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There have been 43 items by Verilance (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#808001 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Verilance on 23 April 2015 - 09:50 PM in Otaku Square

All weekly manga will not be published as it is Golden Week. It is a big time for holidays in Japan.



I see the LuNatics are out in full force today. Don't see it not even in that picture Luffy is only in love with Meat.

#807940 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Verilance on 23 April 2015 - 09:11 PM in Otaku Square

that was amazing . all I have to say about it. 

#789759 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Verilance on 29 March 2015 - 03:59 PM in Naruto General


Um...Usagi Drop ended with the MC marrying his adopted daughter, the adopted daughter who is the actual daughter of his grandfather, he married his biological aunt.


Wasn't a big fan of the ending, but Rin was not related to Diachi that is just what she and Diachi believed at first she was not the child of his Grandfather. the Grandfather just took her in because her mother could not care for her.

#730864 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 13 January 2015 - 01:13 AM in Gamer Lounge

so still playing Tales of Hearts r mostly on my way to and from work on the bus (when not listening to podcasts) made it back to the flying whale and having an enjoyable time though the battle with Icarose was a bit sad :(


my son bought Kingdom Hearts 2.5 remix so all of our playthroughs to complete the trophy collection on the other games are on hold until he 100% that.

#706521 The More I Reflect, The Angrier I Become

Posted by Verilance on 15 December 2014 - 10:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Same for me I have 66 volumes on my shelf that I will never touch again, I think that is what makes me the angriest. Even looking at them makes me feel slightly sick, I feel I have wasted almost $1500 on Naruto related merchandise including the volumes and Shonen Jump etc.

#673087 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 25 November 2014 - 12:14 AM in Gamer Lounge

I'll only buy the ps4 when either Kingdom Hearts, final Fantasy or Persona 5 gets released.

Finally got Hearts, and liking it so far. Disappointed that ***SPOILERS*** Kohaku lost her personality at the start of the game. Was looking forward to her interactions but now she is just an empty shell.


it doesn't take that long and she is worth the wait I was playing her as my main for awhile



Was quite bothered by Xillia's ending. So much buildup for Jude x Milla only for it to go nowhere in the end. Almost as bad as Naruto's ending.


the story wasn't about them... it was about Ludger and Elle.


any attachment between Milla and Jude is whatever you want it to be after all it is completely open.

#670540 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 23 November 2014 - 11:31 PM in Gamer Lounge

we got both the bad ending and the true ending last night still need to go back for the normal ending, post game content seems to be challenging so far which is good.


as far as I know Tales of Zestria is to be released early next year  in Japan don't know when it will come to North America or Europe

#667064 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Verilance on 20 November 2014 - 09:44 PM in Naruto General

my contempt for Kishimoto as a writer just grows which is sad because until the final chapters I would have said Naruto was a really great manga...


but he just spit on the ending

#662982 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 16 November 2014 - 11:24 PM in Gamer Lounge


one is the lack of actual talking from the MC puts a dampener on the groups dynamic, and not being able to take your entire party on the missions most of the time. the group don't feel as a unit like they do in the other games, in the past games they always felt like family they don't feel as tight knit group as the past games because of those two changes.


The reason Ludger doesn't speak is it would be a major spoiler for the story apparently he does speak in new game + mode but haven't got there yet to prove it.


The other thing isn't as jarring as you might think you have to take a special team on the side quests but whomever you want in the main game though you can only change in towns


but that is just my take and I love the game

#660268 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 14 November 2014 - 01:01 AM in Gamer Lounge

great game so far a nice change of pace from the darkness that is Xillia 2 not that I don't love that game just the story is very dark.

#659347 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Verilance on 13 November 2014 - 02:33 AM in Latest Releases

it has been a week and the thing that makes me so irritated still is that I have no desire to every read Naruto again, a manga that I have reread at least once a year since I started collecting it.


I have 66 volumes on my shelf that I could just a happily toss in the garbage because that is what Kishimoto has reduced the series to by making everything Naruto ever said or stood for and absolute lie


needed to ease the pain a bit so I read the last volume of Cross Game last night...


Adachi Mitsuru knows how to write manga, I wish Kishi had learned more from him when he was a fan of his in childhood

#658083 Zaboomafoo died...

