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There have been 18 items by Codus N (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#970215 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 31 December 2018 - 12:49 PM in Otaku Square

I appreciate the insight, but it doesn't solve the ongoing problem. But we'll see. The chapter was so short. The corrupted situation seems to be taken care for now, with Deku already about to unlock something or rather fix something. Other than that, it was an okay chapter. I seriously hope next year is far better for this series. It's still upsetting that the side characters continue to disappoint and really, it only makes it harder to care in the long run. The effect is stronger than ever, so it's going to be a challenge for me to care. It's worse when you realized the weakest portion of the series are when the side character get the focus. That is bad. Anyway, end this arc and renew my hope.

Personally, I think y'all have become wayyyy too jaded with what happened with Naruto. IMO, the arc itself is perfectly fine. It's just that Horikoshi's got other stuff on his plate. Aside from likely health issues, he's also in the middle of moving out to a bigger studio (as he should be for a top-tier mangaka). There were better story direction decisions he could've taken, sure. But it's hardly consequential in the bigger picture of things.

For example, maybe I could've had the first two sets won by Class A, followed by a tie and a loss or maybe there should've been 4 sets instead of 5, but really, it wouldn't have changed much. And to everyone complaining about Momo's loss, seriously..... People are making such a huge fuss over it that they don't see how much she'd actually accomplished at that time.

#969606 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 08 December 2018 - 01:43 PM in Otaku Square

That line about "you have a good childhood friend" was frankly embarrassing, and it was insulting that All Might was the one to say it. Horikoshi's obsession with Bakugou is disgusting.

It's incredibly ironic that Horikoshi can write Endeavor so well, and yet he can't bring himself to do the same for Bakugou. It's a stretch to hope for a quirk-erasing bullet to hit him at this point (meanwhile Endeavor gets a nasty karmic scar across his face).

#969495 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 29 November 2018 - 07:25 PM in Otaku Square

Hey guys! MHA finally got 2nd place behind OP this year!!


#967563 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by Codus N on 14 August 2018 - 04:51 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I saw someone on tvtropes claiming Joshua Hamilton stated that Keith and Acxa are definitely not blood-related on the Let's Voltron podcast. So, if anyone can confirm this, please come forward.

Also, just a thought: I predict we're getting a 2-year timeskip in the next season, and I'm really hoping Katie grows her hair out again.

As for Allurance, I definitely agree it felt rushed. Last season, I did feel that they were growing closer as good friends, but the leap from that to what we have now is a bit...jarring to say the least. I don't really support it, but I'm not gonna deny they do have some development. I just think it was too rushed. But most of all, I don't think the writers properly developed the chemistry between them. Whereas plance's chemistry was being subtly developed from the beginning imo.

#967536 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by Codus N on 11 August 2018 - 07:56 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

They also tried very light ship-baiting with Keith x Acxa, but we all saw through that (and I am so freaking glad to see Plance flourishing on a romantic note in this season).

How so? Don't get me wrong, I'm a plance shipper as well. But I don't think there was any particular moment that would've opened up a strong possibility for them to end up together. Unless you were actually talking about Lance/Allura....

As for Keith/Acxa, I'm still iffy on that even though I'd be onboard with it. The thing that gets me is their last scene in the current season, where Keith and Krolia visits Keith's father's grave. Instead of seeing it through shipping goggles, I'm still suspicious that Acxa might be Keith's half-sister that Krolia never knew or something. Or maybe even a cousin.

#964773 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 05 May 2018 - 10:05 PM in Otaku Square

Where did that come from? AND NO. Bakuraka reminds me of SasuSaku. Not anywhere remotely nearly as bad but still, a selfish prick that only cares about himself and does not treat a kind, sweet, and compassionate girl as she deserves? No thanks


That said though, I have taken a liking to BakuCamie lately. For one: She's literally the only person who has ever made him laugh genuinely. Two: someone as offbeat as her is probably exactly the only kind of girl that could put up with him.

#964733 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 04 May 2018 - 01:40 PM in Otaku Square

The irony is that replacing Naruto and Hinata with Deku and All Chiaki does make that moment more believable lol

.....You've got a point there.

#964710 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 02 May 2018 - 07:51 PM in Otaku Square

Worse.... Much, much worse..

#964706 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 02 May 2018 - 03:40 PM in Otaku Square

If any of you are looking up IzuOcha on tumblr, I'd advise y'all to steer clear of the tag for now...

#964299 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 19 April 2018 - 05:12 PM in Otaku Square

No, but I follow him and he's someone you could say a best buddy of mine, since we keep finding that we have a lot of the same interests in manga. We also spend a lot of our time coming up with scenarios like this.

#964296 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 19 April 2018 - 02:48 PM in Otaku Square

Would y'all believe some blind moron on tumblr actually made a NH-KamiJirou comparison? Like, I don't even... If anything the most comparable ship for KamiJirou has to be ShikaTema.

But let's picture something happy why don't we?

Eri will (hopefully) be adopted by Aizawa, and that means moving into the dorms. Aizawa will be the grumpy grandfather (but don't say that to his face lest you get detention or extra assignments), IzuOcha will be her new "parents", and the rest of 1-A will become her new uncle and aunties.

