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There have been 31 items by Daidoji_Tangen (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#258939 I've Had It

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 11 February 2010 - 04:58 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I would calm down. Sakura's previous actions make no sense if she is serious. Why would she give a "love confession" to Naruto and only when he rejected her, does she try to go after Sasuke? I think it is pretty obvious that she is just trying to get close enough to take him out when he's not looking. She knows she cannot win in straight up fight (sure Sakura is strong and Sasuke is pretty worn, but the Sharingan is still ridiculously powerful). I am less bothered by this than the "confession" from before which seemed too strained and unreal (hence, why Naruto rejected it).

I do not see it lasting past next week unless Kishimoto decides to drag it out and have Naruto join the party (before Sakura or Sasuke turn on the other).

I thought it was a good chapter. It was also nice a character I liked did not die (quite the opposite, Karin is alive enough for Sasuke to finish her off, fortunately interrupted by Sakura), unlike the other frickin' two SJ mangas I read this week.

EDIT: Grammar, clarification, and erasing so many "honestly"'s

#237634 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 24 August 2009 - 11:52 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Aug 24 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats not what i said, in point of fact evidence suggests quite the opposite. They just disliekd him because he was loud and obnoxious and annoying. After the Kiba fight though i agree that they did seem to accept him as a shinobi.

I disagree though that their parents of the rookie 9 didnt accept him Id say that evidence suggests that they supported him even if silently due to his sacrafice. His pranks and obnoxiousness didnt help him any but they did give him the chance to earn his own way.

As to Sakuras parents there simply is no evidence of their attitudes towards Naruto on either extreme honestly. Yet for some reason both parents are villified by fandom for no good reason and Sakura herself is often mistakenly lumped into the category of hating Naruto because her parents did. But this simply isnt the case and Sakuras own words support this.

1. I know. I phrased it weirdly, but I knew what you were saying.

I was saying the opposite.

Honestly, there's no real evidence either way since we really don't get the parents' view until Naruto has started proving himself.

That's just the view I like since it shows them changing their opinion about him.

2. I know. It's just my guess work and I've been both right and wrong before.

I never read the fan fictions like you're talking about. Most I've read had her parents being supportive of Naruto or not knowing/caring.

Of course, I haven't too much fan fiction and most of it tends to be NaruSaku, but even when I read NaruHina (to get my fill until the day they got together*) I didn't read any anti-Sakura's parents. Most just focused on how "evil" Hinata's dad was. Is really that bad?

*Interesting realization. I don't read much fan fiction anymore after switching over to NaruSaku. Makes me think.....

#237622 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 24 August 2009 - 06:14 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Sherry @ Aug 24 2009, 08:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
emm sorry, i don't understand about the second possibilities. I don't get your point.


Naruto saw how the village looked at him as "that kid." Even though he didn't know about the Kyuubi, he could probably sense they didn't look at him as human. They looked at him differently and taught their kids to.

Sakura's hatred was entirely personal. She didn't look at him as "that kid," but as Uzumaki Naruto. He saw that she viewed him the same as she did everyone else. She just didn't like him. I could see how it must have been a relief to have someone look at you like you're human even she didn't like you.

QUOTE (Jenskott @ Aug 24 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sigh. I was reading the Mizura's anti-NH essay and scrolling down the comments when I found two no-nice comments. I replied one of them, and I think I should copy/paste their and my arguments here:

Heronite - Why I Dislike NaruHina

First poster:

Mizura's reply. How you can see it's simple, concise and straight to the point:

And then the first poster -or someone else- replied:

When I read this nosense (I'm really, REALLY, sick of that "abuse" garbage), I felt the need to write something down:

And then, after hitting the "send message" button, I had an afterthought:

Do you think my arguments are good? Perhaps I was too harsh or rude -something I try avoiding-, but I'm so sick of the "Sakura only abuses Naruto! Sakura has never helped Naruto! Hinata has been nicer with Naruto! If you claim you are a Hinata fan but you can't see that, you're a liying non-fan!" rubbish.

That is NOT true and it has NEVER been true, and the manga canon DOES prove that presumption is FALSE, but I see it the whole time and it's beyond irritating.

Your post was excellent.

Going back to the school thing, there are to things I would like to add (though definitely not necessary after your post):

1. Naruto told Gaara he almost became like him if not for Iruka and then Team 7. Seriously, I would not be able to like Hinata (which I do) if she saw Naruto was in such pain that he could see himself becoming a monster like Gaara. Her shyness is not an excuse.

2. Sakura didn't like Naruto because she thought he was teasing her and making fun of her. She misunderstood his feelings. He was a prankster. Combined with her own low self-esteem, it is understandable how she might not get him.

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Aug 24 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok let me explain.

It is established in the manga that with the exception fo the rookie 9 for the most part all the other children disliekd Naruto due to their parents dislikes. Basiclaly the children parroted their parents and treated naruto coldly and angrilly.

However it is also established by Sakura herself that her dislike of Naruto stems from Annoyance. She is annoyed with him because "He always interferes with my love life, and he likes to see me fail."

Then she says "Naruto just doesnt understand me at all."

basiclaly she indicates that her anger at naruto is coming from his behavior not from any preconceived hatred from her parents or any such thing.

Its one of the things in fan fiction that rather annoys me honestly as I see no reason for it. The assumption that Sakuras parents are avid Naruto haters and encouraged her to hate naruto like the other kids do. it simply isnt true and Sakuras own words support this.

I don't know about the Rookie 9 not disliking Naruto because their parents did. I think they simply found acceptance of him after he proved himself (Kiba fight). It's been a while since I read it, but I don't remember the Rookie 9 outside of Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata getting along with Naruto before that. Except in the anime. I think their parents accepted Naruto after their kids did. Shikaku showed how Shikamaru changed his mind to some extent (admittedly it wasn't from hatting Naruto to accepting him, but same principle can still apply).

Honestly, I don't think Sakura's parents even knew. I think she is the first gen of ninja in her family. And the Third's law stopped a lot of the non-shinobi in the village from finding out (though Naruto was still bratty enough to encourage dislike for reasons other than the Kyuubi). But I could be wrong.

#237620 Naruto 460

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 24 August 2009 - 05:40 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Uzumakikage @ Aug 24 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
translation by Shounensuki of NF

From MH, what kishi wrote at the 47 vol cover flap:

"The plot is making steady progress towards the ending; facing this, I'm pouring all my energy into drawing! Please enjoy Naruto until the very end!!"

On a personal note I think we still have a couple good arcs left till the end of the manga and other Admins from NF are saying the same thing.

Agreed. This sounds like he's saying the main plot is in motion, not that the manga is ending soon (meaning with within the year).

QUOTE (harry4e @ Aug 24 2009, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually no, Naruto was put behind bars,to stop him from attacking Madara...They already have Madara trapped, If he managed to get inside the house Yamoto built so easily those cages would not really slow him down much if he wanted to get to Naruto.

You can see Sasuke saying he's pissed? Seriously? I guess we'll have to dissagree on that one, He's meant to be a Uchiha clan, I just can't see someone from such a proud clan using such common words. It seems as in charactor as Neji doing Stand up comedy to me.

It was meant to be a joke, I was referring to how the Samarai's who look like Troopers from Star Wars are carrying Chakra Swords that look like Lightsabers. "Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering." Famous Quote from Yoda, describes Sasuke quite well don't you think, He felt fear when his family was massacred by Itachi, Which lead to Anger at himself for not being strong enough, which lead to Hate for his brother, which lead to suffering for him, and later his friends who are trying to save him, and finally the part that's left unsaid, is that it leads to the dark side, which was shown with the demonic chakra.

Anyway...got sidetracked. So they think there are only a couple more Arcs to go? Hmmm...I don't see it but then again I didn't think it was possible to move things along as fast as Kishi did after Pain's battle but it's been one revelation after another it seems. It will be interesting to see if there is only a coupld more arcs how Naruto convincingly defeats Madara. He's not quite at super kage level Madara is, this is the guy who made the fourth look a fool during the Kyuubi attack.

1. Rereading: Yeah, you're right.

2. Disagree. Sasuke never seemed that formal to me. He had arrogance and the pride in the clan, but just never seemed to care too much for formality. Neji did and him saying it would seem out of character.

I guess it comes down to different interpretations of the character.

3. OK. Sometimes, it's hard to pick up jokes online.

4. It all depends on what you consider an Arc and what happens in the Arc. I honestly, think this Arc has two sides: Danzo and Killer Bee. Danzo needs to be taken down somehow and not in Naruto's typical way of beating the crap out of someone and giving a speech. Or it will end with Naruto being a criminal (I'm figuring for a) accusing Danzo of the crimes he committed and/or b) not killing Sasuke). I also think Naruto will find out Killer Bee is alive and search for him. This will help stop the chances of war between Cloud and Leaf. It will also let Naruto meet another junchuuriki who can teach him to control the Kyuubi (which will probably be Naruto's last big power-up, then again there is Yin and Yang chakra which he doesn't know about).

#237519 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 23 August 2009 - 04:08 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Sherry @ Aug 23 2009, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm i wonder what happened between naruto and sakura in their childhood.
I a little understand why naruto loves sakura (because of acknowledgements, maybe?) but i'm sure in konoha there must be several girls that had lack of acknowledgement...
so...what makes naruto has chosen sakura? there must be something happened between them long time ago...but i've never found it out. i hope it's a good story, hee hee.

moreover, i don't like fillers in anime. because the animators, i think, create the old sakura (the annoying sakura, that's what i thought of 12-year-old sakura) but in fact, sakura now has changed to the better sakura. umm i just pity naruto because he always be the first victim of sakura...in fillers of anime, i mean.

I thought about it and came up with two possibilities:

1. He saw Sakura the same time Ino saw her. He was just too shy to reach out to her (younger Naruto could have easily been shy).

2. Sakura had actual reasons for hating Naruto, unlike the village who hated him forbeing the Kyuubi and the kids who hated him because their parents did. Naruto took some relief in the fact that she hated him for being Uzumaki Naruto and not for being "that kid."

#237338 Naruto 460

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 21 August 2009 - 11:45 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Freakazoid @ Aug 21 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would be so much funnier to reveal that it's Obito instead of a new character though!! biggrin.gif

I stick by that Sasuke isn't being controled. The way he was talking towards the samurai seemed pretty IC to me.

I have no idea what Madara is trying to do, it's got me pretty confused. I don't think Naruto can understand Sasuke at all now, even if he does understand why he is doing it, he's not going to sit back and let him do these things.

It should all be very interesting... I was thinking though. Where will Sakura end up? Will she meet with Naruto before arrving at the summit, will she run into team Cloud, or will she get to the summit before any of that? Since she thinks Naruto is at the summit after all. Thoughts?

1. I think Madara's motives are the same as Sasuke's right now. "I got screwed over, so I'm going to make a lot of people suffer."

This fits since revenge not being good is a major theme of the manga and fits along with what the Kyuubi said in 309, "Eyes with such power and chakra even more sinister than my own. Not at all unlike what I once saw in a certain Uchiha Madara."

It also fits in with this even more sinister chakra Karin is sensing.

2. I don't think she will make it until the conclusion. This is all happening while she still probably hasn't set out yet.

#237273 Naruto 460

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 21 August 2009 - 06:31 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Cloud @ Aug 20 2009, 10:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Sasuke vs Raikage. Now this is a f-ing battle I want to see happening.

And that shadow behind Sasuke... doesn't it look almost like the Kyuubi when it was holding Naruto in its palm?

I think it is the malicious chakra the Kyuubi was talking about.

QUOTE (harry4e @ Aug 20 2009, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK so it was Naruto who was put behind bars...idiots, stop putting him behind bars.

OK was it me or did weeks Manga seem kinda rushed? Don't know maybe it was the translation but the charactos seemed a bit ooc...for one I can't imagine Gaara using the word Hardcore to describe anyone. also can't for the life of me imagine Sasuke saying he's pissed off. all seems very OOC to me.

Edit: When did Naruto crossover with Star wars? Chakra coated Swords? so they basically look like Lightsabers.

It was not stupid at all. They laid a trap for Madara. Naruto is the bait.

I can see Sasuke saying he's pissed off. It seems IC to me.

Chakra weapons have been in the Manga for a while now. Asuma did something similar.

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Aug 20 2009, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heh, Raikage's seemingly casual dispatching of Zetsu makes me think that Naruto has a LONG LONG way to go before he can even match another -Kage....Of course Zetsu being only half may have something to do with it...

Err...why? I don't think Zetsu was seriously fighting, nor do I think Naruto ever fought with Zetsu.

Seriously, Naruto defeated Pain who defeated pretty much all of Konoha. He is definitely in league with the Kages. Of course, he may not be the stronger than all of them and he is definitely not stronger than Madara, but he is in their league.

QUOTE (FullmetalNinjaED @ Aug 21 2009, 01:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
BTW I'm surprised that no one's really talking about how Zetsu's white half was killed by the Raikage, can his black half live without his white half? huh.gif

I doubt he is dead. You probably have to kill both halves to kill him. I bet the other half can grow back otherwise.

