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#246066 Naruto 469

Posted by roshumba on 29 October 2009 - 07:37 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Oh god. I de-lurked just for this chapter. Translated version on mangafox.

I can't believe what happened. At first, when I read the chapter, I think my mind exploded in explicatives at the mangaka. I mean, all that build and he chooses to go this route? But I read it some more and I'm guessing he's not really knocking down narusaku, as much as he is actually building sasusaku (friendship and shippy-wise both). She's practically calling Sasuke trash in this chapter and of course Naruto is going to be pissed about it. Naruto still loves Sasuke (brother, of course, biggrin.gif). And for Naruto to see Sakura (who he thought to understood his feelings about Sasuke) just turn on him like that, of course he's gonna be super pissed.

At least we know Naruto still loves Sakura. He... knows her. More than she might no know herself -- which speaks volumes for Naruto. But Sakura, damn it, get your head and heart on straight. Confessing to a person -- and practically shoving the words "NOT MY FIRST CHOICE" is not love at all. Its lame.

Oh wells, I still believe, even though Naruto took ten steps forward, while Sakura took 20 steps back.