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There have been 11 items by hyuuga_fan (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#10327 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 18 January 2005 - 07:52 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Smiter @ Jan 18 2005, 01:27 PM)
Kurenai x Naruto... XD

Actually, there have been a couple of fics on that!

If you want unusual pairings, try Red Crow's drabble collection on FF.net. happy.gif  The last one I saw was a GaaraTenten!  It was pretty entertaining, hehe - both share a liking of blood, and poor Sakura got driven up the wall. XD


#10253 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 16 January 2005 - 06:49 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (HinataFanBoy @ Jan 16 2005, 05:58 PM)
lol dun think thats Jealousy, if i remember, it sounded like she was just encouraging Hinata and was just thinking about how Hinata feels more confident in front of Naruto

Oh I'm aware! But you ruined my fun! Oh noes....D:

#10251 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 16 January 2005 - 04:52 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Brass-san @ Jan 16 2005, 03:23 AM)
At last someone agrees with me on pairings.  I like NarutoxKurenai * grabs a flame shield* Naruto can ba paired with anyone and it can make sense, I just can't stand when he's paired with Hinata, Sasuke( anyone with his bloodline), or Choji.

It's the same with me. I can tolerate and even like a couple yaoi pairings, but itanaru, sasunaru, and..choujinaru is just weird. I can't imagine chouji with him at all, I just can't. Sasunaru I've learned to tolerate since it's so popular, and I have no chance. Itanaru.......just..no.

#10250 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 16 January 2005 - 04:51 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Soritia @ Jan 16 2005, 04:31 AM)
Seriously... have Naruto and Kurenai even talked... once? Yay for crazy pairings!

Actually they did! I just remembered. Remember, she told him to let Hinata give Naruto the medicine. But she sounded a bit exhasperated. JEALOUS?! I'll look for any hint and add speculation onto it. There you go.

#10215 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 16 January 2005 - 03:07 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Brass-san @ Jan 15 2005, 08:07 PM)
Does anyone else notice how damn minor Hinata is? She's almost as minor as Temari, Kankuro, or Tenten. Yet there are an army of fanboys/girls saying how great she is and she will be a big part after the time skip, I just don't see it anymore, I won't be surpised if she was used less then before. I was a big Naruto/Hinata until I rrad how many bad Naruto/Hinata fics there were on ff.net it wasn't even funny. Out of all the Naruto/with femlae pairings that is my least fave.

Does any find it strange that it seem there are more Sasuke/Hinata fans then Kiba/Hinata?

N***H*** is my least favorite naruto/female pairing as well. Even NarutoxKurenai is more interesting! And that's just disturbing! And I also came up with that pairing which I now like.....SHOOT ME!

#10202 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 15 January 2005 - 07:51 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Faucon @ Jan 14 2005, 02:03 AM)
Are you saying that you dinit see all the bashing of NaruSaku and KibaHina when you liked N***H*** before?

If you just look at the story atm, it's hard to see N***H***, there arent alot of developpement with the two of them together... alot of N***H*** is gonna hate this but I only see a one-sided and it isnit really changing even with 238. Unless Naruto comes back and actually starts to hang out with Hinata and when Hinata herseft starts to talk NORMALLY to Naruto then maybe i can see it happenning. Now i only see a HUGE army of fans destroying anything that doesnt make them happy... Ex: umm NaruSaku? lol KibaHina?

It's not that I didn't see it, I was sorta ignoring it, since I didn't like those pairings. Do you get what I'm saying? Inuyasha fans will understand with the whole Kikyou/Kagome haters and lovers.

#10134 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 14 January 2005 - 01:27 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I must be the first N***H*** hater. And that's saying something, as I used to be obsessed with this pairing, and it was the ONLY one I liked. Now if you read the pairings you like thread, you'll know I like MANY pairings, not just one for each character, like most people. So I'm thinking, NaruSaku is adorable, deep, and is becoming pretty two-sided. So all of the sudden, after liking pairings like NaruSaku/KibaHina I saw all the fan bashing. N***H*** fans are like....on the warpath or something. Bashing KibaHina and NaruSaku. And yes I was just reading a thread. A while ago, I could tolerate N***H***, I even thought it was cute, but now it's just....ugh. Yes, it's cute, but I can't really see them having a serious relationship. I can't see Naruto being serious like that, and frankly I wouldn't want to. I like Naruto being the carefree, mischievous self, but I can't imagine that type of Naruto with Hinata. Which is why I don't like N***H*** anymore. It's cute, but it isn't really any more than that. N***H*** rivals S***S*** in popularity. At least in America. Maybe hate is a strong word, but I am definitely starting to dislike that pairing. Making stuff up like Kiba isn't sensitive at all, shows no emotion to Hinata, and is incredibly mean. He isn't mean, he's just playful, he likes to tease. Second of all, he is sensitive, and specifically only to Hinata. Is that not a fair sign of KibaHina? */teh rantage*

#5758 The Wedding

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 19 November 2004 - 05:22 PM in Press Archive

WOW!! I found this story on FF.net. today, and I was all: this is such a well written story. I need to favorite this. Not to mention NaruSaku. And it was written by YOU!! biggrin.gif

#5558 The NaruSaku Rant Thread

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 17 November 2004 - 05:41 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I wouldl really enjoy debating with them. Not to brag, but I'm a pretty good debater. It's cause I never quit, and I will look for the tiniest details to support it. Also I'm obsessive. XD When I have too much time on my hands, I usually make essays about pairings. Although when it comes to NaruSaku, I speculate a lot. Because there's just a lot of stuff that you feel needs to be unleashed onto us, still.

#5487 The Great NaruSaku FC Chat Thread!

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 17 November 2004 - 01:05 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I hope you made it for sure! *hugs* Hehe. You can confirm with us wether Naruto will be dubbed. Then I can cry and cry, cause I know it's tree deep down inside.

#5103 The Great NaruSaku FC Chat Thread!

Posted by hyuuga_fan on 12 November 2004 - 02:14 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Uzumaki Naruto @ Nov 12 2004, 01:50 AM)
I applied at Narutofan to be one of the staff! happy.gif  I hope i get that job at least, cause I really think GameStop isnt hiring me =(.  Oh well, that idiot thats dating the girl i like broke his paroll again and is getting her in trouble because she will lose her School parking permit since he keeps trying to use it and she is letting him.

Ooo, hope you get it! biggrin.gif