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There have been 149 items by chouzu_tao (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#877129 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 17 September 2015 - 07:50 PM in Arts & Entertainment District



The people in this universe don't understand the idea of a corpse getting up on it's own and walking around on it's own, well having a desire to eat. The point of this series is people coming to terms with that reality, at the moment the idea that these people are simply "sick" and could be "saved" is something many think is possible. This series is really about watching society and it's remnants come to terms with that reality.



Zombies are only part of my issue with the core family characters. 


Who casually saunters to the car after and gives their parents attitude for wanting them to hustle after they saw a zombie the night before? Who wanders away in the dark after having just witnessed their neighbor attacking another neighbor's family? They're not weak. They're stupid and annoying. I don't like any one in the core family. Who leaves the door open? Even if there wasn't a dog that appeared with blood all over it, it's just good manners and a regular thing that people do. Who turns their lights low to hide the fact that they're home but flashes a flashlight at a window when the power goes out? 

I even give them a pass on the dealing with zombies thing:


I'm okay with people not knowing how to handle a zombie encounter and struggling with whether or not people can come back to being alive, but a lot of the tension they tried to create in this episode are all things only someone conceited and super stuck up  or incredibly stupid and ignorant of basic survival 101 would do. Don't like the characters. Well, the Spanish speaking family is okay and interesting.  

And again they saw the drug dealer kid in the first episode get smashed to bits but still desire to harm them. Friend// knew them or not, precautions need to be taken. Regardless of knowing how to deal with zombies. Survival 101 again, and again it's not shown that horror genre does not exist. If they did then they're being nonsensical and silly.  

#876907 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 16 September 2015 - 07:50 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

One thing should be remembered here with this setting though. The Walking Dead and Fear are set in the same universe, a universe where the idea of a "zombie" was never developed. There is no notion of zombie fiction here. That's why it took Hershel so long to understand, he had to watch one of his undead neighbors shot multiple times and still come after them, that he began to understand that they truly are dead.


So for the first few episodes I really don't have a problem with people not understanding what the hell is going on. If this is still going on in 3-4 episodes then I can start understanding the kittening. There's a curve here at least in my view. I think one of the obvious driving points of this is going to be like I said the clash between what kind of "people" you become in this universe. If Step-Dad is arguing against guns much longer it's likely a sign that he is about to die.


I don't remember seeing anything that shows or tells us that there is no zombie fiction in this world. Your example of Hershel is just a normal reaction that someone could have regardless of zombie fiction, it does not point directly to zombie fiction not existing. To say otherwise is just EDIT:apologizing making excuses for the writers, and so far they don't deserve your help. Anyway, even if there is no zombie fiction, you cannot tell me that the horror genre does not exist. Again, survival 101. While my comment about no one seeing a zombie movie was partially a joke (partially) the bigger issue is that they're acting unrealistic for the situations they find themselves in. Again, stupidity for the sake of tension. 


EDIT 2: did some research and the comic book writer says there is no concept of zombies in fiction. 


EDIT 3: The only pop. zombie fiction thing that I can remember that acknowledges zombies is Shaun of the Dead. Why is that! It's annoying and lazy!

#876677 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 15 September 2015 - 10:41 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

But it's not even that they're too weak. It's that they're stupid. Who casually saunters to the car after and gives their parents attitude for wanting them to hustle after they saw a zombie the night before? Who wanders away in the dark after having just witnessed their neighbor attacking another neighbor's family? They're not weak. They're stupid and annoying. I don't like any one in the core family. Who leaves the door open? Even if there wasn't a dog that appeared with blood all over it, it's just good manners and a regular thing that people do. Who turns their lights low to hide the fact that they're home but flashes a flashlight at a window when the power goes out? I'm okay with people not knowing how to handle a zombie encounter and struggling with whether or not people can come back to being alive, but a lot of the tension they tried to create in this episode are all things only someone conceited and super stuck up  or incredibly stupid and ignorant of basic survival 101 would do. Don't like the characters. Well, the Spanish speaking family is okay and interesting.  

