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There have been 12 items by JABR (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#322638 537

Posted by JABR on 03 May 2011 - 03:28 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Darth Krypt @ May 3 2011, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, Kakashi not wanting to be Hokage doesn't mean he'll refuse the offer since its a kind of responsibility for the good of Konoha. But seeing that "moment" has already passed, I don't think it will come again. Its just not right. I can see Tsunade passing down the title to Naruto since he's already powerful enough with the "Hero of Konoha" title to boot. Saving a village is the Hokage's job and he's already done that single-handedly. I don't really see another Hokage before Naruto, meaning Tsunade won't die before that happens. Heck there's a possibility of him not being Hokage at all. He'll probably get a status equivalent to RS which applies to the whole shinobi world after the war ends.

Well the important thing to remember is the council already had evidence of Naruto being a hero by him defeating Pein. They knew roughly just how powerful he was, yet still went in different directions twice.

There's also the Fire Lord himself to consider, as apparently he has some final say over who the Hokage is.

While Naruto is probably strong enough to be the Seventh, there's a pretty compelling argument, that he's not quite mature or wise enough. Hence, I would think Kakashi would make the ideal transitional Hokage from Tsunade to Naruto. And unlike Naruto OR Tsunade, Kakashi would understand like the 3rd, that yes being Hokage sometimes makes ugly decisions.

#322625 537

Posted by JABR on 03 May 2011 - 08:16 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Derock @ May 2 2011, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, it is fact. Kakashi did not want to become Hokage in the first place, he even said that he's not suitable for that kind of job when Tsunade woke up from the coma.

That doesn't mean he won't take the job as a placeholder until Naruto's old enough for it. Even after Naruto defeated Pein, Kakaski was the first one mentioned for the job by the Leaf itself.

Bumping Naruto to being the eighth would make sense given his father was the fourth (and Konohamaru being the Ninth go along with the Third also fits).

#322573 537

Posted by JABR on 03 May 2011 - 12:18 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (KungFuTruffle @ Apr 30 2011, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Half the Shinobi Alliance was killed, but not a single named character on their side died? Man, Masashi Kishimoto really can't bring himself to kill any of his precious children, can he? *Sigh*

Hmm, with Shikamaru's comments, it seems like Gedo Mezo might actually be the Ten-Tailed Beast. That would certainly make sense.

on a calm, starry night. --Click here to view--
I think if anyone is gonna die, they would be highlighted in this calm before the storm chapter or three. After all, the old guard can't be completely replaced by the new until they're assured they will live on somehow. In some cases that could mean fathering a child before heading into battle for some of the characters.

Thinking a little more along those lines I'd say characters on death watch alert should be Tsunade (Last of the Sanin, already established that Kakashi will be the next Hokage bridging the gap to Naruto), Iruka (Seeing as how he co-starred in that flashback) and/or one of the Naruto's friends (50/50 on Lee or Shino at this point IMO seeing as neither have a long term goal that's important, Lee proved his worth already and Shino's storyline is ?).

#302246 Naruto 515

Posted by JABR on 05 November 2010 - 12:35 AM in Latest Releases

Just a guess...

the former jinchurriki! are Naruto's prelims, his warm-up opponents. He and Bee are the heavy hitters next to the Kage (and Kakashi). I agree he's supposed to fight Sasuke but since it's likely they won't fight right away, they have to give Naruto someone else to punch. And putting to rest the others like him would fit.

If the world-wide theory about Zombies holds true, then destroying their brain (ie cutting their heads off) would defeat the Zombies instantly.

#293839 Naruto 506

Posted by JABR on 19 August 2010 - 09:12 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Aug 19 2010, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This chapter ended way too fast.... I thought it was only five pages then, chapter ends wtf? err.gif
Man, Gai seems to be the only Jonin in Konoha to stand up to an Akatsuki member....

Well lets think about this.

The first time Itachi appears, he even comments on how powerful Guy is. Guy is repeatedly referred to by himself as Kakashi's #1 rival (a claim that while Kakashi ignores but doesn't necessarily dispute Guy's strength) and of all the Jonin we've seen, Guy's strengths don't seem to rely an easily exploitable weakness (relying on Genjutsu for example). Nor is Kisame the huge mismatch that say Hidan was.

I tend to think that Guy is the second strongest jonin of Konoha after Kakashi, which would explain why he's so strong and able to give Kisame an even fight (at the moment).

