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There have been 14 items by 3ddy (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#161864 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 18 February 2008 - 07:55 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Just thinking about this..

Would you people prefer a shonen with more action rather then romance? A balance? More romance then action? I would prefer a balance, but with a little more romance tongue.gif

#158480 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 29 January 2008 - 10:21 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (pal2002 @ Jan 29 2008, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jump Fiestas were 2004 and 2005. Those were the original part 2 manga release years. Now, I haven't seen any new kishi interviews for quite a while now.
On topic though, I personally will see it as the very last thing Kishi resolves in the manga. Don't expect kisses, hot romantic dates, etc, that's just not a shounen manga. What I'm expecting is maybe a panel or too in the series finale manga in the context of Sakura finally accepting in going out with Naruto or maybe timeskip scene of NaruSaku in the future. It'll hopefully satisfy our desires and leave the rest to fanfics and doujins.

hehehe, havent checked MY post for ages i cant believe there are so many replies now.. well anyway, about Sakrua replying to Naruto asking her out,

Didn't she accept once? Shippuden episode 2 or 3, can't remember, but Kishi JUST HAD TO RUIN IT... awww. :shamefulcry0js:

#126927 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 09 August 2007 - 09:23 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Sakura~Kitsune @ Aug 1 2007, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That was excellent!! I would love to see NaruSaku happen like that, very creative and to me they're all still in character! Absolutely luv it happy.gif

agreeeeeed! weee

#125097 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 27 July 2007 - 11:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Kat =) @ Jul 28 2007, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol who doesnt love the corny stuff?? that is wat makes it cute!! well that is my oppinion

DAMN STRAIGHT! You are so right! :thumbs:

#124693 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 26 July 2007 - 08:25 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Kat =) @ Jul 26 2007, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
noo dont worry she doesnt die lol i even would be crushed if she died!! that would make the ending to sad for my taste!! i dont like sad endings!! i like happy ones!!

hell yeah! i like endings with a big NaruSaku moment, really corny, i know

#124544 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 25 July 2007 - 08:43 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Kat =) @ Jul 25 2007, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ohhhh lol well it didnt seem THAT corny at the time
Thanks!!! ^0^ lol yea but i have the problem with summarizing everything lol wat u can do is wat i cant do lol how odd is that??
HOW DARE YOU STOP IT THERE!!! lol it was getting good too!!!!

hahaha thanks. i might finish it off in the library, archives or whatnot. look out for it!

QUOTE (Kat =) @ Jul 24 2007, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I have one to share.....I dont know how good it is though....considering I'm making it up on the spot as it is.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sai have been assigned a B-Rank mission. All they had to do was play bodyguard to this man who was being hunted down by a group of crazy ninja, that apparently have nothing better to do.

Team Seven got the man back to his village, it was returning to THEIR own village is where the trouble started. Sai, Naruto, and Sakura were running through the tree’s, keeping their senses opened just incase they would run into someone. As they started to enter Sand Country, Sai noticed that there were two extremely strong chakra signatures up ahead.

Both, Naruto and Sakura, nodded their heads to indicate that they also felt the strong chakra’s. The two men turned to Sakura. Giver her a I-hope-you-have-a-plan look. Sakura just shook her head at them. She never did understand why they couldn’t come up with a plan once in a while. But seeing as what happened last time, Sakura rather not go through that again.

Before Sakura could think of a plan, or tell her team about it, the two chakra’s started to come their way. Soon Team Seven stopped jumping tree’s and jumped onto the woodland floor. Sakura turned to her friends, but came face to face with Uchiha Itachi.

Kisame came up behind Sai and Sakura and held them back, so they wouldn’t get in the way of the Uchiha’s business. Itachi stared at Naruto before he ran at him and started to attack. They exchanged punches and kicks, jutsu’s and any other fancy things they could think of. Kisame knocked out Sai, but kept Sakura unharmed for now. Who knows, if Itachi didn’t succeed they could use her as bait for the Kyuubi holder, seeing that he was very attached to the girl.

Sakura watched the battle with intense eyes. She was trying to find a hole somewhere in the Uchiha’s system that could be useful for Naruto. As Naruto was battling Itachi, or what he thought was him, Sakura saw that the real Itachi was getting ready to throw about 6 kunai towards Naruto’s vital points. Sakura gasped and acted fast. She used her super strength to knock Kisame’s hold on her and she charged between Naruto and the real Itachi, right as Itachi threw his kunai’s at Naruto. Soon Sakura was hit, and her screamed filled the forest.

When Naruto realized it was a clone and that Itachi was behind him, it was to late, he threw the kunai at him. He waited for the impact, but felt nothing. Soon he heard Sakura scream out of pain and saw her fall to the ground. Naruto got very enraged, having some of the Kyuubi’s chakra swirling around him. And he attacked Itachi, forcing him to retreat. Naruto turned to Sai and saw that all he has was a bump on the head. It was Sakura that worried him the most.

“Sakura-Chan…Why did you do that.” Naruto would whisper to her.

“People to crazy things for the people they love.”

