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There have been 11 items by Jade Ninja (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#304648 Naruto 519

Posted by Jade Ninja on 03 December 2010 - 01:30 AM in Latest Releases

I think everyone is missing one BIG thing here. Yes, Minato's foresight with Rasengan was epic, but the bigger thing here is that Naruto needs to become allied, if not friendly, with the Kyuubi. And since the Kyuubi is pure hate or rage or whatever, this could lead to some VERY interesting psychological developments. In my own opinion and if I was in charge of the story, Naruto becoming immersed in pure hate and rage by intercessing with the Kyuubi could lead to him finally understanding Sasuke, and lead to a whole new avenue of possibilities for their final battle. Ya know, just a thought.

Plus, Naruto transforming into the ACTUAL Kyuubi strikes me as being the most epic thing that could happen.

#300343 Naruto 513

Posted by Jade Ninja on 14 October 2010 - 07:01 PM in Latest Releases

Naruto going Steve Irwin. Like it.

"A male's a male."

Ten points!

Armadillo junk and flying ninjas, plus Deidara's back. Sweet chapter!

(hmm...crocodile hunter naruto. Fanfic time!!!)

#293719 Naruto 506

Posted by Jade Ninja on 19 August 2010 - 04:51 AM in Latest Releases

OK, Guy vs Kisame is SWEET. But my only problem is to Naruto's broken ankle. Since he now has full control of Kyuubi chakra, shouldn't he heal instantly? I mean, in four tailed state he is perpetually breaking down and rebuilding his cells. Now he needs a splint? Seems inconsistent. Unless he only has access to a small part of energy. Which is both unlikely and GAY.

Keep it up Guy! 7th Gate Badass!!

#284643 Naruto 500

Posted by Jade Ninja on 01 July 2010 - 05:46 AM in Latest Releases

So, biggest deal here is two fold:

1) Uzumaki clan is a distant blood relation of the Saritobi clan. So Naruto has some Hokake blood in him. Bloodline limit, maybe? Wood-style in the distant future?

2) Minato is OBVIOUSLY gonna kick Tobi's ass. Perhaps he breaks that old mask of his, (along with most of his body, therefore the bolts,) so good fight to come.

Good chapter, but I don't appreciate Sasuke getting shoe-horned into Naruto's big flashback moment. You had your big parade of angst already, now sit down and be quiet!!

#276725 Naruto 495

Posted by Jade Ninja on 20 May 2010 - 03:29 AM in Latest Releases

"THIS is where you're gonna fight the Nine Tailed Fox."

As soon as I saw that room and read that line, I came about five quarts and half my intestines. This is the third most thing I've ever wanted to see happen within the Naruto universe, behind Naruto handing Sasuke his ass on a platter, and Naruto getting married to Sakura. Next week is going to come SOOOOOOOOO SLOWLY!!!

I just hope Kishi delivers with a good series of Naruto-centered chapters, and not just page after page of DBZ style powerups.

#275783 Naruto 494

Posted by Jade Ninja on 13 May 2010 - 05:17 AM in Latest Releases

So initial thoughts: not a BAD chapter, (we get a look at Bee's past, and see how his relationships and experiences mirror and foil Naruto's,) but overall just an expository chapter. Hell, it's still better than the Sasuke-fest we got six months ago. Way to go Dark Naruto!

(PS, Yaoi fans, please keep your ecstatic glee to yourselves. Some of us would like to ENJOY this.)

#275782 Naruto 494

Posted by Jade Ninja on 13 May 2010 - 05:13 AM in Latest Releases

Well, chapter 494 out at Mangastream.



#268955 Naruto 489

Posted by Jade Ninja on 01 April 2010 - 01:55 AM in Latest Releases

HO----LY-----CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best chapter in AGES!! Naruto gonna meet up with Killer Bee, and possibly ally with him and learn to control Kyuubi, (a theory which is made more likely with the fact that A) Naruto has just been given the key to the seal, and B) Killer Bee is in perfect harmony with his Biju), and we get another glimpse at "that" technique, AND tsunade's back, AND Kabuto referred to himself as separate from Orochimaru meaning he is in control, AND he summoned every dead Akatsuki member to fight again?!!?! THIS kitten IS BANANAS!! I am SO HAPPY I didn't give up on this series when it was a nonstop Sasuke Carnival. THREE CHEER KISI WOOOOOT!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

#267235 Chapter 488 Discussion

Posted by Jade Ninja on 24 March 2010 - 10:20 PM in Latest Releases

Tsunade awake. I'm happy and everything...but that was a HOKAGE kitten-BLOCK. Damn, that made me angry. Anyway, I'm more interested in Naruto as a tragic character now. And...dare I suspect...NaruKarin? Probably not, but I think there's a high chance that she'll be used to throw Sakura's feelings into sharp relief, since she IS Sakura's foil.

#265735 the battle begins 487

Posted by Jade Ninja on 17 March 2010 - 11:04 PM in Latest Releases

OK, bunch of stuff to go over here.

Let's start with NaruSaku. It's goin strong. We've got that admiration and respect thing, that, you know, kinda is what relationships are based on...so there's that. Still, I'm holding out for Hinata + Sakura in hospital with Naruto. Both having confessed love, (but one real, one arguably false...for now)

Next, Sasuke going for Itachi's eyes. Will Mandara allow this? HELL NO. Or at least he'll add some failsafe. Mandara hasn't survived all this time by being a moron with loose ends. Sasuke is one HELL of a loose end. Hmmmm...Sasuke's current crazy rampage is all about restoring his clan. And Mandara is partially responcible for KILLING the clan. This is one double cross that everyone should see coming a mile away. To add to this double cross, Mandara NEEDS the Kyuubi. Kyuubi dies if Naruto is killed. Sasuke want's to kill Naruto. [cue audience] Ohhhhh...

Shark boy is hanging out inside the sword? Erm...bit of a stretch, but at least it means we get one more epic Kisame battle. But I can't see Kisame doing anything other than fighting. He's a blunt instrument. He isn't going to infiltrate and sabotage the Lighting through stealth and espionage. He's gonna pop out of the sword and start some kitten. So the question is: does Kishi want to kill off Kisame, or have him capture Killer Bee and have the 8 tails extracted, thereby adding some serious dramatic tension to Naruto being captured while the death of his brother will cause the Kage of Lightning to bolster alliances with the Leaf? Hmmmmm.... (sarcastic hmm)

And finally, the thing that I've been waiting for for ages, KABUTO!! I called this YEARS ago. Only questions: what is his endgame, and is HE in control...or Orochimaru? Can't wait to see how this goes!

#264524 Naruto 486

Posted by Jade Ninja on 10 March 2010 - 10:19 PM in Latest Releases

Well, while I do like the little confrontation, and especially the whole "We are BOTH top class ninja now," I'm disappointed. Not because of the whole "one of us will die" thing. Personally, I could see Naruto becoming a martyr and a rallying cry for Konoha. It would really give the manga a real kick. Plus a race to bring Naruto back to life really gives NaruSaku a future. The whole "don't know what you've got till it's gone." Come on, HOW many resurrections have there been in this manga so far?

No, I'm disappointed because this this speech building tension for their next fight guarantees there being NO confrontation between Naruto and Sasuke NOW. What I DO want to see is when everyone goes back to Konoha, how Naruto deals with Sakura and Hinata, (let's not forget. I love you, Naruto. STAB. But not dead. Things are gonna get good smile.gif