#876466 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 15 September 2015 - 12:07 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Each episode has some good things, some bad things, but with each passing episode, the bad things outweigh the good. I don't think I've ever swore so much at a TV show as I have this last episode. The whole, no one has ever seen a zombie movie, along with how they set up each scare for this episode is just too jaw-droopingly frustrating. At this point, there's maybe three people I don't want to die. 

#875486 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by chouzu_tao on 11 September 2015 - 02:07 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

The Visit 7.5/10


I have not been a fan of Shammies' for a while. This was good. It was a return to basics for him, which after his last few films was a great way to approach a reset. I have it at a 7.5 instead of an 8 because there are things that happen that really pull me out of the film. Some are cringeworthy. But there are good bits. Good show. I am now looking forward to his next film. 

#872080 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 26 August 2015 - 10:59 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I think you meant to say it felt too slow. I would agree they could of made it quicker, but I guess they wanted to introduce every character. Remember The Walking Dead introduced 3 characters (4 counting the zombie wife) and lasted 2 hours. This first episode lasted a hour and a half and introduced like 20 characters. Gotta give it prompts for making sure to get the intro part out the way while adding the horror factor. I just find it stupid how there was a report of 5 states having people trying to eat each other, and when their son told them he saw someone trying to do it, they just passed it off as him being drugged up. Dumb parents.

Too long, too slow, same result. To me, it felt too long. I know that it wasn't but it felt like it was. Which means there was a lot of dead air, no pun, intended. 


I agree, with the reports thing, although the kid carrying the knife made it sound like all that was being reported was that people were killing each other, not eating the crap out of each other. I fail to understand how that wouldn't be the bigger portion of the reportings.  

#871865 Fear the Walking Dead

Posted by chouzu_tao on 26 August 2015 - 12:57 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I don't know how to rate this episode. It's hard not to view this with the knowledge of it's predecessor/ sequel series. I understood what they were going for, trying to get us invested in the characters and lulling us into a false sense of security before pulling the rug out from our central characters. But this is hard to pull off with it being a prequel. I wonder how much more effective the first episode was for those who didn't know about the Walking Dead. It's odd, I can't tell if it was because of the quality of the episode or just my impatience but the episode felt too long. I know they wanted to build to that final moment with the family, but I feel they could've had an equally effective result with half the time. Anyone else?

#871864 Help me Decide

Posted by chouzu_tao on 26 August 2015 - 12:50 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

The winner! Bombombom booooom booom bombombom bomm boommmm Force unleashed! Thanks everyone!

#870521 Help me Decide

Posted by chouzu_tao on 20 August 2015 - 09:54 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I like Tardis too :D


Apparently I didn't give suggestion yesterday? :sweatdrop: Thought I'd posted it :P
and should people vote above not only give comment? :headscratch:

So far:
Tardis: 2
Star Wars: 3

Ha! I welcome comments but I'll be looking at the polls for results.

#869996 Help me Decide

Posted by chouzu_tao on 18 August 2015 - 11:46 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Hey everyone, 


I got a gift card for this site on my birthday. I can get one shirt but I'm having a hard time deciding which one to get. It's between three shirts.It's been over a week and I still can't choose. Please help me decide. 


Tardis Express:



Star Wars Seven:



We Can Do It (Furiously):




#869993 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 18 August 2015 - 11:36 PM in Konoha Theater

Everyone's opinion is valid, but come on it's not just shipping and "passion for the series" that made people dislike the movie. My friend, who likes NaruHina, fell asleep half way through the movie because of how slow it is, so it can't just be shipping that's the problem. We just found the movie to be plain boring .


I've given the movie a few chances already and I just can't bring myself to like it. Honestly, it could be NaruSaku for all I care and it would still be a snooze fest of a movie, in my opinion. For instance, try comparing it to the latest One Piece movie and I feel like there's just no compeition between the two.


If you like the movie of course you have every right to, but you should expect people here not to agree with calling the Last a good movie by any measure.

I wasn't frustrated or surprised that the majority didn't agree with me, just offended at how some people became insulting. 

