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want narusaku time leap!'s Content

There have been 54 items by want narusaku time leap! (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#115388 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 21 May 2007 - 01:03 AM in Fun Cafe


#113824 my story

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 07 May 2007 - 04:12 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

yeah the chapters are short but theyll get longer http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3508502/1/ please like review SANKYOU help me out with my facts if they're not straight yeah ive decided to lay off romance for a whilebbut i believe itll come

#113822 favorite fics

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 07 May 2007 - 04:07 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

has to be action adventure maybe some romance i like all pairings except sasusaku naruhina saku anyone other than naruto. must be good plot good story author is ld 1449

#113687 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 06 May 2007 - 03:50 AM in Fun Cafe

8/10 tenten has lots of pointy weapons scary


#113585 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 05 May 2007 - 03:09 AM in Fun Cafe

8/10 i like coke
9/10 guy looks like kazuki

#112671 Neji and Ten-ten?

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 29 April 2007 - 05:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

i have to say that itspretty much like team 7 lee being naruto tenten being sakura and neji being sasuke nejiten reminds me of sasusaku leeten reminds me of narusaku but i really dont care much just bringing that up...

#112509 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 28 April 2007 - 04:04 AM in Fun Cafe

8/10 coo

8/10 cool again

#112317 plz help

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 26 April 2007 - 11:12 PM in Writing Discussion

okay i uploaded it and now im working on chpter 2 only reason 1is short is cuz its prologue the name of my story is Konoha's Bureedo Aikagi (Konoha's Blade Master)

#112120 plz help

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 26 April 2007 - 03:49 AM in Writing Discussion

can anyone tell me why after i uploaded the first chapter to my story there's nothing under my account in story? but when i go to my documents on my account its there PLZ HELP also when i check my profile my stories not there

#112090 how do i upload a story?

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 26 April 2007 - 01:42 AM in Writing Discussion

how do i upload a story??? :shamefulcry0js: i got nice ideas i tink

#111899 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 24 April 2007 - 10:55 PM in Fun Cafe


6/10 not that interesting

#109786 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 08 April 2007 - 07:56 PM in Fun Cafe


#109714 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 07 April 2007 - 07:01 PM in Fun Cafe

its a chibi fighter

i like watching perverts get beat 7/10 i think

8/10 ahh embracing the moments

#109571 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 06 April 2007 - 11:15 PM in Fun Cafe


10/10 it dis da bush

#108721 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 01 April 2007 - 12:31 AM in Fun Cafe

okay kabuto 6/10 still cant see dat well


#108552 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 31 March 2007 - 04:24 AM in Fun Cafe

6/10 i cant see it dat well


#108080 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 28 March 2007 - 10:29 PM in Fun Cafe

inuyasha pretty cool

7/10 not bad

#105013 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 10 March 2007 - 08:24 PM in Fun Cafe

9/10 ive always liked pink

8/10 noo dont stab him

#104352 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 04 March 2007 - 05:53 PM in Fun Cafe

10/10 always wanted eyes like that yep tsubasa chronicles
it's called algebra 2

9/10 zero always been a awesome name to me

#104313 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 04 March 2007 - 05:52 AM in Naruto General

ooo also

narukure its rreall nice if done well

#104304 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 04 March 2007 - 05:15 AM in Fun Cafe

8/10 hehe
sure id love to do your math hw

1/10 STOP REMINDING ME OF SHOTS im getting a tetnis one soon...

#104233 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 03 March 2007 - 08:16 PM in Fun Cafe

8/10 i like sakura she's 'hip' as gai would say

9/10 pretty cool picture

#104230 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 03 March 2007 - 08:09 PM in Naruto General

I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOVE gaaraXHinata its just so good if done correctly

#101588 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 09 February 2007 - 04:49 AM in Fun Cafe

8/10 green days decent

tooo BIG 7/10

#100335 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by want narusaku time leap! on 31 January 2007 - 02:40 AM in Fun Cafe


10/10 lol