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There have been 60 items by Dash (Search limited from 20-June 23)

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#263592 Final Fantasy XIII

Posted by Dash on 05 March 2010 - 01:28 AM in Gamer Lounge

Too many games in a 2 week span...my poor wallet should be fun

QUOTE (Smiter @ Mar 5 2010, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah right, Yaka. XD

I'm definitely picking up FFXIII at work next Tuesday. The only question that remains is... PS3 or 360? arg.gif

The PS3 version is on a single disc and has no compression, while the 360 is my favourite gaming console and it does have the Achievements. I haven't heard of any exclusive features/bonuses for either console, so I'll probably pick the PS3 version. I only have 4 games on the PS3, so maybe it could do with something new!

Seems like pretty much identical game experiences on either console (graphical differences aside). There are a few "bonus features" for you on the PS3 version, though: unlockable xmb themes (6 of them - one for each character).

Nothing too exciting, but it's something smile.gif

#261086 H&E Interrogation

Posted by Dash on 23 February 2010 - 03:17 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

1. What's your Chinese Zodiac animal?


2. What's your Astrology sign?


3. Favorite genre of music?

Alternative Rock

4. Least favorite genre of music?

Rap / Hip - hop

5. Coke or Pepsi?


6. Favorite type of weather?

Spring-like - sunny and mildly warm with a good breeze

7. Religion?


8. Race/ethnicity?


9. Goals?

Finish veterinary school and find a position as a zoo animal / large exotics vet

10. Favorite type of environment?


11. Favorite manga/anime character?

Luffy (One Piece)

12. Favorite internet meme?


13. Talent?

Photography, maybe?

14. Favorite hobby?

scuba diving / swimming, reading, watching anime / reading manga, music

15. Political party?

no affiliation

16. Favorite season?


17. Favorite animal?

all of them smile.gif (dog, I guess - Alaskan Malamute)

18. Favorite band/musician

Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, Our Lady Peace

19. # 1 place you want to travel to?


20. Interesting place you've traveled to that no one probably knows about?

New Zealand & Australia (only Melbourne so far)

21. Interesting relations to celebrity or famous person?

3rd (or 4th) cousin once-removed on mother's side is Johnny Depp

22. Favorite website?

Google - leads anywhere

23. Favorite continent?

N. America

24. Anything interesting no one else knows about you?


25. Something else you want to share?


#259597 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Dash on 15 February 2010 - 11:25 AM in Otaku Square

Now all we're missing is the rest of the SH crew...
575 (from AP forums) --Click here to view--
575話 言葉なき怒り
そして今まで一部始終を見ていた?3人の伝説の囚人+一人+シリュウを連れて、黒髭海賊団登場 。

Chapter 575: Anger without words
Luffy is at a loss, Akainu takes the chance to attack him, but Marco blocks him.
Whitebeard, who was observing the situation, attacks him without saying a word.
Akainu fights back, but is taken down with two attacks. The second punch sends damage to the entire HQ, and not just Akainu.
Blackbeard pirates, who appears to have been observing the whole deal, appears with three legendary prisoners + Shiryu + another character.
Blackbeard: I'm glad I made it in time to see your death, pops.

#258473 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Dash on 09 February 2010 - 03:47 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Vyse @ Feb 9 2010, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Spoilers confirmed --Click here to view--

I'm incredibly curious as to what this rare face of Luffy's is though, as I thought I'd seen'em all. This chapter promise to be great!

seems pretty final to me (not that a Chiyo-moment is impossible)

#258437 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Dash on 08 February 2010 - 10:22 PM in Otaku Square


Spoilers for 574 --Click here to view--

Didn't expected Oda to go through with it.

Not 100% confirmed w/out pics (same spoiler provider as last week), but...

574話 ポートガス・D・エース 死す
それぞれの驚きの表情から始まる。ガープ「センゴク今のうちにわしを止めておけ、じゃないとサカヅキを殺し てしまう。」
赤犬「覇気使いか、面倒じゃのー」赤犬はさらにエースに追い打ちをかける、ジンベエがそれをか ばう。
エースとルフィーの回想がはいり、エース「こうなるとあんな奴でも懐かしい(ダダン)」「愛してくれてあり がとう」
(i/N02B, ID:3Paph00+0)

Chapter 574: Portgus D Ace, is dead.
The chapter starts with everyone astonished.
Garp tells Sengoku he better stop me now, or I will kill Sakazuki.
Sengoku does so. Marco and Vista attacks Akainu.
Akainu says Haki users eh? This is troublesome, and attacks Ace again. Jinbei stops the attack.
flashback of Ace and Luffy. Ace says he misses even someone like Dadan now, thanks for the love he recieved.
The vivre card burns out. Luffy is seen with exp​ression never seen before. end.