Posted by Verilance on 12 November 2014 - 02:04 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I don't know how many people remember this show or care but my son just told me of the death of Jovian the lemur who doubled as the puppet Zaboomafoo in this wildlife show for children,




very sad news as I remember watching the show with my son when he was little



#658009 Tale of series

Posted by Verilance on 12 November 2014 - 01:19 AM in Gamer Lounge

I am pissed my store only got one copy for a guy that pre-ordered not gonna waste my time there again so I will download it instead


downloaded it today and started it up my vita was running out of power so stopped at first savepoint, I know what I will be playing on the bus to work tomorrow :D

#655785 Kishi speaks After Naruto’s Finale (Interview)

Posted by Verilance on 10 November 2014 - 08:22 PM in Naruto General

To me this sounds like he was tired of writing Naruto and someone offered to continue the series, the series will probably not do very well cuz as far as I am concerned Naruto and Sasuke both died after the battle of 699 and the series should be titled


The Tragedy of Naruto

#653966 What would you rank Naruto as a Series?

Posted by Verilance on 10 November 2014 - 12:33 AM in Naruto General

I would have giving it a really high ranking, but after realizing the themes that I had thought Kishimoto was writing about were false and that alone spoiled the whole series for me.


so 1 out of 10


I don't think I will ever even read it again so the 66 volumes I own will just collect dust on my shelves.

#652911 Will you read the Spin Off?

Posted by Verilance on 09 November 2014 - 11:17 AM in Naruto General

Not a chance I am done with anything to do with Kishimoto however tenuous

#650576 Manga/Anime recommendations

Posted by Verilance on 08 November 2014 - 04:51 AM in Otaku Square

These days I am into more gag manga


Himouto Umaru-chan is a great read always makes me smile


Yandere Kanojo


Waratte! Sonomura-san


and of course


Yotsubato! which has been my avatar for a year


there are more serious ones though most have ended this year lol

#646941 Beyond the Pale

Posted by Verilance on 06 November 2014 - 11:29 PM in Naruto General

I agree with your post and I as well will not be reading the last chapters at least for a very long time as well I will not be purchasing the rest of the manga volumes nor reading anything else Kishimoto writes.


It is not about the pairings though in my mind from what I have heard I have to do a big WTF about possible secondary pairings, it is more about Kishimoto has betrayed everything I believed the manga was about and that alone makes me very sad.


the only thing Naruto has done for me now is by existing introduce me to a world of much better mangaka


I grieve at the shoddy conclusion to what until now has been an excellent manga

#589792 Chapter 693

Posted by Verilance on 27 September 2014 - 12:40 AM in Latest Releases

Been reading this nonsense here for a couple of days, I expect this kind of over reaction from others but here I thought people were more calm and thoughtful so I am just not going to visit again until sanity is restored. 


I really enjoyed the chapter this week I thought Kishi's art and plot were outstanding, the manga is proceeding as it should and I am sorry that this seems to elude most of you.



#588273 Chapter 693

Posted by Verilance on 25 September 2014 - 10:47 PM in Latest Releases

so much overeaction oh well,


I liked the chapter so there lol to me  nothing has changed and the manga is still going in the direction I have thought it is. 

#586689 Chapter 692

Posted by Verilance on 25 September 2014 - 12:52 AM in Latest Releases

I remember coming home after choir practice on Thursday nights hoping that the chapter would be out though usually we had to wait until Friday morning....


the wait doesn't bother me at all it comes when it comes,after all my son wont read Naruto until the Viz volume is in his hands and I am forbidden to speak of it to him.

#578910 Chapter 692

Posted by Verilance on 10 September 2014 - 10:30 AM in Latest Releases


Yeah it feels as if Kishi will wrap it up by 700.The question is will he make a paring canon?


was just pondering that... is eight chapters enough? I don't think so...


and there is no question about couples it has remained the same since the beginning of the manga

#578892 Chapter 692

Posted by Verilance on 10 September 2014 - 10:17 AM in Latest Releases

interesting.... so it begins

#577916 Chapter 691

Posted by Verilance on 08 September 2014 - 10:41 PM in Latest Releases


look at page 17 of chapter 677 and you will find out what happened to Yamato I am surprised by the amount of people that missed it.

some people still  don't realize that Yamoto was spiral zetsu and was caught up like everyone else in chapter 677


not to worred about the translation its a mugs game and they lose a lot of the nuance trying to make it read well in english

#575752 Chapter 691

Posted by Verilance on 05 September 2014 - 02:09 AM in Latest Releases

and yamato? the manga is ending and he...


look at page 17 of chapter 677 and you will find out what happened to Yamato I am surprised by the amount of people that missed it.