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There have been 20 items by blessed_devil (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#96878 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by blessed_devil on 04 January 2007 - 04:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Arsene @ Aug 21 2006, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's just have a good discussion on why we support this pairing. Ya know, just posting our reasons why we like NaruSaku:

My Reasons

The greatest thing about Naruto and Sakura is that they have the ability to be romantic even without being overly sappy and amorous. It’s perfect for a shounen manga like this. Even after the proposals are done and they’re already a couple, they’d still have something to offer the people: comedy/entertainment. It’d be great because I read somewhere that Kishi said he was going to continue to the children.

They also think alike, as shown in Naruto’s fight against Kiba, in Chapter 3, during those times when Kakashi was late, and a lot of chapters after the time-skip. I can see them as the greatest teammates. When there’s a brainstorming time, all they need to do is look at each other and nod, and let the plan commence, because they are perfectly synchronized.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that all the time. There will be times when Naruto goes way ahead of himself, and Sakura would care to disagree and give him a good smack if ever he becomes a persistent brat, because Sakura doesn’t worship Naruto like Hinata does. When Naruto does wrong, she can give him a good lecture and/or calm him down.

These two have a lot of similarities, as well as enough opposites to keep a relationship going. Sure, Naruto is a dumbass and Sakura is second to Shikamaru in intelligence, but they’re both wonderfully energetic and they can live the moment as happily as can be. Their personalities are perfectly balanced, and their characteristics needn’t be changed if ever they get in a relationship.

They motivate each other, learn from each other, and grow stronger with one another, as demonstrated when Sakura felt that she needed to do her best whenever she sees Naruto fight, and when Sakura calms Naruto down whenever he gets way ahead of himself. Sakura can find strength and determination in Naruto, and at the same time, Naruto can find wisdom and maturity from Sakura. They complement each other very well, and with each other, they can be very strong. They are so perfect together that even if they don’t end up as a couple, they would still have one of the closest relationships in the entire manga (Naruto and Sasuke excluded).

Anything else you guys would like to add?

This may seem a little late but...

OMFG! Your reason? This little essay was made by my sister! She even posted it in the NS vs SS forum. Who are you?? headscratch.gif

Here's the proof (Her username is Cherry Blossom)

She says this is alright, but please mention her at least.

#70321 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by blessed_devil on 09 July 2006 - 01:51 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

An anti-NaruHina rant by me...sort of.

First of all, in canon (sort of some really short version of Mizura's extremely long essay):

To me, it’s all but a question of SasuSaku versus NaruSaku. I have disregarded NaruHina ever since Part 2. Firstly, they’ve barely interacted for more than thirty minutes of their lifetime. Yes, I’m sure of that. When Hinata was first introduced, Naruto called her a “dark-haired weirdo who always seemed to be looking at [him].” So they’ve probably never talked. They did talk once before Naruto fought Neji. That’s it. After that, there was a series of arcs. Before Naruto left, they didn’t talk either. Hinata fainted before she could talk to him. Even in post-time skip, there was nothing except for Hinata fainting again. So no, Naruto will not “realize that he’s been in love with Hinata all along”. There's nothing happening in there.

People think that Hinata has this big impact on Naruto’s life just because she was one of the first to acknowledge him. I for one believe that she didn’t give Naruto “true” acknowledgement, but rather, she admired him because she was able to relate to his being an underdog. This is why she never helped Naruto when he was down. She wanted to be like him: someone who can get back up on his own. Hinata wasn’t Naruto’s first “true” acknowledgement. Team 7 was. They were the first ones who openly acknowledged his existence. And that’s what truly mattered to him.

Hinata and Naruto don’t share the same pain either. Those two were both insulted for being losers, yes. It enrages Naruto – he works for recognition, too. But it wasn’t his most deepest, darkest pain before. Loneliness is his true pain. The pain of having nothing. He showed it to Gaara as he was crawling towards him on his freaking chin in order to protect the people who saved him from the pain of loneliness (Iruka and Team 7).

