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There have been 15 items by aa_lithium (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#152873 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by aa_lithium on 02 January 2008 - 02:48 AM in Fun Cafe


I'm lonely.

T.T I thought my sis came back and it turned out she had to go take some relatives bakc to Laredo and now I spend more time ALONE.

Ah well I get to call her in awhile. xD

And disappointed. My mom's really dumb sometimes. =(

#152644 Let Us Hear Yourself V1.0

Posted by aa_lithium on 31 December 2007 - 09:42 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


Ani: WOAH! I went: WOAH! Cause that is a pretty damn good voice you got there! Better then Erika and tha girl is like a clone of Amy Lee, I've seen alot of talent but I'm SUPER SUPER SUPER amazed.

Wilson: xD You sound like my bro when he tries to sing, just in tune. ^^ It's fine.

Sesshou: O.o WOAH. Again. Not as amazed as I was by Ani, but I think you have a nice voice, pretty. ^^

You're making me wanna sing. xD I don't have anything so I can put a voice recording of myself, not even a phone or ANYTHING. I have to wait for sis to get back, AGAIN. <.<

#152343 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by aa_lithium on 30 December 2007 - 05:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I liked it when Sakura turned like I THINK I'LL HAVE SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT now in the Chunnin exams, I didn't like her at all before that. Then I realized that, that girl has a lot of potential as a character. Then I thought about Naruto, he got some development too.

Ah, then there's my sister. My sis is SO much like combination of Sakura and Naruto, she's a loud, hyper ADHD kid at times (like Naruto). But at the same time, she has Sakura's...overall attitude. I admit, she's a little bit more of Sakura's kind and compassionate side (because Naruto can be so clueless sometimes but isn't it so CUTE when he finally figures it out? ^^). But at the same time when she's angry she really is, she has that mad side about her. And again, like before timeskip Sakura she keeps that mad side of her inside (Inner!Sakura ^^'). It's so weird to describe...xD (She's smart like her too, it's so weird. But then she doesn't want to do it even when she has a good idea. sleep.gif')

But anyway, she totally adores Naruto, to bits. And that got me thinking more, and Sakura and Naruto's personalities totally go with eachother. They're alot like eachother, but at the same time they are not alike in the way that screams: I'm an individual! So really, this means that when they grow up and they become their own person...

Well, you know.

#152341 What are you listening to?

Posted by aa_lithium on 30 December 2007 - 04:58 PM in Fun Cafe

In God's Hands -- Nelly Furtado

#152340 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by aa_lithium on 30 December 2007 - 04:57 PM in Fun Cafe

I'm worried about my sis...

T.T Like always. I love that annoying piece of my not-twin. ^^'

Other then that I'm still kinda mad at my mom, I mean she let my little brother get away with everything yesterday, it sucked. >.<

#152331 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by aa_lithium on 30 December 2007 - 04:31 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I like Avatar.

I didn't get to see ANY episodes past the Puppetmaster though, I lost track and...T.T

I love spoilers though so I already know what happened. xD

#152161 I ban you~!

Posted by aa_lithium on 29 December 2007 - 08:29 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you for saying anything about my music (Dx)

#152157 I ban you~!

Posted by aa_lithium on 29 December 2007 - 08:25 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you for *too confidential to be spoken, thank you for your time*.

#152136 What are you listening to?

Posted by aa_lithium on 29 December 2007 - 07:12 PM in Fun Cafe

Everyone Looks So Good From Down Here -- UNderoath

=O It switched on me...T.T

Bleed Like Me -- Garbage

#151972 What are you listening to?

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 10:51 PM in Fun Cafe

LT: "Sinner" Drowning Pool

...I actually wanna listen to that Kelly Clarkson song I recently got ddicted too. Dx

My music tastes are very wide...=D

#151971 I ban you~!

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 10:48 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you cause I knew you ran over my puppy yesterday... :shamefulcry0js:


#151948 I ban you~!

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 10:07 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you cause SasuSasu is actually the most canon out of them all =O you're making me not do my research!

#151946 I ban you~!

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 09:51 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you for saying you wanted to ban someone for suggesting NaruSasu for making my head go explode

#151930 Naruto RPG Intro Thread V2.0

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 08:53 PM in H&E RPG-town

I absolutely loathe Naruto OCs (I loathe making them), but I love RPing, but have only RPed with my friends on messengers and so forth. So really, this is my OC, and I came up with it while I made it.


*hopes I don't get killed*

Name: Lori Takami [her name itself is fake]
Alias: (in other personality) Rei T.
Age: 12, nearly 13
Gender: Female
Rank: Genin
Birthplace/Place of Residence: Unknown/Konoha
Height: 4 ‘11’
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color/Style: Black, curly and short, sometimes put on ponytail
Eye Color/Style: Green eyes, wide child like
Other: Tanned skin, has a very innocent baby-face, petite.
Clothing: Some grey-blue shorts (yes they do exist), along with a plain blue T-shirt, but with a black jacket, wears regular black ninja shoes (I have no idea what those things they wear are…O.o). Her headband is worn around her waist, and she wears glasses.
She has MPD (yes multiple personalities), there is Lori the short girl who talks like she knows it all. But really, is a weak girl who can’t stick up for what she says and is very narrow minded, stubborn, and selfish. Then you have Rei (T, don’t forget it!). A girl with a big dream of being a strong kunoichi someday but is too quiet and a perfectionist of all sorts. Both of these personalities are narrow minded, but handled in different
Justu/ Specialties
Justu: Very dependent on genjutsu especially (very simply, but effective illusions). Her Jutsu, if they are ninjutsu, usually have to do with fire (and even more rarely) earth. But the only kind of jutsu she really excels at is genjutsu.
Bloodline: Her bloodline is very weird, it steals some of form of chakra from animals, and depending how strong you are it can either be used to heal, to choke another person with simply the chakra from that, or simply boost up said chakra. Some are as experienced as using their own chakra to gain this chakra from animals (or other people) or a touch, or something very touchy (like a kiss, a hug, punching, actual combat etc). She relies heavily on this.
Other then your regular kunai and such, she has inherited a sword, it’s a fancy sword for one, but she rarely uses it due to the fact it is her trump card. She uses it very efficiently and it’s decorated in a couple of jewels (a ruby, a sapphire here and there, possibly just plain rhinestones). The sword is simply used because she is in fact a good (but not great) sword fighter and has no special talents or anything; she fondly calls the sword “Luna”.
Lori is actually of a now near-extinct royal bloodline, but she doesn’t know it and probably never will. To protect her from people who are after her bloodline, she uses a fake name and lives life like this. Since she is the weaker part of her clan, she probably will never be pursued very much at all.

Her MPD comes from a traumatic experience as a child, when in fact her supposedly dead parents were alive and they called her Rei (possibly a nickname of her real name) and she uses it fondly. However, she says to everybody who asks about her parents that they died in illness when in her Rei personality, when in fact they were murdered.

If I need to expand more on the jutsu I gladly will, I'm just not very good at it at all. x.x

#151897 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by aa_lithium on 28 December 2007 - 07:24 PM in Fun Cafe

I'm happy there's a thing called procrastination! =D