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There have been 4 items by Negi Ramen (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#12936 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by Negi Ramen on 12 February 2005 - 07:03 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I want Naruto and Hinata to be really good friends, but I'm afraid that the NaruHina fans will misinterpret that for "love" D:

As for Sakura and Sasuke, I hope she gives him a good kick in the face.

QUOTE (Geno Calamari @ Feb 11 2005, 12:34 PM)
I came up with one: Tenten and Temari yuri. Oh yeah. I wanna see it, if Sasuke and Naruto can get freaky because of some disagreements that are completely non-sexual in nature, I want to see Tenten and Temari get it on because they fought once.

Hahaha, that'd be hot. I once read a fanfic about them (and it was surprisingly good).

#11954 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by Negi Ramen on 05 February 2005 - 06:35 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (tundotcom @ Feb 3 2005, 08:20 PM)
Naruto really needs to get on the ball with romance. It has everything good in an anime except for one thing. WHERE'S THE LOVE?!

Although romance is nice now then, remember that Naruto is an action series. Too much romance will make it into a shoujo =P

I wouldn't really mind any Naru/Hina if it were friendly fluff - nothing romantic. However, it kind of amuses me whenever I see a post saying, "I hope Naruto falls in love with Hinata the instant he sees her!" It reminds me of the time I went to a Naru/Hina shrine and the webmistress overanalyzed EVERY SINGLE SCENE they were in together - even the part when Naruto turns to Hinata after the paper test and goes, "I knew about it all along! Isn't that right?" I think she said something about how that moment shows that Naruto trusts/respects/cares for her, or whatever ^^;;


Posted by Negi Ramen on 28 January 2005 - 02:25 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I was so insanely happy when I read this chapter... seeing Sakura blush around Naruto totally made me forget how angry I was at the sudden time-skip.

It's cute to see that Naruto's still oblivious to girls' feelings.

"*flirt* So Naruto, do I look more like a woman now?"

"Don't worry! You haven't changed at all! :D"


#5185 My Little Housemaid

Posted by Negi Ramen on 13 November 2004 - 08:48 AM in Press Archive

"My Little Housemaid"
Author: Negi Ramen
Category: Romance?/Humor
Rating: PG


It was these days that Sakura would come bursting in unannounced, looking around in distaste and sighing deeply. She made a point of coming in regularly to tidy up Naruto?s apartment, complaining that she was like his maid. ?Every time I clean this place, you immediately make another mess,? she said as she collected the discarded clothes on the floor. ?I don?t know how you can live like this.?

Naruto plopped down on his bed. ?I?m a ninja, I don?t have time to cook and clean. Besides, that?s girl stuff.?

?Sasuke-kun cooks and cleans his house, you know.?

?Yeah, that?s why he?s such a girl.?

Normally Sakura would have smacked his skull, but today she settled for glaring at Naruto. ?He?s able to live a stable life. Look at you; you?re a complete mess, living in a pigsty like this. Why, that fungus over there is so big it probably has its own zip code.?

Naruto felt his eyebrow twitch. He always hated it when Sakura compared him to Mr. I?ve-got-a-wrench-up-my-f***ing-ass. ?Hey, it?s not that bad. How do you think I managed to survive for 13 years??

Sakura dropped the load in the laundry basket. ?You wouldn?t be alive if it weren?t for Iruka-sensei and me taking care of you. Remember to take this to the Laundromat today, okay??

?Yeah, yeah, I?ll do it later.?

The bed creaked as Sakura sat down beside Naruto. She honestly didn?t know why she felt the compelling urge to play housekeeper for Naruto. He never asked her, but she did anyway. If it were anyone else, she wouldn?t have given a damn, but this?this was different. This was Naruto.

?Oh, I almost forgot! I have something for you.?

A thin, penciled eyebrow elevated slightly. ?Really??

Numerous drawers were pulled open and mutterings of, ?Where the hell did I put it? could be heard in the cramped bedroom. Sakura was just about to ask him what he was looking for when - ?AHA! Found it!? Naruto strutted triumphantly towards Sakura and held out a small wooden replica of a cherry blossom. ?I felt bad that you always spent so much time looking after my apartment,? he explained, ?so I carved this. It really fits, eh?? He grinned toothily.

Sakura, for the life of her, could not think of anything to say. The wooden cherry blossom definitely looked like it had been made by an amateur; the angles were unequal, certain edges stuck out quite noticeably, and the entire thing was completely lopsided. Yet it was Naruto?s piece, his gratitude for her work and sincere desire to make her happy. Sakura had never seen anything so beautiful.

??Thank you,? she said, returning the grin. As she took the wood from him, their fingers brushed slightly.

And in that moment it was as if Sasuke never existed.



a/n: My 2nd NaruSaku drabble (my first one just plain sucked), unBETAed. I prefer simple writing styles, as you can see. I'm not good enough to write really deep and insightful fics =P

Darn, my f-word got censored. It would've looked better with the acutal curse =(