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There have been 1 items by Tsunade (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#649965 Your Favorite Heaven and Earth Memories!~

Posted by Tsunade on 07 November 2014 - 11:50 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Oh good lord there are are so many.


I guess the first was when my name was mentioned in the HMS NaruSaku. I only was helping villagers out but still to be apart of that great fanfiction was amazing!


OMG LC, so much kitten went down in there to talk about! Mostly I loved when Rick kept kicking True out of LC and changing his username. Or abusing the name alert. (LOL, I was Yoko's alarm clock.)


The Ani and Tsu show~, lol the time that we interviewed Hoku and I was playing pinball so I'd miss a question. Or all the times that there was a problem with recording . Lol false opens, missing half of true's interview....the list goes on.


I was so happy that Xat chat came about. after LC closed. Omg all the doodling! ALL THE MEMBER SHIPPING.


Lastly being able to meet my friends I have made on here in person! I finally got to meet: Ani (2009-), Juujuu119 (2010-2013), Bolt (2011-), Yoko, Saku, Insu (2013-),  Gamemaster, Alge (2014-).


We all have a yearly thing going now. Juujuu missed this year...;_;

And I am so glad that this forum was around to meet them!