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There have been 1 items by Sakura Blossoms (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#886639 Happy 11th birthday, H&E!

Posted by Sakura Blossoms on 11 November 2015 - 04:32 PM in News and Announcements

Thank you to Hokuten, Nick Soapdish, Sakura Blossoms, Yoko, Eagle8819, sharingank, alphabet, and Shinyu, for all your support in the past as well!  You guys may be absent/lurking, but I will always appreciate everything you did.


I will never forget you guys.  Especially Hokuten and Blayze who started my journey into NaruSaku.  :nslove:


*drops in like the epic silent ninja she is, huggles all of H&E tightly with luff, and then *poofs* away while singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY H&E! along the breeze~* :shifty: :love: :grouphug: :party: :banana: