PM in Naruto General

just curious is it going to be posted anywhere?

#990512 Shinachiku podcast this Friday at 3:30.

Posted by catsi563 on 24 August 2023 - 05:30 PM in Naruto General

is that eastern time?

#991082 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by catsi563 on 07 May 2024 - 04:45 PM in Naruto General

Yes there was a solid chance because the development was there 


it was slower and steady but present. Sasukes presence sans all the drama wouldnt have changed Narutos actions really nor the fact that he did not have feelings for Sakura. 


the issue is that the premise is based on SS being strong in part 1 well that fact is that isnt true because its missing one key element 


namely a VERY large


Sasuke was not present in the relationship as any form of equal partner and it was all in Sakura lap and one wall cannot build a house 


the entire relationship was one sided where as in NS it was growing visually before our eyes and we could witness its progression


A Sasuke; sans all the drama,wouldnt really have a motivation to change anything as Sakura would be one of a collection of fangirls who dont know him and do nothing but fawn all over him. And Sakura would not distinguish herself from this by any stretch of the imagination until late in part 1. And that only because Sasuke left the vllage which led to the promise of a lifetime and Narutos actions which led to her desire to be stronger. 


Its possible that Sakuras change could have come without the Sasuke drama as Sakura herself was shown slow signs of growth which was mostly due to Naruto plus her rivalry with Ino but this would have taken time.


theres also the bench scene to consider where in if Sasuke stays Sakura eventually confronts Sasuke about it in some attempt at a love confession only to discover the truth that it was Naruto all along who complimented her forehead


this throws an entirely new monkey wrench in the works as suddenly Sakura has to question everything she thought she knew


in Conclusion no i do not believe without a radical shift in Sasukes behavior and Sakuras for that matter that Sasukes presence would change the dynamic between the NS pairing it would be slower and take longer but it would still happen as the development was progressing in that direction as a wise manifesto said a long slow walk.

#991137 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by catsi563 on 22 May 2024 - 05:19 PM in Naruto General

It pretty much comes down to the fact Sakura eventually confronts him about the bench scene and he tells her the truth in that instance. once the proverbial orange ninjas out of the bag let the comedy ensue before the inevitable confession

#991085 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by catsi563 on 08 May 2024 - 05:13 PM in Naruto General


It's true that Sasuke didn't give a damn about any fangirl, like Ino.

The conviviality on Team 7 played a key role in making Sakura stand out.

Eventually, Sasuke came to consider her an dear person to him and want to protect he

yes he did that was part of growth  but he NEVER showed any form of actual affection or direct return of her feelings throughout this remained consistent to the point where at the end he had to practically spell it out for everyone that NO I HAVE NO FEELINGS FOR HER



Meanwhile, Sasuke made it clear Naruto became his best friend. Sakura's importance to him, however, remained open-ended. Was she just another best friend?



I'm not saying Sasuke will ask her out. never.

But it's possible that eventually, he will come to accept her feelings, if she were to grow even more in importance to him.



Just like he had no problem accepting her romantically at the end of the manga when he stoped to being obcessed about revange and let his past go...


This of course followed the garbage ending we got which i personally consider non canon given how bad it was everything past the manga titled the TRUE ending as it was called


While i wont dispute the possibility as anything can happen the story to that point does not support such a conclusion beyond a what if, No where does he accept her feelings 



I don't think this is relevant. Sakura had several opportunities to ask about this moment, but never brought it up to Sasuke throughout Part 1.


When Sasuke left and she tried to stop him, it was the perfect chance to question him about the Forehead scene. But she remembers the later moment when he called her annoying because of her comment about loneliness.



She does question him as the moment happens right at the bench where it happend she asks in a round about way sadly the writing wasnt on point for this but Sasuke clearly states I have no memory of this which refutes her entire claim at the moment of the special moment they shared



When Sasuke returned, Sakura could have questioned him about this moment. But she preferred to ask if she could go with him. This led to the Forehead poke, which ironically, touched at the point of Sakura's insecurity.


And again, Sakura didn't relate or even remember the fake Sasuke complimenting her forehead at Chapter 3.


this sadly is bad writing and a plot hole left over from the eventual editorial interference the event shouldve been bought up as it is one of the pivotal moments in the ""relationship"" and i use the word loosely that had occurred.


yet its never bought up again BECAUSE it would torpedo things on the spot. Wait you didnt compliment and want to kiss my forehead


No I didnt i was tied up in the classroom because that brat naruto jumped me and disguised himself as me for some bloody reason


Naruto was disguised as you and OOOOOHH??? Ill kill him then i ressurect him then Ill kill him then ill kill him again



believe the NaruSaku relationship would develop much slower or almost become nonexistent in Part 2, just as it was in Part 1 and the post-manga period.


What brought Sakura and Naruto closer together was their mutual desire to bring Sasuke back, along with all the drama that surrounded him + POAL. With Sasuke present, this desire that united them and the POAL simply dissipates.



Disagree they were allready moving closer together as multiple interactions showed during the wave arc chunin exams and sand invasion the fond look she gave naruto a smile by the way she never showed to ANYONE but for him alone is more than ample evidence of the relationship growing


the three of them can be analogous to three lines one blue one pink one orange


the blue and pink lines start closer together with the orange line on the outside but moving paralel to them then the pink line moves away from the blue line and closer to the orange line as the story progresses eventually around the POAL does the pink line cross over the middle ground to move closest to the orange line their shared goal being a catalyst but hardly the only thing her own desires to be stronger her own choices to stand by his side all playing into the moment



nother important question: Would Sakura ever spontaneously confess her feelings to Naruto without the pressure from Sai about the POAL, and Sasuke in the village?


Probably not, while she would probably confess her feelings to Sasuke at some point, as she did twice in the canon.


yes eventually she would it would take time but would happen as Naruto always needed a bit of a kickstart in some ways


Sasuke the confessions were the same spontaneous confessions of any love sick crush and dismissed as cleanly as they were


for Sakura and Naruto its a larger deeper narrative one that would end with not so much a spontaneous confession as a mutual one where both just talk to each other and remember all that they shared

#990864 2023 Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Posted by catsi563 on 25 December 2023 - 06:02 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Wishing everyone the warmest safest and happiest and most joyous of holidays 


may they all be blessed and may we all Shannaro through the new years Believe it.

#990249 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue 79-80

Posted by catsi563 on 22 July 2023 - 08:01 AM in Latest Releases

time skip confirmed