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There have been 26 items by Luis (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#209658 back

Posted by Luis on 07 January 2009 - 05:55 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

I fell ashamed just leaving ya'll like I did last year. you see I got to thinking and I pick up my stuff and left home a few weeks after I stopped coming on here, I hoboed my way to Santa Monika. I stayed with my half brother danie for a wile. He kept asking me why I came out there. I got a part time job at a KFC but I felt like I was leaving my brother so 2 weeks ago I flew back and now I’m trying to mend the bonds I hurt when I just up left. So I’m here asking if you guys will for give me for just leaving like I did.

#180282 Luis's comic page ;P

Posted by Luis on 24 June 2008 - 06:19 PM in Artists' Square

here it is a new one. I don't even know if any one is going to look at it but whatever

#177982 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Luis on 03 June 2008 - 09:30 PM in Fun Cafe

Ava:9/10 I would love to have that sanwich

Sig:7.9/10 nice uses of moods

#174868 Luis's comic page ;P

Posted by Luis on 08 May 2008 - 06:16 PM in Artists' Square

hey Juujuu sent me A pic of her and well I just couldn't help myself so I draw here

I'm just kidding ;P here is her sexy self;P

there she is and now

Manga form ;P sexy ether way

#174633 E-bro

Posted by Luis on 07 May 2008 - 12:42 AM in Projects & Art Trades

I want to try and start an art studio. Any one that wants to join can. Right now it's just me. What I want to do is trying and make comics like Doujinshis and self made up stuff, we will also make shirts and other stuff like that. I would like people that will be series about this really really series. I want to make this in to a studio bigger than Clamp. I need people that can color and also people that do line like me. It will take a wile to get this started but to get it started I will need at least one inker and some one who can do color. To join all you have to do is make up a charter based off of yourself and put her/him with my charter down here V sieghn your name on the charter.

#174064 Luis's comic page ;P

Posted by Luis on 03 May 2008 - 08:48 PM in Artists' Square

here are some of the differnt styles I put the charters in that are in my Comic

Wesly Davis his style is smiler to Oh! great how does Air Gear
the style doen in Air Gear is really fast suted a cuver off from Clampes style really.

Kira Setsuna style is after the great Adam Warren
(sorry it's not that good did it in a hurry ;P)
Adam Warren style he makes his charters have well toned bodies that seem to retan alot of water in them.

here is Jonathn Butler his style is smiler to Bleach
Tite Kubo style is also a Clamp with a curv here and there. His shading is great also likes the give his charter a spanish feel.

and anther

in your face

here is Luis Rodolfo in my style that I have been working on
I give charters biger hands and forarms also I use alittle hiphop styl mixed with some of what my Mexican artist friend showed me. I also use a little differnt way of lipes a little simler to Adam Warren.

wouldn't want to bee on the other end of his feet (but he is me after all ;P)

getting down on his ES-335 DOT with a little help from a Woa Woa petle

I wish I hade one of them

each one of the style has some thing differnt about them. I like to teach myself how to do as many as I can so my comic will be great.

#173801 Luis's comic page ;P

Posted by Luis on 01 May 2008 - 08:06 PM in Artists' Square

I thought I would make a new one.

here is my main charter Luis Rodolfo

better one

showing what he can do

what he does when I'm not drawing him ;P

in anther fight -sighe-

Luis's little pet Dragon

here is the main lady Kira Setsuna

her Asian elfen sexy self

Luis's fav place to think (and mine ;P)

here is one of bouth of them

I love thia's -noddes to self-

here is a ruff cover of my comic

still working on it ;P

#163569 my charters

Posted by Luis on 28 February 2008 - 05:15 PM in Artists' Square

Okay better one of my charter ;P

#163507 my charters

Posted by Luis on 28 February 2008 - 01:00 AM in Artists' Square

here he is tongue.gif

A link to it him on my myspace tongue.gif


#163337 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 11:14 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I like Avatar just how much the bendings are like real mashl arts :P

#163323 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 10:49 PM in Fun Cafe

I give 7/10 for both -nods to himself-

#163311 I want to do something - fanfic character creation

Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 10:18 PM in Writing Discussion

I came up with an idea for a little fun with the Manga world I mad. I want to is how different characters act in the world I made. The universe I made is almost just like ours but different. Every human is half animal and there are elves, droves, and gnomes, and other things as well. I really don't have it all in my head yet so that's one of the reasons I'm doing this.

Okay this is open to any one that’s wants to do it. I will need you to come up with a character with the profile below I give you. For what they look like you can draw it and put it up with the profile or give a detailed description of him/her if you will to the best you can.