QUOTE (Shadowmoon~ @ Aug 21 2009, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I guess that clears up the Danzo = Madara theory, huh? Darn. That would have been very epic. wow.png

And, why would Madara willingly tell Naruto about the plans of Sasuke? It just seems a bit ... off ... like there's a hidden twist/plan in it. huh.gif

To screw with him. Hearing that Sasuke wants to destroy Konoha and is quasi-justified (well, Danzo and the elders he is, but the other Konoha shinobi are innocent) could easily mess with Naruto's head.

Plus, I think he is genuinely interested in how Naruto got Nagato to betray him. Rather than letting Naruto find out some other way and doing something to screw with his plans, he will now see how Naruto reacts and can act accordingly himself.

QUOTE (Nadishani @ Aug 21 2009, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
pretty awesome chapter as in preparing for THE most awesome chapter of the century: Raikage VS Sasuke! Though Raikage is awesome, he seems a bit rash and he strategizes even less than Naruto. Seriously who breaks someone's neck by accident? sweat.gif So i think it'll be a pretty intense battle seeing as Raikage has more power than Sasuke, but Sasuke's a 'genious' when it comes to fighting and strategizes better.

I think Madara is going to tell Naruto about the uchiha massacre and he's probably gonna drop the hint of 'hey you should probably know that Sasuke is at the Kagecon killing fodder-samurai now, bye!' which will make Naruto go to Kagecon too, where he'll probably interrupt Raikage from snapping Sasuke's neck. Speaking about necksnapping, Zetsu isn't dieing that easily, seeing as half of Akatsuki is pretty much immortal xD and his other half is still out there...somewhere. so we can conclude that his halfs can live seperately and you should probably kill both to finish him. but maybe black-Zetsu is working on that 'Eye of the moon' plan, which i'm getting more and more curious about. arrgghhh, so many questions.

as for the 'Sasuke being controlled'-thingie. imo he's not being controlled but he's really losing it (when had Sasuke ever said 'i'm pissed off' huh.gif) and becoming a total badass. he's well on his way to everybody wanting to kill him, except naruto, so go for it sasuke. sleep.gif' use the power of your new-found male-PMS!

We don't know how well the Raikage strategizes. I think his brother's "death" is seriously affecting his behavior.

Sasuke is absolutely a terrible strategy. Other than the Deidara fight, he has shown an inability to think of strategies, relying on his natural skill and Sharingan to win him the day.

QUOTE (Nadishani @ Aug 21 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
seriously why is it so hard for people to believe that sasuke is evil? dry.gif he's done enough things to prove he is. wether people like it or not at this moment it's pretty clear sasuke IS evil unless you think ruthlessly killing people is all fine and dandy and that evil looking chakra is as sweet as kittens. but that doesn't mean he'll be that way forever, he can be saved because hellooo this is naruto, pretty much everybody can be saved by naruto's talk-no-jutsu.

Agreed. It'd be bad story if it was just some sort of mind control. I think he'll be redeemed, but he is doing this of his own will (Madara is manipulating him, but Sasuke is ultimately making that choice).

QUOTE (harry4e @ Aug 21 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whoa, Naruto can now do a Shadow clone and Rasengan in an instant, this is soo awesome. The boy has grown, if he'd only give up his Sasuke malarky, it's getting old and he's sounding very much like an obsessed fangirl right about now. We all know he loves the guy as a brother but his world should not revolve around the bloke, he should go out enjoy himself more, go on dates etc. It shouldn't be all about Sasuke and movement of the Ataksuki which is pretty much the same thing now.

Also the ninja's from rock, Is that guy wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings? That#s more disturbing than Sai's constant talk of kitten size.

1. He does. However, Sasuke's been the crisis situation of his life, so he tends to think about that more. Except when Jirayia died and Pein attacked. Of course, I don't think he thought Sasuke then except for when the issue of hatred came up.

2. Geez, can't a guy just be a big fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show without getting any guff?

#237076 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 21 August 2009 - 12:00 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

OK. Thanks for clearing that up.

#237072 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 20 August 2009 - 11:40 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Aug 20 2009, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not sure what you mean?

Why can't people use at least good grammar when arguing their points? I could barely get threw that post.

The Sakura Ugly argument is stupid at best really. I doubt Naruto cares about looks he not that sallow.

1. I meant that the poster mentioned reading the chapters you said s/he probably had not. I just don't think the poster cares about being fair. As I pointed out, s/he went on about how there was no NaruSaku moments for so long, then immediately defends the non-response from Naruto about Hinata.

2. Err....Are you referring to my post? If so, let me know what made it unreadable. I try my best to be clear.

#237020 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 20 August 2009 - 06:39 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (NuclearRaven @ Aug 19 2009, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got this message on youtube from a NaruHina fan I've been debating with for the past few weeks and he did bring up some good points. Here's what he had to say.

Don't know what I'm looking at? Ugh...Lemme explain...
What is the base of Naruto character..."Become...Hokage" Why did he want to do this? FROM THE VEEEEEEERY BEGINNING. "So people will acknowledge me! Then everyone will have to look up to me and start respecting me!" I'm paraphrasing but I'm not off. Bottom line...Naruto wants to be acknowledged. It's the reason he started liking Sakura (One of). Or atleast it was stated on episode 3 or the chapter where Naruto turned into Sasuke. Sakura wanted the same thing Naruto wanted. Acknowledgement, although it be it from an indivdual(Sasuke) and not the entire village. So Naruto grew more fond of her. Well...Come chapter 437, for him...To be looking for acknowledgement from everyone...To try to set and retain bonds with anyone you can. Then to find out that someone was only looking for HIS(Naruto) Acknowledgement to form a bond with HIM...Isn't this one of the BASE reasons he liked Sakura all the more? To say Naruto wasn't in anyway shape or form affected by this is simply moronic...NaruSaku fans have become so hot headed after 458 but you can't even see the bigger picture...Naruto has said ANYTHING! Assumption has been tossed around left and right but you are minus FACT.... [1]You are ASSUMING that Sakura has completely dropped her feelings for Sasuke and moved on to Naruto, [2]you are ASSUMING that Naruto was completely unaffected by Hinata words, you are ASSUMING...Far too much...I know what you thinking and I'm not....Naruto does not have to NOR is he obligated to return Hinata feelings. However I for one couldn't see why he wouldn't even want to talk to her/try it. Anyway...Back to my main point...Naruto has not thought of anyone in a "romantic" light in over what? 70-100 chapters? Remember... [3]Those were Sai's flashback and Sai's conclusion of Naruto's feelings. Naruto hasn't said a single thing...So...To be honest... [4]The last NaruSaku moment hasn't happened in over 100 chapters if not more...Translating to...what? 3-5 months? If your trying to bring up the whole "Hinata has been brought up in 20 chapter! >:D" point...If you think about it...It hasn't been much more than a day or two if not hours after the confession. Lol...another thing...I love how you try to lump Sakura feelings to nothing in part 1 as just a crush of a 12 year old... [5]It's not like she proclaimed her love or anything right xD? Oh wait...She did...and even wanted to leave the village with him...So why not just lump Naruto's feelings in as a crush eh? "But Mike! He is still shown keeping his feelings for Sakura post time-skip bakka!" Yes...[6]As Sakura has for Sasuke...Take off your blinders...And remove the victory flag my friend, it's far from over.