The only two pains Hinata used to share with Naruto back then are gone now. The pain of being a loser and the pain of not being acknowledged. Is Naruto still a loser? Well, to Sasuke, maybe, but to everyone else? Nah. Does Naruto still need to be acknowledged? Hell no. He even felt sorry for Gaara because he had so many people who cared about him while Gaara didn’t.

Naruto’s new pains are the pain of losing Sasuke and the pain of being a Jinchuuriki. Hinata has never even mentioned anything about Sasuke and even less about the Kyuubi. Basically, Hinata lost her relevance to Naruto’s life. Everything she “could be” for Naruto, Sakura already is. She is just like Inari, Zabuza, Neji, Gaara, and Tsunade: people who were redeemed but aren’t main characters.

Wait a minute, so what was the point of her crush on Naruto? Just like Neji and Gaara’s admiration to Naruto. Just like Inari and Zabuza and just about everyone else that gets redeemed. Her admiration to Naruto (vowing to do her best, too) has caused her to fight against Neji and to believe in herself. Her theme was to show the readers that if you believe in yourself, you can be strong and become a whole new person. She has her own life and her own background story. Getting Naruto’s heart isn’t even one of her goals. She wants to get acknowledgement from the Hyuugas. She has been redeemed because of her admiration on Naruto; therefore, her crush isn’t really pointless even if she doesn’t end up with Naruto.

About their relationship (this one is all original and by me):

No, their relationship doesn’t make me want to have them end up together, either. Where’s the fun in there? It’s so calm. It’s so comfortable. The only thing that the people are looking for is the blushing and the amorousness. Nope, sorry, not interested. Go watch a shoujo anime or something. You’ll get what you want. Of course, you can like it for the sweetness, but shounen mangas don’t usually center on sweetness and romance. That’s why most of the shounen couples are paired up for comic relief and such. So if Kishimoto wants the series to continue to the children, he has to at least be able to make the couples either “entertaining” or “cool”.

A relationship with Naruto and Hinata would be extremely boring in my opinion. Naruto would be held back from his energetic attitude and everything’s really all going to end up as fluff with these two. In order to get them to “click”, Hinata has to be more like Sakura.

On the opposites attract thing/the Yin & Yang thing, too many differences cause instability. And what I can say is, Naruto and Hinata do have too many differences to really have a long-term relationship. Naruto is loud, brash, and energetic. Hinata is quiet, timid, and shy. Naruto needs someone who can keep up with his fiery attitude or else he’ll feel the need to look for it. Sorry, but Hinata just doesn’t fit his style and would hold him back too much unless she starts acting more like.. well... Sakura.

#64767 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by blessed_devil on 10 June 2006 - 09:52 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I bring another SasuSaku argument..

1)They're total opposites, and I believe two opposites make a right.

2)Sakura determination and love for Sasuke never dissolves, and I believe never will.....

3)Sakura's love is what Sasuke needs (with his whole family being wiped out, and being a loner for quite a long time)

4)Sasuke could've beaten Sakura to a plump when she tried to stop him from leaving. But instead he said "Thank you."

5)When Sasuke's curse seal opens up, Sakura always pops up in his mind, and her tears are his inspiration or lift to hold the curse seal back and get back to normal.

6) Sakura already claimed and confessed how much she loved him by saying "I love you more than anything! I would do anything for you!" And not in the crushing way, the more sad and emotional way.

7)Sasuke said that one of his goals was to revive his clan, can't revive it with no Uchiha babies, can you? *coughSakuracough*

8)In the manga, whenever Sakura said anything or smilies at Naruto a certain way, Sasuke has the "jealous" expression/face.

9)Already quoted from anime and manga, Sasuke admits that he would not let anything get to and will not lose his important friends. And he was risking his life to protect them (but then Naruto jumped in)

10)Sasuke was on the brink to choosing his friends over revenge, I think he was shown the light to how important they've become to him

11)Sakura is trying to her best to improve so she can bring Sasuke back this time

#62825 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by blessed_devil on 30 May 2006 - 12:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The "leg" that the SasuSakus are standing on isn't what Sasuke thinks of Sakura. Sakura not giving up on her feelings for Sasuke is where they all have their hopes pinned. Bring down Sakura's feelings for Sasuke and that's when I consider SasuSaku dead.