Whether or not he'll be able to finish Kisame off, is a different matter. I think Naruto will be the one that finishes Kisame.

#286684 Jinchuriki Offspring

Posted by JABR on 12 July 2010 - 09:07 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jul 11 2010, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't think that's a possibility in Kishimoto's story or a female jinchurikki would also be killed at the moment of conception, and the Rikudo Senin would have died the moment his older son was conceived.

The different genders in theory could have different moments where the seal is at its weakest. For females it would be childbirth, men it would be conception. Rikudo Senin would simply be an exception to the rule b/c he was the first and strongest.

#286475 Will Naruto look for his clan?

Posted by JABR on 11 July 2010 - 04:34 AM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Toasty Warrior @ Jul 8 2010, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who knows what Naruto will end up doing, but I'm sure he'll find his relatives.

More likely they'll find him.

#286463 Jinchuriki Offspring

Posted by JABR on 11 July 2010 - 02:04 AM in Naruto General

Actually I would imagine the risks for male Jinchuriki might be more dangerous. Consider the American Comic, 'the Darkness' a power which can do almost anything and only manifests in males, but if he ever procreates, the act itself kills him.

A male jinchuriki could face a similar problem, where it's the actual act that is lethal to him.

#286272 Naruto 501

Posted by JABR on 09 July 2010 - 05:45 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Strangelove @ Jul 8 2010, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got a feeling Naruto's new seal will prove useful in times of extraction.

I wonder if Kushina could access any of the Kyuubi's chakra when she was the jailer. I would tend to think not since she states that the Minato came up with was based on the work of her village. So I'm guessing his seal was an improvement over hers. And I'm further guessing the seals associated with the Kyuubi were of a far different nature then those used by other villages.

Keeping the young will surpass and correct the mistakes of the old, I can see a mortally wounded, dying Sasuke using his eyes to control the Fox long enough Sakura to do whatever she has to do to restore the seal/save Naruto as they defeat Madara at the end.

#285726 Naruto 500

Posted by JABR on 06 July 2010 - 09:13 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jul 4 2010, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Terumi Mei- the Mizukage, is even more likely a cousin for the same reason- there's a slight resemblance between Kushina and Terumi and they both had/have extremely long straight red hair. It's somewhat likely there's a Uzumaki in her family line (her mother, perhaps).

Considering her facial resemblance to the Uchiha, Karin could be the result of a rogue Uchiha having a relationship with an Uzumaki that went to Grass country.

I've read two different one FF shots by the same author that start with these precise premises (Karin as a cousin, Mei as an aunt) and I thought they handled the situation well enough.

I wonder if Minato or the 3rd were the ones that incorporated the Whirlpool emblem into the leaf village's symbols. I also wonder how Itachi came to know of Naruto's existence. Via his mother or via Madara? I'd bet the former which plays into the theory of what power did he grant Naruto.

#285442 Naruto 500

Posted by JABR on 04 July 2010 - 08:17 PM in Latest Releases

I wonder if this means the fan theory that Karin is also a relative of Naruto's gets any traction. Especially considering Kushina states her clan scattered across the lands.

#283380 Naruto 499

Posted by JABR on 27 June 2010 - 12:25 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (harry4e @ Jun 17 2010, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True but thanks to Kakashi 'the genius who gets more things wrong than right' saying that the Chakra, Stamina etc was because of the Kyuubi people believed it to be canon (But then again there are still people who believe Madara had nothng to do with the Kyuubi attack.) Let's see He said Naruto's insane Chakra/Stamina is because of the Kyuubi, but when Snake-eyes sealed the Bijuu completely he still had enough Chakra levels to produce hundred of Clones, to get the scroll, and then defeat Kiba. He also said Naruto's healing is because of the Kyuubi, disproved at the same time as the stamina. And then he said that the Sage of the Sixth path was nothing more than a myth, even after it had been proved to be correct. (I'm starting to think out of all the Konoha Genius's from the last three Generations, only Minato and Itachi fit the discription.)

Except b/c Kushina is the previous container for the Nine-tails. Which means that Kakashi may in fact be correct just not in the way we thought it was. If in fact the Kyuubi was or is able to pass along its traits to the children of its container genetically, then it's highly likely Naruto's stamina, strength and endurance were at least in some form, influenced by the Nine-tails.

Its the 'wriggle-room' factor.