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There have been 6 items by Angel (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#552569 Sailor Moon: Crystal

Posted by Angel on 25 July 2014 - 03:57 AM in Otaku Square

I got to see Crystal at AX Los Angeles. Got to see the voice actors and got a poster, didnt get it signed though there were way to many people there to even try and get in line.

Literally this girl sat behind me that couldnt shut up and was screaming at the slightest provacation.

I still enjoyed the experience though.

#509806 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Angel on 15 January 2014 - 01:39 AM in Otaku Square

I first started watching it last year after Los Angeles EX. I believe at the time only 13 episodes were up but it was very popular then and there. Too many cosplays and way to many references that were goign over my head. If the anime is over I believe I have more to watch now because i stopped after they captured Annie Leonhart. Also your right, by now its been cycled out and no longer mainstream, I go by definition


the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.


I think I also went in with too much expectation. that was a bad call on my part I was listening to everyone praising it that i forgot to remove myself from the popular opinion before going in. Will try not to make that mistake again.


The characters actually didnt even interest me that much at all. By the end of it I only knew the ones who had real time on screen such as Armin, Mika and Erin. The only one I will remember in 10 years? The potato girl.

#509772 Buying Manga: Print vs Digital

Posted by Angel on 14 January 2014 - 07:58 PM in Otaku Square

once upon a time before i was able to use a computer on my own i used to buy manga. I bought a total of 80 manga. Each manga cost 10 dollars. Thats around 800 dollars spent on manga. I now have a small collection of manga and no real place to put it except in my closet.


Now i read all my manga online and regret so much money spent on manga.

#509771 My FF.net pet peeves...

Posted by Angel on 14 January 2014 - 07:53 PM in Writing Discussion

I really can't stand when I'm reading a story and the author keeps inserting AN's throughout and putting a bunch of stuff in parentheses, I find it very distracting and it makes the narrative choppy and just really makes the writer look like they have no idea what they're doing. It's a huge turn off for any story.


Yes I understand that feel.


How about when you read an amazing story with alot of potensial and then there is never an update ever again? Then after a few months or a year there is an update. Your happy and you check it out and it's just a notice that its been abandoned and they are sorry.

#509770 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Angel on 14 January 2014 - 07:50 PM in Otaku Square

Am i the only one who didnt like this anime? Its mainstream and everyone loves so i decided to watch it and i dont like it. Sometimes i find myself thinking "god why is this taking so long, just get on with the plot already" I dont like the art but im not that interested in the art, and the soundtrack while not the best can be much worst. (and i had the displeasure of listening to a band try the opening theme once, that was just terrible in person) Ill continue to see if it gets better though and keep my hopes up.

#504785 Whose your favorite tsundere and why?

Posted by Angel on 19 November 2013 - 08:01 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

This thread. I like it. I want to say thanks to contributors because now Im going to watch alot of the shows that Ive missed before such as Orange Road and Toaru Majutsu no Index.