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There have been 109 items by Broken Figurine (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#568133 Chapter 689

Posted by Broken Figurine on 23 August 2014 - 11:10 PM in Latest Releases

So since the manga's called "I like you" I'll guess I'll start with my opinion on that. Kakashi's sudden optimism is kind of, I dunno, forced and silly. Team 7 isn't acting as a team because they care about each other, but rather because as it worked out it requires two out of three in order to seal her (with no other option) and Sakura there to make it easier. It really does remind me of the bell test, where there are only two that can possibly get it... but in order for anyone to get them at all, all three must work together to take down the difficult opponent. I consider that this set up would have been the solution to Kakashi's bell test in Part 1; granted, with less theatrics and god-scale jutsu hehe. Yet, working as a team is one thing, but being likeable is another. I assumed Kakashi didn't like them because a) he didn't know them and b) they don't have any impressive bonds with each other like what he had. 


Naruto and Sakura he understandably likes, and they deserve his affection. Sasuke on the other hand mere chapters ago had verbally smacked them down, cast them aside, and would have let them die if he could. Sure, maybe now he sees 'use' in their being alive, but only for the purpose of his goal. Overall, he has the mentality more reminiscent of a younger Kakashi--the so called "scum" that Obito had named. Why would Kakashi like him? I suppose that's really the question you can ask anyone who feels anything for Sasuke lately. I think Sasuke's special affinity is the ability to get people to like him even if he does everything in his power to make them not like him. No wait, that'd be too much effort. He just doesn't care.


Now onto Sakura! It's not one of her most impressive feats, but I like that she's included at least. I take what I can get, not even gunna lie, but she's still the number one stunner of this arc so whatever. It's a simple move with a purpose. She swoops in from the top, because perhaps Kaguya hasn't factored in that Sakura would be able to step in and do anything, so when she began to rise she didn't anticipate the attack from above. Sakura may have been calling her out on this mistake. From one woman to another isn't the worst mid-battle cry I've ever heard... Naruto's coolest guy still takes the cake but it is a bit of a heavy handed statement. 


It's also unfortunate he calls attention that they're both women when they're obviously handed the short end of the stick. Kaguya is probably the most ineffectual villain with the least personality and the most lacking motivation in a manga where other (all male) villains take arcs to explain their side of the story. It super irks me that Kishi didn't let Kaguya speak and strategize for herself; Black Zetsu needs to exposit and make suggestions to her from the little sleeve, as if a goddess can't take authority on her own. At least this in a way makes her the least painful of the villains, because she hasn't reached that point where inevitably all villains in this manga reaches for me. Zetsu on the other hand... ugh. Get him away. 

#558403 Chapter 688

Posted by Broken Figurine on 06 August 2014 - 12:44 PM in Latest Releases

Wow, how the times changed. Back in my day, if you wanted a sharingan you either had to be an Uchiha or have a medic do a complicated procedure to give you that eye. Then kids were telling me that you can just grab it with your fingers and stick it in to whomever you please! Now you don't even need eyes that are actually there! Just make sure you were good friends with an Uchiha, and one in the afterlife might give it to you hassle free! 


Kakashi was a missed opportunity, because having to adjust from having a powerful catch-all justu to a 'mundane' would have been an interesting read, and to the post about how Kakashi and the Sharingan have gone hand in hand for so long that this should be expected, there is such a thing as progress and character development. I will only agree with Atheck that the positive about his 'powerup' is that as far as Susanoo's go, his does have a friendly, comforting quality to it that is in line with his attitude. I love that Kakashi's first priority once getting the sharingan was to save Sakura. I love that he says "let's watch over them" not in a way that belittles her, but recognizing their roles as supports. He's still that kind teacher that he always was, and hopefully Sakura and him can work together somehow to produce results.


Speaking of Sakura, my love for her grows in measure of the ridiculousness of the people around her. I wouldn't abhor any kind of crazy plot twist for her, because my goodness, she could go so long without one can I really be mad if she got something for once? No, BUT I am happy that she doesn't, and I hope it stays that way. True, getting saved -again- gets tedious, but it was at least by Kakashi's loving initiative rather than Sasuke 'deigning' to save her because Naruto asked. At Kakashi's side I feel like the two at least have a chance to share meaningful dialogue and strategize about something. 


Hip hip hoorah for our unrelentingly accountable heroine! You'll never see her with a jutsu that couldn't be explained through hard work! 

#794054 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Broken Figurine on 03 April 2015 - 02:46 PM in Konoha Theater

What's Sarada so cold about? Her dad always being away travelling? Sasuke, when he had a loving family, wasn't cold. As Sakura's daughter she's really disappointing and I've said that a few times. Putting her in something similar of Sakura's to attempt to acknowledge the mother didn't really work. It really does feel like they've been written just to pick up their father's dynamics.