Auntie Mina will take advantage of young Eri to play matchmaker for everyone else. Auntie Kyoka would teach her music with her boyfriend, Auntie Momo would homeschool her and Todoroki just spoils her while running up Endeavor's credit card bill. Let's be honest, even if Endeavor patched things up somewhat with Shouto, Shouto would still take every oppoturnity available to be as petty as possible against the flaming kitten.

Class B will also "borrow" Eri from time to time, to try and pair up Kendo and Tetsu4.

The one time Mineta got stuck babysitting her, it became the most stressful day of his life, and he had felt like he aged 15 years in one day simply because he knows the rest of the class (especially Ochako and the girls) will skin him alive if he is up to his usual habits around her.

#963782 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 05 April 2018 - 06:51 PM in Otaku Square

I think the spinoff might be a mini-series of the next generation. I don't mind the franchise going down the Boruto route, so long as it is not a full-fledged series. The series ended on a good note and there's no need to milk it further. If Mashima has to write a sequel, it should be one where he ties up loose ends like where the characters are 10 years in the future.

As for his new series, if it's anything like Rave and as long as FT is with the same amount of critical acclaim, then Mashima is definitely higher than Kubo and Kishi combined in my books.

#962547 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by Codus N on 02 March 2018 - 11:14 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Well damn, the writers know how to keep fans guessing in the long term. Who would've thought they'd have a Galra free-for-all. Lotor is easily one of the most unpredictable villains I've seen here, and you can't guess what he really is thinking. At times, you think he's actually being somewhat genuine, but at the same time there's layers beneath that facade. If anything, I see Lotor as a more talented politician and negotiator than leader.

Shiro is a Manchurian agent (which is not that surprising), confirmed.

And now we know where Keith gets his good looks from. I'll laugh if Lance tries to hit on Krolia.

"Dude, she's my mother."

EDIT: Forgot to add, I'm liking Kolivan more as Keith's mentor. Him telling to keep his emotions in check while sending him straight to his mother is such a mentor-like thing to do.


Posted by Codus N on 25 February 2018 - 03:01 PM in Otaku Square

Looks like the arc must be taking it's toll on the manga's popularity and maybe sales, the speed they just rushed through the battle between Rindou and Aldini was something else, then Azami gate crashes with the two well all I can think is fan service females, who are just annoying, and lastly how they now have a two vs two situation for the final, (though I think many of us expected this to be the case anyway.)
Now someone explain to me why Senzaemon was the one who decided on the final round? He was voted out, he has no power over the school's running right now, infact even last week why was his attendance enough to overturn the issues with having the judges changed for bias judges? Did the mangaka forget that they stripped the old headmaster of his powers? so why is he suddenly dictating the
Anyone else feel like they've been shafted? around two years of enduring this largely rubbish arc, just to get to the final, and then we get a situation, where the only outcome has to be a rebels win otherwise it will just look like the entire arc was pointless as the number 1 & 2 seat winning now will be under the shadow of bias judges.

I'm guessing that's the price Azami paid for to meddle in the judging. Remember that Senzaemon agreed to Azami hijacking the jury, but in exchange, the next bout's format will be decided by him. Since Azami being set-up is freakin' obvious right now, I'm betting the next bout is a single dish match, forcing both sides to work with their team-mates.

#961248 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 07 February 2018 - 01:21 AM in Otaku Square

Yes. Seriously.

#961244 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 07 February 2018 - 12:19 AM in Otaku Square

Somebody just compared Kamijirou to Naruhina. I've come across some fail stuff, but this has to be on a whole 'nother level. Seriously? The heck??! Anyone with perfectly working goggles can see that the most accurate comparison would be ShikaTema, not NH! Cripes....


Posted by Codus N on 28 January 2018 - 05:46 PM in Otaku Square

Nene/Ishiki vibes are strong in this weeks chapter, straight laced serious by the book girl who gives it her all and walks around naked, easy going genius who doesn't get out of second gear most of the time, should make for an interesting couple. Don't know who'd have a more difficult time Erina keeping Souma in line or Nene keeping Ishiki in line.
Ishiki is still going to lose though.

Not surprised that Isshiki used Nene as his motivation for cooking. I suspect that since he was young, he was already better than cooks twice his age and Isshiki held a lot of contempt against those who gave up so easily against him. Not to mention that he took to cooking high-level dishes so easily, which eventually bored him. This is why Isshiki held Nene in high regard because she was the only one who never gave up. She might be a slow learner, but that's why he envied her of sorts.

Thanks to the prodigy label pushed on him, he had to live up to high expectations, like Saiba did. This is probably why he's so laid-back and never gets serious about showing his skills. I think Isshiki also knew Nene would be his equal someday, even if it was far in the future. This is likely the main reason why he broke off ties with his family. I'm definitely guessing that an arranged marriage between those two were underway, but given how much he appreciates Nene, he knows that this would be detrimental to her growth.

I imagine that some people would've heard these rumors except Nene. Erina might've heard about it, and Kuga seems to be someone who would know from a casual conversation between him and Isshiki. I could imagine him accidentally spilling the truth to Kuga.

#960573 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 23 January 2018 - 08:06 PM in Otaku Square

The novel's title is "24 hours Dorm life". So it's pretty much about dorm shenanigans. Goddammit, if only Viz would translate these...