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#969808 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Cloud on 17 December 2018 - 07:02 PM in Naruto General

I didn't want to have to, but since it seems like others aren't going to let sleeping dogs lie after some attempts by yet others to get it back on track, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it to anyone else who wants to actually try and get me to engage on this. I've got a standing "kiss my ass" policy on The Last Jedi, my feelings about it and anyone who doesn't like what I've got to say about "anti-feminists" or whatever kitten they get their drawers in a bunch over. You want to engage in conversation about the stupidity of plot points, go ahead, I'll be happy to have a civil conversation. But I've got no time for the rest and if you want to try, I'm just going to make dismissive wanking motions at you and mock you. Probably just put you on ignore if I feel my eyes hurting from rolling them too much.



Oh man, haha, you want to go there?


That's hilarious coming from you and half the statements you've made across this forum, not just now but from how I remember you from the old days. I think you might be the person I see try and play this whole series off as if it were a romance manga with the hilarious stupidity of the end pairings being why it sucked - yeah, I'm sure NaruSaku would have fixed the derailing train that was the plot - the most of anyone while also acknowledging it's actually an action comic that probably had more issues than that. So don't come to me about counter statements, Jamesy. Just move along with your day constantly whining about how Naruto's actually a romance manga somehow. Or whining in general. You'll be a lot happier.


Oh man. I just came back and stumbled across this gem of a response.


I have nothing else to add, however unhappy I was at the last part of the series, I still finished it. Just glad at least he had one goal come true.


But everything else honestly irritated me. But whatever.


