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There have been 5 items by Sairensu Kirei (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#117605 Spiral Wolf Designs

Posted by Sairensu Kirei on 06 June 2007 - 09:10 PM in Artists' Square

Well I was advised to start a gallery thread, so here it is! My first NaruSaku artwork along with two other non-Naruto artworks of mine....more NaruSaku to come!

My OC Shoushi Kiya...she might make an apperance in the Naruto RPG I'm a part of.

Mid-20's NaruSaku with my OC Sairensu Kirei...not Ino! XD

Graphics battle between myself and my fiance (also a graphic artist). It's now a poster. n_n

#117179 Need critique? n_n

Posted by Sairensu Kirei on 03 June 2007 - 08:34 PM in Artists' Square

Official art thread? Do I just make a new topic in the Artist's Square? o.o

Thank you all for your comments and critiques! n_n I definitely have a a few things I'll need to fix once I ink it in Illustrator (which might be a while, since I dunno when I'm getting my new iMac!)

#116655 Need critique? n_n

Posted by Sairensu Kirei on 30 May 2007 - 11:01 PM in Artists' Square

QUOTE (Saku-chan @ May 30 2007, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMFG Thank you for not getting mad! XD Sometimes when I do a critique for people who ask for them they get all defensive like, "Don't tell me what to do!" :shamefulcry0js:

So yeah no prob. happy.gif I enjoy looking at all types of art.

(Holy carp I feel young now. XD You're out of high school.................. yeah.)

*laughs* Yeah, I'm a senior Graphic Design/Illustrator major in college right now. n_n Now I feel old....XD

QUOTE (Sakura~Kitsune @ May 30 2007, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Omigosh! I love your artistic style!

Thank you very much! n_n I was trying to get as close to Kishamoto-san's art style as I could. XD. Buuuutt some of my own style crept back in. *laughs*

#116636 Need critique? n_n

Posted by Sairensu Kirei on 30 May 2007 - 06:58 PM in Artists' Square

QUOTE (Saku-chan @ May 30 2007, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
**bows down**

Holy carp! I love your style!

But since you asked for a critique, I have to be nit picky!

Ok I really like that your shading makes sense. happy.gif There is tint on the face behind the hair where it falls. I also like that the anatomy works out well. The only thing that looks a bit odd is Sakura's left (our right) boob. tongue.gif It's just because the clothing fold on the vest stretches over a bit (or maybe I'm just confusing it with the top of the scroll holder...) and there's little shading under the boob compared with the amount of shading you did on the face. But since you are going to ink and color the pencil shading isn't THAT important... I just want to make sure that you know for when you shade with color!

The profiles are over all really good! (Thank you for making the slope of the nose at the right angle! The only issue I have is that the bottom lip protrudes a bit more than it ought to for a normal expression. It's great for pouting and stuff, but other than that... (Also the back of your OC's head is a little squished in, but this could be a style thing so don't mind me if you meant to do that! sweatdrop.gif )

Mou now I get to all good news! Ok. You did an awesome job with making the clothing look 3-D. It wraps around the characters and shows the contours of the body. :thumbs: The hair is also really well done. It has a natural feel and volume to it. (It reminds me of DC or Marvel comic style which I adore.) The pose that you did with your OC is also very well executed. You included the ribcage which makes the waist look natural.

^____^ So overall your art pwns. Keep drawing because we need more people that can make awesome art here at H&E and just in general in the world! Hope to see you around! a_hug.gif

Thank you very much for the critique! n_n I see the things that you pointed out now, and I'll fix them when I ink this in Illustrator. This is actually the first time I have drawn anime since high school, I'm a bit more used to drawing in realism/DC style (w00t!). I greatly appreciate your imput! =D

#116506 Need critique? n_n

Posted by Sairensu Kirei on 29 May 2007 - 05:17 PM in Artists' Square

Hello! As stated in my introduction I'm an illustrator and wanted to get some feedback on my artwork while I'm here. So far I have this one sketched out and wanted some critique on it before I ink and color it.

It's a pic of older NaruSaku and my own chara Kirei as "Team 7" down the road. It's from an old RPG I used to be a part of. =) More to come soon!