Name: (an name first middle [if you want him/her to have one] and last name)

Age: (pleas if you can at least 17 or older only because of how my manga is)

Race: (on not human or elves like that more like Black Mexican and scotches)

Animal: (an animal even things like dragons and other things)

Sex: (yes pleas lol no but serially male or female)

Weapons: (you can have any weapons you want guns, swords, any thing)

Hair: (what color how it looks like a mop shaggy well keep you know)

Eye: (what color if you eye are like a cats or anything like that for your animal)

Clothes: (pleas if you can make the clothes like some you would were in a mall or out in public there can be little things changed about it one sleeve longer than the other or some thing like that)

How you fight: (give me like a short fanfic fight with your charter fighting anther charter or something so I can see how he/she fights with there weapons if they have any and hand to hand and any moves they have.)

Personality: (give me anther short fanfic with this one to if you may how he/she acts with people and alone and with good and bade things that could happen to him/her.)

I will write this as a fanfic were I don't know were I will put it yet but I hop some were soon. Also thanks to any one that will help me out ^^ tongue.gif

I will start writhing when I have like 7 charters okay.

Name: Luiz Rodolfo Zazsweta

Age: 19

Race: Mexican/Asian

Animal: Dragon

Sex: Male

Weapons: 4 foot strait Katana, two nine mm pistols 7 rounds.

Hair: brown shaggy long an inch or so pass the shoulders.

Eye: Blue turn to slits when made

Clothes: Light Blue short sleeve hoody that is all ways unzipped, a Blake t-shirt, baggy blue gens with a strap of blue gens going from the front bottom of one up round behind him right to the front of the other, and two more straps making a X under the long strap that goes from on leg to the other and over his shins, with and brown converse all star shoes, on each leg he has were the straps go around him up and mid thie sowed to the strap are two gun holsters for his two nine mm pistols just right under is sword his tell came out from his gens it was not long or short medium size and his horns poked out from is hair only to were you can see the top of the them.

How you fight: Luiz was walking down a street when he saw a feigner coming at him. Luiz toke his sword from his belt with his left hand. He turned to were his right side was facing the feigner. When it came to were he could see it he knows what it was “A Elementie wiz” he said to him self.

The feigner was about 2 10’ 3’ feet tall. It has on a cote that almost touched the ground and an old beat up wizard’s hat. Its face is all black with yellow half moons for eyes. It lifted up its arms witch were covered by the cote. Then brought them down fast and out of the clotted arms came a storm of rocks. Luiz got in his sword stands in a second. He sprayed his legs out and brought his sword to his left waist tiled the handle down a little. His hand is hovering over it as it silently opens. The rocks stop right in front of him and fall to pieces.

“Try again you little piece of-“ he started to say. Luiz stands up right again only to the Elementie open his cote he sees nothing but black then a something that looks like a doll comes out. Luiz does not know what it is. It has a mime mask on and monk cloths on.

Luiz puts up his swords and moves for is pistols. The doll dashes towers him. Luiz shoots 3 shots at the doll. It only seems to slow it down. It gets to him after the threat shot. It moves to hit him in the abdomen. Luiz’s left nee comes up and hits the doll away. It flips back after the hit and come at his face. Luiz moves to his right and shots the doll in the head. The doll keeps coming back tell Luiz ran out of ammo.

The doll is full of hoes now but wont stop. Luiz puts his pistols back away in the holsters. The doll comes at him and he duck forwarded on his hands and starts to spin on his hands. His feet hit the doll over and over again. He stops and with his left foot hit the doll in the air. Luiz using only his arms pushed himself up to were the doll was. He flips himself to face the doll then he started to kick the doll fast then faster and faster and faster still. Then kicked it to the ground, right before it was about to hit Luiz was under it and at the right time kick the doll before it hit the ground. It lied there beaten and broken.

“Well now that was fun” he said to himself.

He looked at the doll again only to see strings on its limes. ‘A puppet’ he thought.

“I think I’ll call them monk puppets” he said to himself.

Personality: Luiz saw some of his “friends” at the poll hall. He went to say hi. “Hey guys” Luiz said.

No one said any thing, just looking at one anther. Like they were trying to say some thing they didn’t what to. Luiz was confused at first but then realized is mistake. “Oh right sorry guys” Luiz said and then left.

“Woa good dame glade he’s gone.” Said one of them to the other

“Yay never can have fun when he’s around so what now” said anther.

Luiz heard this but then again he heard it all the time from a lot of people, but that was one of the things he liked about them they were open. Well to a point, but some times he wishes he had some one to talk to and be with a girlfriend or just a friend. He wanted a girlfriend move because they are supportive and good to the other, but only if you are good and supportive to them.

He thinks about his life a lot, and how it is. He gets dispersed some times, most of the time he just sings songs in his head. He goes around the town with a smile on his face all the time most people don’t pay him no mine. Some give him a look like ‘what a moron’.

He just lives like he wants. The only thing he would want to stop having is the feeling of loneliness in his life. The cold empty spot on his bed to be filled, some one to share it with but then again he never knew why ether.

There is my character and you can use that to go by thanks again ^^ tongue.gif
If some of ya'll want you can help me write it to. I will need a beta reader thought to read over it and look for any mistakes and help me make it better and thanks again ^^ tongue.gif
again make the characters as much like yourself as you can please and thanks again tongue.gif man this told to long to do sleep.gif need some meat.

#163265 What Are You Feeling Right Now?

Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 05:42 PM in Fun Cafe

I feel down and out so ya I feel Great ;P

#163248 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 03:45 PM in Fun Cafe

8/10 for the avi

10/10 for the cut sing :3 ;P


Posted by Luis on 26 February 2008 - 02:45 PM in Artists' Square

sweatdrop.gif And I thought wait a_plotting.gif this gave me an idea now all I need to do is get a scanner ;P -goes off to a_plotting.gif and watch Beck- ;P


Posted by Luis on 20 February 2008 - 06:51 PM in Artists' Square

QUOTE (Vyse @ Feb 20 2008, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Noooooo.... I have spent all day translating the first four pages... gah, too slow! DAMMIT!!

Oh well, it was a nice find Krisk, and thanks for the youtube link Luis (half-hearted glare). It was a b*tch to translate the fourth page I tell you... *cries*

-chuckles to himself- well sorry man but I have had alot of time on my hands as of late, and I have done so much net shufing a page came up and said "you have reached the end of the inter net turn around" O_O I know.




it's just a joke but some times I feel like I did that. tongue.gif well any way sorry for doing that to ya Vyse. tongue.gif


Posted by Luis on 20 February 2008 - 02:57 PM in Artists' Square

here A link to it in English on youtube

#161934 Rank: NaruSaku, SasuSaku, NaruHina

Posted by Luis on 18 February 2008 - 06:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I must tell ya’ll that I believe in NaruSaku. Don’t get me wrong on this it’s just that you never know with the way it’s going it could go any were in my view. I read a lot of Manga from ever were and anyone. The way I see it there is a lot of strong points that NaruSaku have, but there is one chain to the link that will make it strong and reasonable I myself don’t know what it is, but when I see it will know it will be

On anther not I REALLY REALLY HOP NARUSAKU HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#161202 Heaven & Earth: Naruto Style~! [UPDATED]

Posted by Luis on 14 February 2008 - 06:36 PM in Artists' Square

I will be Akimichi Chouji from part 2 tongue.gif his hair color is the same as mine (brown and long) tongue.gif

#161036 When Did It Start?

Posted by Luis on 13 February 2008 - 07:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm one of the few that like narusaku right from the get go. What can I say to me it just seem to fit good tongue.gif

#160869 hello not mine

Posted by Luis on 12 February 2008 - 09:07 PM in Artists' Square

look at this guys art it's almost lookes just like Masashi Kishimoto art. almost like naruto and evey one els I just thought you guys should see this http://pokefreak.deviantart.com/ . and here is a link to a page of one of his manga http://pokefreak.dev...-NG-04-33748843

#160107 H&E sprite comic!

Posted by Luis on 09 February 2008 - 07:54 PM in Artists' Square

hello this looks cool but I don't get it whats a Sprite, and Sprite Comics.

#155113 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Luis on 10 January 2008 - 07:40 PM in H&E RPG-town

He listens to him and what he said. “ A “smooth flow of chakra” you say savy” he said in a Spanish tone, and a very confused look on his face. He kept on playing with Ando using one hand. “I just thought of it no more than a using what you have to or see fit to use “smooth flow” as you say,” he thought for a sec to think on what to say next. “I myself look at it like water” he said wile he polled more water in to the class. He drank some then said “Drink as much as you need” then he refilled the class to the brim of the top. “Or” he jugged down all the water “as much as you want.” “People have there own way of doing how to control it or use as you see fit” he stated. “I myself bass my control on how I fell some times I use to little some times to much” he said wile swaying his head and body left to right in a slow clam way. “ but why do you ask?” he asked the Man.

#154837 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Luis on 09 January 2008 - 06:36 PM in H&E RPG-town

Zoro just said his name and slightly bowed his head. His voice has Mexican accent with a slight southern tone to it. When the conformation started to head to girlfriends he really didn’t want to say any thing about it.

‘Too many things about that are too hard think about right now’ he thought to himself. He kept on playing with the small girl moving the water with his left hand eating slowly with his right. He started to make the water look like different things, first a little baby dragon then a phoenix, a flower snowflake and other thinks. Memories started to come back to him.

#154671 Hidden Village Of Konoha

Posted by Luis on 09 January 2008 - 12:31 AM in H&E RPG-town

Zoro was walking along tell he got hungry. Then he came across the ramen stain that Mitako, Ando, and Hitori were at. He went in and sat down on the far right. Zoro always Choate a lot of eyes for the way he dressed. His colts begging so baggy “Chinked Ramen pleas” he said. ‘Can’t live with my chinked’ He thought to himself. He saw the broken blow and picked up the pieces. 'Kides could get hurt from this' he thought again. He put the pieces in a can near him. when his blow got to him he started to play with it a little. Using the chopstick to move the water up down around keeping himself interaned and then he saw Ando. He used the water in his cup and made it flowt around Ando playing with her.