#869952 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 18 August 2015 - 09:11 PM in Konoha Theater

*Sigh. I took the weekend to think about how to respond to some of these responses. But it boils down to us just disagreeing. We won't be able to change each other's minds, which is fine. But keep this in mind, especially to those who make comments about things just going over my head, first of all, it's insulting. You're basically saying I'm too dumb to understand why I'm wrong. Me not agreeing with you doesn't mean I don't understand why you feel the way you feel about certain things, it just means I don't feel the same way. To me, it's a good Naruto movie and a good anime movie. As a disappointed NaruSaku fan, I didn't think I'd enjoy the movie and I wanted to voice in a stupor the fact that I liked it. That my passion for the series and the shipping does not run as deep as some of yours does not make my opinion any less valid. 

#867888 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 13 August 2015 - 04:58 AM in Konoha Theater



The problem with the last is that it's canon. It had a high production value, so it looks better, has better music than the other movies,etc...but the story is a mess, especially when you consider it being canon, it retcons Naruto's character and his abilities, makes Hinata into an even more pathetic version of herself and shows us ridiculous scenes like the one in the genjutsu thingy where Hinata's scarf gains life and chokes Naruto for a whatever reason, managing to take him in a guilt trip. Ridiculous scenes like this one not only made 0 sense ( since the genjutsu was supposed to trap a person in their own memories or something like that ), but also trashed NH because prior to these things Naruto didn't actually loved Hinata prior the genjutsu thingy


I guess I'd need more information on Naruto's character and abilities, that you feel are retconned. I'll give you the kage bunshin but that's not a deal breaker for me.


How did they make Hinata pathetic?


As far as the scarf thing goes. I personally think the scarf reaching out to Naruto was more a visual metaphor for love and the red thread that is starting to connect them. Just as the scarf is described later as a metaphor for Hinata's love for Naruto. Also, Naruto never chokes, so I wouldn't call it "choking him."Remember, in film, not every visual is meant to be taken literally. At the end they show them holding hands at different ages. That doesn't mean they're actually de- and re-aging. 


The genjutsu itself is a memories trap, but Shikamaru also described it as a trap of "caged" memories. Naruto may not have always known. He isn't a dolt but he isn't super perceptive of everything outside of ninjutsu skills. Also, we didn't just look into Naruto's memories, but they also showed Hinata's memories. Showing us both their memories separately. Again, I was never 100% anti-NaruHina so this is more agreeable for me. I've known plenty of friends who have gotten together after one who was completely oblivious to the other's feelings for them suddenly figures it out.


There is no factual evidence that shows Naruto absolutely did not love Hinata. It is never stated. All implications for or against NaruHina are purely subjective. That Naruto admits  that he has feelings for Hinata is what cements or disregards any romantic moments in the manga.



As a standalone though I would als argue it's pretty bad either way....the romantic moments are pretty cringeworthy, the villain is pointless and stupid, the plot is horrible and uninteresting and feels like a filler story and Naruto just isn't Naruto


Are the romantic moments cringeworthy because they are or because you don't like NaruHina?



Naruto able to use kage bushin before he learns it from the secret scroll in chapter one. +1 but this is forgivable to me
Naruto is emotional idiot who can't make different between Hinata love and love to ramen. Do you mean emotional idiot who doesn't understand love or is not perceptvie of it? This is a popular trope of a lot of romance/action/humor anime. It's often done for humor. It didn't irk me.

It's actually matter. There are reason Rtn is one of the worst naruto movie in term of animation quality. And that's because they make it from start since it replace the suppose movie, the chikara arc.
Animation need time to make.


Time does not always equate better quality. They could've gotten the crappy team of animators and regardless of time it wouldn't have been as good. I have nothing against the quality of RtN, I just think this one has some of the best in the movie series. And it isn't just the animation/ art style. It's the amount of time they linger on some shots without dialogue, its the sequences they blend together (I liked how the genjutsu/ memory trap was sequenced)



--Naruto knowing kage bushin at an early age Agreed

--Naruto being an idiot regarding his own emotions Idiot how?

--Hinata's character inconsistency with her last development from the manga Could you be more specific?

