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There have been 31 items by Radon (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#261774 Naruto 484

Posted by Radon on 25 February 2010 - 05:44 AM in Latest Releases

Sakura really hasn't killed anyone yet in the manga. The only person she really fought was Sasori and we can all agree that he wasn't really human in the end anyways. Sasuke definitely has something to do with it but killing ANYONE in general would probably be difficult for her in the end.

#250167 Naruto 473 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 26 November 2009 - 11:57 AM in Latest Releases

The chapter is out

Naruto 473

#232641 Naruto Chapter 457

Posted by Radon on 24 July 2009 - 09:59 AM in Latest Releases

HOLY CRAP! How come no one is talking about how Mifune has the same eye as Madara!?

#231565 Naruto 456 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 15 July 2009 - 07:48 PM in Latest Releases

Chou/Mizu confirmed as cannon!!! We need more chapters about the Mizukage!

#230934 Naruto 455

Posted by Radon on 10 July 2009 - 09:24 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Jul 10 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just don't get, why people think that Karui Would suddenly fall madly in love with Naruto. Naruto had loved Sakura since he was a kid it would be stupid for Kishi to do that.

Because this world is filled with people who think using jealousy to spawn a relationship is a good idea... -.-;

#230118 Naruto 454

Posted by Radon on 03 July 2009 - 05:45 AM in Latest Releases

Screw Naruto, I want new chapters about the Mizukage! biggrin.gif

#228346 Naruto 452

Posted by Radon on 19 June 2009 - 10:35 AM in Latest Releases

It's nice to see that Sakura and Naruto finally are starting to realize what a bad apple Sasuke has become, and they don't even know that he plans of destroying Konoha yet... Sometimes I really wonder if Naruto dosn't see the world with anything but rose tinted glasses...

#228075 Naruto 452 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 16 June 2009 - 09:43 PM in Latest Releases

I'm not so sure how Sakura got schooled but I can understand how it happened to Naruto.

Naruto has turned out like Goku and everyone else from DBZ. He has massive amounts of power but he needs a long time to use them. For sage mode he needs to make 2 clones and have them rest somewhere and gather the nature Chakra, for FRZ he needs 2 more clones and enough time to charge the attack.

He needs the enemy to have a monologue for him to be able to use another attack.

That's why he got schooled by these guys. They were fast and too the point. No fancy moves just sword play and basic skills.

Naruto is all about the power, one hit kill moves now and probably would lose to most chunnin with average taijutsu skills... -.-;

#225206 Naruto 449 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 28 May 2009 - 02:18 AM in Latest Releases

What... a... cop... out... -.-

#224383 Naruto 448

Posted by Radon on 22 May 2009 - 09:46 AM in Latest Releases

It was an alright chapter but I miss the days of Kabuto and Oro... when bad guys were really just bad, no hidden agenda... no hug it out moments... I suppose it fits with the whole peace thing... but still...

#223339 Naruto 446

Posted by Radon on 09 May 2009 - 07:07 PM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Nee-sama @ May 9 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good point there, makes me wonder if Madara will turn out to have good intentions just like Itachi?
I'm still wondering what Danzou meant when he said, "Now the Kyuubi is out of the way," when he killed chibifrog.

He didn't want Naruto coming back to stop Pain. My guess was Danzou was going to use this battle as a time to launch his coup-de-tat on Konoha, probably still will in the next couple of chapters.

Naruto may have to leave Konoha and come back to save later.

#222251 Swine Flu

Posted by Radon on 27 April 2009 - 03:41 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

QUOTE (Cloud @ Apr 26 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Less than 5% of the cases result in death. I was just watching a Canadian news report... apparently, no vaccine has been developed?

Vaccine's for each new year are based off last years Vaccine, because the flu is just a mutation of what we have already dealt with. We also have a built up immunity from the human flu too.

That's why Swine flu is so deadly, it's a strain we never get, and because of that we have no immunity and no Vaccine prepared. Even if we use the vaccine from the last outbreak it will need to be updated from last time to fit this strain of the virus.

We have 4 confirmed cases here in Canada just announced today, but 2 are from a more minor strain. I will bet we might see a case or two in Europe and Asian before the week is out. As there are no travel bans in effect.

#222191 Swine Flu

Posted by Radon on 26 April 2009 - 10:07 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Apparently it's not the old and sick but the young and healthy that are most susceptible to this flu. It only attacks people with healthy immune systems.

