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There have been 2 items by racerxdsr (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#933571 Bill Paxton passes away at 61!

Posted by racerxdsr on 04 March 2017 - 02:08 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I remember him in Weird Science as Chet.


Rest in piece.

#915489 Pokemon Go

Posted by racerxdsr on 17 July 2016 - 07:20 AM in Fun Cafe

How funny.  I Started earlier this week.  What level is everyone at?  There is a sports complex near me and there a numerous people playing.


I'm currently level 13 and have over 50 different pokemon.  My son has been playing on my wife's phone and with my as well. It crazy how many people are playing this game.  I live in a desert like area, AZ.  We don't get alot of water types.  From what my friends and family tell me each area of the country is different.  I get lots of growliths and have other non water types.  People I talk to are on level 20 with 2000CP Arcanine's etc..


Just some tips to level up quickly.  If you have pidgeys just evolve them when you get the chance b/c the provide decent amount of xp early on. Plus as you level up you get other items to use as well. There are multiple types of pokeballs.  I have the regular and the great balls at the moment.


Anyways, have fun with it and stay safe.