--Naruto giving up on a friend and on the entire world because of a rejection....when Sasuke rejected his friendship offer back in part 1, what did he do? Gave up? No he said he'd rather be a fool than give up on Sasuke...yet in the movie he sulks and is glad to let the world end because Hinata ambiguously rejected him  lol


People are multi-faceted. He was out for 3 days and then sulked for a day or two. I hardly call that a long time, especially for someone who finally admits to being in love with someone in person, and then having them leave, all in the span of a few minutes. He isn't a person made of stone who just keeps moving forward all the time. He gets hurt and that can take time to deal with. When he first caught up with Sasuke at Orochimaru's hide out post time-skip both he and Sakura had a breakdown, without further pursuit. Sai snapped them out of it. Different situations hurt differently and take more or less time based on the depth they feel about it. Unlike most of the losses he suffered in the manga, he can't just beat up someone and have his way when Hinata chooses to go with Toneri.


--The whole you loved me because of rivalry thing, which paints Naruto's character as a scumbag who was using Sakura to one up Sasuke since the beginning This I agree is complete BS which in turn makes Sakura's thoughts about Naruto in chapter 3 the right interpretation of his character In the version I read she states he's always getting in the way when she does something important, enjoys seeing her struggle, doesn't understand anything about her and is annoying. I don't think this makes any of that true.

--Konohamaru having blue eyes This makes the movie bad?



And they wouldn't have crappy animation, they were working on this project for two whole years


I don't understand why this is a point of contention with people who don't like the movie. I'm just stating it has good animation/ art. So what if it had two years? That doesn't take away from the fact that it is good and that it is some of the best in the series of Naruto films. Who knows if the other ones could've been better. The point is that they aren't all better and I enjoy the one in this one because I think it's good.


If it was a standalone, Elseworlds, kind of story that you didn't need to read the manga to understand...then yeah, fine...it is an okay film. It's the fact that this is supposed to complete the 15 year story and it does a RIDICULOUSLY bad job at finishing it. It doesn't complete it. It's the precursor to the ending that is in the manga.


The worse part is is when people say "the manga is self-explanatory," but then say this movie was necessary. No. The the fact that movie is supposed to continue and already existing story and CONTRADICTS everything is what makes it bad. What does it contradict specifically that isn't open to interpretation?


It was supposed to answer question and instead raised more and with that being said...why is this even a movie anyway? Shouldn't this all be in the manga instead? If this was "planned from the start" why even need it? I didn't expect much/ have many questions about the manga towards the end so this isn't an irksome thing for me.


I could say Road to Ninja is more canon than this movie if that is the case "without shipping bias". If it made by Kishimoto then it must be canon. I don't understand this point. It is canon, regardless of shipping bias. I never stated it was more canon because of any shipping bias.


"But again, on the merits of a movie on it's own and even looking at it without shipping bias, as another Naruto movie, this is a good one."


Without shipping bias, this movie would be sub-par at best with a childish love story that makes Twilight look better. Childish how?


And that is saying something. You can't sit here and say "without shipping bias" and not assuming that is doesn't work the other way around. Naruto looks like he is brainwashed and forced into loving HInata, This is subjective. He's never forced to do anything in the movie. Again, you're talking to someone who saw some some NaruHina in the manga. So we're already standing separate on this subject to begin with.


the villain's motives are stupid Movie villains were very rarely great. I'd argue Toneri is one of the better ones. Doto Kazahan (find treasure/ Land of Snow); Moryo (Take over the world/Shippuden the movie); Ishidate (simple assassination/ Moon Kingdom); Haido (take over the world/ Stones of Gelel); Anrokuzan/ Mukade (take over the world/ Lost tower); Hiruko (immortality/ Will of Fire); Shinno (Zero tail power for world domination/ Bonds); Obito/ Menma (Kurama and test out Infinite Tsukuyomi, as we later find out to control the world// for chaos, to help Obito, and because he hates Kurama/ Naruto); Mui (revive his dead son/ Blood prison); Toneri (as the sole survivor of his clan, to fulfill what he believe was their last wish, destruction of the world) 


