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There have been 42 items by Kanae (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#672407 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 24 November 2014 - 04:25 PM in Konoha Theater

Also, someone in 2ch posted a summary of Sakura's scene with Hinata. It was translated to English HERE. Someone who does seem to have gone to the screening reblogged it and confirmed it, so for now it seems to be reliable.  

#672389 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 24 November 2014 - 04:17 PM in Konoha Theater

Hi, guys. According to the translator at reddit, this article: http://dogatch.jp/news/tx/29765 - "Talks about the pairings from the Kishimoto portion of the interview, and how he arrived at them." I was wondering if any of you had read a summary / translation of it yet? Sorry if I missed it, but I backtracked 10 pages but couldn't find any  :sweat:

#668936 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 22 November 2014 - 04:07 PM in Konoha Theater

The one where they're stuck on an island? Too ridiculous to be true. Just the fact that they would pull a Neji on Karin should be enough indication.

That's exactly what I thought, too. But after that epilogue, I can't help but to give everything Naruto related, for most ridiculous and absurd it may sound, the benefit of the doubt lol At this point it's just hilarious.

#668908 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 22 November 2014 - 03:38 PM in Konoha Theater

new image-




Oh boy, now I'm starting to wonder if those leaked spoilers may turn out to be the real thing after all  :twitch: If they are, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop laughing. 

#666718 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 20 November 2014 - 05:57 PM in Konoha Theater

I'm torn about that. I hate her character. A lot. But completeness demands a resolution. Like choosing between the porta potty where someone's aim was off or the porta potty someone threw up in.

Obviously, I'm the opposite. But to follow your metaphor, I'd rather he forget he got himself one in the first place while it's still relatively clean. So at this point, I'd rather he find her irrelevant enough to not bother to give her a resolution 2s7yn7o.gif Those of who who do like her will no doubt treat her better in our post-series head-canons, than he could ever hope to.

#666694 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 20 November 2014 - 05:46 PM in Konoha Theater

Speaking of that...now that Sasuke's married is Karin a horrible person unless she either becomes a home wrecker or an old maid sitting around wondering what it?

Apparently? Unless he really does fridge her. Or gives her a carbon-copy of Sasuke as a consolation prize like he did with Ino. I don't even know what bs to expect, at this point.


My one and only hope is that he forgets her existence just like he did in the last two chapters. 

#666683 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 20 November 2014 - 05:42 PM in Konoha Theater


It's dsgusting really. And I stand by my original thought that he wanted a pairing for Sasuke first, then NH came later. 


(And, as an aside, as Chatte pointed out, why bring in Karin so heavy at the end? Just as a plot device to heal Sasuke? Ugh. I was never a SK shipper at all, but I have to admit she had a point. And it would have worked well with the whole Yin/Yang theory. )

Except that she didn't heal him. After she was brought back post Kage Summit fiasco, she actually didn't do a thing aside from awakening the chains; which was about her feelings for Sasuke. In other words, something completely unnecessary given that he must have known he would throw Sasuke with Sakura by then.


But then again, this is the guy who wrote 631 while being perfectly aware that Naruto would wind up with Hinata. By that point, he was just throwing in red herrings to string shippers along to the bitter end; there is no other logical explanation to it.



#666618 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 20 November 2014 - 05:15 PM in Konoha Theater

Wow. I just 2s7yn7o.gif Knowing it is one thing, hearing it from Kishi himself is another. And the way he words it. Good God.


I would like to know when was that "quite a long time ago". Was it before Sakura's confession to Naruto, or was it after the bad reception it got? I think that's the only thing I want to know, now. 

#632234 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Kanae on 04 November 2014 - 07:48 PM in Latest Releases

I don't really find Sasuke poking Sakura's forehead to be that unlikely. It's a very brotherly gesture and he just basically admitted he sees her as family, so I could see it; after all, Kishi is going to have to rush some things and this is a really straight-forward way for him to draw that home. So whether it is Sasuke or not (or rather, whether it is a forehead poke or not) it's nothing worth worrying about, IMO :P   

#631947 Naruto Databook IV [Manga Spoilers]

Posted by Kanae on 04 November 2014 - 05:58 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Hi, guys! I know this isn't directly related to NaruSaku, but would anyone happen to know anything of what was written on Rin's entry? I see lots of ObiRin there  :love:

#621813 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 05:20 AM in Konoha Theater

Yeah, that's what I got from the trailer too. 

Hopefully a full translation will show up soon so that people will stop jumping the gun. 



Seriously guys: the manga ends next week. You will know the outcome way before the movie airs. Try to keep a clear mind and just focus on the manga for now.


To be honest, I think the one thing that intrigues me about the movie is what in the world was Naruto up to during those 2 years if he hasn't confessed yet. Did he leave Konoha to go visit other villages or something in order to ensure everyone's cooperation for world peace? 

#621804 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 05:16 AM in Konoha Theater

guys lets just accept it nh is happening
in the trailer naruto said that he realised something while they showed this pic




it's over hahaha :)

He wasn't talking about that kind of realization. 


