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Da God of Rock's Content

There have been 11 items by Da God of Rock (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#165378 I ban you~!

Posted by Da God of Rock on 08 March 2008 - 10:20 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you cause me bro got a PS3 (blegh!)

#163516 What are you listening to?

Posted by Da God of Rock on 28 February 2008 - 02:29 AM in Fun Cafe

Stricken, Liberate, and Numb - Disturbed a_dance.gif

#162519 I ban you~!

Posted by Da God of Rock on 22 February 2008 - 09:17 AM in Fun Cafe

I ban you because hot pockets taste horrible!

#162231 I ban you~!

Posted by Da God of Rock on 20 February 2008 - 04:36 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you cause I'm bored and have nothing better to do. Oh! And also because you used a FLCL avatar! tongue.gif

#161463 I ban you~!

Posted by Da God of Rock on 16 February 2008 - 03:40 AM in Fun Cafe

I ban you for your w3al< attempts at being leet! tongue.gif

#161461 I ban you~!

Posted by Da God of Rock on 16 February 2008 - 03:31 AM in Fun Cafe

I ban you cause Gundam sucks!:P

#156217 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by Da God of Rock on 15 January 2008 - 01:57 PM in H&E RPG-town

The sharks? :blink: Lol, I don't mind really. I think I'll leave my chances with teh "sharks" as you put it and wait and see. I already know how I want my char to develop so I'll just wing it with whatever team I get. biggrin.gif

#156069 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by Da God of Rock on 14 January 2008 - 04:04 PM in H&E RPG-town

Gotcha AN, and I fixed it. My bad bro. ^^

#155969 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by Da God of Rock on 14 January 2008 - 02:49 AM in H&E RPG-town

@Abel Nightrod: Dude he's wearing it. I figured it he's wearing it there's no need to list it in his inventory. tongue.gif

#155571 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by Da God of Rock on 12 January 2008 - 10:56 AM in H&E RPG-town

@Abel Nightroad: I fixed the headband problem. And yeah, I decided to along with fire since not many people use it! ^^

#154801 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by Da God of Rock on 09 January 2008 - 03:55 PM in H&E RPG-town

Heres my profile! ^^

Name: Shidoshi Norami

Age: 14

Gender: Boy

Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Weight: 130lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Dirty blond

Place of birth: Konoha

Headquarers: Norami clan manor

Rank: Genin

Clothing: Black shirt with a short left sleeve and a long right sleeve. Shorts that go to mid-calf and are black. Black Sandals. His right hand is completely covered in a white bandage as is most of his arm. His neck is also covered in white bandaging up to his chin and jaw. Shidoshi wears his headband in the traditional manner as well.

Specialty: Ninjutsu

Weaknesses: Genjutsu is his weakest skill. He also has problems with self confidence due to an accident he had when he was young.

Personality: Shidoshi is quite and keeps to himself most of the time. He used to be more open and friendly but a terrible accident changed that. Now he would rather be left alone than around other people. Shidoshi can come off as rough and very non friendly at first.

Clan: Norami

Bloodline: Hell Fire; the user can create and manipulate chakra based flames at will and is based upon the individual's chakra levels and ammount of control.

Inventory/Weapons: A few scrolls for summoning shurikens, a shuriken pouch with shurikens. Some explosive tags and some smoke bombs. Most importantly though is his Konoha headband which he keeps on him at all times.

Tactics: Shidoshi likes to confuse and trick his enemies into letting down their guard. He often does this by using the smoke bombs and attacking from a hidden spot. Shidoshi prefers to get fights over with as quickly as possible and tries to use his bloodline only when he absolutely has to. He also likes to use the Bunshin and Kawrimi techniques quite often.

History: Shidoshi had a good childhood growing up. He was born into the Norami clan, which was well known for its Hell Fire bloodline and specialty with fire based jutsus. Shidoshi had many friends and was well liked. Then when he was 12 he had an accident. While practicing the use of his bloodline ability he grew overconfident and it backfired on him, literally. A good deal of the right side of his body was badly burned and left scarred. After that he grew increasingly withdrawn.