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Sakura~Kitsune's Content

There have been 2 items by Sakura~Kitsune (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#556951 Well! It's been a few years!

Posted by Sakura~Kitsune on 03 August 2014 - 04:38 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

OMG!!!! Kitsu-chan!!!~ :glomp: Welcome back! We hadn't seen you in like forever!


AAAA, HEY DEROCK  :hug: Thankies for such a nice welcome back~


It's been ridiculously long, I know, and I'm totally sorry about that--but I'm back for now!


Hopefully I don't go vanishing again :'D


And everyone else? Thanks for the hellos and welcome backs! I really appreciate it~!

#556203 Well! It's been a few years!

Posted by Sakura~Kitsune on 01 August 2014 - 02:34 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Haven't been around these parts in a very long while, and I'm not exactly sure what gave me the nerve to pop back over to see what's been going on here (maybe I  wanted to see how much changed? haha x'D)--but, hello there! Not that many familiar faces around here on my end, but hopefully everyone's been doing swell!


I'm Kyon, known here by most as Kitsu, it's nice to speak with you all again!


Not sure how long I'll actually stay active, but for now I think I'm going to float around here and there~ = 7 = 


Maybe this time I won't disappear for like... four years. We'll see~