#62637 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by blessed_devil on 29 May 2006 - 02:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Well they did date. Twice, in fact. happy.gif

#61623 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by blessed_devil on 24 May 2006 - 03:29 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Ah, yes. I saw that essay a while back. It was a pretty long time ago, and the Long-Ass Postersâ„¢ have already replied to that.

Overall, I think that it's all just a fan's unique interpretations of some scenes. S/he gives us a different perspective of the scenes that we interpret differently. While we see Sakura's feelings for Sasuke as a shallow and one-sided little crush, s/he comes up with a deeper explanation. But I think it's all a little too much compared to what I think Kishimoto wanted us to believe.

#61366 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by blessed_devil on 22 May 2006 - 10:44 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I was VERY tired of seeing people go "ANTI-NARUSAKU 4EVAR! SAKURAS JUZ A BEEYOTCH N SHE'LL ALWAYS LOFF SASUKE!" So I wrote this. To the old members, there's probably nothing new to see here. I have just combined everything I read in the past into a 3-page essay.

Click For Spoiler
Sakura’s gradual acknowledgement of Naruto

People have always been saying that Sakura did not care for Naruto at all, but the truth is, she has been gradually acknowledging him ever since the beginning of the series.

At first it was just Naruto’s crush on Sakura, a girl who didn’t care about him in the least, and maybe even hated him. Sakura kept putting Naruto down and pining for Sasuke instead. Her opinion on Naruto was that he was a guy who didn’t understand her at all, and was just annoying. Although she hated him, we see in Episode 3 that Naruto is almost perfectly fit to be Sakura’s “dream Sasuke”, when he Henge-ed into Sasuke to get closer to Sakura. Sakura wanted Sasuke to complement her about her forehead, and Naruto-as-Sasuke did so in the exact words she wanted it. “You sure have a large, charming forehead. Makes me want to kiss it...”

At the same time, this is the scene wherein Naruto realized just why he liked Sakura so much. When Sakura uttered the words “All I want... is for you to acknowledge me,” he saw kindred spirits in them. They were two people who would do everything in their power for acknowledgement. Sakura, on the other hand, saw warmth in Sasuke because...he was actually Naruto. In a way, she fell deeper for Sasuke because of Naruto. Later on, the real Sasuke appeared and, much like Sakura to Naruto, insulted her and made her shrivel up. To me, this symbolizes why I am against SasuSaku. While Naruto has always made Sakura stronger, Sasuke made her weaker.

While Sakura hated Naruto in the beginning, there had been a lot of instances wherein she was starting to care for Naruto a lot.

When Kakashi got trapped in Zabuza’s water bubble and Naruto and Sasuke were the only ones left to rescue their teacher, Zabuza removed Naruto’s forehead protector. When Naruto got it back, Sakura was blushing fiercely saying “What’s this feeling...? Naruto is so...”

During the chuunin exams part 1 (the written tests), when the tenth question came up, she was faced with the possibility of Naruto failing permanently. She was thinking, “But that silly dream of yours... I don’t want to see it crushed.” She was willing to let her whole team fail in order to protect Naruto’s dream (I’m not entirely sure if she was doing Sasuke any favors there, since there weren’t any mention of him).

During the chuunin exams part 2, Sasuke was about to give up their scroll until Naruto snapped him out of his thoughts. Sakura told Sasuke that “Naruto may be an idiot, but at least he’s not a coward like you!”

After Sakura’s fight against Ino, Sakura told Naruto “Thanks. If it weren’t for you yelling like an idiot, I would’ve lost.”

In Naruto’s fight against Kiba, she was thinking “I used to make fun of those words, but I was wrong”. After that, she said “Naruto... Tell everyone...” and then Naruto finished her sentence by saying “Don’t underestimate me!” showing yet again how the two think alike. As explained in Episode 3, they are kindred spirits. Their personalities match well with one another (which will be explained in the ‘Naruto and Sakura’s relationship’ part).

In the chuunin exams part 3, Sakura was thinking “I’m kind of jealous of you. When I watch you fight, I feel like I have to do my best, and that is an incredible thing,” and later on in Naruto’s fight against Gaara, Sakura was Naruto’s motivation to win. For me, this is one of ‘The Great NaruSaku Qualities™’. They motivate each other, learn from each other, and grow stronger with one another. Following Sakura’s line, “that is an incredible thing.”

In Sasuke’s fight against Gaara, however, Sakura showed no cheering, no self-narration, none about Sasuke except for asking Kakashi about the Cursed Seal and probably being gloomy when Sasuke wouldn’t show up.

After the fight against Gaara, Sakura thanked Sasuke for defeating Gaara for her. Sasuke honestly told her that it was Naruto who did the job, and instead of being disappointed, she smiled for Naruto in a surprisingly warm way – a smile that she had never given anyone else. Not even Sasuke.

Sakura asked Naruto on a date later on, intending to tell him about the Sasuke. This one is noticeable. Sakura could’ve just told Naruto that she wanted to have a word with him privately, but no. She asked him out on a date. Although it doesn’t scream out “OMG SAKURA TOTALLY LURVES NARUTO!!!11”, it shows just how far their relationship had gone. Sakura was now comfortable with going out on a date with Naruto. And Naruto, in turn, didn’t go all “OMG SAKURA’S ASKING ME OUT!!!!” but instead took everything seriously as he could tell that Sakura had bad news. And when Naruto comforts her, she smiled truly. And nobody else could’ve made her smile like this in the time of her darkest.

Later on, Sakura went to see Team Shikamaru. Naruto tells Sakura that he understood her pain – the pain of loving someone who can’t love you back. Naruto looked sad, trying to smile because he didn’t want Sakura to cry anymore. Hugging herself, Sakura thought back to the early days of Episode 3, and realized how wrong she was. All of her first impressions of Naruto were washed away by this. When she thought Naruto was someone who didn’t understand her at first, she now realizes that he was the only one who really understood her. She thought that he was just annoying at first, when in fact he was one of the most trustworthy people of all. She said “Thank you!” with all sincerity and emotions. Because Naruto was no longer an annoying bugger, but an important friend. After that, Naruto made a promise that he’ll bring back Sasuke for Sakura, because he loved her enough that he would sacrifice his own happiness for her. He didn’t want her to feel his pain, because he could feel how much it hurt. He wanted her to be happy, even if it meant that she wouldn’t be with him.

When Naruto failed to bring back Sasuke, Sakura tried to act happily, even making jokes about Naruto “looking like a mummy”. She didn’t want Naruto to break down because of his failure, and she didn’t want him to overwork himself, all because of her. And so she tells him that it was okay that he didn’t fulfill his promise. She wanted him to stop. Yet Naruto persisted that he never backs down on a promise. There was no way she could prevent Naruto from going all out, and so the least she could do was look out for him. She asked Tsunade to make her an apprentice, and vowed that next time, she and Naruto were going together.

After two and a half years, Naruto came back after his training with Jiraiya. The first thing that Sakura asks is “How do I look? Have I become more womanly?” Then, when Naruto brushes off Konohamaru’s thoughts of performing the Sexy no Jutsu, she admired him for it, thinking that “More than just his height had grown........ Naruto, you’ve become an excellent man.” After that, Naruto says that he has a new ultra-perverted jutsu, and Sakura, still caught up in the moment of admiring him, says “Yeah, your new ultra-perverted jutsu...” Two seconds later, she comes to realizations and punches Naruto saying “Where the hell do you expect me to put the way I felt about you earlier?!”

Sakura then accepts a date from Naruto! It’s a big change, since this time they don’t really have important matters to discuss (Sasuke’s disappearance didn’t seem to matter at that moment). Sure, Naruto has to pay, but that’s how most dates go, isn’t it?