#221790 445 spoilers

Posted by Radon on 23 April 2009 - 10:31 AM in Latest Releases

Young Yahiko looks like the long lost 5th member of the Beatles...

#218447 Chapter 441 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 25 March 2009 - 01:22 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Leney @ Mar 24 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Finally Team Gai is back. And I'm actually happy that it's canon that Ten Ten isn't another mednin kunoichi.

On another note, the rabid shipper in me went "WTF is Naruto thinking about HINATA for?!" But I think the translation is awkward and can be interpreted in many ways. He could be thinking about her in the "OMG you know what I think I love her" way or the "hmm, what happened to the body?" way.

I'm actually not surprised at all she isn't dead. But I think the most I can hope for is Sakura coming to heal her or something. Maybe Hinata will be forthcoming about her crush.

From what I read of the spoilers the way he thought of Hinata was that he was wondering if he had killed her and then rest of the villagers when he went KN, not in a romantic way or anything he was just worried he had blown her up.

#218424 Chapter 441 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 24 March 2009 - 09:25 PM in Latest Releases

441 Spoilers

441 Spoilers --Click here to view--
Good evening, it's simple spoiler time...

Naruto escapes from the Chibaku Tensei and lands back on the ground. After this, the sphere crumbles.

Hinata crosses Naruto's mind and seeing no trace of the village of the villagers, he worries he might have destroyed them, but Katsuyu, still hiding in his clothes, assures him they are okay.

Nagato coughs up even more blood

Team Guy just arrived. Tenten checks Hinata. Pain missed her vitals, and with immediately medical treatment she will be fine.
Hearing that, Neji uses his Byakugan to find a medical ninja. Lee discovers Ma frog he says "there's an injured frog here" They're wasting time (laugh)
Guy says one word: Akatsuki... So much for this, I'll tell you the things you want to see

Change to Naruto he says to Deva Realm that he wants to speak to the real body for negotiations.
Breakdown - Talking to you after all this now would be nonsensical

Naruto is like "Well, then I'll have to look for him myself" Katsuyu asks how he's going to do that.
Naruto has an idea: He'll engage Deva Realm in a fistfight, break of one of the black rods and pierces himself with it. Using Sennin mode, he can locate the real body like tracing a phone call.

To finish off Deva Realm, Naruto throws a Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken, which Deva realm deflects, but it seems Naruto took advantage of the five-second interval by throwing a second shadow shuriken.
The end

The next issue has a colour cover. Conclusion... and unexpected end...
...is what's written. It would suck if it's Nagato dying from coughing up too much blood
The spine of the magazine has Gaara on it.

Looks to mostly be a filler chapter, Team Gai arrives, Pein missed Hinata's vitals so she's not dead :/

#216553 438 Spoilers

Posted by Radon on 06 March 2009 - 02:18 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (SageNaru @ Mar 5 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe. But he still has that other shadow clone that was in frog land. So maybe he'll use sage mode again?
Just a thought.

My guess is he will be too damaged to activate Sage Mode again. The last time he want KN he was out for atleast 10 - 15 minutes... so Pein would probably be able to get him before he wakes up.

#215772 Hinata's Fate [CH 437 SPOILERS]

Posted by Radon on 28 February 2009 - 10:44 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (Fallen_Angel @ Feb 28 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(that is considering: hinata doesnt die, Naruto accepts her love, and Is willing to love her in return...etc...)

That's a three step thing tho.

First Hinata has to survive, then Naruto has to deal with the confession and what to do IF he somehow returns the feelings, and then finally he needs to accept her if he feels the same.

So NaruHina is just as far from Canon as it was before, it's just taken a bend and the ending is a little more clear.

I say don't expect a resolution about Hinata's fate for ATLEAST 5 chapters. KN6 has to calm down before we will know. Then if Hinata is somehow miraculously alive, she has in the very least, a couple weeks of coma to get through before Naruto will even get a chance to talk to her.

So yeah, I don't expect to hear anything about this for another month or two.

#215678 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 28 February 2009 - 01:34 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Ani @ Feb 27 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why are you guys freaking out over the confession? It's just a confession. Hinata has guts to get it out, but it doesn't mean her feelings will be returned.

I find that if this is Hinata's sacrifice, then I hope they dont bring her back. It would make it seem like her sacrifice was for nothing. But I do think it was pretty dumb to go in and even fight Pein since she knew she had no chance. I also don't want Kishi to think of some stupid way to ressurect her. I don't want everyone to be saved from death in this series. They are ninjas and it's not uncommon for then to die. I don't see how her living = NaruHina either. It would be bad writing if it turned out that way, but it is his story to tell. He can do what he wants.

