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There have been 15 items by M1abrams (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#107896 Your Desktop V2.0

Posted by M1abrams on 28 March 2007 - 02:26 AM in Fun Cafe

WOAH!!! What happened here! Sorry for the double post but I opted to bump this guy up some, hasnt been posted in since last year. That and I have a new wallpaper I would like to share...hehe...well to get things rolling again...here it is.

This wall is from my now all time favorite web comic, Lackadaisy. Hands down the best web comic I have ever read, and the author is just an amazing artist. I think you can just tell by this wallpaper alone, she is amazing.

#100904 The Super kewl H&E Banner

Posted by M1abrams on 03 February 2007 - 04:53 PM in Artists' Square

WOOT! w00t.gif I'm the second picture in!!!! Awsome job Reo, I really like it happy.gif

#99229 Axie's Art thread

Posted by M1abrams on 24 January 2007 - 10:55 PM in Artists' Square

Another awsome flash axie, I really liked it. Keep it up, I think you are starting to grow a fan-base laugh.gif

#98158 NaruSaku - Sunset with Music

Posted by M1abrams on 15 January 2007 - 09:34 PM in Artists' Square

Axie that is done soo well, and even though they are just sitting there I watched it for quite awhile. Keep it up, I really like your flash art, please please do more NaruSaku stuff happy.gif

#97576 Naruto Flashes- Naruto Parties

Posted by M1abrams on 10 January 2007 - 08:33 PM in Artists' Square

Axie those were awsome! laugh.gif And very funny, please please PLEASE make more Naruto Party Flashes!!!! I beg of you!!!

#97073 Non-Naruto Writing

Posted by M1abrams on 06 January 2007 - 04:03 AM in Challenges

Well I'm not much into poems, never was good at em, but I do write regular stories. Mainly Sci-fi stuff, maybe someday I will post a little bit of one of my regular peices...maybe happy.gif

#96188 Team 7 is E.M.O.....

Posted by M1abrams on 30 December 2006 - 03:53 PM in Artists' Square

Well you can draw I'll give you that, however, the look doesnt really work for Naruto. I can see Sakura like that...I dont know how...but I can. And as far as Sasuke goes, well, I kinda think of him as a super Emo anyways laugh.gif

The picture is good, I think you have a great style. But the entire Emo image doesnt sit well with Naruto, he's just not the type. Sakura isnt either, however if by some odd chance her depression catches up with her I could see her dressing like that.

#95933 10 Favorite Male Characters

Posted by M1abrams on 29 December 2006 - 03:38 AM in Otaku Square

Alright I guess I'll give this a shot!!!

1: Naruto, but then again...you were expecting someone else in my number one slot?

2: Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach) Common have you seen his freakin sword!? How could I not think Ichigo kicks some majo ass laugh.gif

3: Amuro Ray (Mobile Suit Gundam) Corney...yes...bad hairdue? Oh hell yeah, but still its Amuro and he is the numba one Newtype as far as I'm concerned. He is a Zaku's worst nightmare.

4: Edward Elric (FMA) Automail...thats all I have to say really. If Automail were real, I lob my right arm off just so I could have some. Oh wait...that doesnt sound right sweatdrop.gif

5: Gaara, he's was a physo, but turned out to be one of the good guys in the end. I always thought Gaara was an excelent character from the beginning...though a little creepy.

6: Roy Mustang (FMA) Fire...Fire....Fire?!!

7: Kon (Bleach) A talking stuffed animal, whats not to like.

8: Inu Yasha, I loved the series but lost interest in it when it started to chase its own tail. The 4th movie, though decent. Was kinda Inu Yasha's Shark Jump, its over for the Anime series, taped dry. But the manga I hear is still going strong...maybe I will pick it up again sometime.

9: Spike!!!! (Cowboy Bebop) What a show, guns, women, and spaceships. I was all set, and Spike made it that much better.

10: Sasuke, I know your asking yourself what is this Emo doing in my top ten list. Well I know even that most people despise Sasuke, I still think he's a great character. Atleast worthy of my top ten...even if he is a prick.

#89161 The Great Heaven and Earth Fanfic/Fanart Contest II

Posted by M1abrams on 17 November 2006 - 05:32 PM in News and Announcements

Haha...this is gonna be fun, I love the Holidays, and I love writing things about the holidays. Unlike last time when I said I would enter something...than didn't finish it...I will actually write up something good. I cannot wait to get started happy.gif

#84962 Naruto Crossovers!

Posted by M1abrams on 21 October 2006 - 03:34 AM in Artists' Square

QUOTE (JoHamSandwich @ Oct 19 2006, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where's the link to the fic, M1? hehe.

