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Deidara Lover's Content

There have been 84 items by Deidara Lover (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#269520 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 02 April 2010 - 02:58 AM in Fun Cafe

9/10 for both.

Maid-samaaa <3

#269519 Spring Anime 2010

Posted by Deidara Lover on 02 April 2010 - 02:56 AM in Otaku Square


Thought I stopped by this place in the midst of my RPing and see how the anime stuff is holding up.

I am so pumped for Black Rock Shooter <3 Wonder if anyone's noticed... /shot

Can't wait for Maid-sama either; manga's pretty good, I must say.

AXIS POWERS HETALIA, YES. 8) Also can't wait to see that.

#244717 Signature Requests

Posted by Deidara Lover on 21 October 2009 - 10:30 AM in Challenges & Art Requests

- Sorry for the wait, however your request should be done today or tomorrow, depending on what I have going on (I have a lot of stuff happening today so...)

Yeah. n_n;

#244175 Signature Requests

Posted by Deidara Lover on 17 October 2009 - 01:21 AM in Challenges & Art Requests

Bah. Sorry if this is a bit iffy; I was honestly trying to experiment with the font and the colors/the image. >.>

Any changes, reply back immediately. No need to rehost (saving and uploading yourself).



#243884 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by Deidara Lover on 15 October 2009 - 03:03 AM in Otaku Square

Candy Boy - 8/10

For one, I really like the slow-paced shoujo-ai scenes with the main characters, and the fact that it was pretty funny in some parts was nice. The only thing I would have liked better was probably the last episode... Needs a bit more oomf.

Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora - 7/10

Haha. It was okay, but I only really watched it so that I could get my Kaon/Himiko action because I love their alter egos, Chikane/Himeko from Kannazuki no Miko. The latter is a good series if you like shoujo-ai/yuri.

Ga-Rei: Zero - 10/10

I thought this was very good, being the prequel to the manga series. I was advised to watch this first before starting the manga recently, and I totally know why now. Haha. I love Yomi as a character and I really liked the battle scenes. Final episode made me teary.

Pandora Hearts - 10/10

Who wouldn't say 10/10 to Alice? She's awesome. Enough said. Oz/Aliceee.

Aoi Hana - 6/10

Meh... Anime was okay, animation was okay most of the time, but I didn't really love it as much as I loved the manga. x_x

Hm... I wonder if that's all. -can't remember-

#243845 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by Deidara Lover on 15 October 2009 - 12:24 AM in Fun Cafe

Accomplished, maybe. xD

#243843 Signature Requests

Posted by Deidara Lover on 15 October 2009 - 12:21 AM in Challenges & Art Requests

Oh, hi there. Interested in a signature? Look no further -- it would be a pleasure of mine to carry out a request from you.

I make all kinds of things; from site layouts to signatures to avatars/icons to other types of crap, but for now we'll just stay with the basic signature & avatar/icon.

All you have to do is fill out the basic form; and while this may seem troublesome to you, it helps me know what you really want for your graphics.

I only have one thing: please credit me. I've had graphics stolen and ripped several times before, and I don't like having to see someone steal my work; it's disappointing. Anyway, I would like to see a mention of my name [Deidara, Deidara Lover, Ino, etc.] somewhere. :X If it comes to it, I'll have to leave some sort of name or something on the signature. I don't really like doing that though.

NOTE: I COLOR MANGA. I might not be the best, but I can do it. [See samples below.]

Name: Your name.
Request: Do you want a set (both an avatar/icon & a signature) or just one or the other?
Pictures: Please mind that I only use images that are 300px by 300px. Smaller images are harder to work with. Please also refrain from using images that have white backgrounds. If you have a certain character in mind to using [i.e. from a show, a game, an anime, etc.] then just put the NAME OF THE CHARACTER and the SERIES if any. If you give me pictures, LINK THEM.
Text: Do you want any text on them? You can have none if you want. If you want your H&E username on it, simply just say "yes".
Fonts: Do you want any specific type of font for your text, if any? dafont.com will be your best friend for this. Give me the name of the font so I can go download it.
Color Scheme: What types of colors do you want to be seen in this? Be specific so I know what I'm doing.
Other: Did I forget something, or do you have something else to say?