#257872 Your Top 10 games of the decade

Posted by Dash on 04 February 2010 - 01:21 AM in Gamer Lounge

Near impossible to put in any sort of order:

Uncharted 2 [PS3]
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 [PS2]
Final Fantasy X [PS2]
Tales of the Abyss [PS2]
Okami [PS2]
Suikoden III [PS2]
Valkyria Chronicles [PS3]
Shadow of the Colossus [PS2]
Metroid Prime [Gamecube]
Demon's Souls [PS3]

#255077 Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

Posted by Dash on 09 January 2010 - 08:38 PM in Otaku Square

Mediashare links
Hm...well, here's the link to the mediashare folder where the eps are

#255063 Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

Posted by Dash on 09 January 2010 - 06:37 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (shadow_Uzumaki @ Jan 10 2010, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone know of iTouch friendly downloads for the entire series plus the first movie?


All 27 episodes in .mp4 format, so it'll work on your iPod (can't help with the movie)

#254311 Best Video Game of 2009

Posted by Dash on 02 January 2010 - 01:59 AM in Gamer Lounge

Demon's Souls would be my vote

#251436 Code Geass

Posted by Dash on 05 December 2009 - 05:12 PM in Otaku Square

Bandai's mobile phone website m-pub.channel.or.jp is hosting a graphic that reads as follows:

New Code Geass Project Launch Green-Lit!

Wait for more info in 2010!!

The image adds that this project represents a "rebirth" and that Geass will take a new step starting today. The message is signed with the name, "ZERO."

#246128 Naruto 469

Posted by Dash on 29 October 2009 - 10:52 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Finally seems like a meaningful conversation between Naruto and Sakura is about to happen. Not the best performance by Sakura, though(more mistakes after she said she was tired of making them). The (presence and) expressions on the faces Kakashi, Yamato, Kiba, etc. made the scene kinda awkward

QUOTE (Derock @ Oct 30 2009, 06:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First off, the chapter came out on Monday... in Japanese shores, it takes time for someone over there to buy the magazine, read it, and take the pictures.

Next they have to write the whole script down for translators and at the same time, tear the pages off the magazine carefully and then do alot of cleaning up for the scanlators to make the chapter more like regular pages.

And now, its time to read.

The spoilers, pics, and RAWs are released earlier than the magazine is - this chapter is released for sale in next Monday's (11/2) issue. Subscribers (and other people with beneficial jobs) receive JUMP earlier and provide scans, summaries, etc.

#245024 What are you listening to?

Posted by Dash on 24 October 2009 - 02:43 AM in Fun Cafe

This Ain't Goodbye - Train

#243508 Fairy Tail

Posted by Dash on 12 October 2009 - 09:26 PM in Otaku Square

1st Episode Aired. Pretty good start...the voices didn't bother me as much as I thought they would (especially Happy's)

OP (Snow Fairy by Funkist):

ED (Kanpekigu~no ne by Watarirouka Hoshiri Tai:

#243443 Demon's Souls

Posted by Dash on 12 October 2009 - 01:39 AM in Gamer Lounge

Haven't had this much fun with a game in a while. Online aspects add a lot more to it than I'd have thought. It is challenging, though, but that's part of the fun. When you die (which happens a lot), it's because of something you did and not the result of a glitch or poor game design. When you do finally beat a boss or get past hordes of enemies that had previously kicked the crap out of you, it's generally because your skills and planning improved, which makes it feel like more of an accomplishment (at least for me).

#243442 Tegami Bachi (Letter Bee)

Posted by Dash on 12 October 2009 - 01:28 AM in Otaku Square


Gauche is a Letter Bee, a courier that delivers important letters and packages throughout the land of eternal dusk, Amber Ground. He meets a young boy, Lag Seeing, who is actually a letter to be delivered. Gauche makes friends with Lag and inspires him to take up the job. Five years later, Lag finally becomes his dream, that of a Letter Bee. However, the one who inspired him has gone missing and only there does the mystery start.

OP - "Hajimari no Hi (Day of Beginnings)" by Suga Shikao

ED - "Hatenaki Michi (Endless Road)" by HIMEKA

Adapted from the manga, it's surprisingly good so far - my favorite of the new fall series that I've watched. Characters and setting are interesting. Same studio behind Naruto is doing the animation, which has been been really great through the first episodes. The anime is licensed by crunchyroll, so not too many subs around.

Tegami Bachi Manga

Letter Bee Episode 1
Letter Bee Episode 2

#242544 Demon's Souls

Posted by Dash on 03 October 2009 - 06:49 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Rick (Bonta-kun) @ Sep 28 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its a pity this isn't being released in Australia, but it doesn't matter too much, I'll just import the US version, I love region free stuff biggrin.gif

btw, apart from play-asia, does anyone know any other websites I could buy it from? and that'd ship to Australia lol.

Canadian site (International shipping = $7.49 Canadian)

#242448 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Dash on 03 October 2009 - 01:16 AM in Gamer Lounge

Final Fantasy XIII TGS Trailer- English version

#242061 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Dash on 29 September 2009 - 10:33 PM in Gamer Lounge

Glad to see Uncharted 2 living up to its hype

QUOTE (Rick (Bonta-kun) @ Sep 29 2009, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm thinking of getting R&C: Tools of Destruction and Valkyria Chronicles, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Oh and what PSN titles are worth getting besides Fat Princess?