My thoughts on WHY the confession hasn't been brought up and why it won't be for a while.

[7]To be honest...It wasn't important...To anybodies development expect Hinata's. It wasn't...Plot Prorgressive in the BIG scheme of things y'know? Plus...We have bigger things to worry about at the moment. The biggest thing at the moment would be what going down with Sasuke and the Kages. What about Naruto's dad? What Madara going to do with Naruto now that Pain/Nagato was a fall out, and ofcourse the plan that hasn't been mentioned in 20 chapters..."Moons Eye Plan"...Pretty much Kishi gave his try at romance for a few chapters NOW he has to go back to what the Manga is based on...fighting lol. So he's probably got plently planned. I really don't see Naruto confronting Hinata in terms of Chapters any time soon. To get to excited..It will have only translated to a few days in the manga. But as far as ANY MAJOR advancements in romance goes whether it be NaruSaku or NaruHina...Well I don't see it happening soon.

(going back to the my point of Acknowledgment) Lol Spark thought...

[8]So yes...Even playing field...Naruto has every reason to start liking Hinata since he liked Sakura for the same reason. Which kinda trips me up is the reason he started like Sakura xD, Acknowldgement and she was...Pretty...so slightly superficail...Lol and Hinata got a body far beyond Sakura but this could be lumped into bashing which I am NOT trying to do xD Just more or less...Solidifing the fact that it IS an even playing field...

Any thoughts?

1. Except Sakura did give up on Sasuke way back in 236. She told Naruto it was alright. Sure, Naruto did get her to believe in him, but she did come to a form of acceptance about Naruto.

2. It did have some affect. However, he did not fall in love with her.

3. Yes. Sai who knows Naruto. He may not be good at understanding emotions, but he is learning. Also, the fact that even Sai can see says something in itself.

4. Double standard. Why can NaruHina say it hasn't been long in manga time, but NaruSaku can't? Simply put, it much time hasn't passed since in the Naruto world in the last 100 chapters. Chapter 451 shows that the first person he is with is Sakura.

5. And was rejected and came to a sort of acceptance in 236. Just because she believed in and wanted to help Naruto get Sasuke back does not mean her feelings are exactly the same.

6. Anything that can't be taken as Team 7 moment?

7. This would be an entirely valid argument. Except a romantic relationship was brought up. Kishimoto could have easily handle those things without NaruSaku.

8. One problem with that though. Naruto has had 450+ chapters to get to know Sakura better and love her for reasons beyond that. Yes, he could possibly find a connection to Hinata through that. However, he has many other connections with Sakura. I doubt his only reason for his love of Sakura is because she sought acknowledgment.

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Aug 19 2009, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where in the manga does it say he only liked her, because she was pretty? I just never saw that so called quote. In your dreams he has loved Sakura since the being and you want him to do a entire one eighty on those feelings. I really doubt it on a even playing field. If Kishimoto wanted to have them talk then it his manga then yeah HE could. So what if Hinata has a better body rolls eyes. Are you saying that Naruto will love Hinata just because she hot or what not. He not that type of guy Imo .

The poster didn't really make a good case for NH. He used the same old arguments. That Naruto will automatically fall heads over hill in love with Hinata even thought he loves Sakura. He obviously hasn't read the manga so far read 457-458 imo. Naruto's feelings for Sakura have in fact increased so I really doubt it on a even playing flied.

The poster did and mentioned. However, double standards are no problem for this poster.

QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 20 2009, 05:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, he brings up a good point but let me say this:

Hinata acknowledged him; okay, cool. Does that mean all that development with Sakura's instantly gone, like nothing ever happened? You think Naruto's shallow enough to be like, ''Whoa, Hinata acknowledges me! Cool! Later, Sakura!'' because Sakura's neeeevvver acknowledged Naruto, right?!


And it's not like Hinata was the only one to ever acknowledge him. We he came back from his fight, the whole god damn village had acknowledged him.

Let me bring up an arguement NaruHina's use alot: Hinata was the first to acknowledge him.

Uh, no, she wasn't the first. Sasuke was the first; and if you don't like THAT reasoning, then there's Iruka, too. Oh, and don't forget Konohamaru or the 3rd Hokage. sleep.gif

And so what if Hinata acknowledged him before Sakura? It's not like Naruto's love is ''first come, first serve.''

Maybe be did like Sakura for shallow reasons at first. Don't you think he's matured? If you guys are so adamant on insulting Sakura, saying she's ugly, hideous, ugly, then STOP using the ''Naruto only likes her cuz shes pretty'' arguement. It's hypocritical.

Now his feelings for Sakura are rooted in a deeper place. He understands her pain - losing Sasuke - and he appreciates that she's gotten stronger. I'm not saying they're madly in love at age 16, but they're getting there.

And if Kishi doesn't want it to be known that Naruto still has feelings for Sakura, then WHY WOULD HE HAVE SHOWN THAT PANEL IN THE FIRST PLACE? If he was planning on covering it up and changing Naruto's feelings suddenly, he would have just dropped it and let it die, using the panel for something else.

But. He. Didn.t. See my point?

...Oh, my... I've ranted again sweatdrop.gif Sorry XP

You bring up a good point and made me think of something else.

Hinata may have acknowledged him a long time ago. But it did Naruto NO GOOD. She never told him when she could have really helped him. Sakura has been there for him constantly.

And her acknowledgment/confession didn't do Naruto really any good. If anything it was bad since it sent him Kyuubi. She also admitted her confession was *selfish. So, I do not see this as "being there" for Naruto in any Sakura hasn't (I could probably Sakura's support for Naruto has been better by far, but I do not feel like gathering the manga facts).

*This isn't a bash on Hinata's character. What she did was commendable and her selfishness was actually one of the good kinds. I'm simply arguing that it was not enough to destroy all of Sakura's acts for Naruto (like running to the Kyuubi or the tears she shed for the fate of the junchuuriki [which Naruto told her to stop and acted like he didn't know they were for him, but like Yamato said, it's her feelings for Naruto that are important]).