Naruto looked to his left to see Sakura, slowly trying to sit up. Naruto helped her up and started straight into those bright green emerald eyes he loved so much.


Sakura smiled at him. He didn’t seem to believe what he was hearing. “I said people do crazy things for the people they love.”

Naruto couldn’t believe what he just heard. Did Sakura really say that she loved him?! Sakura, being able to read his expression, answered his unspoken question.

“Yes Naruto….I do love you. With all my heart.”

Before Naruto could answer her, she faded into unconsciousness.

“Sakura-Chan….I love you too.”


ahhh not as good as i wanted it but hey...that is what i think wil happen..

hey thats great! Noo Sakura-chan don't die!

#124133 naruto for a day

Posted by 3ddy on 22 July 2007 - 12:40 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ahahaha! I love the comment from Xar



I dunno, it cracks me up when I see random stuff. Well, I reckon I would

Yeah, muck around Konoha in the morning, like jumping on buildings doing random ninja stuff, then I would chakra wall-walk onto Sakura's window, (y'know, the one where she can see the water container, and Naruto's always sitting on it, the one in shippuden's first ending..) and yell HEY SAKURA-CHAN!

and after that I would get her to the movies, and to Ichirakus. And I would wear that black shirt underneath that orange jumpsuit, yeah, it's damned cool. And, I would get her on a date the next day, and the next...

#124132 Sakura Jealous ?

Posted by 3ddy on 22 July 2007 - 12:34 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Hmm.. haven't seen that episode or forgot about it. Link Please! wink.gif Anyway, yeah, I love the idea that Sakura's jealous over Naruto. Wayyy wicked.

#124131 a shocking secret!

Posted by 3ddy on 22 July 2007 - 12:32 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Woah dude, isn't Sakura-(chan) only a couple months older then Naruto? Ok, I know this is stupid but i looked it up on Wikipedia right after, cos my buddy told me there were even birthdays on there. Ok, so Naruto's birthday is on October 10th, and Sakura's is on March 28th. So... that's.. *counts on fingers*

6 months! Come on, that's not even a year. Lay up!

(Sakura's "birthday" is three days after mine. Woot! laugh.gif )

#124129 What do you NaruSaku fans have to say bout this?!

Posted by 3ddy on 22 July 2007 - 12:22 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Derock @ Jun 26 2007, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all, it is fanart, period. That kiss (or likely of Sakura going near Sasuke in CS2) won't happen.
Well said, ciardha. happy.gif I totally agree with you 100% on your first 2 reasons.

For some reason, that picture grosses me out and appears to be really cute at he same time. BUUUT getting back to narusaku, THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN! bwahaha.

but a seriously damned good picture though...

#124128 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 22 July 2007 - 12:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Sakura~Kitsune @ Jul 22 2007, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hm, I would always think that NaruSaku could either happen naturally, on a mission or for humorous fun: Ino uses her matchmaker skills xD

oh, what i was thinking of, what do you mean by naturally? Like how naturally :rolleyes:

#122324 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 09 July 2007 - 11:34 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ok guys, read this. It's an extract I'm making up right about... now. Comments, constructive criticism would be great.

Sakura awoke with a jolt. Her vision was blurry, but she knew the surroundings around her were dark. She attempted to rub her eyes, but realised that her hands were bound. Her eyes went wide in shock. She tried to stand up but failed, as she discovered her ankles were bound too. Sakura closed her eyes.
'What happened...'

Flashes of her memory returned to her, as she concentrated harder.

"ALLLL-RIIIGHT!" yelled Naruto, as he leaped a meter into the air, elated.
"Sakura's going on a date with me... Saku-"... he chanted as he led the way to Ichiraku's. Sakura blushed a little, and tried to avert gazes that people shot at her and Naruto.

"Naruto, keep it down, you're embarrassing us..." Sakura said quietly and sharply, keeping pace with the hyperactive ninja.

"Ok, Sakura. Sorry." Naruto went back to walking quietly, his head hung down.

Ichiraku was in sight. Same as always, it looked like a normal stall. But even the Hokages know, it is known for the best ramen in the world. Naruto's favourite. Naruto stepped into the stall, and suddenly...

Her memory failed her. 'Damn it, not now...' she thought. Footsteps echoed somewhere in front of her.

"Heh-heh-heh-heh..." A deep, low voice chuckled. It sure didn't sound friendly. "So you have awakened... girl."

Sakura struggled, and something clattered. She looked down desperately. It was a slightly circular metal object, and it had a picture of yin-yang on it. She tried to apply chakra throughout her body, and she got a sharp zap in return. She screamed in pain, her body shuddering as the electricity passed through her.

"I was going to inform you about the device, but it seems you already know what it does. If you attempt to use chakra, it gives you a sharp electric shock. Quite impressive, no?" The dark voice laughed. Oh, and if you were wondering about that boy...

Sakura gasped. She completely forgot about Naruto during this ordeal. "Wh-Where is he...?"