Wasn't he simply saying that he was always alone, but then he realized that he had nakama by him and that he wanted to protect them or something along those lines? Anyways, regardless of what the exact wording may have been, Naruto was talking about his nakama and his feelings regarding them. 

#621774 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 05:06 AM in Konoha Theater


Haven't heard them say that and the scenes are not together. 


It's what Naruto says before that 'I have something to tell you, wait for me'. It goes something along the lines of "Do you remember that day?" or something I think (don't quote me on this, my Japanese is rudimentary at best), and it's played during Hinata and Naruto's childhood flashback. 


Granted it could be a matter of misleading montage, but for all intents and purposes he does seem to be saying that line to Hinata. 



Honestly though, I think there's no point in worrying about any of this. The fandom will jump the gun, obviously; but we're better off simply waiting for next week. We will know who Naruto ends up with much before the movie airs, so by then this movie will probably be a moot point. 


The couples have to be resolved in the manga, and NaruSaku still has everyone beat in terms of development. So just try to stay calm and not let the advertising and the fandom hype get too much to you. By this time next week, we'll know :P

#621713 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 04:51 AM in Konoha Theater

Someone on NF just shared an alternate link; I think this one should work even for those without a japanese proxy or Hola:



#621704 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 04:47 AM in Konoha Theater

You can't watch if if you're not in Japan..

Try using a Japanese proxy, it worked for me just fine. I recommend Hola, it's fast and easy to use!

#621690 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kanae on 31 October 2014 - 04:43 AM in Konoha Theater

Hi guys, here is the link to the full trailer :P




If you're not able to watch it (I wasn't at first), try using a Japanese proxy. I'm sure it will get re-uploaded somewhere soon though, and pretty much everything has already been shared either through caps or the magazine spreads we got before.


The only relevant thing is that we get to hear what for all intents and purposes seems to be Naruto's full "I have something to tell you, wait for me" line. 

#536924 Naruto 680

Posted by Kanae on 11 June 2014 - 11:52 AM in Latest Releases

Kishi really could give two f**cks about Sakura. She could easily thrown the kunai to save Obito. No she does nothing. 



I love Sakura but I dont see anything happening for her. I feel really bad for her. 

I will be the first to admit that I've never truly cared about whether Sakura gets more power-ups or not, partly because I'm not invested in power-levels and partly because she's powerful enough as is for a human girl, imo; but I have a hard time believing Kishi isn't going somewhere with this.


This is Sakura's self-esteem taking hit after hit in each chapter due to Sasuke's words. It has to bounce back eventually, she has earned it; after all her hard work, there's no way Kishi will let her stay down by the end of this fight. Not when this has always been such a big part of her character and of her development.


And for it to bounce back, she has to feel useful again; and as such, do something important in whatever measure or capacity might be available to her. 


It's just a matter of time, imo. The story itself calls for it.

#532460 Naruto 678

Posted by Kanae on 28 May 2014 - 05:14 AM in Latest Releases

NH is dead
TenTen's dream

#531315 Naruto 677

Posted by Kanae on 22 May 2014 - 01:33 AM in Latest Releases

I still find the NH tease this chapter both discouraging and dissapointing because....well what happened to all that evidence of the pairing wars coming to a conclusion?

If you ask me, when it comes down to it, the pairing has basically been concluded since it started, since Naruto's side of the matter has had no romantic development. You have to remember that Hinata (and this may sound bad to some, but it's how I personally see it) is basically a glorified outlet of Naruto adoration. You could literally exchange that "Naruto-kun" with any unnamed fodder from Konoha, and it would amount to the same thing: Naruto's people needing him. It was given to Hinata because she is a named character, popular and because her character nowadays basically revolves around nothing else but Naruto-kun'ing. 


Fandom-wise, the pairing wars won't come to a conclusion until something is indisputably canon (and I'm willing to bet Kishi's editors are behind milking the fanteases for all their worth). And even yet, they most likely won't conclude; screams of bad writing! no foreshadowing! etc will come left and right. That's fandom for you.


But manga-wise, I guarantee you wouldn't have thought twice about that Hinata panel if you weren't a part of the fandom, and only too aware of how it will be taken by some sides of it. And that's because manga-wise, the evidence pointing to NaruSaku is as clear as day. There's literally no room left for doubt in that regard. Everything else is just taking isolated events and losing sight of the big picture, IMO.

#528008 Naruto 675

Posted by Kanae on 12 May 2014 - 06:30 PM in Latest Releases

This translation is totally wrong, but the fact that a professional translation choose to be so biased on a translation makes me wonder if we're not the one who are interpreting Kakashi's words in a wrong way. Though, why would Kakashi talk about love in past tense? This is really disturbing, but still as I said myself, they already translated Kushina's words by "don't go for the first girl that come in your way"

And here they have omitted the "loved" word and transformed the first part of the speech by adding "on a totally different level". Isn't it weird that a professional translation is showing a so biased interpretation instead of doing a neutral translation? Do you think it's possible that we are the ones who wrongly interpret this passage? It really confuse me.  I was so sure of this passage. To me Sakura doesn't love Sasuke romantically, but this "on a totally different level" clearly hint at SS theory. And saying otherwise to me is not wanting to accept the truth. Is VIZ really that biased or are they somewhat reliable for professional translators?