QUOTE (roninmedia @ Aug 20 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because as we have progressed from the Team 7 introduction to the Wave Country Arc to the Gaara Fight to Sandaime's Funeral to Asuma's death, the concept of Hokage has been redefined. The Hokage is not the most important figure in the village, people do not work for him. He works for them, to ensure the futures of the next generation. It is exactly like how a President or elected official works for the people; the people do not work for him.

As a maturing individual, Naruto has also come upon this so his desire for acknowledgment has changed. As a child, he saw the position of Hokage as one that was surrounded by acknowledgement and power without understanding the responsibilities behind it. Much in the way he didn't recognize the real significance of the memorial stone. The Wave Arc was an awakening for all of Team 7. Look at how with his accomplishments throughout the manga, he has had opportunities to declare his accomplishments to the world, and yet he has remained silent. This is quite evident after the Gaara fight.

You do not accept acknowledgement for the sake of acknowledgement. You save someone because you want to save them; not hoping for the reaction they give you after the fact. Looking to be a hero does not make you a hero. Naruto is no longer the scared, compensating child leper who must cling for everything. Besides, isn't Konohamaru the first person to directly state he wants acknowledgement from Naruto, as a rival in the title of Hokage? And that was way before Hinata was even introduced in the manga.

And that is also a significant difference in the crushes between Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata. Sakura's and Hinata's crushes focused on respective traits they lacked and that the male boys had.

Naruto ---> Sakura: The same desire for acknowledgement
Hinata ---> Naruto: The difference in strength and never give up attitude
Sakura ---> Sasuke: The status and popularity

And if you think physical attraction should not be a part of it, looks do matter. Not to the same extent for every person, but it exists nonetheless. If physical attraction was obsolete, we wouldn't be having debates and arguments with homosexuality and heterosexuality.


QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 20 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Roninmedia raises a good point. And as for looks... I know they're very important. It's just that some NH fans use use ''Sakura's ugly'' as an arguement, which doesn't really make much of a point against anything besides the fact that they can argue intellectually. Besides that, even if she were, it's Kishimoto's early art style they should blame. Hell, even if Sakura suddenly turned ugly, I doubt Naruto would love her any less. He isn't shallow.

But yeah, what ^ said.

Sakura's ugly is stupid argument because Naruto thinks she looks attractive. That's really all that matters.

#236540 Naruto 459

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 17 August 2009 - 06:19 PM in Latest Releases

I agree with Nate's post. I would also add that Naruto is supposed to bring about the revolution which will break the current cycle of revenge their world is caught up in. It wouldn't make sense if he couldn't do it for Sasuke.

#236520 NaruSaku Contest

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 17 August 2009 - 05:30 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

OK. Thanks.

#236512 NaruSaku Contest

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 17 August 2009 - 04:44 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

How do I get a password to vote?

#236509 NaruSaku Theme Songs!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 17 August 2009 - 04:02 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I did a quick word search and can't believe I didn't find this one.

If the Promise of a Lifetime had a theme....

Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

Listen, baby
Ain't no mountain high
Ain't no vally low
Ain't no river wide enough, baby

If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry

'Cause baby,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Remember the day
I set you free
I told you
You could always count on me
From that day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way,some how

'Cause baby,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

No wind, no rain

My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
As fast as I can

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough

#236391 Theory on chapter 450

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 15 August 2009 - 11:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Miss Soupy @ Aug 15 2009, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I actually think Hinata's '...' was extended from her former thoughts. Before those panels she was seen thinking 'thank God he's ok' or something like that, correct? I think the '...' was just because her thought moved from being relieved he was alright, to being happy that his teammate was there for him when he returned. Her smile reaches her eyes, and it shows she is truly happy for Naruto getting the respect and love from the village that he deserves, and probably also realizing the closeness between he and his teammate.

It is interesting that Naruto's reaction isn't shown, though. To me it could be for a couple reasons. 1. His reaction is the expected surprise and doesn't need to be shown because it is obvious 2. Sakura's reaction is the most important. I believe it to be the second reason because it was a big panel dedicated to Sakura's face. So really, it's a very much a NaruSaku dedicated moment kishi made. The expression on Sakura's face matters A LOT, regardless of what others will try to say tongue.gif

I agree. More detail is gone into drawing Sakura's pained relief than anyone else's reaction.

QUOTE (Cecixx19 @ Aug 15 2009, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sakura's reaction is important, but I think Naruto's expression is also very important, so why didn't he show Naruto's face?
I think Kishi didn't show him because if he made Naruto apear happy because of the hug, he could be losing Naruto fans that are NaruHina fans.
By the way, your english is great happy.gif

I doubt Kishi is worried about losing fans. He writes a Shonuen. Romance is nice, but not the top priority for the teenage boy/young adult male demographic.

#236363 Infinite Possibilities!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 15 August 2009 - 07:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Shadowmoon-Sakura @ Aug 15 2009, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry for taking such a long time. happy.gif It was exam week/month for me after all.


@ Sherry-chan

Sorry for the late reply. But, no worries! I researched very well. tongue.gif

Masashi Kishimoto [Naruto] Interview 2009

There is a thread here in H&E that explains more on this interview, but, feel free to speak about this interview in this thread here as well.

I would love to know what you think about this.

H&E Interview Thread of MK -- 2009

#You should thank Derock-kun for finding that golden nugget. a_thumbs.gif It was very awesome of him to find the REAL one. Usually, interviews that are floating around the Internet are fake. sleep.gif


@ Ceci-chan

I also thought of the exact same thing!

But, as Jenskott-kun had said before -- Sasuke had never elaborated on 'restoring' his clan. He only wanted to avenge it. And, I think that they are two different things.

We aren't sure about the fact that maybe Sakura doesn't love Sasuke anymore, but, as a NaruSaku fan, I would have to agree with you! 111191.gif

For all I know, Sakura just wants Sasuke to return to Konoha, so the 'spirit' of Team 7 would maybe, just maybe, return to all of them, even to Sasuke.

She spent so much time with them anyway, and as a result, he cares for both Naruto and Sasuke.

I forgot about Kakashi. But, she cares about him too. And his 'books'. :teehee:

NaruHina as a one-sided pairing (like what Jenskott-kun said) ... for the rest of the series ... is what I believe in. As a NaruSaku fan, of course.

The only reason why Hinata liked Naruto was because he gave her the strength to move on, and smile, even if bad things start to surround you.

Naruto is the important key for Hinata to grow up, mature, and become a better ninja ... and that is one of the things that Kishi-sensei is trying to show.

Hinata can't be a shy, weak ninja forever. She needs to grow up, so she can protect her precious people. Without Naru-kun, she would have never reached that goal. Hinata sees Naruto as a role model, someone she needs to look up to, for her to stand strong and become a more independent woman.

This is for her development. The confession and the almost suicide attempt to protect Naruto shows how much she would do to keep her inspiration alive.

And besides, I support KibaHina as well, since they have always been together as a team for a longer time, and in my opinion, they have more development than NaruHina, since Naruto is in another team, and Naruto is set on finding Sasuke & winning Sakura's heart.

Naruto and Hinata wouldn't even have talked for a few seconds, when Hinata would blush furiously, and in the end, faint.

That has happened, even after the time skip, and it shows that they have absolutely no development whatsoever.

Even after the confession, they haven't talked even once, remember?

If there was a talk, I see Naruto rejecting her feelings VERYVERYVERY gently. He loves Sakura so much, to even sacrifice his happiness for a promise, and then, he would suddenly switch to Hinata? dry.gif Kishi-sensei would have lost the themes that he worked so hard for, and that would seem very illogical.

I still believe that even though Sakura doesn't 'confess' yet, Naruto would still love her, and NaruSaku = Number 1! w00t.gif

NaruSaku has the BIGGEST chance ever, and so, we shouldn't lose hope, alright?

Hold your horses. They'll get married soon. :teehee:


As usual, thank you very much, Jenskott-kun for having such a simple, yet strong post. I'll always look up to you!

You interpret the manga so well~love.gif


@ Freakazoid-kun

I can't help liking the Sakura/Karin showdown. It would be so cool. :teehee:

Just kidding.

But, you definitely have a point.

SasuSaku for me, isn't a possibility as well.

Sasuke had never show any feelings for Sakura, and only cares for her as a comrade/teammate. Sakura, along with the rest of Team 7, had made him forget about revenge and vengeance, even for a little bit. That is why he has a soft side for them, and had come to treat them like ... a family.

Just my two cents.


New possibilities -- Right now, let's focus on the recent manga chapters ...

> Naruto and Sakura's talk! -- Totally can't wait for this! wow.png I hope the next chapter come soon!

> Sasuke's attack on the Five Kages -- I see this as a VERY EPIC battle, especially that we will see everyone's abilities, and I mean everyone! rawr.gif

> Madara = Danzou = Shisui? What are their connections to each other? -- I'm definitely confused. cool.gif

> Kabutomaru ~~ Where are you? Sasuke misses you. :teehee:

> Naruto (manga) -- Ending soon? arg.gif So sad.


I hope everyone is satisfied with this post. If any of you have more questions, and would like to state your opinions/thoughts about this, you're more than
welcome to!


love.gif narusakuct7.gif love.gif

1. I would be surprised if it is in the next 10 chapters. But good things come to those who wait.

2. Yes. Yes, it will be.

3. I think Danzo just pulled a Kakashi with Shisui's body. Waste not. Want not. I do not think they are the same person. Possibly working together (since working with Orochimaru shows Danzo is willing to work with enemies for his own goals).

4. So many possibilities with Kabuto. I hope he winds up being the final villain.

5. Doubt it. There is still A LOT more to resolve. Hopefully, he doesn't make his brother's mistake and rush it (666 Satan was awesome until Part II when it became only OK due to the rush).

#236362 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 15 August 2009 - 06:39 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 15 2009, 03:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
4. I know Sakura's not a prize to be won, or an object, for that matter. I was just saying that Naruto's got his sights set on her, and when Naruto sets his goals, he usually acheives them; in this case, it's winning Sakura's heart.
...Or that's how it was before. Now he just wants to make her happy, and you've got a great point. I suppose this was directed more towards Kishimoto, rather than Naruto. It'd be unfair to the poor guy.

And thanks for the heads up; I'll rethink that arguement happy.gif

5. I simply think it's wrong for Masashi to bail and use Naruto's feelings as an escape route. So much development has been put into NaruSaku, as well as Naruto's feelings for Sakura. And it's not just ch. 458; you can see it as far back as vol. 20.

6. You're right there... that was pretty biased XP
Oh jeez... I'm removing it!

But I guess what I was trying to get across was... that our arguements have more foundation and are more reasonable. Yeah. I'll put that. Thanks!

Lol, that changed your mind, huh? That's pretty cool! Just goes to show that NaruSaku is a pretty convincing pairing! happy.gif

Well, thanks for setting things straight. I really needed it. Your feedback is very valued!

4. I figured, but I was just alerting you of how it can be argued. I suspect good debaters on the other side will focus on little things like this.

5. Totally agree with you.

6. I figured you weren't intentially being biased, I just wanted to point that out (I do it too, sometimes, so don't feel bad).

6.5. Yep. That's what convinced me to change. Honestly, it wasn't because I realized it was more canon-likely (which I wouldn't until I joined the pairing wars shortly after wards). It was because you can see the care Sakura has for Naruto. It seemed more real and ideal thanHinata's crush.

#236337 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 15 August 2009 - 07:43 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I included [#] in the quote so people would know what I am responding to.

QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 14 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My years as a Naruto fan have been shared equally by my years as a NaruSaku supporter. That means that since the beginning, I've loved NaruSaku before I even knew it was an actual pairing.
I've been lucky enough not to fall into the NaruHina/SasuSaku trap.

Because from the beginning, NaruSaku has had everything a pairing should have, such as:

-Clues and Foreshadowing
-That traditional manga love appeal, just to name a few.

And all the way, I've seen NaruHina/SasuSaku/Any Pairing Other Than NaruSaku as, for lack of better word...

I'm going to start with arguements from NaruHina. Note: These are actual arguements I've heard:

[1] -NaruSaku is cliche

NaruSaku is not cliche. Yes, the Tsundere theme is a staple of Shonen romance. That doesn't mean it's cliche. Cliche is taking the same theme and beating it to death, over, and over, and over again, in just the same way all other mangaka have. But NaruSaku has brought new themes to this concept.

Sakura is Tsundere. But Sakura is also shown, quite frequently, may I add, displaying deep emotions for Naruto. Sai and Yamato, for example, have implied many times how deeply Sakura cares for Naruto.

As well as that, we see the male protagonist, instead of blatantly trying to win the female protagonist, sacrificing his happiness for her. Naruto could've told Sakura long ago how he felt, yes, but he chose not to, for the simple fact that he wasn't capable of keeping a promise.

And don't forget; pre-timeskip Naruto has done the same, making Sakura that promise and sacrificing his happiness. So NaruSaku is not just the run-of-the-mill ''Boy likes girl and tries to win her over and girl hits boy'' manga pairing. It's not that shallow.
Besides, what can I say? Masashi is a traditionalist.