Look at main canon villains: 

Orochimaru - immortality

Pein - Infinite war and connecting people through pain of loss and war

Madara - power and control

Kaguya - destroy her children's legacy


A lot, and I mean a lot of anime movie antagonist's (who are not tied to a series) motivations, when boiled down, aren't always that interesting either. Also, a good movie isn't always dependent on a great antagonist.


and his existence is only meant to push Naruto even more into guilt tripping (to which his existence before or after Kaguya arrived is never explain), Kaguya and that whole thing at the end of the manga plus this is pretty ass pull but then I accept this being as plausible as those characters who just appeared at the end of the manga


the characters are saying things that their core would never say, Again, subjective, so we can only say that we agree or disagree on any specific points


and I feel insulted when they characters are basically trying to tell Naruto how he should feel instead of letting him decide for himself.


Naruto was nothing more than a puppet in this film. Not a character. Everything he thought, felt, and did was because someone else told him to do it or forced him. That's not love. Again, I don't feel like he was forced.


Juliet didn't guilt trip Romeo into loving her. Lois Lane didn't guilt trip Superman into loving her. I have never seen a love story this shallow and disgusting before where the guy had to be brainwashed into loving the girl. And let's be honest, a genjutsu is brainwashing. They use it to brainwash people all the time in the series. Forced aspects to make people see what they want to. 


In the movie it is described as memories/ caged memory trap, so I don't think it's entirely brainwashing. Infinite Tsukuyomi was more about making you live your wildest dream come true, more so than brainwashing. Why was Naruto the only one who's opinion was changed about anything? If this is brainwashing why would the enemy brainwash Naruto into believing he was in love with Hinata when he clearly desires her for his own? There's no benefit. On a side note, I wouldn't consider Romeo and Juliet's relationship to be anything higher than infatuation, it lasted three days and a whole bunch of people died. Not exactly stellar story to use as an analogy for an ideal romance. 


And this isn't even mentioning things like Naruto fighting and BREATHING in space, yep, this is odd why Hinata is the "chosen one" and not say any other random Hyuga girl or even Hanabi, Good point. I don't remember it and if there is a reason, it isn't memorable. I'll have to rematch it again to see. why Sasuke the second most powerful ninja in the world doesn't help Naruto fight Toneri one little bit.... and so many other questions that just plague the mind of common sense.

Seriously, why didn't Sasuke help? Why wasn't he the first one to go next to Naruto and help fight? Maybe because Naruto would have been more interested in Sasuke than Hinata. There is no real reason why he didn't go. Maybe he doesn't feel like he has to. That he believes Naruto can handle it on his own. It's not like his motivations have always been logical.


For a movie entitled "Naruto the movie," it was less about Naruto and more about Hinata and her scarf-kun. I think it was plenty about Naruto, it just had a high dose of Hinata too. The manga was a lot about Sasuke too. That doesn't make it any less about Naruto.


"The only reason why this movie is seen as good is because of shipping bias. Without the shipping bias, this movie is really bad." This is just as true of a statement. Don't agree. I'm wasn't super pro-NaruHina thus me being on this site. I've listed other things that I felt were good about the film, that weren't about shipping.



Hm. Reading some of the replies, I feel like I may have accidentally put my foot in my mouth. I never meant to insinuate that anyone who disliked the film only hated it because they didn't like NaruHina (although you can't fault me if I think it does play a big part for a percentage of the site based on the theme of the site itself). I apologize if I offended anyone. My point was more, I went into this movie without a strong desire to see anyone specific outcome romantically and found I enjoyed the film and feel it's a good Naruto film and regular anime film. It's my opinion, it's your opinion, you hate it I like it. It's all fine to me. 


Edit I had a whole section in bold, making the debate confusing so I had to change it. 


Edit 2"although you can't fault me if I think it does play a big part for a percentage of the site based on the theme of the site itself"


Edit 3 for an ideal romance. 

#867804 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 13 August 2015 - 01:35 AM in Konoha Theater

@chouzo tao
The problem with the last, it's a canon movie.
It practically retcon some of naruto manga fact.