Fast forward to the later chapters, when they were traveling to Suna, Sakura found out that Naruto was a Jinchuuriki. Sakura says that Naruto had gone through a lot, what with the business with Orochimaru and the Akatsuki. She vows that this time, she’ll save both Naruto and Sasuke. This is where we see that Sakura is no longer the Sasuke-tard we once knew. She now views Naruto and Sasuke as equally precious to her.

When Sakura found out that Naruto could die if his Kyuubi is removed, she cries for him. Naruto, thinking that she’s worried about Gaara, tells her that everything will be alright “because [he’ll] save Gaara.” Sakura says “I... Naruto... it’s you that I’m-” and was cut off by Naruto, who said “Let’s hurry!”

When Sai enters the story, Sai says to Sakura, “Sakura-san, it’s times like this that... Hmm... How should I put it... You’re very nice to Naruto-kun. Where those feelings come from is something I don’t understand, but in a book, it said this-” and then he got cut off by Naruto, who said “Everyone, it’s time to go.”

Later on, Naruto goes berserk. He goes into four-tailed Kyuubi mode after hearing Orochimaru badmouth Sasuke. Sakura looked at him with worry, feeling a combination of pity and guilt as Naruto was practically selling his soul trying to get Sasuke back. She didn’t want to see Naruto like this; going way out of his way. And as if her pity and guilt weren’t bad enough, Kabuto furthered her sentiment by saying “Look at him. He’ll even go as far as to take that form. Now even his sense of self has flickered away. What a sad kid.” It was then at that moment that Sakura’s emotions burst out as she recalled the old Naruto. The one who promised to bring back Sasuke. The one who said that he’d never take back his words, because that was his way of the ninja. Tears fell down on her face as she ran towards Naruto, trying to convince him to take it easy. Trying to tell him that things didn’t have to be like this. But Naruto was gone, and Kyuubi has taken over. He hit her with a tail, leaving Sakura on the ground, helpless.

Yamato had managed to seal the Kyuubi using the First Hokage’s power. Sakura wanted to learn how to use that technique. After finding out that she can’t, she said “It’s always like this... The things I can do for Naruto are so small.” Although Yamato had the whole Kyuubi thing covered, although she didn’t have to help, she wanted to do something for Naruto anyways. Because this was Naruto. The only one who understood her. The one who had always helped her. She didn’t want to just wait for other people to come and help. She wanted to do something for the man who had always stood by her side.

Yamato, with a reassuring smile, says “It’s not a matter of big or small. What’s important is the strength of feelings you have for Naruto. Sakura, I can tell by looking at you. In reality, you-”

...And was suddenly cut off by Naruto waking up.

So no, their relationship wasn’t always perfect. In fact, they started from scratch. Or considering Sakura’s apparent hatred for Naruto in the beginning, I’d say that they started from below scratch, just like the whole theme of the series. In the end, they became perfect for each other, just like Heaven and Earth. There were even some parts hinting that maybe, just maybe, Sakura really has grown to love Naruto.

#56038 The Real Manga

Posted by blessed_devil on 25 April 2006 - 12:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I kind of see NaruSaku as a symbol of the irony of Naruto and Sasuke's story.

Naruto had nothing. No acknowledgement, no love, no talent (he DID fail three times), no Sakura.

Sasuke had everything. He was acknowledged by everyone, he was loved, he was a genius, and Sakura totally had the hots for him.

Sasuke loses everything he had.

Everything that Sasuke lost, Naruto earned. Including Sakura.

#55092 What if Sakura...

Posted by blessed_devil on 19 April 2006 - 11:14 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Am I the only one who thinks that Sakura will encourage NaruHina if she becomes Hinata's friend and knows how much she likes him? She'll probably try to get the two closer together. For the sake of NaruSaku, maybe in the process of her trying to get those two closer to each other, she'll probably develop with Naruto.