The voice chuckled again. "That's for you to find out, little girl." Sakura sensed movement in the dark area. Something clattered next to her, and she flinched.

"Farewell now, I have larger matters to attend to..." The mysterious figure drawled as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sakura sniffed the air using her sharp nose. A unique smell passed through her nostrils, and she knew what the metallic object was immediately.

It was Naruto Uzumaki's ninja headband.

Well, that's just a little trailer for the whole fanfic, and I SUUURE hope you like it. Comments please!

#121917 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 06 July 2007 - 11:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Vespar @ Jul 6 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's actually more to this scene, but it's still incomplete. Plus, the portion I added here would've been better drawn rather than written. But, more or less, I think this is what'll happen.

thats a GREAT start to a fanfic or an episode. You're a really good author. I'm pretty good at stories too bu couldn't get around to writing one. Bah. Great Stuff buddy. :thumbs:

QUOTE (Chivalrysae @ Jul 7 2007, 03:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it would be better if it happened before the end of the series. Maybe when they have a confrontation with Itachi trying to take Naruto back to extract the Kyuubi.

Itachi manages to trap Kakashi with his Sharingan. Naruto and Sakura run to Kakashi to pull him out of his trance. Before they are able to get there Itachi appears between them and Kakashi. There would be a short fight sequence with Naruto and Sakura occasionally glancing back at Kakashi trying to find away to get past Itachi to get to Kakashi. Naruto does his Kage Bushin to surround and distract Itachi and Sakura makes a mad dash for Kakashi. Naruto does his Uzumaki Barrage from underground to suprise Itachi who has a suprised look on his face. He gets kicked up into the air and you see the real Naruto flying up overhead about to do a windmill kick. Naruto looks down on Itachi and you see him smile. The instant Naruto connects with Itachi a cloud of smoke appears and it's a wooden log. Naruto had been tricked! As he lands to the ground he glances back at Sakura as she runs for Kakashi. Scanning the field Naruto thinks to himself "where is he? where is he?" A wind blows by and some leaves fly up in the air around her and they morph into shurikens and slice up her arms and legs. She falls back and screams in pain. Naruto yells "dammit" and runs after her with his clones trailing. More leaves fly up and morph taking out all of Naruto's clones. The shrikens cut him but he keeps running through the pain.As he reaches Sakura she is slowly getting up. Naruto does Kage Bunshin again when all of a sudden arms from underground grab a hold of both of them. Sakura reaches out for Naruto to help him, and he pushes her off and screams at her to get Kakashi. She takes a couple of steps and lungest for Kakashi and puts her hand on his shoulder and forces her chakra into him. He smiles, and then she notices that he has the Sharingan in both eyes. He then smacks her to the ground behind where Naruto stands. He is frozen as he asks "why?". Itachi reveals himself where Kakashi stands and says "I'm tired of playing with you." He does the Fireball move and Naruto is still rooted to the ground. He's running out of Chakra from the fighting earlier. As he picks himself off the ground he looks back at Sakura who is still trying to get back up. He slowly gets back up and says "I can't lose to you, I still have a promise to keep!" Sakura looks up at him in shock. She gets teary eyed. At that moment, you hear him speaking to Kyuubi. Please, help me. I need your power. You see the red chakra surround him and begin morphing into the form of the fox. The first 3 tails emerge. Itachi smiles again and says "interesting, lets see how powerful this Kyuubi is." Naruto begins to feels the evil Chakra burning his skin. The fourth tail begins to emerge and Sakara flashes back to Jaraiya telling her in secret that the Evil chakra when released in high quantities will slowly damage his body and could even kill him. Naruto begins to cringe in pain as the 4th tail appears...he still in control. He says "I can push it farther" and the fifth tail starts to appear. His face cringes. Two hands wrap around him from behind and he can feel the hands on his heart. His eyes open wide and there is a calmness to his expression. It's Sakura. Smoke starts rising from her arms. She squeezes even tighter and Naruto knows she's in pain. "I have to beat him, I promised you! Let go!" Sakura says "No, we'll find another way." Naruto saks "Why?! We've come so far. Why?" Her arms tighten more around him. And he feels a teardrop touch his skin and sizzle from the red chakra. Sakura's head is bowed with tears streaming down her face as she says "Naruto, I can't lose you too. I don't want to lose you." Naruto closes his eyes with tears visible on the edges and his Kyuubi chakra levels decrease. Itachi says "You were doomed to begin with." Naruto says to Sakura "Believe in me." Sakura responds "Naruto, I believe in you."

End Scene (episode).

It's a rough idea. Hope someone likes it. That's all I can think of for now cause I'm at work. haha.

HEY! THAT'S AWESOME! Like Vesper, you both are really great authors. Keep the ideas coming! :thumbs:

#121763 If NaruSaku DID Happen, How WOULD It Happen?

Posted by 3ddy on 06 July 2007 - 01:06 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If NaruSaku happened, how would it happen? I reckon Sakura gets kidnapped by these awesome super-hightech-armor baddies then Naruto rescues her, etc. etc.

Soo, what do you guys think? 111189.gif