And the reason why it has good animation because it take two years of making.


I don't mind that it's canon. I haven't visited the series in a long while. What facts did they retcon? The fact that they had more time to do animation and art style well, doesn't change the fact that it is done well. And having more time doesn't necessarily mean quality on anything will be better. They could've had a crappy animation team and even if they were given two years, it may have still turned out like poo. But this didn't. 

#867377 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by chouzu_tao on 12 August 2015 - 01:53 AM in Otaku Square



I'm very confused. I know it's waaaaay old news, and I don't want to bring back any ill feelings for anyone, but... I ventured to watch Naruto the Last movie.


And as a movie, on it's own, with no prior knowledge to the series. It's a good anime movie with good art and animation. The cuts between the past and the present when thickly layering on NaruHina are actually really well directed.


Shipping wars aside, it's also a really good Naruto movie. I actually liked the movie a lot.


Naruto: The Last Movie 8/10


And now... I run away!







I know they used this movie to fill in a lot of holes between the Naruto and Hinata relationship, but I was never fully against it and I didn't think it was an impossible outcome. And yes, the explanation for why Naruto loved Sakura were complete and utter BS, and yes Sakura choosing to love Sasuke still is BS. But again, on the merits of a movie on it's own and looking at it without shipping bias, as another Naruto movie, this is a good one. 

#867376 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 12 August 2015 - 01:50 AM in Konoha Theater



I'm very confused. 










I know it's waaaaay old news, and I don't want to bring back any ill feelings for anyone, but... I ventured to watch Naruto the Last movie.


And as a movie, on it's own, with no prior knowledge to the series. It's a good anime movie with good art and animation. The cuts between the past and the present when thickly layering on NaruHina are actually really well directed.


Shipping wars aside, it's also a really good Naruto movie. I actually liked the movie a lot. And now... I run away!









Vash = Narusaku me

Kaite = Me


I know they used this movie to fill in a lot of holes between the Naruto and Hinata relationship, but I was never fully against it and I didn't think it was an impossible outcome. And yes, the explanation for why Naruto loved Sakura were complete and utter BS, and yes Sakura choosing to love Sasuke still is BS. But again, on the merits of a movie on it's own and even looking at it without shipping bias, as another Naruto movie, this is a good one. 

#865405 Dragon Ball Super

Posted by chouzu_tao on 06 August 2015 - 11:41 PM in Otaku Square




#864970 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by chouzu_tao on 05 August 2015 - 11:56 PM in Arts & Entertainment District


I disagree a bit.


Antman: 9/10

I hate Paul Rudd and I figured I'd hate this movie. But I think it was one of the more entertaining Marvel movies I've seen in years. I liked it more than the second Avengers film. Unlike some of the other "first" Marvel movies (I'm looking at you Captain America) the movie didn't waste much time getting into the cool super hero moments. I actually found the heist crew's humor perfect. The film didn't take itself too seriously. And I even liked Lily, whom I thought was terrible down the stretch of Lost.


Definitely a pleasantly entertaining film and exactly what I want from an action movie like this.

Yes, very much in disagreement about Lang's cartoon squad. 

#864968 Dragon Ball Super

Posted by chouzu_tao on 05 August 2015 - 11:51 PM in Otaku Square


I actually kinda liked where Goku and Vegeta respective psychological weakness played a part in how everything went down in the movie so I didn't saw waht happened as then having a "de-power"




....... Some spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie

#864636 Dragon Ball Super

Posted by chouzu_tao on 05 August 2015 - 03:04 AM in Otaku Square

I like the series so far. I love seeing Pilaf and crew. It feels like a little slice of old-school Toriyama and his humor.


I just saw Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F and I gotta say, while I had a great time with the movie, it has me worried about the series. It's one of those cases where you have really powerful characters and in order to give them some level of danger/conflict you have to depower them, sometimes in frequently inconsistent and illogical ways. Anyway else see it? Thoughts? 