#812119 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Broken Figurine on 28 April 2015 - 05:50 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

So I was on the anti-SasuSaku tag on tumblr because I was curious, and I ran across some rather... disturbing things? Sasuke fans, even those against SasuSaku (or SasuKarin) basically blame Sakura for being stupid enough to be in a relationship with him. I would agree to this to some extent, but the overall tone is victim blaming and while they can say vile things about Sakura being weak, overzealous with affection, and even going so far as to say Sarada is incompetant as a daughter, just will shrug and be like yeah Sasuke's a jerk not like anything's new.


Sasuke has always been the character that has been bad for others. He's always the one hurting people around him, and for some inexplicable reason people care about him. It doesn't matter if it was Naruto, or Karin, or Sakura. Sasuke is bad news. 


Then there's people who are pro-Sarada and anti-Sakura because they feel that she's being an abusive mom for hiding things. While I can agree somewhat that I have no idea why Sakura would hide these things and live this way, I feel like we need to at least wait for some explanation why before casting her into the abusive/horrible mother trope. Sasuke however, he has a terrible track record and I can believe he's out there being unfaithful, neglectful, or whathave you. He's the one who has been absent this whole time. He's the one who left Sakura in the situation that she's in--for whatever reason she's in it. 


I'm not saying that one needs to support Sakura and her horrible decision to be with Sasuke and live a lie. It's just baffling that there are people who are against the pairing, but supporting Sasuke. Whatever issues they take with Sakura, I can't take their arguments seriously if they don't offer the same scrutiny to him. Whatever she's done, she hasn't been nearly as much an antagonist. Even if she's a terrible mother, how can you defend the absent father any more?

#812576 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Broken Figurine on 28 April 2015 - 06:38 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I feel like if Kishimoto let Sasuke have some culpability things would be a lot different, but it's very much that, as Nate said, there's this reflexive need to defend Sasuke from criticism. He has a horrible track record and look, characters have gone above and beyond for him. I could have maybe, maaaybe, maybe made peace with the fact that Sakura ended up with Sasuke if he was a genuinely changed man. Cop out? Yes, but given this journey of saving Sasuke cost Naruto an arm and lots of my time as a reader I could imagine during peace time he took on responsibility and was at least physically present.


Yet no, I have no idea what he's doing but a father he is not being. He's not changed any. He's still causing problems for characters and they're still not letting him go. Sakura won't move on from him until the story does. This is the next generation, post-resolution Naruto manga, and it still comes back to Sasuke's absence and people missing him--still comes back to the mystery surrounding his family. 


I feel some sympathy for Sarada because she can obviously tell something's not right, and I'll feel better about her character if she's shown supporting the woman that has for all intents and purposes raised her. Maybe Sakura is under a genjutsu (which would be absolutely disgsuting) but to Sarada, that's her mother. That's the single-mother who raised her and as far as the lash out goes I don't think Sakura is physically abusive to her. I want to believe Sakura could at least be a good mother. 


It's just so upsetting to see Sakura like this. In a way, I think we all knew as anti-SasuSaku fans that this was the expected outcome of their marriage, but to see it and to see her so down... and then to see people supporting Sasuke and fans on this very forum calling her useless because she's in this situation is just so disheartening. Nobody deserves to be in this complicated situation and it seems that Sakura just really can't catch a break. I want her to finally let go of Sasuke and it's so frustrating to know that this plot-point isn't going to be dealt with properly. It's just going to keep making Sakura look bad for the sake of Uchiha-drama. 


To quote Sakura, "I'm tired of it."

#812350 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Broken Figurine on 28 April 2015 - 02:39 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm not saying that Sakura shouldn't have known better, but come on--we know that when it comes to Sasuke everyone seems to want to love and forgive him. Also? He deceived her in the ending because after everything, it looked like he was going to come back and finally get on the right track. He may have even had a child with her. He may have given her his child with Karin and asked her to raise Sarada in a specific way--upholding a lie. Why Sakura goes along with it is the same question we ask of women in these real life cases. I'm frustrated that once again, Sasuke has been the cause of drama and conflict--after everything they've been through because Kishimoto keeps making characters love and adore him to their own detriment. Why? I don't know. 


Yet again, blaming Sakura entirely and expecting that she deserves it for being with a guy like that? Then blaming Sakura for the hate Sasuke gets? No, people hate him because after 700 chapters of drama, he's still an irredeemable ass. He would still abandon people. He's still causing harm. Kishimoto is still using him as this ambiguous antagonist.


You know why women stay in these horrible situations? Because they think they could fix the abuser. They think that he needs them. They think they're not worth anything more. They think that because of his past or whatever he's 'troubled' and he really loves them, he's just gotta work out his issues. Sound familiar? Sakura has built Sasuke up in her head and if this story was being treated seriously, who would let her stay with Sasuke?


People who love her aren't clamouring around to tell her she deserves better. Naruto, Ino, Tsunade, her parents, everyone is supportive of this because in some part they themselves share the same attitude, particularly Naruto. Sasuke not being treated like the bad news he is is practically a theme of the manga.