Also, for the poll, I will definitely get FF13 biggrin.gif

Valkyria Chronicles is probably my favorite PS3 game so far (and probably tied with Tales of Vesperia for my favorite RPG this gen). There is/was a demo up on PSN that gives a really brief glimpse of the gameplay and layout.

#241771 Fairy Tail

Posted by Dash on 27 September 2009 - 11:40 PM in Otaku Square

Trailer/preview for Fairy Tail

Not sure about the voices...

#241598 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Dash on 26 September 2009 - 06:21 AM in Gamer Lounge

More teasing from TGS

#241596 Demon's Souls

Posted by Dash on 26 September 2009 - 06:10 AM in Gamer Lounge

King Allant the XII, the last king of Boletaria, searched tirelessly to expand his might. The Nexus, a great ice shrine nestled in the mountains, bestowed the power of the souls onto him, bringing prosperity to his kingdom. Still unsated, he returned again to the Nexus, where he foolishly awakened the Old One from its eternal slumber. This long forgotten evil, now wrought upon Boletaria, plunged the realm into darkness and fog. A mighty demon horde poured into the kingdom, devouring the souls of men.

Champions from other realms learned of Boletaria's fate and sought to deliver the kingdom from evil; none would return from the cursed land. Called upon by a mysterious maiden in black, you go forth, the last hope for humanity in a place lost to demons and darkness...

- The game is said to be a spiritual successor to FROMSoft's King's Field series.

- The player assumes control after an extensive character customization; male or female.

- There are 10 starting classes/job classifications to choose from: Soldier, Knight, Hunter, Priest, Magician, Wanderer, Barbarian, Thief, Temple Knight, and Aristocrat. “Starting” because over the course of the game they can be evolved into any amalgam of other classes as seen fit by the player. For example, a melee class, like the Barbarian, can eventually become a spellcaster. Class also dramatically affects your starting appearance, as it determines all of the weapons and armor you’ll start the game with.

- Weapons: swords, axes, clubs, maces, bows, crossbows, and so forth. And within each class of weapon lies a healthy variety as well. Take, for instance, swords, which can range from nimble blades like a dagger, scimitar, or rapier, to larger ones like bastard swords, claymores, and flamberges.. All of these can be upgraded via collecting souls.

- Character growth is also carried out by the collecting of souls, so choose wisely!

- There is a New Game + option when you beat the game. Typical New Game+ features apply.

- There are two versions of the game: standard and Collector's. The Collector's Edition will cost $10 more and includes a 150-page guide book along with a slipcase that will house both the game and guidebook. This edition is only available to U.S residents, although both versions will net gamers an artbook and a bundled soundtrack

Online features

* Players can find messages on the ground containing hints and advice that other players have left.
* Players can find bloodstains where other players have died, and view how their deaths occurred.
* Co-operative play allows three players to team up and play through different levels in the game.
* In competitive play, a player can force themselves into another player's adventure and play as their opponent.

Release Date: October 6th, 2009 (North America)

Looks like Oblivion + ICO (atmosphere). Can't wait cool.gif

#241314 What are you watching? (tv edition)

Posted by Dash on 24 September 2009 - 02:46 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Mad Men
Breaking Bad
Community - pilot was great; probably watch anything with Joel McHale

QUOTE (True @ Sep 23 2009, 06:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also I'm glad to see my other two favorite shows Mad Men and 30 Rock winning the Emmy's for best drama and comedy for the second straight year. It's a pity not many people watch Mad Men since it is a simply fantastic show with lots of depth, intrigue, and great universal critical acclaim. Unfortunately, most of America prefers reality shows so not surprised that intelligent shows such as Mad Men get passed by (yes I know my statement sounds elitist as most Mad Men fans are accused of being).

Mad Men is (un)fortunately on AMC, so by default it's audience isn't going to be as large as a hit show on ABC, FOX, etc. Same deal with another great show, Breaking Bad. Considering how quick network execs can be to cancel "intelligent shows" that lag in ratings (Pushing Daisies - curse you ABC and the writer's strike 111193.gif ), I'd be fine with Mad Men & Breaking Bad staying where they're at

#240206 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Dash on 13 September 2009 - 09:32 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (SageNaru @ Sep 14 2009, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OM posted that Oda is taking another break this week.
So no chapter this week... shamefulcry0js.gif

There will be (should be) a chapter this week - there's no notice on One Manga (from what I read, it sounded like they had wrong info for next week's Jump)

#239683 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Dash on 09 September 2009 - 02:50 AM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Cloud @ Sep 9 2009, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Final Fantasy XIII Bundle


Final Fantasy XIII is set for release in Japan on December 17th! North American release is still Spring 2010. Good luck gentlemen.

Small blurb from japan (bits from the new trailer - battles, Snow riding with Serah (new character & Lightning's sister(?) )

#238938 Fairy Tail

Posted by Dash on 05 September 2009 - 02:48 AM in Otaku Square

One more:

Gerard: Namikawa Daisuke (Ulquiorra in Bleach / Fai in Tsubasa:RC / Rock in Black Lagoon)