[b]Name:[/b] Your name.
[b]Request:[/b] Do you want a set (both an avatar/icon & a signature) or just one or the other?
[b]Pictures:[/b] Please mind that I only use images that are 300px by 300px. Smaller images are harder to work with. Please also refrain from using images that have white backgrounds. If you have a certain character in mind to using [i.e. from a show, a game, an anime, etc.] then just put the NAME OF THE CHARACTER and the SERIES if any. If you give me pictures, LINK THEM.
[b]Text:[/b] Do you want any text on them? You can have none if you want. If you want your H&E username on it, simply just say "yes".
[b]Fonts:[/b] Do you want any specific type of font for your text, if any? dafont.com will be your best friend for this. Give me the name of the font so I can go download it.
[b]Color Scheme:[/b] What types of colors do you want to be seen in this? Be specific so I know what I'm doing.
[b]Other:[/b] Did I forget something, or do you have something else to say?

And now... Please enjoy the samples below. :] CHARACTER BIAS I KNOW. ;_;



(Most Recent)

1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6

#243829 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 14 October 2009 - 11:46 PM in Fun Cafe

6/10 for both.

#243436 What are you listening to?

Posted by Deidara Lover on 12 October 2009 - 12:09 AM in Fun Cafe

No Boundaries - Kris Allen

#243422 What are you listening to?

Posted by Deidara Lover on 11 October 2009 - 10:50 PM in Fun Cafe

Bloody Rabit - Pandora Hearts OST

#243421 I ban you~!

Posted by Deidara Lover on 11 October 2009 - 10:49 PM in Fun Cafe

I ban you because I'm lazy too.

#243009 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 07 October 2009 - 08:53 PM in Fun Cafe


9.5/10, yeah. :]

#243008 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by Deidara Lover on 07 October 2009 - 08:53 PM in Fun Cafe

Hyped; practicing my conducting skills for marching band to try out for drum major but tired at the same time. @.@

#242835 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 06 October 2009 - 10:40 AM in Fun Cafe

9.5/10 for both.


I'm doing an English paper on FMP, too, lulz. 8D

#242472 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 03 October 2009 - 02:28 AM in Fun Cafe

5.5/10 for both.

#241654 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 26 September 2009 - 08:43 PM in Fun Cafe

6/10 for both.

#241645 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 26 September 2009 - 05:54 PM in Fun Cafe

6/10 for both.

#241565 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 26 September 2009 - 03:12 AM in Fun Cafe

@ Shadowmoon~
Thanks. C: And I can help 'teach' you how to make this kind of stuff, although teaching probably isn't the right word to use, haha. Well, PM me if you want.


8.5/10 for both; cupcakes <3

#241548 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 26 September 2009 - 01:09 AM in Fun Cafe

Hehe... >.>;

6/10 for both.

#241519 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 25 September 2009 - 10:06 PM in Fun Cafe

5/10 for both.

#241117 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 22 September 2009 - 10:38 AM in Fun Cafe

5/10 for both.

#241044 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 21 September 2009 - 09:40 AM in Fun Cafe

6/10 for both.

#240237 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 14 September 2009 - 12:39 AM in Fun Cafe

Good times! ♥

8.5/10 for both. C:

#238644 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Deidara Lover on 03 September 2009 - 06:05 PM in Fun Cafe

8.5/10 for both.

#237702 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by Deidara Lover on 25 August 2009 - 09:40 PM in Fun Cafe

Bored. Kinda want school to start already. D: Everyone else starts before me and I'm left alone on my forums for several hours... :C Gah.