And who's that girl on the BG, I know that's Gaara, and Kakashi...right? Oh, and GREAT picture.

Unfortunetly I havn't uploaded it yet, I am waiting untill I am done with the BIG ending. Wich should be soon, give me a month at tops. I have been really busy lately so finding time to write is hard.

And actually, the picture has obviously Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Kakashi in the way back, and the two in the middle there are Sakuma Hansuke, and Andorea Hanro (Wich is myself and Andorea-chan in fanfiction form happy.gif ) My character protrays the Lieutenant of New Kona Fire Departments Engine 7 (Note the use of 7, just like Team 7) While Andorea's character is a Firemedic (Firefighter AND a paramedic) also on Engine 7.

I tried to use as much from Naruto in my fic, thus, Team 7 is now the Crew of Engine 7, Team 10 (Shikimaru, Ino, Chouji and Asuma) Are the crew of Ladder 10. While Team 8 (Hinata, Shino, Kiba and Kurenai) Are the crew of Rescue 8. The city they serve is New Kona, and they cover the area of District 5, wich is otherwise known as Leaf Park.

The chief of the Fire Department is...well of course, who we know as the 3rd Hokage. Is the Chief. So far things have gone along pretty smoothly with the fic. Though I confused Andorea-chan a few times with the deep Fire talk laugh.gif

QUOTE (krisk @ Oct 19 2006, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

a_dance.gif a_dance.gif th_glomp.gif

That's a great pic! Heh, look at em'! Firefighters of the Leaf Village! KFD! Ooo..like, KFC...mmm..

XD a_spaz.gif :thumbs:

I will let Andorea-chan know you liked her picture, sometimes I dont know how she does it. They all turn out so damn good...and oh yeah...I had KFC tonight for dinner!

#84190 Naruto Crossovers!

Posted by M1abrams on 13 October 2006 - 11:18 PM in Artists' Square

Alright then...here it is!

BTW...Its still not done, this is just the sketch that she did for me. She has been really busy with other stuff, so I havn't presured her to finish it since the fic is still unfinished happy.gif

I thought I would give a Naruto AU a try, and came up with the idea of them being Firefighters as oppose to Ninja (Hmm I wonder what possesed me to make them firefighters?? I wonder laugh.gif ) I have just started back up on the fic when I had a moment of sudden motivation. Dunno when I will be done...but hopefylly soon.

#83990 Naruto Crossovers!

Posted by M1abrams on 12 October 2006 - 02:42 AM in Artists' Square

Gah!!! Kirsk!!! That last one there you have was done by our very own Andorea-chan!!!! I just thought I would point that out happy.gif

I do have a unfinished peice of artwork Andorea-chan did for an Alternate Universe Naruto fic I am making...But I dunno if I should post it. Doesn't exactly fit the topic...I dunno let me know if ya wanna see it laugh.gif

#82291 Your Desktop V2.0

Posted by M1abrams on 26 September 2006 - 01:38 AM in Fun Cafe

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ Sep 25 2006, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol M1, you always have the fire department pictures as your desktop XD
so I gotta ask, is that the department's computer or your own PC? XD

Nope, thats my personall computer. If the chief caught me listening to music and changing the background on one of our two dispatch computers, he would kill me laugh.gif But yeah, I always have some kind of a fire department thing floating around on my computer, before this wall though I had one of Naruto and Sakura. But it had been there for months, so I changed it to this happy.gif

#82190 Your Desktop V2.0

Posted by M1abrams on 25 September 2006 - 02:24 AM in Fun Cafe

Thought it was about time to put up one of my new Walls!!! Havn't visited this topic for awhile, so I thought I would wonder on back and post again happy.gif Well here it is.

That there is the Brattleboro Vt Fire Departments Engine 1...or 5 Engine 1 as I am used to calling it. the BFD is one of the most respected full time departments around, and I hope to soon be a member there. Not that I want to leave Putney Fire...god I just couldn't do that laugh.gif

#81920 NaruSaku vs. SasuSaku

Posted by M1abrams on 22 September 2006 - 01:14 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Okay...I have browsed through the site, read some of the arguments so on so fourth. And as interesting as it would be to join, knowing myself it wouldnt be a good idea. I have always been told I am an exalent debater (A master debater...ahahahaha...I couldnt resist laugh.gif ) However I can get very...aggressive we will put it that way.

So I will stay away from there, becuase I would probably end up going on a mad rampage. And I do not want us NaruSaku fans to get a bad rap becuase of me so. I will sit quietly in the corner and watch...and route of my fellow NaruSaku fans of course happy.gif