#50742 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by blessed_devil on 22 March 2006 - 11:02 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

So HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!! to you and Naruto. Sakura doesn't like Naruto, she pities him. Sakura loves Sasuke with all her heart, and, deep down, Sasuke loves her. I mean look at what he did to those sound nin who hurt her! He goes crazy whenever someone hurts her. SasuSaku forever!

Heh...that's just about the most biased argument ever. If she can say deep down inside Sasuke loves Sakura because of that friggin sound nin incident, I can say that Sakura loves Naruto deep inside because she's had sparkling feelings for him. tongue.gif

#48306 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by blessed_devil on 06 March 2006 - 12:54 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (Hinano @ Mar 6 2006, 12:32 PM)
the day naruto and sakura have a hugging moment the narutofan forums are gonna explode....and considering some of these "camp" scenes its probable!  w00t.gif

It'll be the day that the Narutofan forums will be flooded with "It's just a friendly hug" posts.

#47900 rpg plotline

Posted by blessed_devil on 04 March 2006 - 01:27 PM in Writing Discussion

I want to be one of the Sword Nins... happy.gif

Name: Hanzo
Fighting style: Poison specialist. Can also blend colors with the shadow, but it pressures his body a lot and he can only use it for a maximum of one minute per use. He has poison breath and poison darts, and carries a poison sword.

#47666 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by blessed_devil on 03 March 2006 - 10:25 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Wee...... alright, thank you, Smiter... happy.gif

Anyways, about the chapter.

Sai, calling Sasuke a bad ninja for betraying Konoha doesn't give you the right to go out and do the exact same thing.

Sakura, hun, I don't think that punching someone who has just woken up from unconsciousness is such a good idea. tongue.gif

#47654 Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

Posted by blessed_devil on 03 March 2006 - 09:11 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

I just want to be clear of something.

What is the true translation of Yamato's words? I've seen so many other versions and I have to know...

#46707 Your greatest failure at converting

Posted by blessed_devil on 26 February 2006 - 12:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Err...no...but...it's a parody. happy.gif

#46693 Your greatest failure at converting

Posted by blessed_devil on 26 February 2006 - 10:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (shadow_Uzamaki @ Feb 26 2006, 08:19 AM)
My friend, who's only evidence is that Naruto told Hinata that he liked her during the exams.  Seems like my debating skills need help....because I don't know how to counter him....

Maybe you should tell him about Sakura's blushing or Naruto saying "I finally know why I like Sakura-chan so much!"?

Um... my greatest failure in converting is from some guy who uses filler arcs as evidence. And then I was like "Filler arcs aren't canon, man!" and he was like "Ur juz s4ynig taht coz u cnt argue agianst it!"

Oh well...can't help it... :rolleyes:

#46277 Chapter 296 Discussion (Scanlation, RAW, Script)

Posted by blessed_devil on 23 February 2006 - 12:43 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Click For Spoiler

#45443 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by blessed_devil on 14 February 2006 - 12:04 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I just couldn't resist showing this.
http://www.youtube.c...I... and Sakura

#44323 Your favorite NaruSaku moments!

Posted by blessed_devil on 07 February 2006 - 12:50 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yesh, google. I discovered a Sakura shrine once, and read a SasuSaku fic. And then I was all "Damn, this is so not Sasuke."

So I searched for NaruSaku on google at the thought "maybe NaruSaku has better fics". So I discovered this site. I was...a very early member. And I used the knowledge I gained here to win debates in other forums. biggrin.gif And I credited this site!

And no, most girl Filipinos are typical Sasuke, SasuSaku, NaruHina, NejiTen fans. Trust me, I know.

#44036 Your favorite NaruSaku moments!

Posted by blessed_devil on 05 February 2006 - 12:04 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Eh? And I thought I was alone here. biggrin.gif

Anyways, my favorite NaruSaku moment is when I converted most of the forumers in one of the many Naruto forums into a NaruSaku! Geez, that site used to be a "OMG Sasukes so cuute!!1" and "OMG Sasuke and Sakura izz so compatible!!11" XD