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#658881 Kishi speaks After Naruto’s Finale (Interview)

Posted by Chivalrysae on 12 November 2014 - 06:36 PM in Naruto General

Even though I disliked the pairings at the end, I can't say I disliked the series because of it.  I will at least give him the benefit of the doubt until I see the final movie to see if how the relationships developed in the two years between 699 and 700.  I have a lot of NH friends, so my hats off to them.  It just feels the same way as Harry Potter and How I Met Your Mother ended to me.  Although, Rowling ended up confessing later that Harry and Hermoine should have ended up together.  It doesn't make me never want to see the series again.


I loved the characters first and foremost.  Naruto was my favorite character and I felt he deserved someone that was equally as strong and supportive of him.  I believed that Naruto and Sakura made each other stronger and better than they were on their own.  Hinata's character was very weak and submissive and showed very little growth at all.  Sakura was one of my other favorite characters and I thought she had grown up and in the last two chapters she kind reverted back (not all the way) but a little to what she once was.  Willing to follow Sasuke as long as he'd let her.  Whereas with Naruto she's just hit him on the head and say "I'm coming with!"  So am I mad?  Not really, more upset, but I'm sure in time that will pass.  I'd say I'm disappointed that my favorite characters seemed to regress a bit at the end and that I felt there could have been an ending with a greater sense of closure.