[2] -Don't forget about Hinata's confession

Oh boy. Here we go...

First of all , I see that as more of a development for Hinata, rather than NaruHina. She told him how she felt, and displayed backbone.

IMO, it's already been resolved. In chapter 450, Sakura hugs Naruto, and Hinata smiles earnestly at the scene. Those ''....'' indicate, as far as I can tell, that Hinata is happy and satisfied with the outcome. (If you find that incorrect, her smile says it all anyways)

I hope we all didn't forget our plot charts teacher showed us in school;

Rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

(But since there was no discernable falling action, we can skip to resolution.)

Rising action; when she sees Pein hurting Naruto, and Ko is trying to get her to stay away

Climax: The confession

-Skip falling action-

Resolution- Hinata's smile at the NaruSaku moment.

Ergo; It. Is. Resolved.

I'm hoping that Kishimoto doesn't throw in any out-or-the-blue forks in the plan, but as far as her confession goes, everything is resolved

And let's say, for the sake of example, it is brought up again. Hinata re-tells Naruto what he's already heard, or by some chance he confronts her;

Naruto does not have feelings for Hinata

[3]As mentioned in ch. 458 (right?), Naruto's still got feelings for Sakura. Let me ask you this; why would Sai bring that behind-the-scenes, never before seen new NaruSaku moment if Naruto's going to randomly drop his feelings for Sakura and switch, without rhyme or reason, to Hinata? If that were the case, Kishimoto would've just dropped the moments altogether.

So why did he make a new one? I could understand if he'd used an old one, then he would have just been trying to tie up loose ends. But again, he made a NEW NARUSAKU MOMENT!

[4]It would be wrong to have Naruto, the main character, end up with anyone but the one he wants - Sakura.

[5]Hearing a confession is not going to suddenly change his feelings. He's not going to be like, ''Oh, Hinata loves me? Well, jeez, now that you mention it, I love her too! I just suddenly realized my feelings for her that I've had for this whole time! Sakura who ?''

Yeah, no.

Kishimoto wouldn't (and really shouldn't) use Hinata's confession as an excuse to just drop NaruSaku and take the easy way out. That's like... that's like having Sasuke suddenly fall in love with Sakura and apologize to her! WRONG!

[6]Why do NaruSaku fans love NaruSaku?

-Their development
-Their interraction
-Their themes
-Their foundation
-And just their over all win

Why do NaruHina fans like NaruHina?

-cuz its cute and hinatas cute and sakuras a b*tch and it should be naruhina and sasusaku and cuz narusaku is laaaaaaaaame!


Well, that pretty much kills NaruHina and SasuSaku's... already dead, in my opinion.

Please share your thoughts and offer additinal points and arguements.

1. Nailed the cliche argument. Also, see my post on the debate Thread about cliches.

2. Hinata's confession: Again nailed it. I would add many pairing fans forget character development is not pairing development. That requires development on both side. Both Hinata's and Naruto's actions were aimed at each other, but not to.

Errr..... What do I mean? Hinata's confession did not require a response from Naruto. Naruto's anger over the pain caused Hinata did not require a response from her. In fact neither got it (Naruto did not ever accept nor deny the confession, he got angry at Hinata getting hurt, but ignored the confession).

It was Hinata development (she did look pretty bad ass), not NaruHina development.

I would not argue the story theme. If I was a NaruHina fan, I would simply argue you have it wrong. Naruto going six-tails was the falling action and the resolution has not happened yet. I would also say that Kishimoto is bringing NaruSaku to the forefront to kill it and allow NaruHina to finally resolve.

3. I kinda made an excuse for the NaruHina fan about these new moments, didn't I? *whistles innocently* But I admit that is poor writing. And what you say makes sense (of course that's why I am a NaruSaku fan).

4. Naruto does not have to end up with girl he wants. Sakura is not a prize to be won which Naruto makes clear in the Promise of a Lifetime. Of course, this is just more reason for them to be together. I just dislike the argument that makes it seem like the only reason NaruSaku is going to happen is because Naruto is the main character or that why we like it. I don't think that''s what you meant, but people will jump unto that debate if you give them a chance. If they can argue against your phrasing and arguments you did not intentionally make, they will. Really, making the NaruSaku person lose is the only way the other pairing fans chance of winning an argument. Tricks like that have been done to me. It's brutal. Watch out for them.

5. Yes and no. It could possibly make him consider Hinata as an option. The change would not be immediate, but her letting actions speak louder than words certainly helps.

Except that that did not happen. Naruto did not consider her confession or her almost sacrifice except for immediately afterward. Not even a slight consideration. It seems bad writing or exceptionally cruel to Sakura to have all this development of NaruSaku on her end (unlike Hinata's confession, Sai's talk is leading directly to continuing interaction with Naruto based on romantic feelings), and have Naruto been thinking about Hinata this whole time without any indication.

In short, it could plausibly happen (NaruSaku would need to be resolved like SasuSaku had to be in [mostly anyways] 181), but it didn't. Naruto has had plenty of time to show conflicting feelings but has not.

6. Heavily disagree. I have ran into plenty of NaruSaku fans who had stupid reasons for liking the pairing. I also have ran into NaruHina fans who were intelligent liked deeper themes to NaruHina (though these also tend to be fans who tend to admit that NaruSaku is more likely, they simply prefer their pairing).

QUOTE (FrutyLishis @ Aug 15 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stupid? psh'aww
That's my reason for liking them, too! NaruSaku supporter since ch. 3. It's not stupid at all - in fact, it's very logical. I fell in love with Naruto, and saw his crush on Sakura, so naturally, I wanted him to be happy. happy.gif
And as I said before, I was lucky to be one of the people who didn't fall into the SasuSaku trap at the beginning, and saw past everything. I was like, ''Sakura likes Sasuke? Ugh, I HOPE she's not really that shallow!''

But yeah, thanks for your thoughts! smile.gif

I agree. It's not stupid. I'm saying that and I fell into the NaruHina trap until 296, page 7, with the words "I will save Sasuke for you!"

Part II started obliterating the NaruHina fan inside me (especially after I learned some of my favorite parts were only filler), but this what killed, buried, and ordered flowers for its funeral.

Don't feel stupid at all for realizing it before others.

#236278 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 15 August 2009 - 12:36 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Aug 14 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But, aren't NH and SS cliched I mean shojo cliched and American movies cliched?

Pretty much everything is cliche.

People were so impressed by Pein wanting to become a god (myself, included considering his motivations) instead of simply taking over the world like he told Hidan. But really, it was just as cliche. How many video games have you played where the bad guy wants to become a god (or you wind up giving it a go even)?