#864635 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by chouzu_tao on 05 August 2015 - 03:01 AM in Otaku Square

Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F 7/10


Great DBZ movie but this story doesn't add anything new to the series nor is it anything new plot-wise. It's basically a a reason to fight that results in an awesome fight. The story follows a resurrected villain from Goku's past as he tries to exact revenge on our hero and his friends and family. The film, I believe is tied as the longest dbz film clocking in at about an hour and a half. This longer time frame is awesome because it gave them time to give us a little catch up with some of our favorite characters, notably my personal favorite non-saiyan, Krillen and his wife 18. 


The plot isn't all that important as this is dbZ and the action has always been the main star of that series. Fans will be excited to know that the action is amazing. It's playing in theaters now and if you can I'd recommend going to see it there. Hearing the thunderous blows in the theater actually added to the ferocity of the battles. Kudos to the sound design. There's also a lot of funny moments that were awesome to share with fellow fans. A crowd favorite was a new character Jaco, who has his own one-shot manga explaining how he knows the Briefs and re-imagning Goku's origin. 


I wish this was a series and not a movie. You don't always have time for some explanations. Most notably, the new Super Saiyan form presented. It is just suddenly a thing and new look that Goku has. I know that DB Super is running right now and is retelling/ re-imagining the events of Dragon Ball Battle of the Gods, I hope they visit this movie too so we get to experience reaching this form.  


I had a great time at this movie but there are some things that really irked me about this film. And as a fan or even not as a fan this will make or break the film for you if you can/can't go along with it. The examples do deal in spoiler territory so, you've been forewarned.

irksome things


Lastly, they seriously should've just called it Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection. Bam, mysterious and pertinent without sounding stupid or like an innuendo. 

#858811 Should Batman kill the Joker?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 22 July 2015 - 02:09 AM in Arts & Entertainment District


Do they actually use that? 


Yeah. In story titled "Devil's Advocate" Joker is caught and arrested for a crime and is actually sentenced to death after he is no longer allowed to use insanity as a defense. Batman spends the entire time trying to exonerate him because he believes Joker to be wrongly accused. 

#857990 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by chouzu_tao on 19 July 2015 - 05:35 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Antman 7/10


In this heist-action film, Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) hires Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) with the help of his daughter's (Evangeline Lilly) training to break into his former company and steal back a weapon that may prove too deadly to introduce into the world. This A-plot is fun but at the heart of the movie is a story about a guy who would do anything for his child as he needs the money to win shared custody of her and needs to prevent the weapon from reaching the market to protect the future of the world that she will be a part of. 


I really have to watch this again. I liked the action and Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, and Evangeline Lilly are good, but I just can't get over a lot of the humor with Scott Lang's mini crew. It's really sitcomy. A lot of the time I was waiting for a laugh track.  Apart from a Baskin Robins joke and a repeated bit which I'm pretty sure is a holdover form the Edgar Wright script, they aren't funny.


The villain unfortunately again is pretty forgettable. It's odd. The skeleton for a good villain is often there in this movies but it just doesn't work. I'd like to go into a discussion about this in another thread.


It's a fun movie and well worth forgiving the hyuk-hyuk humor of the mini-crew. I personally just had a hard time watching those scenes. 

#857973 Should Batman kill the Joker?

Posted by chouzu_tao on 19 July 2015 - 05:24 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I've never been a follower of Punisher comics. But if the Joker were real, I'd rather have the Punisher deal with him than Batman. He is an example of the few people in this world where no amount of therapy or rehabilitation efforts will change them, simply because of the make-up of their brain. 


Batman, as a character should never cross that line, although if I'm remembering right, he has, even if it was slightly indirect. But if these two were real life characters and the system had failed so many times to keep Joker behind bars, I'd be hard-pressed to fault  Batman for taking the Joker's life. 

#857688 Dragon Ball Super

Posted by chouzu_tao on 19 July 2015 - 03:19 AM in Otaku Square

It still bothers me a bit that the beginning of this series is a reboot of Battle of the Gods, but I've liked seeing these nice little side-stories. Also.. Dang, Vegeta, you waited three years to fulfill that promise to Trunks?