I'm upset because Sakura doesn't deserve this, and it's sad to see her in such a situation. It's not oh she made her bed--it's that she has the story of a victim without the proper addressing. Character flaws--actual character flaws not just lukewarm faults that are there to make a character 'complex' are a source of good writing and drama. The problem is, they're not going to spin this like Sasuke is a terrible person and everyone should stay away from him. This isn't going to have the resolution where after years of being deluded Sakura is going to let Sasuke go because he's been absent, unsupportive, and ungrateful. No, this is about Sakura learning that endurance is the path. As long as she endures, everything will be alright.


Obviously, she's not happy. Frequently visiting the hospital, taking out loans for the house, being insecure over normal questions about her marriage--Sakura is not just unhappy she probably feels useless. Yet Sasuke is just whatever right? Everyone should have known the detriment that he is--yet that's not how the entire manga thus far has been spun. There's always some excuse to pursue Sasuke, always some excuse to wait for him. Kishimoto is going to create another one, and I'm going to watch a genuinely good character suffer because of him. How can we expect Sakura to see him for what he is when Naruto never has?


I don't say that Sakura should be with him and this is how I wanted her character to handle things, but how can I call her horrible for it when she's suffering for it? Kishimoto intentionally writes it so that Sasuke remains this big dramatic plot point, and characters aside from Naruto and his fated (BS) bond with him is the only character who will remotely look 'strong' when it comes to Sasuke. Why would people hate Sakura for being with him, and then love Sasuke? I dislike Sasuke and feel sorry that Sakura had to be the one to be saddled with him. I hate that Sarada, by all accounts Sakura's daughter biological or not, has to be another unhappy Uchiha because Sasuke has learned nothing about being a decent person over 700 chapters.


There are valid criticisms and I share them but the 'Sakura should have been stronger' and 'she should have known' absolving Sasuke of the fault is just ridiculous. No one is helping her; the manga isn't addressing this properly, because Kishimoto doesn't seem to want to just admit Sasuke is not a good person and that other characters shouldn't love him as intensely as they do. Karin, Naruto, Sakura, they all share the same issue--loving Sasuke to a fault.

#803510 Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Posted by Broken Figurine on 18 April 2015 - 06:50 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm excited for this--it's a good concept from the beginning that there is controversy over Superman and I guess Batman needs to find out for himself the answer. Considering it's called Dawn of Justice this could be the prequel to a Justice League movie. I'm really hoping it's a good movie.

#760254 A theory on SS

Posted by Broken Figurine on 17 February 2015 - 04:31 PM in Naruto General

People are bashing shojous here, but in shojou it's very much romance centred where from a narrative perspective it makes SENSE that the two have inclinations toward each other, and it is often not the man's question of whether he loves her or not, but the female in choosing from her harem of options. No, romantic conventions don't often translate out into great relationships; this has also been criticized of the tsundere trope that Sakura is part of, but the narrative often has an internal logic that allows for a plausible relationship. SasuSaku had barely that, even when we consider the whole 'girl saving the guy from himself'. Unlike usual shojous, this was not Sakura's role but Naruto's. Maybe the shippers did want it to be her role, but the narrative argued against it. The bad guy also doesn't put the female lead in danger, rather protects her from it. People who shipped SasuSaku in Part 1 weren't so crazy for doing so; Sasuke may have been a jerk, but he never hurt Sakura, and it was ambiguous but reasonable to assume that he cared about her. Part 2 had complicated this beyond the point of plausibility.


People will ship irregardless of what the text is trying to imply, as people are really good at reading what they want--this goes for us too, but NaruSaku always had the stronger argument. Maybe this Bastard Boyfriend is the reason why it's so popular or the behaviour is unquestioned, but even that trope offers better romantic plausibility than what SasuSaku is/was. 

#568669 "Opposites Attract" vs. "Similars Attract"

Posted by Broken Figurine on 25 August 2014 - 06:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Similar is not "exactly the same" so the people in question will have points where they disagree, but overall they tend to be similar. That's the successful relationship. We tend to seek out people who are like us, and bond with people who share our opinions or at least are in agreement on some things we deem important. Think about it--do you 'like' comments that go against what you feel? 


Naruto and Sakura are similar in attitude, and they have some shared goals. They're also opposite in others, where she's more book smarts while he's more think on the fly. She's developed herself to becoming an exceptional medic while he's working to become hokage. However, they're both very proud and supportive of each other which I think is important. Also, what can happen in successful relationships is you begin to internalize your partner's goals, dreams and achievements as your own too. That sounds familiar to me. So on the points they're not similar, it's not causing as many conflicts. 


NaruHina and SasuSaku... I dunno. They're opposite in attitude, though I guess Hinata is trying with some success to adopt Naruto's ninja way, but they don't have any shared goals or interests that I can think of? Sasuke and Sakura were exceptionally good students but those are in their academy years, and Sasuke is the opposite of supportive when it comes to Sakura so... 


I dunno. I know in other manga sometimes "complete opposites" end up liking each other, such as the shy guy and the tsundere girl or something, but they usually find out that despite that they share a common value point. They're not usually bonding over their differences, but what they found they shared that's valued to them.