Let's forget translations for a second and focus on how the japanese readers are taking the chapter. Say, 2ch's Naruto thread for example, which is usually more focused on power levels and the likes. What kind of comment have they been making regarding that line? Does anyone know?

#527935 Naruto 675

Posted by Kanae on 12 May 2014 - 03:31 PM in Latest Releases

I just googled about this chapter and I went on a jap site and I found this comment made today from someone who has read the WSJ today, just a his/her impression



Sakura doesn't have all the same romantic feelings for Sasuke anymore.
Well, Sasuke is gonna to be with Karin.



I was about to ask about the impressions japanese non-shippers got from it. From my experience, it's always interesting to check out what the power-level fans from over there think in circumstances like these, because most of them don't care enough to have a bias either way  :lol: so it usually helps those who still find ambiguity in the statement / translation to make up their mind.


That said, I think the problem is that some tend to look at chapters / statements like these like stand-alones when they're meant to be read in context. When read in the context of everything that has been happening in the manga for the last few years, there's really only one logical outcome to Kakashi's statement, imo  :shrug:  but to each his own.

#526581 Naruto 675

Posted by Kanae on 07 May 2014 - 08:01 PM in Latest Releases

I keep thinking that we're finally going to get Sasuke and Sakura interacting properly because their side of the Team 7 bond has got to start getting fixed somewhere (something I'm personally looking forward to). But nope :lol: whenever they share any panel-time Kishi makes sure Sakura focuses on Naruto the moment he steps in, and gives him most of her attention; it was the same thing in the chapter where Team 7 first reunited during the war, then the same thing when they helped Sakura and today it was more obvious than ever because Kishi even had her being more focused on Kakashi previous to Naruto's arrival, and Sasuke remained as off to the side as always. It's pretty funny, all in all.


Kishi's writer intent is clear as day; things like Kakashi's comments are just the cherry on-top.

#525797 The Official SasuKarin Thread

Posted by Kanae on 04 May 2014 - 05:49 PM in Naruto General

^ which is pretty funny when one stops to consider that Sasuke extinguishing the flames for Karin was a new move, too. So it's more or less like a trend, in a way  :fan:

#525087 The Official SasuKarin Thread

Posted by Kanae on 28 April 2014 - 04:54 PM in Naruto General

^ I think Kishi is overly fond of them because he finds them quite straight-forward and they come-in handy in situations when he can't directly address something  :lol: 
@Nate River:



NS had zero influence on me picking up SK. What I liked about SK was the similarities it shared with SN. Karin looked down on Sasuke and berated him much like how Naruto would trash talk Sasuke in part 1. They both would act like they hated Sasuke, but they both secretly liked and admired him. Naruto even idolized him to a degree. I also love the profound effect both Uzumakis seem to have on Sasuke. They both can bring out Sasuke's more human side, if you will. Also, both Naruto and Karin can understand Sasuke through shared life experiences. Naruto understands the loneliness part and Karin understands the pain of loss part. If SK is a redux of anything, it's part 1 SN.

It's ridiculous just how similar they are lol I honestly feel there are actually more parallels here than between NaruSaku & SasuKarin, which have mostly just been juxtaposed IMO.

Yes, I used to be incredibly biased and close-minded with regard to SN. Yes, my close-mindedness caused me to not give Sakura a chance. I'm not proud of my past self, but that's what I was. Heck, despite being a shipper of SN, I used to hate Sasuke, too. There was even a point in the story where I hated Naruto.

I can't imagine a time where you hated Sasuke, I swear :rotfl what was it that made you hate Naruto back then, Yami?

#525033 The Official SasuKarin Thread

Posted by Kanae on 28 April 2014 - 04:11 AM in Naruto General

@Nate River: Nate, I'll reply properly tomorrow since it's getting pretty late over here in my time zone  :lol:

Wait, there's an interview in which Kishi said that Sasuke going dark in the Summit arc was just a decision of the moment and not part of the grand plan?

Yup, it's from the same interview where the confession was touched upon. The translation is HERE, and that bit has it as:

Sugiyama: "You probably can't speak of the outcome of the Danzou fight, but what happens with Taka after?"
Kishimoto: "I can't speak to what happens with the Danzou fight, but there'll be some things happening within Taka (dissent?) and the look in Sasuke's eyes will grow more and more evil. I've just recently decided on such a course of the story" (these words make it seem as if the Sasuke-related part isn't really decided upon, so take this part with a grain of salt).


So the reason Sasuke went from nuts to chill so quickly during the war was because Kishi regretted taking Sasuke's character in the dark direction during the Summit arc?

It would explain alot if that was the case. An it sounded like a good idea at the time, kind of thing. Only then to realize that, oh crap, it's going to cause him problems down the line.

Pretty much, if you ask me. I wish Kishi had actually thought things through before making Sasuke pull the stuff he pulled. Goes to show it's really not a good thing to make up stuff on the run lol Though I guess his editors might have had something with the change of direction? Either the "towards darkness at full speed!" or the "wait wait abort bring him back to the gray-zone!" one  :twitch: