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There have been 7 items by Zylia (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#80237 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by Zylia on 05 September 2006 - 07:55 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

They actually planned not to have to many episodes over the summer. Mako's death has nothing to do with it. The entire second season has already been recorded. The question is what will they do for the third? I perdict Iroh getting into some kind of accident which permanently alters his voice so there is an excuse. If not there are other voice actors who could portray the roll.

#80133 Avatar: The Last Airbender

Posted by Zylia on 05 September 2006 - 12:54 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I think when it comes to animation Avatar is far better than most Japanese animation. *hides in side fort of iron* It also a good show considering all the censoring that American animators have to work around.

#75790 Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

Posted by Zylia on 07 August 2006 - 05:12 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

I'm just not a fan of the ideals that yaoi portrays. The seme/uke thing is my main problem, and stereotypical personas people put onto already established characters. I know some people don't do this, but then a lot of people also portray a yaoi or yuri couple with an arrogant sometimes adult looking dominant persona with a submissive persona that lquite honestly looks like a child.

#75228 Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

Posted by Zylia on 04 August 2006 - 01:44 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

The only thing that bothers me about yaoi is that some fans are very insistent about it. This is to the point where it reaches beyond the point of fanfiction. I find the yaoi fandom frightening myself because when it comes to seme/uke, you have some fans screaming this is what homosexuality is.

#74900 Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

Posted by Zylia on 03 August 2006 - 12:48 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Good point, I guess I should have reworded it better. The problem that I see with most yaoi fanfiction is that most of it isn't believable. They don't give a plausable excuse for a character being gay in world or out of world. Not that you have to go through the process of a back story, but I would like seeing the character have the same personality and not be tottaly turned around this way and that. I go for the same in het of fanfiction, and I only really like an out of character story when it is humor.

#74816 Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

Posted by Zylia on 02 August 2006 - 08:30 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

My opinion on yaoi, excuse my wording but nothing good is coming to mind, is that much of it is a lot of down right hypocritical crap. If you want to write a story about band members falling in love with one another, or jocks getting it on that is fine but why put in characters that already have their own worlds? Its just better to go off and write your own story instead of using someone elses characters.

About the hypocrite thing a lot of fans of yaoi seem to claim that their art or stories are artistic while in reality its porn in a frilly disguise. I mean most of the male characters turn out to be very feminine looking in fan pictures. Naruto is very much both the traditional yet untraditional manga super boy. He's got large expressive eyes, spiky hair and is short. At the same time he is also very much the boy by being a peeping tom but then being very embarrassed when someone brings his perversion up. Yet there is also a good fraction of the fan art out there which makes him look like a girl. I know he has the sexy no jutsu, but that is used for dirty fighting and I'm talking about the very male Naruto version looking feminine.

What I am trying to say is that all the tangents you get in Japanese comic books about male friendships are just that. They are men who form bonds with one another. Just because they are friends doesn't mean they are inclined to homosexuality, but then you get these fans screaming at the top of their lungs that characters are really gay. It kind of reminds me about that comment that Opera Winfry made about her and a friend she is supposed to be a lesbian with or some crap. They share a very deep bond, but they aren't into each other sexually and there just doesn't seem to be a name for same sex relationships any more (that aren't sexual), and they are automatically dubbed as homosexuality.

#45507 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by Zylia on 15 February 2006 - 12:54 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (blessed_devil @ Feb 14 2006, 07:04 AM)

Does anyone remember the title or author of the song?