Cliches are everywhere for a reason. It's the development of the cliche that turns it into an original piece of work or crap. NaruSaku is very well developed. People who call it cliche are ignoring the development in favor of their pairing. Of course, we would be doing the same for SasuSaku (which has pretty nil chance of happening now, but was fairly developed).

#236177 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 13 August 2009 - 11:47 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (NaruSaku93 @ Aug 12 2009, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i agree. i could see ron and hermione getting together, but harry and GINNY??? i read the books and i had seen no signs whatsoever. i dont think kishi is going to pull of the jk rowling thing. theres too much development for narusaku

I think she had planned out that way, but she never really satisfyingly developed the romance, especially compared to Ron and Herimone.

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Aug 13 2009, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tolling in Mangas = Red hearings xD

Oh I agree with Nate on the whole Bother/Sister thingy.... Oh, I also could see Ron/Hermione from a mile away, but Harry Ginny That would be a big ????????


#236046 Naruto 459

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 12 August 2009 - 06:23 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Freakazoid @ Aug 12 2009, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I highly doubt KillerB just being alive will make Raikage want to stop hunting Sasuke. He still walked onto their village's land and kidnapped him for his own goals. That is not something you just let go.

Plus... Sasuke is still there to attack them all!


Oh. I'm not saying it will. But it will calm him down quite a bit, but he will still be mad. And I believe Sasuke will not b being redeemed anytime soon, just eventually.

I think Naruto will find out from Sasuke Killer Bee is alive and will search for him. And then, Killer Bee will teach him how to master the junchuuriki (I also am guessing, Sasuke will be taking Itachi's eyes during this time because I don't see him succeeded).

#236043 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 12 August 2009 - 06:18 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Derock @ Aug 12 2009, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm starting to believe why many fans are using that "sibling" argument...

... they are awaiting for Kishimoto to pull a similar situation like J.K. Rowling did with Harry and Herimone as in quoted: "I love her like a sister", so they can have their pairings which ever if its NaruHina, SasuSaku, LeeSaku, w/e other pairing canon so that NaruSaku can be dead and stay dead. Plus many complain that they are tired of the cliches (which are always there) and want something different.

I don't know. I got on the Harry Potter train late (I was still reading them first six when the 7th came out), but I see it differently. I mean, I never saw Herimone and Harry as a possible pairing until the 7th book
Harry Potter Spoiler --Click here to view--
when Ron left the two of them.
I was unspoiled by pairing fans arguments, Herimone's choice seemed natural and not a cop-out (Harry's kinda did, though).

Also, bah, to people who complain about cliches. Cliches are cliches for a reason. The only problem is when a writer simply uses them without any sort plan and just tosses them in there. NaruSaku is not just thrown in there without explanation or build up.

#236038 Naruto 459

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 12 August 2009 - 06:06 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Uzumakikage @ Aug 12 2009, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's really pointless for Naruto to even bring back Sasuke to the village because like Shikamaru said (similar to what he said) Kumogakure will start a war if Konoha tries to protect Sasuke. Even if Naruto brought Sasuke back to the village everyone (except Naruto/Sakura/Kakashi/and maybe a few Rookies but that would be about it) would wanted him taking out to the Guillotine or life in Prison.

As to what someone said earlier about Raikage being militias, I don't think he was being militias but instead he was trying to tell Naruto to "Man Up" act like a young adult/ninja and do away with those squirmy childish emotions of his because as a ninja there's no room for such emotions to affect one's judgment.

Well, Naruto would have to change the Raikage's mind about that, but two things:

1. Killer Bee is not dead which will take away the Raikage's anger.

2. Naruto will have to change the Raikage's thinking anyways if he is to start the ninja revolution and bring salvation to the world.

QUOTE (Freakazoid @ Aug 12 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess i'm not one for off screen bonding.

I just don't see it as tragic because everyone we saw between them on screen was a rivarly, then Sasuke not really caring at all what could happen to either Naruto or Sakura. Hell, even trying to kill them both!

It's a one sided false bond from my view. So nothing tragic about it.

Just so we are clear, by off screen bonding, I mean simply hanging out and completing missions together, things that would seem pointless to put in the manga, but we can assume they happened. I see little glimpses of it, but Sasuke it pretty emotionally retarded.

If Sasuke was always evil, then it wouldn't be a tragedy to me. But he has continuously suffered - abeit much of it was his own fault - and been manipulated. So, I see tragedy in his fall and in Naruto's failure if he becomes the final villain.

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Aug 12 2009, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Which is really somewhat ironic considering Raikage's quite hot-blooded and emotional, though it could be just because his brother's missing. And/or, being a -Kage, he's able to separate emotions from his decisions....

Yeah, I think he's just enraged right now because of his brother.

And, yes, Freakazoid, he is awesome.

#235976 Naruto 459

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 12 August 2009 - 04:23 AM in Latest Releases

I see it tragic as the hero of the story was able to save everyone but his best friend.

I also think Sasuke, messed up as he has been, hasn't been as bad for the entirety of Part II. He made it clear that he was releasing Orochimaru's slaves. Only after Madara's manipulations did he begin killing those who got in his way.

EDIT: I would like to remind people a lot of the bonding did happen off screen. But Sasuke and Naruto have showed care for each other and risked their lives for each other until Itachi's beat down of Sasuke in the hotel. I think the "brothers" theme might be a little overplayed, but really only recently. It works earlier in the series because they had no one else really. The village isolated Naruto and Sasuke isolated himself. They barely spoke and were combative when they did, but they were all each other had for a long time. Even a nod of understanding works as a drop of water is a river to the man dying of thirst.

Of course, as the village accepts him and more and more people break through to Naruto, he has less of a reason to care about Sasuke. Though, I think Naruto's stubbornness will not let him give up on Sasuke. Sasuke, on the other hand, has withdrew more and become more isolated. He needs Naruto more than Naruto needs him though he keeps rejecting him (while becoming a ridiculously easy puppet in the process [seriously, Itachi manipulated him into dedicating himself into killing Itachi, Orchimaru would have Sasuke's body now if not for Itachi, and currently Madara is manipulating him]).

#235964 Naruto 459

Posted by Daidoji_Tangen on 12 August 2009 - 01:57 AM in Latest Releases

I think Sasuke will be redeemed, so I honestly think he is only 2nd chance for final villain at this point. Of course, I realize those two things aren't mutually exclusive. Yet, I still have a hard time seeing Kishi going the tragedy route with Naruto. Sure, tragic things happen, but the story itself is not one (which I see it being if Sasuke is the final villain).

I, personally, want to see the dark horse contender for final villain status, Kabuto, to come out on top. Kishimoto could simply have him in the background while the Akatsuki conflict goes on and have him plotting.