And Sakura really isn't out of the picture as it has been said. Since in that so called interview that Sakura was going to be having some sort of part in the upcoming chapters. This might be where she is able to shine again. She dealed with Kyuubi Naruto before and who knows, maybe she has prepared for this to happen again and has thought of something. Something smart I hope.

That's my 2 cents. :/

It's Kishimoto's story to tell yes but I expect him to tell it well. If he wants NaruHina or wants to service the NaruHina fans, than that's fine with me it's his choice, but I expect him to give it some decent development after this if he expects me to continue on reading.

#215650 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 10:18 PM in Latest Releases

Well just imagine, if Pein accepts orders from Madara, how powerful compared to him must Madara be?

#215572 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 08:54 AM in Latest Releases

If Hinata survives I could honestly see something akin to the Hospital Scene in part one, except it is Hinata who is injured and Naruto who comes to visit. Naruto will try and speak but Hinata will cut him off with a sad smile and say "I know..." and accept that he dosn't have feelings for her.

I don't think were going to get a response from Kishimoto until well down the line, there's so much story left to resolve before he takes care of the pairings.

That or Kishimoto needed a continent plot device to get Naruto in Kyuubi form.

#215477 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 05:04 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Nate River @ Feb 27 2009, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's as I thought. Its impossible to tell if she's dead for good or not.

On the one hand, she doesn't speak as someone confessing in the hopes of the person returning anything. She talks like someone who thinks she's about to die.

On the other hand, this is still Kishimoto. She's still of the younger generation and it kinda smells like Chouji and Neji. Where the look dead, should be dead, but aren't.

It all comes down to what he has in mind. If this is meant as a final confirmation that she has changed and become strong like she wanted (represented by both the sacrifice and confession, then she's come full circle, resolved her personal goal, and will likely die. If it's meant a push for romance, she'll live. Or he could do something in between, but I'd prefer he didn't.

NaruSaku fans will want the former. NaruHina the latter. Personally, I want the former for reasons unrelated to pairings. I've wanted Naruto to experience an on screen tragedy like this for a long time. This is a fantastic opportunity to do that. An added bonus would be Naruto losing control and doing even more damage in a fit of rage. Ah, the personal torment would be amazing.

However, I really don't know what he means to do here and we probably won't find out until the fight as concluded.

EDIT: Missed the stab, which has me leaning toward the first option. That looks like a finishing her off type deal. That said, that's still not guarantee because, bottom line is, this is still Resurrection Jutsu Kishi.

I'm starting to think the same thing as option one as well.

It did seem like a tragic confession, it wasn't fluffy, it was sad and morbid all mixed together.

Kishi said that Sakura as well as Kakashi will have a large ark.

Everyone thought this was going to be Kakashi's ark but what if it's Sakura ark instead.

Could the death of Hinata be the burst of everyone bubble, the catalyst.

Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Shino, Neji. It could be a great start to an ark.

#215470 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 04:52 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Paptala @ Feb 27 2009, 01:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I can't say I say I saw that coming. At all.

First, I was really disappointed that Naruto went nine-tails mode again, seeing as how it goes against the entire lecture Yamato gave Naruto after he went 4 tails aout using his own power.

Second, if Hinata lives, then I'm almost certain NaruHina will happen, as frustrating as that is to admit.

I mean, Kishi said he was really inspired by DBZ right? Well, look at the main couple in that series -> Goku and Chichi. The hero meets the girl when they're little, girl instantly has crush on said boy, and when they meet up again years later, the girl tells the hero she wants to marry him, and they get hitched. No development, nothing.

It's sort of parallel to how NaruHina has been, and thats whats making me most unsettled (other than the fact that Hinata confessed her love for Naruto TT_TT )

The difference was Goku wasn't madly in love with someone for a good clunk of the series before getting together with Chichi, as far as I know, so the no development kind of didn't matter.

#215461 Chapter 437 Discussion

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 04:35 AM in Latest Releases

Wow... pain actually stabs her with the stick! Theres a whole panel dedicated to the sound it makes... gez

#215455 chapter 437 spoilers

Posted by Radon on 27 February 2009 - 04:24 AM in Latest Releases

yeah I don't think that bleeding from the mouth is very indicative of a serious injury in the Naruverse... tho I could be wrong... open eyes on the other hand is a very big indication of death. As far as I know your eyes close if you pass out to keep them hydrated, so if they are open it could be a strong sign of death or serious injury.